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Q 1

Whats My Name

When thinking about answering this question it took quite a lot of deliberation to what is my name. I thought about my child hood and what nick names I had and from a very young age my mum had always called me her little prince this is for my extravagant taste. This has shaped the way I brand myself and am known from friends, Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter. So I thought then I should do a picture of myself as if I was a real prince like people say I should be.

Q 2

When thinking about doing a piece of work on how old I was it made me think about how much I have seen in my lifetime all ready. So I decided to put down on the major events that have taken place in my lifetime so far . things that have defined my lifetime in the twenty years I have been alive. So with this information I made the number twenty out of the type and events I’ve seen.

I thought that to the question where I was born I would show the hospital that which I was born in. I started life in Basildon in Essex and when making this art work I thought that I would do it as a child perspective and try and give it the feel of being drawn by a child as a reflection of my child hood reminiscing my time there until we moved to Braintree later in my life

Q 3

Q 4

House Of Moy-Manning

This is my family tree and where I sit within it. This shows the important people in my life . as you can see the my dad is missing a picture this was to show how he no longer has a major roll in my life and to show that he does not play any role with in it. It shows that his the reason I’m here but does not sit any where within my family.

Position In Family Mum Dad Sam Sister

Lauren Dog


Q 5

What are Your Hobbies

When I was younger I use to have lots of hobbies from swimming for my county, karate, horse riding, rugby and athletics. But I found, as I was getting older that this takes up more and more of your time. So eventually you stop going so know I don’t actually have any hobbies anymore which I guess is quite sad but obviously I just don’t have the time in my life for doing a hobbies I fill my life up with travelling to and from Brighton and going back to Essex my family and friend are the most important thing in my life and clearly feel that gap.

Where Do You Live Know?

Q 6

With response to the question where do I live know. I decided that I could not just focus on one specific place as I have three homes. I live in Essex , Epsom and Brighton. So with this I decided to take the most iconic things that I could think of to some up each place mind make a montage of all three places to make a wired concept of the place that I live.

Q 6

Q 6

Q 6

Q 6

Q 7

The concept for the most beautiful thing in the world was the gift of water. Because with out the world can not exist and living things will die. As you can see from the picture where there is no water there is no life. So I find water beautiful in the fact that its the giver to all life.

Q 8

What Is

Graphic Design

The concept behind graphic design is that with it with all the manipulation that it do with its persuading of a mass audience with things like propaganda this then made me think can you beg the question is graphic design a weapon of the future and present as it has been used in the world to manipulate mass audiences into thinking differently and turning of governments and leaders.

Q 9

I found this question really hard to do as everything I drew from memory with my eyes shut when opened didn’t look like the logo at all so here is some of the best ones. And on the right is a logo I did from memory but with my eyes shut. Its bizarre how something you see often and think would be easy to recreate actually when coming to drawing it you know something is not quite right about it and have to re-draw

Q 10

I decided to do my portrait of the Queen as I felt this was appropriate consider that her jubilee is so soon and thought she is an iconic figure so that if it went really badly you could kind of guess who its was anyway. I decided to do the portrait in Photoshop using a fingerprint tool and building layer upon layer to achieve the desired effect and if you zoom in you can see each individual finger mark made by myself.

Q 10

Q 11

Q 12

When deciding what to do for question 12 I had a list of ideas I wanted to do for it but in reality I just got to nervous about putting such an image on a T-shirt so in the end I went middle of the road and come up with this idea. I think it works really well and I like the whole T-shirt having the print on it rather then just a square picture like you see in Topman or H&M.

Q 13

what language do we speak i thought was a really clever idea and a good question to try and awnser. because the fact of the matter is english is a mulititude of french and anglo words mixed together and we are constantly gaining new works each year. but most our our language change come through the age of the British Empire. so on that note i thought i would do a peice of work on english people speaking the imperial language a language that has been influanced by more nations then any other.

Q 13

when thinking about what film i wanted to do a paoster for i automaticaly thought that i wanted to do Gentlemen Prefer Blondes as this is my favorite film of all time. drew the boat and eiffel tower in illustrator and then shded them in to make them look three dimentional. when it come to doing Marilyn Monroe i decided that i wanted to make her dress look sparkly like it does in the film so i covered her dress in glitter so when i could take a picture of it it would look sparkerly. this was made more sparkley in photoshop. i then hand drew the type straight onto the poster as there was not a type that i felt fit what i was looking for. i also wanted the cover to show what the film was about with haveing the cruis ship and the ieffel tower in it.

