LUCUS research tackles complex issues such as governance, equity, and social justice, in relation to climate, land, urban, energy and biodiversity. Our work engages with normative and value-based issues and future well-being and equity.
Our approach is collaborative and we often co-design our research together with actors outside of academia. We engage with both critical and problem-solving approaches and we do our research on both local, national and at global levels. LUCSUS research is organised under five overarching themes:
• Climate Change and Resilience
• Land Use, Governance and Development
• Urban Governance and Transformation
• Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management
• Energy Justice and Sustainability of Energy Systems
In 2023, we began work to identify key research areas under our themes, to improve the visibility of LUCSUS research and researchers, and to consolidate some of our larger research projects under common areas, and in line with similar work at Lund University. Some examples include loss and damage, mindsets and behaviour, negative emissions, perennial agriculture, rural transformations and biocultural diversity and environmental justice.
LUCSUS secured research funding for several research projects, including the flagship European Research Council Advanced Grant, that aims to do research on perennial agriculture. Other examples are WaterWarmth, a project which aims to study and facilitate communities that are delivering energy transitions in the heating and cooling sector focusing on aquathermal energy in the North Sea Region. LUCSUS also received funding, together with Uppsala University and RISE to establish a virtual Swedish Centre for Impacts of Climate Extremes, a new platform for research and training to study climate extremes and support societal resilience.
Our Environment Is:
Open, Collaborative and Empowering
Our Perspectives Are:
Bold, Creative and Challenging
We Strive To: Bridge Boundaries, Illuminate Possibilities and Catalyse Change
We Act With: Integrity, Hope, and Joy
100 master students
30+ researchers and teachers
1000+ alumni from 100 countries
50+ partners from 25 countries
Highlights from the year – in research, policy and engagement
In 2023, LUCSUS researchers organised, and took part in, a number of different scientific conferences, seminars, reports, policy processes and outreach events. The breath of scientific activities, involving stakeholders from organisations at different national and international levels, highlight how LUCSUS’ research and researchers are making a continuous impact within as well as beyond academia, striving to catalyse change and transformations in relation to material limits in the biosphere.
The five largest financiers
The Swedish Energy Agency
On the first day of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28, in UAE, a formal decision was taken to establish a loss and damage fund to support developing countries to deal with loss and damage from climate change. The decision was the end of a long journey for people and organisations, as well as many LUCSUS researchers, who have worked to include loss and damage from climate change in the COP climate agreements, and for the COP to formally recognise that vulnerable countries must be compensated for the negative effects of climate change.
– Exactly how we define loss and damage from climate change will be important for how the support will be paid out. From civil society, they want this to be defined at the local level, and that different groups can identify what they see as the biggest damages, rather than it being determined by other actors, says professor Emily Boyd.
LUCSUS researchers participated and organised events at COP28 related to loss and damage from climate change, including ecological loss and damage, and inner transformations.
COP meetings organised in way that benefits richer, more powerful countries
Ahead of COP28, LUCSUS communicated a research paper by LUCSUS PhD student Lina Lefstad. It outlines how the COP meetings are organised in a way that benefit richer, more powerful countries, at the expense of more vulnerable, less developed countries. The study received extensive national and international coverage.
– Our analysis clearly shows that some groups are not heard or represented. The very structure of the COPs makes it almost impossible for smaller countries to voice their interests, since they are not able to be present in all the parallel negotiations”, says Lina Lefstad.
Delegates pictured during COP28 in UAE.
45 000 35 000 25 000 40 000 30 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 External funding Government funding 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
EU-funds Swedish Resarch Council FORTE Funding over time
Insights from
UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2023
Professor Emily Boyd participated in an event organised by UNEP which reflected on key insights from the UNEP Adaptation GAP Report 2023. It highlighted the importance of increasing adaptation effectiveness, while assessing progress in global adaptation efforts, reducing loss and damage, and evaluating the current adaptation finance gap.
The report included, for the first time, a chapter on climate-related loss and damage, co-authored by Emily Boyd.
Africa Loss and Damage Action Network
At COP28, LUCSUS organised meetings between researchers in the Africa Loss and Damage Action Network. The network is comprised of scholars from across Africa working on climate, development, and vulnerability to engage with and discuss current knowledge gaps and future directions on loss and damage from climate change.
