CHHS Key Club Spring Newsletter

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The Official Chino Hills High School Key Club Newsletter “Spring Edition” VOLUME II | ISSUE I |Spring Edition


With the start of a new Key Club Year comes a whole new set of Newsletters! (That’s where I come in!) As your Bulletin Editor/Historian I will do my very best to make these newsletter informative, detailed, interesting, and above all fun to look at! Also, because of my position and my duties, don’t be nervous or afraid if you see me snapping pictures of you or your friends at events, socials, or meetings! I do it for the purpose of these newsletters! :D On a similar note, if you want to have some of your pictures featured in these newsletters than feel free to email them to me and I will be sure to include them! Simply: 1. Send an email to: 2. Attach the photos you would like to submit 3. Have the subject read: Photos for Newsletter 4. In the “body” please include your name, as well as the names of any individuals in the photos that are being submitted! I hope to receive submissions for you all soon & am incredibly excited to serve you in the 2012-2013 Key Club Year! :D Yours In Service, Kevin Chou 2012-2013 Bulletin Editor/Historian

IN THIS ISSUE…. President’s Note & Vice Presidents’ Note………………………………………...1 Event Recap: Freshman Orientation....2 Members of the Month………………….3 Event Recap: District Convention 2012………………..4 Updates: Upcoming Events……………5 Spotlight: Division Council Meeting….7 Spotlight: Project Jumpstart…………...8 Spirit Corner……………………………….9 Thanks for Reading…………………….10

President’s Note: Hello Key Clubbers! Words cannot express what these past months have been like! From transitioning to new leadership, to preparing and attending District Convention, to preparing for those dreaded AP tests and SAT exams– it all really has been quite chaotic. Yet, it has all been truly unforgettable! As we kick-off the new Key Club Year, I would just like to thank all of you for the hard work and dedication you have showed in the 2011-2012 year and cannot wait to see all that we accomplish, the lives we change, and the friends we make in the 2012-2013 year– let’s make it the best Key Club Year Chino Hills High School Key Club has ever seen! Yours In Service, Amy He 2012-2013 Club President

Vice Presidents’ Note: Hey, all you lovely Key Clubbers! The school year is coming to a close, but thankfully Key Club never stops serving! As we embark on a new Key Club Year, we want to remind you all that your service to the community—though it be break or near the end of the school year—is always needed, We as a leadership team will be working incredibly hard to find events and also introduce a variety of socials to help continue the momentum we have built throughout this past year! Let’s get the 2012-2013 year started on a high note & once again thank you for giving us the great opportunity to serve you, CHHS Key Club! Love, Vice President Jonathon Woo & Muhammad Islam

Event Recap: Freshman Orientation

This month, Chino Hills High School Key Club has the amazing opportunity to introduce the Class of 2016 to the wonder, the spirit, the excitement, and the service that is Key Club International! At Freshman Orientation, our club hosted a booth that offered information for both prospective members and their parents. Not only that, but members and officers were there to help answer any additional questions and make sure the incoming Freshman don’t miss out on the wonder that is Key Club! On top of all the excitement, our club held a bake sale through which we were able to raise over $70! Great job, Key Clubbers! Thank you to everyone that attended and helped throughout the day, from cheering ―WE FEEL GOOD!‖, to selling baked items to raise funds, this event could not have been as much of a success as it was without each and every one of you! Were you not able to attend? Don’t worry! There are still plenty of ways that you can help, and the best part is you don’t have to wait until next year’s orientation! You can help introduce Key Club to the incoming Freshman that you know! Make them feel welcome! Invite them to events! Take them to meetings! Remember, there is always room for more people in our Key Club Family! <3

Members of the Month! Kennedy Lopez Though this is Kennedy’s first year in Key Club, she has shown tremendous dedication and an inspiring passion for service! In only a year, Kennedy has already earned herself over 60 hours! Not only has Kennedy’s attendance at events been consistent, but Kennedy has also taken the next step and developed her leadership through Key Club as she helps “head” the James S. Thalman Library Volunteering with the kids every Tuesday from 3:00PM to 5:00PM! Thanks for all your hard work, Kennedy! It is because of members like you that this club is able to thrive & continually impact the community!

Austin Chao Austin Chao has truly proven to be a dedicated member! His attendance, his spirit, his enthusiasm for service has truly made him stand out! We cannot wait to see Austin continue to grow in Key Club and be a positive influence to his community and those around him! Thank you for all your hard work, Austin! Your dedication and spirit is a great addition and contribution to this club and it’s membership!

Aren’t these members simply AMAZING!!! :3

Event Recap: District Convention 2012

DCON! DCON! DCON! ―DCON was one of the greatest experience of my freshman year. Learning all the different parts of Key Club amazed me and made me realize how lucky I am to be part of it. Seeing how many people are involved in the amazing organization and how passionate they are for service made me fall in love with Key Club even more. It was great representing D15, and I was so proud to be a giraffe. The people were amazing as well. I loved talking to strangers who were from faraway places, and it was exciting making new friends. You wouldn't be judged for yelling at the top of your lungs or for hugging random people. I learned several leadership skills and came out from DCON inspired by all the workshops I attended. Being informed on the service projects opened my eyes and made me want to be more involved. I'm so glad to have experienced those life changing 3 days and will definitely attend more DCONs in the future!‖ - Jaihee Choi 2012-2013 Club Treasurer Did you not get a chance to go to District Convention this year? No worries! You can always attend District Convention 2013! DCON 2013 will be in Anaheim, California and on March 22nd-24th! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! START SAVING NOW! AND GET READY FOR A WEEKEND OF SERVICE, SPIRIT, AND FUN,

Updates: Upcoming Events! Wickman Elementary Carnival Night: Where? Wickman Elementary 16250 Pinehurst Drive Chino Hills, CA When? Friday, May 11th 5:30PM to 8:30PM

What should I expect?

