chhskc newsletter

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The Official Chino Hills High School Key Club Newsletter

Part of the 2011-2012 Officer Board at DCON 2011! Look inside for more on DCON 2012!


PRESIDENT’S NOTE………………………………………………………………………….2

MEMBERS OF THE MONTH……………………………………………………………..3

2012-2013 OFFICER CANDIDATES…………………………………………………...4

DISTRICT CONVENTION 2012…………………………………………………………..5

DIVISION UPDATES………………………………………………………………………….7

SENIOR REMINDER………………………………………………………………………….8

President’s Note Key Clubbers! 2011 was a year full of service and fun! But now with the start of a new year and a new semester, it is time to establish new goals and continue to show our dedicated service to the community. Part of this is beginning to choose the new Office Board that will lead CHHS Key Club through 2012-2013! Be sure to notice members that are showing dedication and exemplifying the qualities of a leader YOU wish to see lead your club in the future, as you will be voting for the next Board is just around the corner! Also, for those of you that want to be more involved in Key Club, want to attend workshops that are not only

fun but educational, and interact with Key Clubbers form all over California, Nevada, AND Hawaii then start preparing now for— DISTRCT CONVETION! District Convention is an event like no other! It is not only a time to celebrate the accomplishments of the District and recognize our club, but also a great way to expose yourself to Key Club beyond the Club and Division level! Also, with a new semester and new year, don’t forget to keep up your attendance to events! It is because of everyone’s commitment and constant attendance that we are able to make such a difference in our community! - Luis Tenorio 2011-2012 President

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Members of the Month “Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.” -Ralph Marston

Kenia Robles Despite her late start in Key Club, Kenia Robles has shown a great amount of dedication and love for Key Club– already earning herself enough hours to receive her gradation stole! Kenia is a great inspiration for any who thinks it’s too late to make a difference and serves as an testament that with the right attitude all accomplishments are within reach. We are so proud of all that she has done, and cannot wait to see her graduate with a Key Club Stole!

Joyce Xiong Though this is only her Freshman year, Joyce has shown a great level of commitment to Key Club and has proved to be a great asset with her strong attendance record! Joyce has placed Key Club as a priority ahead of her other activities, and her dedication has not gone unnoticed! We look forward to seeing all that she accomplishes in Key Club in the years to come!

Dennis Chen Regardless of the fact that we could not find a picture of him for the newsletter, Dennis has been a great addition to Chino Hills High School Key Club, showing tremendous enthusiasm and dedication to the club and organization! He has truly set an example for the other members of his class! Page 3

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THANK YOU FOR APPLYING! :D It is great to see all the individuals that are willing to stepup to take a leading position in making a difference at our school and global community! With that being said, you are all amazing! It truly is a blessing to see just how spirited and dedicated each and every one of you is! The next step in this process will be an INTERVIEW! I know some of you will start to have heart palpitations, simply after reading the word “interview,” but be assured, the interview is just a way for the current Board of Officers to get to know you better, make sure you are well informed of what your position entails, etc. Interviews will be held February 13th through the 17th afterschool! Sign-ups will be posted on a first-come-firstserve basis from February 6th-10th. We suggest that all candidates continue to research the position they applied for, ask questions, and prepare as best you can! Remember, BEE YOURSELF! I salute you all! It is not an easy decision to put yourself out there and apply to become an officer! Just by showing interest and running with that interest you have shown great dedication and courage! For those of you that may be asking, “When will the club vote?” the answer is: February 20th! Good luck to each and every one of you!

Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. -Harry S. Truman I cannot wait to see how you all will make 2012-2013 the best Key Club Year yet!

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DCON Notice what event the pictures on the cover and “In this issue” page are from? You guessed it! District Convention 2011! DCON 2011 was the first DCON that CHHS Key Club ever had representatives attend and though we only had six members– we made sure the entire CNH District was aware of just how much spirit CHHS Key Club has!

This year, the Officer Board has set a goal of, at least, DOUBLING OUR ATTENDANCE! That’s right Key Clubbers, WE WANT YOU at DCON 2012! It will be at Santa Clara, CA from April 13th-15th! The club will work out transportation, etc. Important Details: Convention Registration Cost- $160* Hotel Costs– TBD* *Do not let the price discourage you! Chino Hills High School Key Club can help you cover the costs! If you are interested in attending, be sure to let an officer know immediately so that we can begin to work out ways to fundraise and help as much as we can! :D

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Division Updates! Region 13 Conclave You have seen her at our General Meetings, you have seen her at Division events, and you have seen her hosting DCMs! However, our Lieutenant Governor Jocelyn Sy, is nearing the end of her term! (Tears) As such, the time to elect the new Lieutenant Governor is nearing! At Conclave, club delegates will vote on the next leader of Division 15! This Conclave is special though, as it will be for our entire Region 13 Family! Don’t miss this opportunity to see the candidates, hear their inspirational speeches, and find out first-hand who the next leader of Division 15 will be! (As well as other the other Divisions in our Region). It will be February 18th at the Diamond Bar AQMD Building! 12pm-5pm!

Winter Formal? More like, Spring Fling! The Region 13 Winter Formal, due to difficulties, has be moved to being a Spring Fling! More details will come soon!

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Senior Reminder

The end of our Senior Year is approaching fast! I cannot believe that in only a handful on months we will be walking up on stage receiving our High School Diplomas! However, don’t loose sight of Key Club as you get caught up in Senior Year’s second semester! Keep earning hours to earn your graduation stole and keep on attending meetings! Class of 2012, each and every one of you have been crucial in helping the club grow and develop over the years. You can all sympathize with me, in saying, after four years the change that we have left on the club is far beyond noticeable! We have molded the club into one– excuse me—THEE BEST CLUB ON CAMPUS! We have made peaks in service hours, attendance, membership, and so forth! Let’s end our final Key Club Year with a BANG! Let’s show the other Key Club classes just how dedicated and spirited we are! Let us continue to leave our mark on this wonderful club and immaculate organization!

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