The European Research Council’s (ERC) mission is to promote research of the highest quality through extensive and long-term funding. The grants are applied for in international competition with scientific excellence as the only selection criterion. Advanced Grants (AdG) are valid for a maximum of five years, and 2.5 million euros, and will enable the researchers to explore their most innovative and ambitious ideas.
Lennart Olsson is was one of three Lund University researchers to receive the grant in 2023 – for research on perennials. His project, entitled: PERENNIAL/Is there a PERENNIAL future of agriculture, aims to investigate opportunities and obstacles for a future transition to an agriculture based on completely new perennial crops.
– It is about fundamentally changing our entire food system, and thus contributing to a new agricultural revolution. For 10,000 years our food has come from annual crops, even though they cause or contribute to many of the problems agriculture struggles with such as erosion, nutrient leakage, greenhouse gas emissions, high costs and vulnerability to climate change. With perennial crops, we can solve almost all of these challenges. It is also a way to change agriculture in a direction back towards a functioning ecosystem, says professor Lennart Olsson.
Co-Creative Reflection & Dialogue Space (CCRDS)
LUCSUS professor Chrisitne Wamsler was part of the Co-Creative Reflection & Dialogue Space (CCRDS) at COP28. The Co-Creative Reflection & Dialogue Space (CCRDS) is a transdisciplinary intervention for research and transformation at the COP. The aim was to strengthening relations for climate action at COP28.
Post-COP28 webinar: what happened (or not) at COP28?
LUCSUS researchers Lina Lefstad and Guy Jackson participated in an event organised by LUCSUS, Lund Sustainability Forum, and Hållbart universitet to reflect, and critically discuss, final outcomes and agreements at COP28.
LUCSUS participated and organised many events at Sustainability Week, an annual event in Lund organised as a joint venture by Lund University and Lund municipality. The week serves as a platform for bringing together ideas, for cross-disciplinary collaborations, for raising public awareness and for inspiring sustainable change.
Breakfast talk: Klimatforskning och klimatjournalistik – hur gör man?
LUCSUS organised a breakfast talk about climate research and climate journalism. The discussion focused on the role of researchers and journalists in communicating about climate research, and what challenges and responsibilities they have as the climate crisis unfolds. Kimberly Nicholas from LUCSUS was one of the speakers, together with journalists and activists.
Music for the climate
As part of this project, a unique research infrastructure has been developed outside Lund. The infrastructure will measure the exchange of greenhouse gases between the atmosphere and agriculture in real time in two parallel cultivation systems: the newly domesticated Kernza (Intermediate wheatgrass) and conventional crop rotation in Skåne (including wheat, sugar beet, barley and rapeseed).
Lennart Olsson
Music for the climate combines live music and speech to present facts and theories in climate and sustainability research in an unconventional way. The Academy of Music in Malmö’s big band provided the music, and students from LUCSUS guided the audience through the performance.
Music for the climate is a project run by composer and music teacher Claus Sörensen from Malmö Academy of Music and LUCSUS researcher Sara Brogaard.
Climate action and litigation in and beyond the courts – how Aurora sued the Swedish state LUCSUS reseachers organised a panel debate with participants from the youth organisation Aurora who sued the Swedish state for insufficient climate action. By discussing the Aurora-case with its protagonists, and drawing from recent research at Lund University, the event aimed to deepen the understanding of climate litigation from both the perspective of the courtroom and of the streets.
Exhibition and film screening: The world is burning 2.0 + Paradise
LUCSUS researcher Mine Islar participated in an event to present the photographic exhibition “Wildfires in the Anthropocene”, which explores different aspects of wildfires or their aftermaths from various parts of the world. The presentation was followed by a screening of Alexander Abaturov´s documentary film Paradise.
Mine Islar, together with Utku Kuran, also produced a documentary on wildfires in Mediterranean Turkey: Beyond the flames: effects of wildfires in the Mediterranean Turkey. It reveals how local communities' everyday lives are affected by wildfires, in terms of loss of livelihoods. The film brings local narratives into the fore by illuminating the agency of forest villagers to respond and prevent wildfires. The film also sheds light on past and present local experiences and put emphasis on the challenges that local communities face after wildfires.
