Earth Artefact
By Luke Pearson
Road Map I have started off the project by
I chose to split it up so I could research
creating a road map with everything
a specific area of the mission and the
to do with the project. This will help
voyager mission. As for people and
to guide me in what to research and
nature, these were all about themes I
create any ideas I have. I chose to do
could do. I have chosen these themes
four categories for my map by splitting
because it will help me with a starting
my information up into. The golden
point to base my work on, which will
record, my ideas, nature of earth
then help me in my idea generation.
and people. I wanted to include a section on ideas to help me see what I could research more into to help the concept. The Golden Record is already there for me to research and
2 Probes
Crop Circles
Still Going
Communication with Aliens
4 Interstellars
100+ Images
Voyager Mission
Frank Derek
Golden Record
Torchwood The West Wing
Music Arenas Buildings Plants
Countries Nature
Magpie Studios Antoine
Places Video
Jack Hagley
Earth Artefact
Films Star Trek
The X Files
Voice Recording
Carl Sagan
Earth, Wind and Fire 7 Wonders
of the World
Project Plan
Week One
Week Four
• Create a Plan of Action • Create a road map of my ideas relating to the project
• Experimentation with concept three • Develop my experimentation further into final outcome ideas
• Write a response to the brief • Research the Golden Record
Week Two
• Research Communication terrestrials and humans
Week Five
• Artist Research
• Choose a final concept to produce final outcomes from development • Create my final outcome and look to develop other outcomes
• Research further into my concept ideas • Final Production
Week Three
• Choose three final concepts to explore
Week Six
• Refine final outcomes, Research and Development
• Experimental idea generation • Experimentation with concept one • Experimentation with concept two
Earth Artefact The Earth Artefact brief is inspired by
the NASA Voyager mission in 1977. This
materials such as; raw and digital would
was where a “Golden Record” was sent
be helpful to how different techniques
into space to search for other lifeforms
can relate to the theme of the brief.
and show them what planet earth is
For my research as a starting point, I
like. This brief is for me to create my own
am going to look into methodologies
interpretation of the “Golden Record”; I
around the Golden Record. On the
will be able to reproduce the original or
other hand, Youtube is a perfect place
develop my own more contemporary
to start, because of the vast range
version. This can be presented in any
of videos and documentaries on the
format or media channel I would like; I
NASA Mission.
could make a video, posters or a booklet. As for development work, a range
Golden Record In 1977, NASA launched the mission that
from all over the world, music and over
involved a voyager spacecraft being
one hundred images from the earth’s
launched into space. This mission was
life. On the front of the gold plaques
created by astronomers Frank Drake
are the instructions to play it. These are
and Carl Sagan, which was then helped
sealed in gold cases that also contain
make possible by NASA. For the mission
a calling cards for anyone to actually
four interstellar probes were designed
come to earth map to get to earth.
and sent to space. It is know that only two of these probes are in deep space now, with both send images back from their locations. The design of the recordings are golden plated plaques of copper that have installed video discs of voices
On The Phone To ET Throughout time on earth there has been a sense of curiosity from us human beings. A curiosity that nobody knows exists for sure, despite potential sightings and unexplained activity happening to selected people. This curiosity is the existence of extra terrestrials. The last communication attempt made from us was the golden record in 1977. However, there has been other attempts to reach out to other lifeforms beyond our planet. In 1972 and 73, NASA launched what
they called pioneer probes. These probes
Other messages sent from earth have
carried a pioneer plaque, which showed
included the a Arecibo message. This
images of what human males and
message was transmitted in 1974, which
females look like in the nude. Along side
was a pixel image including information
details of the human body, the plaque
from earth. This information consisted
also stated the earth’s positioning in
of the number between one and ten,
the universe for any intelligent life-forms
atomic number for a number of elements
wishing to visit the planet. This plaque
like Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen.
was very similar to the voyager carrying
The human DNA was also explained
the golden record but unlike the 1977
and what makes up us humans. This was
mission, the plaque was more simpler
linked with the figure of a human that
and didn’t use as advanced technology
was communicated once again as in
that was used in the voyager mission.
previous communication attempts.
