Independent Practice

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Lewis Moy-Manning Endependent Practice Year Two Semester One

The Statue Of Liberty I am a big admierer of archtecture i really enjoy looking a it and drawing it. the statue of liberty is amounge some of my favorites. the idea behind this is that. the structure was given as a gift from France to the american people a symbol of friendship. But nw the Statue atracts millions of visitors a year for its beauty and its symbol of america and the american dream of freedom.

Inverted Statue I took the idea of progressing the statue further by looking at screen printing and how Andy Warhol created his prints. I was trying to make an image that was or could be just as iconic as the images he produced of people and objects. I really like the texture that the pencil bring up on the drawing give the drawing a feeling that it had been etched in. Which give it the illusion of the drawing glowing.


I am really inspired and intrigued by fame. I think about wether there is an art to being famous and if just the average Joe could become a superstar if the artistry is done right. I look for fame in most things and when studying the American dollar I come to discover that the word fame was actually on it . so I then decided to create a piece of art to document fame in a dollar and how Benjamin Franklin on the $100 bill is iconic in its own right so I really enjoyed working with something so iconic.

VICTORIAN HOUSE This year I decided rather then buy the average boring Christmas card I would design my own. Make something a bit more me and a bit jazzy. I got the idea for this after watching Lady and the Tramp the opening scene with a Victorian house and it snowing and the windows glowing warm. It for me was the perfect Christmas scene. The card has each window pain cut out so that it can let light through. Once this is done the front section of the house is cut out so that it can be made three dimensional so the house gets some prospective to make it look more realistic. Then glitter glue for snow on the roof and window ledges. The final thing to do is put a tea light behind so that in the dark the warm light can shine through and give you that perfect Christmas scene.

instagram Phoneography

I love photography nothing pleases me more then a beautiful photo. When I am out and about I don’t always carry around my camera because its inconvenient and heavy. So when my friends told me about Instagram a app for the Iphone that is purely photography based I instantly fell in love. Using my phone as my camera is really good so I can capture any moment when I see something I think will look good on camera. Instagram has changed the way people see photography and is now regarded as phonography. I think that some of my best photography is taken on my phone I think this could be because there is less pressure to get the perfect shot and just more about catching the moment. That’s whats so brilliant about it. Here are some of the pictures I have taken since the beginning of this semester I am really proud of them and think next semester I will continue using Instagram as a way of recording my life photographically .


Finding the right font for PRY proved to be very tricky and time consuming. I didn’t want to move on with it until I felt that I had nailed the right branding that I was trying to sell PRY as. It went through changes as you can see by the different logo types here. I played with different fonts backgrounds. But one thing was for certain I knew that I never wanted any colour. Eventually after asking friends on what branding that proffered the font type I chose to go with Letter Gothic. The final logo for me is reflective of the brand idea I had for PRY and is sleek and elegant.

THE PRY VISION The initial sketch for PRY was a vision I had from the word go. I knew that I wanted the cover of PRY to be black and white just to match the branding. The sketch for PRY and then the reality in photographic form fitted my vision perfectly . the photograph come out really well and after visualizing the cover only by sketch it was finally nice to see my vision a reality. The vision I had for PRY is a magazine that caters for the person who enjoys expensive things but doesn’t have the money for them. In the magazines these are regarded as champagne charlies the definition is someone who has champagne taste but lemonade money. The magazine was built around this concept and the way in which me and my friend live our lives.

PRY MAGAZINE WEBSITE DESIGN Designing a web page for PRY proved to be quite tricky because this had to be timeless. So when considering what the overall look of the website should look like I decided to run with what the branding already was. I thought keep it sharp , elegant and sophisticated. The black and white then does not become out of date because this look in my view is timeless and still would look just as good in another ten years just like the Chanel branding which also is just black and white and still looks elegant today as it always has. The website I designed and my friend wrote the HTML for it and I am pleased with the results . I felt it was good to have a website for it because in the world of the internet its good to have a page where people can go for up to date stuff regarding to the magazine rather then having to wait for the next issue.

A snap shot of PRY magazine webpage.

Independent Evaluation At the beginning of term I did not really know what to do for my independent practice this year. I always find it really difficult to do self directed work that I get really passionate about and want to progress further. So I took about three weeks deliberating what I wanted to do. I asked myself what am I interested in and what are the things that make me tick, so I come up with the idea of creating a magazine. PRY magazine has been my main focus this semester and making it the best that it could be for the hand in. I wanted to learn how a magazine is done and how long it takes to stylise each page. I found the most tricky thing with a magazine was the concept, name and content. Trying to find a concept that has not been done I think proved to be very difficult but I come up with the concept of a champagne charlie which I discussed what that was earlier in the portfolio and I feel after looking at PRY that this concept has worked out well and people can relate to it. The name also proved to be a massive challenge to try and find a name for the magazine that did not already exist but eventually I found one and thought it fitted the concept well meaning Prying into something (into the rich and famous world). Content was something I most struggled on and asked countless people what could go in the magazine after explaining to them the concept I feel that the features in PRY would relate to the reader and fit in with the magazine well. After launching PRY magazine on ISSUU within ten hours it had 87 views and 1508 unique page views this made me feel confident that PRY had fulfilled what I wanted it to do and that was it to be successful and I felt that was a really good achievement considering it was my first self directed magazine. I feel that my work this year has come along and got stronger as the semester has gone on. For next semester I think I will revisit PRY magazine and maybe think about doing another issue and also work more on my time management and spend more time reading books and learning new software that I have not already used. Lewis Moy-Manning

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