Breakfast talk: New narratives, the role of arts in the climate crisis
LUCSUS researcher Diego Galafassi participated in a breakfast seminar together with artist Emilia Bergmark, where they discussed the role artistic practises can play in ongoing global crises such as climate change and biodiversity loss, and how art and science can connect.
Participants and audience pictured during the breakfast talk on climate research and journalism.
Participants pictured during the discussion on climate litigation in Sweden at Lund City Library.
The infrastructure that will measure greenhouse gases.
In 2009, LUCSUS became the Right Livelihood College’s first European partner campus.
Established in 1980, Right Livelihood honours and supports courageous people solving global problems. Housed under the umbrella of a foundation, Right Livelihood is a courage-powered community for social change committed to peace, justice and sustainability for all.
LUCSUS was part of co-organising two Right Livelihood events during 2023.
A Right Livelihood College Lund Dialogue: Freedom From Violence Through Education
LUCSUS co-organised a dialogue on human rights education, the environment, and the prevention of violence against children, with Right Livelihood Award laureate Marthe Wandou. The other co-organising partners were Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Global Campus for Human Right, Earth Trusteeship Working Group, and the Lund University Profile Area: Human Rights.
Climate protection and nuclear abolition: Hope from the International Court of Justice Right Livelihood Award Laureate Alyn Ware and other leading experts on international law, peace, climate justice, human rights and social movements came to LUCSUS for a seminar on climate protection and nuclear abolition.
LUCSUS researchers participated in and contributed to Lund University’s research conference, Knowledge for Sustainable Development, this year with a focus on societal impact. The conference is aimed at all researchers at Lund University who want to increase their knowledge about the challenges that lie ahead, learn how their research can contribute to change, and strengthen their contacts with researchers from other disciplines.
Professor Christine Wamsler is co-coordinating the new Existential Resilience Collaboration Initiative, ERiCi, at Lund University. It aims to explore methods that support meaning-making and strengthen our inner resilience in education and practice – through contemplation, aes-
thetics and compassion. The ERiCi initiative is rooted in international research and work being done at the Faculties of Social Sciences, Medicine, Fine and Performing Arts, and the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology at Lund University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
In a unique study covering 49 deltas globally, Murray Scown from LUCSUS and researchers from Utrecht University identified the most critical risks to deltas in the future. The research shows that deltas face multiple risks, and that population growth and poor environmental governance might pose bigger threats than climate change to the sustainability of Asian and African deltas, in particular. The study received international coverage, and Murray Scown published an article about the research in The Conversation.
COUNTRIES’ CLIMATE STRATEGIES INCLUDE LARGE LEVELS OF RESIDUAL EMISSIONS AND RELY ON UNSUSTAINABLE CARBON REMOVAL Researcher Wim Carton co-authored an international study reviewing 50 countries’ long-term climate strategies. It shows that countries calculate their residual emissions differently and that current climate strategies include significant levels of residual emissions – making society dependent on unsustainable and unfeasible large-scale carbon removal technologies.
In connection to it being 70 years since Mount Everest was climbed for the first time, LUCSUS researcher Mine Islar highlighted how glacial melt not only threatens the tourism industry in the region, but the livelihoods of over a billion people depending on the Himalayas for water, in an article for the Lund University newsletter Apropå. The article has been read 700 times in 2023, making it one of the hundred most read articles on the Lund University website for the year.
LUCSUS researcher Emma Johansson participated in the research presentation competition Forskar Grand Prix in Helsingborg. It is a competition where researchers present their research in a way that is as engaging and easy to understand as possible – in only four minutes. She, along with seven other researchers, presented to an audience of 150 high school students. Her presentation focused on future visioning, arts-based practices and sustainable agriculture.
PhD Programme in Sustainability Science
LUCSUS PhD programme continues to grow year on year and attracts talented PhD candidates from diverse background across the globe, who are committed to produce cutting-edge research that addresses critical societal questions.
In 2023, we welcomed four new PhD candidates to LUCSUS, and our programme now comprises 16 students, working across a range of projects, including negative emissions, glacierized environments, power and adaptation, loss and damage and sustainable agriculture.
Our PhD programme was evaluated by an external expert group, led by Anders Hansson, senior associate professor at Linköping University. The group identified several key strengths of the programme, integral for supporting the success in reaching learning outcomes and qualitative results, including: a thorough recruitment process, a robust seminar culture, a good integration of PhD students at LUCSUS, and an international and pluralistic research environment.