Golden Record on TV The Golden Record is a big landmark in astronomy history and the memorable event has been recorded through TV programmes and films in their own interpretations. Star Trek;The Motion Picture, is the biggest film to have mentioned
This is expected because the film is set in outer space and is about the starship enterprise’s journey through space with it’s crew. The mention of the golden record works with the setting of the sci-fi film and can be
incorporated very easily. The reference
record by another lifeforms. Other than
to the mission is explored through sci-fi
sci-fi shows, political shows like The West
shows about space and science. Theses
Wing have made episodes around the
shows include The X files, where at the
voyager mission in 2004, to give a different
beginning of an episode the mission is
viewpoint from the President and other
described by one of the characters to
political members. Meanwhile, children’s
set the scene of the episode. Another
TV shows have also made reference to
sci-fi show in Britain called Torchwood
the golden record mission. Pinky and the
gave their own version of the show by
Brain a children’s show had a plot that
creating a storyline, that was about a
Brain planned to steal the golden record
character in the show finding an alien
and change what is on the record to
capsule that played music and was
show Pinky and Brain as the leaders of
thought to be a response to the golden
the world.
Antoine Cornibeau Corbineau is a French multi discipline creative, who has worked intonationally from London, New York and where he is currently working in Nantes, France. His work is very colourful and often strikingly complex. He creates busy patch works of imagery and typography to communicate simple key messages or a brand. Corbineau effectively shares a large amount of hidden information within worlds which are fun and energetic by using illustration. This style has caught the eye of major brands for Corbineau to work for like; Disney, Alfa Romeo, Vanity Fair and many more.
Jack Hagley Jack Hagley is a Graphic Designer who specialises in information graphics and data visualisation. Throughout his career Hagley has had work shown in The Times, The Guardian and Wired. He has also worked for companies as well-known as the BBC, Samsung, Thomas Cook and Nestle. As well as creating work companies he has also created his CV in the style of an information graphic designer, which I think is very unique and creative. The way he has laid out his skills and experiences is a clever way to visualise his attributes.
Hagley’s well-known piece of work is
for Tesco Compare, where the theme
showing what the world is made up of if
was about what music people listen to
the population was a hundred. He has
when they’re driving. This is shown by
taken this information that he had when
a map of Britain with a colour key and
he was a child. He chose one hundred
labels. The information is split up in to
people because it is an easier number
counties and coded to coincide with
to relate information to because of the
the final research recordings.
likes of percentages. The information for this came from a list that was on his fridge when he was a child and he always wanted to create something like he has with it. Other work that Hagley has undertaken includes work
David McCandless Based in London David McCandless
because people have more attention
is a data journalist and information
to look at visual data than looking at
figures as text. This is the way the eye
appeared in over forty publications
works and this is what he also uses to
that include big magazines like Wired.
his advantage in his work, because
data can change a persons mindset
graphics for new directions for his work
once relative figures and other data is
as a journalist to uncover stories in the
data that surrounds us. McCandless uses colour to create shapes and patterns
because, colours that are
shown in this form begin to speak the language of the eye. He does this
Magpie Studio Magpie Studio are an established identity that move seamlessly on air, digitally and on print. They created Channel 4’s animation to advertise their street summer event. For this animation there
street culture and summer, which is shown through the use of a traffic cone transforming into an ice cream. This links well but to add extra emphasis on the communication between the two subjects, the style looks like it is being created by using stencils and actually making the graffiti themselves, filming as a stop-motion. The inspiration of Banksy is shown very clearly because of the graffiti technique.