Q 15

When thinking about learning a new skill I was walking through Brighton and went past a model shop and looked at the model boats in the windows and I thought I never did any of that as a child and thought how hard it was to do so I bought a ship to build and did it step by step to create. It took a whole two days to complete and never will I do it again its pan stacking and boring but I was really happy with the final result of the ship.

Q 16

What Is Psychology When thinking about doing the work for Psychology I thought it would be best to get a dictionary definition and the dictionary said psychology is the science of mental life. So with this I thought about creating a skull and where the brain is have a little scene as if you were looking into the mind of the person.

Q 16

When thinking about doing the work for Psychology I thought it would be best to get a dictionary definition and the dictionary said psychology is the science of mental life. So with this I thought about creating a skull and where the brain is have a little scene as if you were looking into the mind of the person.

Q 17

what is semiotics

What Is Semiotics

Semiotics is a philosophical theory of the functions of signs and symbols.

Whats Your Favorite colour

Q 18

My favourite colour is turquoise and I remembered seeing a canvas in Liverpool painted in the Tate modern just blue this was the inspiration for this piece but with just a plain canvas I thought it would be good to gloss the words turquoise onto the canvas to so when you look at it in some directions you just see the colour but then in other directions you see the word also.

Re-design a rainbow

Q 19

Thinking about re-designing an rainbow I thought about what things have lots of colour naturally within them and this bought up flowers I thought then how amazing it would be if there was a flower that had loads of different petal colours like a rainbow this is when I thought to do a picture that represents that showing a new rainbow.

Q 20

When thinking about what is my greatest sauce of pleasure the easy answer was sex. So I thought I would do an image depicting this with two guys both with there jeans down. Then overlaying the word sex in faint text. I really like the image and it also has a cool/hipster feel.

Q 21

When thinking about what brief I was going to write myself I started to think how tricky this must be for the tutor. You need something that will engage me something that I’m passionate about and something that I think others would like to do as well. So after quite some deliberation I decided to try and do work where I documented my life from January to know. Then one day when I was out with friends and I took a picture to commemorate the occasion it struck me that to document my life why don’t I take a serious of pictures when I felt it was necessary. Just take pictures that I think look visually pleasing or events that where going on over the months. So my brief that I have written myself is to take a series of photos from January till May.

Q 22

What Is Abstraction? I looked at the dictionary for this word and it ment taking something from its original places similar to extraction. So I thought to show the processes that a diamond would go through from being mined to raw rock then to fine cut diamond. Depicting taking it from the ground to brilliant cut diamond.

Q 23

When thinking about how to do a information graphic of myself I thought of the idea that I would just show all the things I think sum me up. And the larger the size of the object the more important it is to me personally.

Q 24

Ut adisi ulparum uta pre nimpor sint ducient uribus simendellit omnis il ium sime perit exerfernatus re volorehenis et quo officitionse veruptu sapidunt aut odis nimil esto magnim num facipsum sitiunt. Ectur re imendigendel ius autet, ut ipsa debit, quam, alisciam que conest, sam, sitium volupta tusandi tatenim inumquasped ma consedi bea debitio ssequo et re nulparcidio excerum, volorit esti am, voluptate vid quidem. Et libus aute lation pre es as soluptaspero iurio magnienimus doluptati as estiis ipsuntiosam facest omnihil lacero tendit, ut aditio doluptatius. Sincias pereium qui accabor epernatias apellab orerument volest, sae. Itatia quossim usandaecat mod eaquistem harum ilit, sum nonestr uptatus ere, inctibus voloruptur? Quia et volupis tiatemp orepellandis moluptin cusamusam quodi berum et ut quam sequid ea am fugia volore pressum doluptatur? Em volorum nobit rem quis et ipsam dolorist, si ad explantiis ut re omnimi, con conem quatem quis autatiur aut et quam que magnima gnisquiae nobit

Q 25

My slogan on the side of my plane says “if you chase fame your soon catch it� I live by this and I think if you want something enough and to become a success at what you do then all your need to do is believe it and the skies the limit.