LUCSUS and its PhD progamme have a high international profile, high level of internationalization and diversity of both staff members and PhD students, and a focus on academically and societally relevant perspectives in critical social sciences, including political ecology, climate resilience, energy transitions, and environmental justice, as well as a search for novel perspectives to issues of sustainability and sustainable development. / From the report by the expert group.
In 2023, five of our PhD students had different milestones seminars, including first year seminars: Lina Lefstad, Jonas Allesson, Juan Samper and Carlos Velez, and final seminars: Darin Wahl. The seminars are an opportunity for the students to get important input for their future research, and final comments ahead of finalising their thesis.
Darin Wahl defended his thesis, entitled: Experimenting with sustainability transformations: A study of Urban Living Labs in the food, water and energy nexus. He concludes that transdisciplinary sustainability research is an embodied practice, where it is more than just a methodological approach but akin to an identity with associated values and practices. The relevance of this work reaches into spaces of collaboration and negotiation for small or broad sustainability change, where sustainability requires us not only to do differently but also to be different.
Many of our PhD students organised workshops to gather data, or to share their results with key stakeholders. Kelly Dorkenoo organised a workshop with 30 different actors in the Ratanakiri province in Cambodia to discuss the results of her research. The research was well received, and attendees included representatives from provincial authorities, non-governmental organisations and villagers. Juan Samper held a workshop in Colombia with indigenous communities in Mocoa, focusing on decolonized and decolonizing feminist methods that prioritizes the body over national, official space and accounts and is used to denounce for example gender-based violence.
LUCSUS had one visiting PhD candidate during 2023, Jesper Lee Jyderup, based at the University of Copenhagen. His research is focused on the shaping, unfolding and implications of the green transition.
LUCSUS researchers launched two new PhD courses which are open to all PhD students across Lund University. They are entitled: Rural Transformations and Social Movements in the 21st Century (7.5 credits), and Degrowth and Sustainability Pathways (5 credits). The first course is organised by LUCSUS in collaboration with the Department of Human Geography at Lund University, the Department of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University, and the Right Livelihood Foundation, whereas the second course is a collaboration between LUCSUS and the Lund University Agenda 2030 graduate school.
LUCSUS PhD students photographed in LUCSUS' garden.
PhD student Lina Lefstad is holding part of her first-year seminar outside LUCSUS due to a fire drill.
Darin Wahl pictured during the defense of his thesis.
New PhD candidates in 2023
Carmen Margiotta is a PhD student in the project, NATURICE, Changing social and cultural values of nature: Exploring plural values of human-nature relationships in glacierized environments. Her research revolves around the intersection of environmental and epistemic justice, emphasizing the subjective experiences of climate change.
Sahana Subramanian is a PhD student in the project, NATURICE, Changing social and cultural values of nature: Exploring plural values of humannature relationships in glacierized environments. She studies ‘growth’ and ‘development’ as aspects of changing societal-glacier interactions in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region, especially in India and Nepal.
Staff in 2023
Anne Jerneck
Anna Tengberg
Christine Wamsler
Emily Boyd
Lennart Olsson
Barry Ness
Emilia Granslandt is a PhD student in the project ICARUS, Illuminating power dynamics in cross-scale adaptation for more resilient and just futures. Her PhD research focuses specifically on local climate change adaptation in Skåne, Sweden.
Valentina Lomanto is a PhD student in the project Environmental Human Rights Defenders – Change Agents at the Crossroads of Climate change, Biodiversity and Cultural Conservation. She is interested in understanding and supporting the role of Environmental Human Rights Defenders of the Colombian Amazon rainforest as agents of transformation towards sustainability from an intersectional decolonial perspective.