Aardman Animation Aardman are an animation studio that
this series you can see their past work
create work using stop-motion and are
of Morph is inspiring this work with the
mostly known for creating Wallace and
similar figure and movements that are
Gromit, Chicken Run and the lovable
made. In 2014, Aardman created the
TV character Morph. Apart from stop-
BBC title sequence for the World Cup.
motion the have also created work
This involved using old Subuteo pieces
digitally for the British health campaign
and their journey travelling to the World
Change 4 Life. The animation used
Cup. This is a good link to the football
here can be seen to relate back to their
fans watching the tournament because
famous work because as well as being
the would have most likely played the
digital, some of the campaign adverts
subuteo game as children.
use the clay stop-motion technique that Aardman are known for. Through
Top Trumps Top Trumps are the biggest name
began to include celebrities, books
the card is split into two columns where
card, whereas the back casing is the
and film characters. In the present
on one side there is some background
same colour as the main colour used
games. The game was big in Britain
today everything and everyone can
information about what or who is in the
on the themed cards. This also has an
around the 1970s and 80s, mostly with
and has been made into top trumps.
image, whilst on the opposing side there
embossing of the Top Trumps logo which
the younger male generation. This
is five categories with numerical answers
is located above the cards where there
was down to the topics that were
themes to go along with the original
which are then used to compare during
is a hook for the case, which is used for
used, related to boys more like military
themed game. The design of the card
the game. Depending on the theme of
the presentation in a store.
weapons and cars etc. However
game is the same through out every
the cards these could include anything
during 1999 the rights of the game were
theme. The basic design is having
from a persons date of birth, age, height,
bought by another company who
an image of a person, character or
weight or a rating between 1 and 10
brought the game back but with more
object taking up the majority of the top
or 1 and 100. The cards are presented
diverse topics to expand their market
half of the card with the name of the
in a plastic casing where the front is
to all ages and genders. These topics
person, object etc. Then underneath
clear for the audience to see the title
Leaflets One of my concepts include creating
again to make four columns each side
a leaflet that will advertise the Earth’s
of a page. Through my research I have
places and sights. I have chosen to do
seen other approaches using A4. This
more primary research by going out
has included using the two examples
and collecting different leaflets, with
I’ve given by folding in half then one
their content and their presentation.
of the sides is folded again to give two
I have tried to use different variations
columns on one side and to show the
of sizes like, A4 folded, single A5
special offers constantly. Another way
flyers and other ways of folding to
is creating a single column so that the
create columns and layout. The
folding isn’t half of the page This again
most common use style for leaflets is
shows off information constantly from
A4paper folded in half which makes
the first glance to once opened up to
a 4 page A5 book or when it is folded
entice the audience.
Primary Research One of my concepts is to create an
want to find out instead of a different
information graphic piece, however I
variation. The information I wanted to
don’t have the data that is needed for
find out was peoples different beliefs
one. This got me thinking and instead
with religion, Santa Claus, UFOs/alien
of scouring the internet and books for
life and their superstitions. I created a
this data that may not even be up to
survey made up of ten questions that
date yet; I thought about creating a
I passed around my flatmates and
survey for people to answer and give
neighbours, I also had made the survey
me their views. This was me collecting
online so I posted links in different social
my own data that I could use in my
media groups to get a wider range of
concept piece. For me this would be
answers. In the end I ended up with sixty
helpful because the information is all
one responses which is a vast number
brand new and is specified to what I
of feedback that I can work with.