Q 26

What Is Sacred? When doing this question there was much deliberation of what to do. Firstly i thought about life and how bringing new life into the world was sacred and how life is sacred as we as humans are fragile and can easily die. But i thought it would be more fun to play with the whole religious side to what is sacred. I decided to depict myself as Jesus and how he is sacred and untouched the definition of sacred.

Q 27

What Is Profane? On the same page as sacred just meaning the opposite i thought i would do it on Lucifer the fallen dark angel. To depict that he is not sacred and not holy and is impure and dark.

Q 28

When thinking about re-creating a iconic image i thought that i would do mine on gay right as this is so close to my own life and freedom for myself and my peers. I thought i would base it around Martin Luthers speech”i have a dream” because we are fighting for freedom and equality thought the world just like the blacks where during the 50’s and 60’s. Freedom has to be absolute, because you cant be moderately free.quasitis volorit elitiae nus, siminis mo volessimi, quam, nem simpore earum

Q 29

Who Is The Most Important Person In Your Life



Q 30

I had this brainwave when siting in the garden and was drawing and tore up a piece of paper and thought that it looked like and O standing i thought that i could use this idea for this question so i decided to re-create the Hollywood sign in my back garden. I think the concept works really well and i loved it so much i am going to making a wooden one to go in the garden back at home in Essex.

Q 31

What Makes Me Happy Its a known fact that Brighton as a city makes me really happy being there i think its the best city in the country by far. Its the only place that i feel 100% happy about being gay. Also Brighton has some of the most beautiful and historical buildings in the country my favourite has to be the Brighton Pavilion a truly beautiful building i decided to make a series of photos of my favourite places in Brighton and views.

Q 32 When thinking of what animal to be i personally feel its was really hard to try to make yourself come across as a complete idiot. So i thought that i would work with shadows and how your parents would make animals on the walls when you where going to bed when they would tell you stories. So the animal that i am is a bird flying through the sky this can be seen on the link above.

Q 33

why are we here?

what is semiotics

Why Are You Here?

For me the beauty of life is that we don’t know see what will happen in the future.

When thinking about what happens to us after death this is a thought that humans will never know the answer to until we do so really know one knows. But it would be a nice thought that there is a place like heaven that everyone can go to. So i thought i would depict what i think heaven would look like if there was one.

Q 34

Q 34

Q 35

When doing my vanitas image I was inspired by Audrey Flacks images she created. I liked the concept that each thing has a sentiment to life how the fruit represents life and how its decays and that with having clocks shows the passing of time on the planet. I really like the image and it has a really sophisticated feel to it and elegance.

Q 36

What Is Greed? Out of all the work this by far was the most time consuming and most expensive piece. I hand put 2214 Swarvoski crystals on this gun taking three full days on placing. When thinking of what is greed i thought about how in Africa there is a war over the diamond mines and guns are the main weapon used to control this so i thought i would combine the two and make this piece of work i think it sums up what i greed really well. The picture does not show really how beautiful the gun is in real life the sparkle that it has so i made a shirt film so that you can truly appreciate how stunning it is in real life. This can be seen on the link below.

Q 37

What Is Waste?

Q 38

Pin Hole

I used my iphone to create these images as it stipulates in the brief to use something disposable i thought this was flawed as iphones are disposable in my life time i have got 2 new iphones and the others are recycled and reused so the iphone is disposable at some point. I engineered a cover on the camera pin hole sized and took pictures of the crown that’s in my bedroom. I like the effect that it gives its quite grainy just like a real pin hole camera.

Q 39

What is success for me success is to have lots of money and to be remembered. This picture was created with this in mind having a Rolls Royce Phantom with a private number plate and money that has my name on, logo and signature.

Q 40

What Is Failure? When considering what to do for failure i thought back to history and who for me has failed the most and tried to regain his credibility but failed again. What spoke to me the most what Napoleon Bonapart. This man was a true genius but failed to conquer Europe like he wanted. And with this eventually got captured by the British and then exiled until he died. I created an image from napoleon at his height its a strong image of a man on the grips of changing everything in the world at the time in history.

Q 41

Zen is Buddha’s enlightenment,it can’t be explained by words, it comes direct from the mind. Zen is an experience.

Q 42

What are the qualities of a life fully lived?