Did you attend the Rhodes Elementary Family Fun Night? If so, it will be similar to that. There will be booths, games, and food stations set up all over for members to run! You will be interacting with the kids, helping the parents in charge, and pumping up the overall spirit of the event; so be sure to join us for a night of fun and excitement! See you there!

Relay for Life Carwash: Where? The Commons When? Saturday, May 19th 9:00AM to 12:00AM

What should I expect? If you don’t already know, Relay for Life is one of our club’s BIGGEST events! It’s a 24 hour relay where we raise funds and awareness for cancer and cancer research. To help raise funds for the event and to show our support for the cause, we have organized this carwash! Get ready to wash cars, get wet, and have some fun in the sun! Be sure to dress appropriately and wear suitable clothes! Possibly a change of clothes in the case you get wet!

Updates: Upcoming Events!

Let It Be Walk: Where? Chino Hills High School Track When? Saturday, May 12th 6:00AM to 12:00PM

What should I expect? Jobs and tasks may vary! For a more detailed description of what to expect, go to the next general meeting! However, some possible tasks may be: passing out water to runners, cheering on runners as they travel along the course, directing traffic, set-up/tear-down, and clean-up.

Past Event Spotlight: Ronald McDonald Walk

Ronald McDonald Walk @ Victoria Gardens!

Spotlight: Division Council Meeting April DCM Recap by Secretary Joyce Xiong: “ With this month’s exciting yet educational and inspiring Divisional Events, the month of April passed by in a blink of an eye. Among the several Divisional Events we had, I found the April DCM/ Beach Clean-Up to be the best and most enjoyable. After a 9 hour trip at San Clemente Beach, each member came home with a new group of family and friends. There, we created our own ice breaker games such as “Throw her in the Water” and “Build a Sand Castle”. Laughing and acting silly, everyone had a great time and felt more comfortable with the KeyClubbers from multiple high schools. Not only did we get an opportunity to meet other KeyClubbers and have fun, but we also showed our Key Club spirit by doing service. Each two members were given a trash bag to help clean up the beach. Though the beach was already very clean, members scavenged for pieces of trash and were able to make the beach cleaner by hard work. While doing what we can for the environment, we also had a great and informative time discussing about new changes in the Division. Members were able to express their opinions on upcoming events, and officers got a chance to introduce themselves to those who attended. Honestly, the April DCM/ Beach Clean-Up was nothing like how it sounded. Most people would’ve mistaken the beach clean-up to be a dirty task, but it turned out to be an memorable and educational service project. From my own experiences and interactions with others, I learned many new things such that the saltiness of the sea came from whales. I even got a picture taken with the dream dog I’ve always wanted to meet. From this short but unforgettable journey to the beach, I can say that all members who attended, not just me, had an amazing time. Like me, they must’ve truly enjoyed the DCM in which KeyClubbers came together and showed D15’s Giraffe spirit and achievements. “

May DCM– A Message from Lieutenant Governor Jaguar Jung Heyyyyy Giraffes! Coming up SOON is our May Division Council Meeting! I hope everyone enjoyed the April DCM at the beach and that none of you got sick from the cold weather! We will be meeting at John Galvin Park (Around East 4th St. and North Grove Avenue). This is because I am trying to make the locations of the DCMs more accessible to all clubs in the division since there were some clubs who said the locations are far from their area. This month, the new Division 15 Leadership Team will be announced and we will be dedicating this DCM to make new friends and bond with each other! ALSO, the NEW prize for our year-long SWAG Points competition will be revealed as well! After the DCM, there will be some icebreakers and activities planned and we will be open for suggestions on possible division socials/ spirit gears or cheers. We are ONE, BIG, GIRAFFE FAMILY and for me, it is a MUST to know the name of EVERYONE in this family. Although it may seem nearly impossible to meet over 1,500 people in one year, it's better to have tried than not try at all. :) So hope that all of you will help me out with this goal of mine. Better not try and confuse me with a fake name! >.< I hope to see you all soon! ♥

Spotlight: Project Jumpstart! Every two years, the California–Nevada-Hawaii District chooses a project for the District to work towards for a two year period, At the recent, District Convention, our District decided to undertake a new project entitled: Project Jumpstart! Project Jumpstart is a project that focuses on children ages 5 and under. As such, each club is to find and create events that help aid children ages 5 and under, as it is the first five years of life that are incredibly vital for any individual and set a foundation that will last them a lifetime! To help us in this effort of outreach, YOU can help us find events and give suggestions! We want to hear what YOU have to say and what YOU want to see our club have in terms of events! With your help, we can make Project Jumpstart a success and help impact the future generations! If you have any suggestions or events, simply talk to an officer or email us as! Thank you!

Spirit Corner Key Club Fact of the Month: There are currently over

260,000 members worldwide! Now, that’s one big Key Club Family! :D

Quote of the Month: “Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.” Albert Einstein

“Thank You for Reading”

Editor: Kevin Chou Email:

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