Concept One -People My first concept is about people. After
German, Spanish etc. and to also use
all the Golden Record is about the
that to demonstrate different ethnicities
human race and shows how we live.
and religions. I think it would also be a
If an extraterrestrial life form is show
good idea to show not just the leaders
the way to come to a planet but not
of the world but the well-known faces
know who has sent the message, it will
of the earth like celebrities who are
become very suspicious and it will be
seen in a good light such as; David
sense of stepping into the unknown;
Beckham, Morgan Freeman, Katy Perry
unaware of our intentions of peace
etc. However, presenting celebrities
could be seen as an intent of danger.
who are seen in a bad way adds a little
To talk about our life and the people
humour to this idea but also would help
that are in it is to show these intelligent
the “aliens� to know who to keep away
lifeforms who to go to first so the leaders
from. These people would include ISIS,
of the world, Presidents, Prime Ministers,
Vladamir Putin, Luis Suarez, Justin Bieber,
Kings and Queens. To communicate
Miley Cyrus.
with these people is helpful to speak their language. e.g. English, French
My final ideas for this concept so far
to avoid them or not, their ethnicity/
are a series of posters. This would be
place of origin, profession and age.
posters similar to wanted posters for
This information will also be presented
the bad people but more along the
with small background information
lines of “Keep Away” and “Avoid”;
and their achievements and role in the
Where as for the good it would be
“Welcome to Earth”, “Meet” or “Visit” the leaders and other good people. Meanwhile, another idea I have is to make top trumps of the earth. On each card there will be an image of a person and the information will show what language they speak, whether
Concept Two - Places My second concept is about places,
earth and advertising our planet as a
history as a planet and evolution over
singling out landmarks as well and
holiday destination. I would be focusing
millions of years. If I haven’t hinted
countries and continents. This a almost
on cities with London, New York, Tokyo,
already enough, my main idea with
like a way to communicate look at
Rome and Dubai etc. but the earth isn’t
this concept is to to advertise the earth
our planet and the must see places if
just made up of cities, there is Oceans,
like a holiday destination. I am going
you were here in one day. Let’s face
and Deserts, Rainforests as well natural
to produce a leaflet with a general
it if aliens came to earth, they will be
areas that are not just good experiences
over view which then could turn into
in a different environment, everything
to be there but also help us in the way
one for each sub-category like the 7
is new and different. We can relate to
we live and treat ourselves in health.
wonders, cities, rainforests etc. This idea
that when we go on holiday, earth is
This is why mentioning the 7 wonders
could also be presented in posters or a
practically a holiday destination for life
of the world would be another great
brochure as well.
from other planets. This makes showing
way of showing what a great world we
our landmarks off a way of selling the
live in but its is also communicating our
Concept Three - Technology Everyone knows that we now live in a
helping ourselves. The internet, the
digital era, one where technology has
biggest difference in humanity right
taken over. This is different from when
now. People can’t go anywhere without
the Voyager mission was launched,
it now, not 10 minutes on a bus without
which means that the aliens would
using a bus’ free wifi or using their 3G/4G
expect 1977 when they arrive but in
mobile data. However, no matter how
fact they will see an age of technology
annoying it can be to others it does help
with computers, mobile phones and
us. Getting directions when we are lost
selfie sticks. Not being told by this
and have no map, staying connected
digital world we now live in it could
with people who are in other countries
easily be seen as an untrustworthy
or places far from home and also less
sign along with a sign of attack, when
time consuming like shopping so theres
really us humans see it as a way of
more time to do other things. People
do mistreat this luxury but it does help
planet. The best way for me to show
make our lives easier. The technology
this I think is an animation video. This
in hospitals is now unbelievable, from
would include the best way to show
days where the littlest thing could be
connectivity on a social basis across
fatal is now treated within seconds.
the world and be easier to show the
Deadly illnesses like diabetes and
digital age through visual imagery.
cancer can be detected at early stages and be treated for immediately for the best chance of survival. For this concept I want to show the benefits of technology to us without it we may not be here to talk to the aliens themselves, they could’ve been visiting an empty
Concept Four - Beliefs This concept I think is my strongest idea
and some maybe more creative with
to move forward at the minute, which
their beliefs like and invisible friend
is about humans beliefs. We all believe
when they was a child or to a religious
in something, from UFOs, Santa Claus
belief that was taught to them from a
or even Ghosts. The biggest beliefs
religious book e.g. Bible or the Quran. A
humans have is religion. All across the
lot of beliefs are surrounded by holidays,
world Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism,
for example Christmas and Easter. both
Silkhism, Buddaism and Islam are wildly
are religious holidays but for children
who are not religious, these are holidays
country and family background people
where Santa Claus or Father Christmas
are from. With these beliefs everyone
brings them presents for being good
is different and thats what is important
during the year and Easter is where the
to get across that everyone is different
Easter bunny brings chocolate eggs.