When thinking about the qualities of a life fully lived i thought these qualities where wisdom, honesty, loyalty, love and open mindedness. To me no one stood out more to have all these characteristics then Alexander the Great. He managed to conquer most of the known world in ancient times at such a young age. He must have had all these characteristics in abundance to unite continents with great cultural differences. This is proven with his death as years after the empire he spent his whole life creating split into many different factions.



Make A Piece Of Work Using A Book

Q 43

From reading this question i knew that i wanted to cut a scene into a book and a really old one. I chose a book that was from 1918 so that if you looked at it on a shelf it would look normal and then when you opened it you had a modern twist. I like the forest scene with in it and the depth you get from the image.

Q 44

what is semiotics

What Is the purpose of design? what is the purpose of design

The purpose of design is to come up with solutions to a problem and with that solution it fixes the problem.

Q 45

With the success of these images amongst my friends i decided that my thing to sell would be these images with a perforated edge so that you could tear them off easily to put up in your room in individual places or put them up as a whole. The idea is simple but yet nice. They also could be an alternative to a postcard of Brighton then one of the pier for instance. In the future i can look into how maybe getting these out and being sold in shops around Brighton. The challenge with this question was the price i found it really hard to think of something that i could make 11 things for under ÂŁ25.

Q 46

What Is Leisure?

In response to this question it got me thinking what is leisure? To me its relaxing. So I decided when we had that week of really lovely warm weather I would create some images from what I decide to do when I’m relaxing. Firstly I made myself a Gin & Tonic this can be seen in my first image with cucumber as its Hendricks Gin. Secondly I covered myself in Malibu sun cream to stop myself from burning in the sun. Thirdly I had Tatler magazine at hand to read when drinking and sunbathing the perfect combination of leisure. This pictures have a lovely warm feel which was the look and feel I was going. The Gin & Tonic picture I was going for a much cooler picture to make you feel when you look at it you get the refreshing feeling from the drink.

Q 47

When thinking of what gif to create I tired to think of the most mundane activity I could think of that for me is typing I hate siting at a computer typing words and just seeing them come up on the screen so I decided to create that as a gif something very boaring. you can view my gif on the link below.

Q 48

The Last Emperor When thinking about re-apparation it was a word that i had never herd before so when looking it up in the dictionary it stated that it means taking something from someone with out them knowing. This made me think of the last emperor of china. When the communists took his country from him from when he was a baby without him knowing and only giving him power from within the Forbidden City until he was deposed and become just a normal citizen of the china republic. I thought it would be good to document such a figure that had lost so much and people know so little about.

Q 50

Q 50

What Is Theology? When looking into Theology it means acquiring knowledge in religious studies acquired by studying specific courses in theology. So when doing some research i discovered that Oxford university did a course in theology and with this i looked at where the books on theology where held. With this i created this piece of work this is the library that holds all the books on this subject. With oxford being one of the top teaching institutions of the world i thought that they would be at the panicle of what is theology and this would make a good example of this. The building took ages to create and shade in to make it have a 3D feel to it even thought its a flat image

Q 51

What Is Secular? Secular mean not devoted to religion. My boyfriend could not have summed this word up even more her completely believes in Charles Darwin theory that we evolved over many millions of years and supports the big bang theory of how the universe was created and thus making the e earth and completely rejects anything to do with religion. So in the picture i had him read a book on how to be someone that is completely against religion hence why his holding a book on how to be a good atheist.

Q 52

what is shaman

Ut adisi ulparum uta pre nimpor sint ducient uribus simendellit omnis il ium sime perit exerfernatus re volorehenis et quo officitionse veruptu sapidunt aut odis nimil esto magnim num facipsum sitiunt. Ectur re imendigendel ius autet, ut ipsa debit, quam, alisciam que conest, sam, sitium volupta tusandi tatenim inumquasped ma consedi bea debitio ssequo et re nulparcidio excerum, volorit esti am, voluptate vid quidem. Et libus aute lation pre es as soluptaspero iurio magnienimus doluptati as estiis ipsuntiosam facest omnihil lacero tendit, ut aditio doluptatius. Sincias pereium qui accabor epernatias apellab orerument volest, sae. Itatia quossim usandaecat mod eaquistem harum ilit, sum nonestr uptatus ere, inctibus voloruptur? Quia et volupis tiatemp orepellandis moluptin cusamusam quodi berum et ut quam sequid ea am fugia volore pressum doluptatur? Em volorum nobit rem quis et ipsam dolorist, si ad explantiis ut re omnimi, con conem quatem quis autatiur aut et quam que magnima gnisquiae nobit

Q 53

Q 53

I spent a long time deciding which person i wanted to design a tomb stone for. In the end i went with the Romanov royal family. As i felt most passionate about them and the romance of the story of the Romaovs. When doing further research into them i found out that they have an unmarked grave and no one knew the where abouts of the family until very recently but people are still sceptical to whether it is there actual bodies or not. So my concept for the tomb would be to have a miniature winter palace created so that all members of the family could rest in the place that made them who they where. And do have the Romaov crest on top of a big piece of concrete to commemorate there Imperial family that lies within the tomb.

Q 53

Q 53

Q 53

Q 54

The image I decided to re-stage was on February 23, 1945, during the battle for Iwo Jima where the U.S army took a victory. This image is one of the most iconic war time photographs to date and is known throughout the world and has been seen by many. Its a beautiful picture of man struggle to accomplish and if everyone pulls together then anything can be achieved. That’s was my main reason for choosing to re-stage this iconic image. I had the idea of using what the Victorians did with using a silhouette and then projecting light behind the image to and then take a picture of the final outcome. I really like the outcome I like that its still shaded so you get a real sense of depth to the image and still brings it to life.

Q 55

WHAT THIS UNI NEEDS I thought that our uni really needs to get a nightclub like every other uni has. So i thought that i would design one myself and to see what i think it should look like. The name i thought was quite appropriate considering that we don’t have one and its a mandatory thing for universities.

Q 56

Here is the response to my question 21. Here I have a series of the best photographs that I have taken since January. documenting stages of my life and each one has its own story. This is what beautiful about the images is that each one jogs you memory to that specific moment in your life. Nothing else quite has the power to do this. I really like the series of images that i have created so much so that i think i might get wallpaper commissioned to decorate my room in them this next academic year.

Q 56

Externalising My Work The ways in which i chose to externalise my work where to be seen by a mass audience and people who where not necessarily looking for it. I decided to use Tumblr and pasting my work around Epsom, Brighton and any where else this included trains, lamp posts, bins you get the drift. I decided that i wanted to monitor the amount of people viewing my blog where they where coming from and how long they stayed. I put in software into my blog so that i could monitor this and see what pieces of work people where viewing the most.

This is a view of how many visitors my blog has received over a two month period from April-May

Here is a more detailed view on how many visitors i have received and how many returning visits i get and first time visits. This chart is from May-and it shows that on may the 2nd i had an astonishing 142 views where people have gone onto my blog.

This section also shows which sites people have come to find my blog and in earlier months people where googling Princeluis. com this could only have been from me putting the logo out in the streets and people have then come to find it and then look for it in google. And also searched for prince Luis and that also has brought them to my blog.

Here gives you a pie chart a more detailed view on how many returning visits I get and it shows that the mass majority of views to my page are new people.

Here is a global map on who is viewing my page and where in the world they have viewed it. I find it astonishing that people on the other side of the world have seen what I’m up to on just the power of the internet and people re blogging work.

With my data i can view what town they visited my website what page they entered my website the page they left on and how long they stayed on my page .

Here is the gun i produced for the question “what is greed� me and my friend just took a picture of it messing around at home and decided to upload it to my blog and it went crazy with the amount of people that re-blogged my work. As of today it has 2592 people reblogged it. This is exactly what i wanted. When starting to externalise my work i wanted it to be viewed and appreciated by a mass audience and with Tumblr this has happened. Everyday this picture get at least 100 re-blogs a day and messages saying how much people love it and that they want one.

From having such exposure on Tumblr I got approached by a 3rd year to put some of my work into his publication. He asked for the illustration that I had of the Brighton pavilion and the U.S Capital building .he also sent me over the media pack for the magazine and I’m delighted that the magazine is going to be launched at London FashionWeek SS13.This is a great opportunity for my work to be seen by lots of people within the filed that I want to progress into and a great way of externalising my work in a printed publication.