As well as these beliefs wishes are big
holidays and wish making as well as
beliefs as wishing wells where people
paranormal i.e UFOs and Ghosts. This
throw coins in and make a wish hoping
will give the aliens an understanding of
it will come true. This is similar to the
of what people believe but also show
birthday wish when whoever’s birthday
them that not everyone beliefs that
it is blows out the candles and once
they are real which could spark an
they have cut the cake for the first time
unexpected reaction when they land
they make a wish to hope it comes
to some people.
true. For my final idea, I am going to produce a series of info graphics using my own primary data on peoples own beliefs. I will be splitting them up in different categories like, religion,
Idea One For my concept of people, I came
that to “avoid” or “visit” depending
up with two designs to show who the
on the famous person I am using
famous people of the world are. I
in the poster. On the other hand, I
wanted to show the people who do
wanted to use the same idea of
good and bad in the world, so I could
visit and avoid but communicate
show extra terrestrials who haven’t
it through information card similar
been to our world who to avoid and
to top trumps. This was so that my
who to see. My design for this would be
target audience would know what
a wanted poster style where Instead of
the famous person is like and which
using the text of “wanted” and change
language they can speak to them.
Idea Two The best way I believed to advertise the earths places was by creating a leaflet. I sketched out two leaflet designs with one being an A5, four page leaflet and the other being A3 sized folded up into four columns on both sides. I wanted to include continents and major cities, as well as the 7 wonders of the world, with background on oceans, rainforests and deserts. I wanted the leaflet to advertise planet earth and show off what we have to offer if our world was looked at from a tourist point of view.
Idea Three In the modern era we are in now,
This point would be made best through
technology has taken over our lives
a video that explains the technology
and it is something we now rely on in
and the way it effects our body
everyday society. I wanted to use this
language. This is so that I could go into
concept because it is the present.
more detail than a poster, explaining
People walk down the street holding a
that if someone is on their own they
mobile phone cheching social media
would randomly take out their phone
or the news. I used this to then think
and check the web so they look busy
about how this would look to someone
for example.
who didn’t know anything about the technology that we use and us as species.
Idea Four This is a concept that I am most please with, simply because everyone has their own beliefs and superstitions that give me a vast market to work in for ideas within beliefs. There is so many beliefs like the existance of aliens, peoples religions,
superstitions as well. This is a concept that will work best through information graphics. I believe this because I can go out an collect my own research about what peoples beliefs throughout their life and then create my own info graphic using the data I have found.
Information Cards
Information Graphics
Information Leaflet
Final Outcome For my final piece, I choce to go with the
Included in the leaflet I have opened
concept of places on earth. I wanted
with a message from us humans
to talk about the places that call Earth
welcoming the aliens to our planet
home,and show the world off like it is a
and that we mean no harm to them.
tourist attraction. I thought about what
This is then followed up by seven small
the Earth would be percieved as to extra
abstracts about each of the seven
terrestrials. It would be a new place to
wonders of the world, as they are some
go and I thought about relating that to
of the worlds interesting places to visit.
us, in which I came up with the idea of
This then opens out to reveal a map of
creating a leaflet advertising the world
the world, which shows the continents,
and our main visiting attractions.
major cities and landmarks.
Sources Here are all of the sources I have used that are not my own work. With the project being about the earth, I couldn’t go out and take photographs of the earth from space or other landmarks. I have used a number of these sources more than once through the project for images, facts and general research information.