Another way of getting my work out there to be seen by passers by and have my logo around so that people can then google my blog which people have been doing since I started putting the stickers around which is brilliant news. I also wanted to put work out that was going to get peoples attention and maybe have a little laugh at. I didn’t want to make the stickers massive and be over powering like a billboard. I wanted people to maybe catch it out the corner of there eye and get them to stop look at it and take a picture to document it themselves. I think externalising my work has worked really well with having people visiting my blog on average 35 people a day.

Evaluation Externalisation I feel that the Externalisation of my work went well. At first I thought it was going to be terrible as in January I was hardly having any visitors to my blog, but as time went on I noticed that with more stickers I put out the more people responded to my blog and the more visitors I received. With this the gun that I created for what is greed got over 2500 reblogs, which is amazing for tumblr. I think the best move was also installing the statcounter into my blog as this give me a good platform to see what pieces of work people liked the most and this was really useful when deciding on my top 20 to put into my publication.With monitoring the amount of views I got each day it was handy to know at what point people left my blog I.e what picture at which they maybe got bored or just didn’t like the style of work. Also what was useful was the amount of time people where spending looking at my blog. The average time is between 1-5 minuets which Is quite a long time when you think your just browsing and how quickly you can flick from pages. I also really liked knowing what countries people also where looking at my work. I noticed from looking at the map that I have a lot of American people looking at my work and commenting on my blog. This then makes me think maybe is my work more based towards the American culture then anywhere else in the world. I am also really happy that with the success of my blog I got approached by a 3rd year for my work to be put into his magazine that will be going into fashion week this is amazing news for me as this is the industry that I am hoping to break into. All in all I think the externalisation of my work has gone really well I wanted it to be viewed by quite a big audience and I felt that putting it on tumblr and out in the streets was quite an underground way of doing it and not so hideous advertising campaign where just blowing up my work so that its huge so that people have to notice it I wanted people to go out of there way to view it.

Evaluation These past two years studying graphic design I think have been on the most challenging things physically and mentally for anyone, This is heightened by the lack of interest I have for this area and to continuing on to third year just looked impossible. I started this semester really shaky as I knew from the first week of study graphic that it really was not the area I wanted to be going into. With this mind set I continued to let myself down and not tackle the brief head on. It was not until I was called in by Neil that I found the strength within myself to finish the year out with the opportunity to go on to a different course. Since then I have been working really hard and have pushed myself harder then ever to meet deadline and to a standard I feel is the highest its ever been. My work has really progressed and my skills have developed immensely this could be for the new motivation I found within myself. The more I got myself into the 56 question brief the more I see my work develop and get stronger. The first couple of question I chose to the one I did last the standard is so much more stronger. It makes you wish you could have more time to revisit certain questions. With the 56 questions you had to be a lot more focused of each individual task rather then the whole brief as a whole as each question needed investigating and deliberation for what you think represents that question appropriately. The most challenging thing I felt this year was time management with having a month off at the beginning I had a lot to catch up on. Motivation was also difficult as its really hard to get passionate and excited about questions I felt where nothing to do with fashion or style. With the question sacred that’s where I got to experiment with the sorts of things I’m interested in stylising the picture and thinking of what I want the image to look like. I really enjoyed making this image and that’s the same with 20 I like to see the image in my head and then re- create it in life. These where to only questions that I felt I really could show what I was interested in. Lots of the responses to question have architecture within them and famous historical figures. The reason for this is that for me buildings always represent something for instance the U.S Capital Building is the administrative home of the U.S Government and stand for what America believes in. This is why I decided to the gay rights piece with that as the main focus. The reason also for use of historical figures is because a major passion of mine is also history and these people shaped the world that we live in today and changed the course of history. That’s why I feel that some of the question really fitted for some of these people. I have really tried to make the brief my own and fit for things that I like and try to bend the brief towards the style and interest of myself. The work may not be (Graphic Design) but I have never really had the opportunity to show you me in the right field I have always been bending towards Graphics because I had to where fashion I feel is home. I am really looking forward to this September I feel the skills that I have learnt of the graphic design course over two years has really set me up to do well in Fashion Promotion and Imaging. I would like to take this moment to thank you for being supportive and helping me to get where I need to be. Lewis Moy-Manning

Word Count:640

Bibliography Films: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (20th century fox) 1953 The Last Emperor (1987)

Books: Oscar wilde (The Picture of Dorian Gray) Bram Stoker (Dracular) Oxford Dictionary(2010)


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