Karin Steen
Kimberly Nicholas
Mine Islar
Sara Brogaard
Sara Gabrielsson
Torsten Krause
Wim Carton
Bregje van Veelen
Murray Scown
Barbara Schröter
Chad Boda
Diego Galafassi
Ellinor Isgren
Elina Andersson
Henner Busch
Maja Essebo
Maryam Nastar
Sinem Kavak
Timothy Eric Hoddy
Altaaf Mechiche-Alami
David O’Byrne
David Harnesk
Ebba Brink
Emma Johansson
Guy Jackson
Joshua Garland
Inge-Merete Hougaard
Rebecca Laycock Pedersen
Salvatore Paolo de Rosa
Alicia N’Guetta
Bernard Ekumah
Carlos Vélez
Carmen Margiotta
Darin Wahl
Emilia Ganslandt
Fabiola Espinoza Cordova
Jonas Allesson
Juan Antonio Samper
Kelly Dorkenoo
Lina Lefstad
Michaelin Sibanda
Natalia Rubiano Rivadeneira
Ronald Byaruhanga
Sahana Subramanian
Sara Ullström
Valentina Lomanto
Anika Binte Habib
Ellen Lycke
Gustav Osberg
Mark Connaughton
Michael Reck
Utku Kuran
Ann Åkerman, Deputy Director
Amanda Elgh, Student Coordinator
Cecilia Kardum Smith, HR
Charlotta Kjöllerström, Project Coordinator
Joyce Soo, Project Coordinator
Stefan Vesshult, Financial Officer
Ulrike Krantz, Project Coordinator
Cecilia von Arnold, Communications Officer
Noomi Egan, Communications Officer
LUCSUS staff pictured during a tour of Botan in summer 2023.
Publications in 2023
Berbés-Blázquez, M., Cook, E. M., Grimm, N. B., Iwaniec, D. M., Mannetti, L. M., Muñoz-Erickson, T. A., & Wahl, D. (2023). Assessing resilience, equity, and sustainability of future visions across two urban scales. Sustainability Science, 18(6), 2549-2566.
Berthod, O., Blanchet, T., Busch, H., Kunze, C., Nolden, C., & Wenderlich, M. (2023). The Rise and Fall of Energy Democracy: 5 Cases of Collaborative Governance in Energy Systems. Environmental Management, 71(3), 551-564. Advance online publication.
Blomgren, J., Gabrielsson, S., Erlandsson, K., Wagoro, M. C. A., Namutebi, M., Chimala, E., & Lindgren, H. (2023). Maternal health leaders’ perceptions of barriers to midwife-led care in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Somalia, and Uganda. Midwifery, 124, Article 103734.
Brink, E., Vargas, A. M., & Boyd, E. (2023). Weapons of the vulnerable? A review of popular resistance to climate adaptation. Global Environmental Change, 80, Article 102656. gloenvcha.2023.102656
Buck, H. J., Carton, W., Lund, J. F., & Markusson, N. (2023). Why residual emissions matter right now. Nature Climate Change, 13(4), 351-358. Advance online publication.
Buramuge, V. A., Ribeiro, N. S., Olsson, L., Bandeira, R. R., & Lisboa, S. N. (2023). Tree Species Composition and Diversity in Fire-Affected Areas of Miombo Woodlands, Central Mozambique. Fire, 6(1), Article 26.
Buramuge, V. A., Ribeiro, N. S., Olsson, L., & Bandeira, R. R. (2023). Exploring Spatial Distributions of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Fire-Affected Areas of Miombo Woodlands of the Beira Corridor, Central Mozambique. Fire, 6(2), Article 77.
Busch, H., Radtke, J., & Islar, M. (2023). Safe havens for energy democracy? Analysing the low-carbon transitions of Danish energy islands. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 33(2), 227-251. Advance online publication.
Busch, H., Ramasar, V., Avila, S., Roy, B., Mandinic, A., Van Ryneveld, T., & Brandstedt, E. (2023). Mining coal while digging for justice: Investigating justice claims against a coal-phase out in five countries. The Extractive Industries and Society, 15, Article 101275.
Byaruhanga, R., & Isgren, E. (2023). Rethinking the Alternatives: Food Sovereignty as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Food Security. Food Ethics, 8(2), Article 16.
Carton, W., Hougaard, I-M., Markusson, N., & Lund, J. F. (2023). Is carbon removal delaying emission reductions? Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 14(4). Advance online publication. https://doi. org/10.1002/wcc.826
Cayan, D. R., DeHaan, L., Tyree, M., & Nicholas, K. A. (2023). A 4-week advance in the growing season in Napa Valley, California, USA. International Journal of Climatology, 43(12), 5586-5603. Advance online publication.
Collste, D., Aguiar, A. P. D., Harmácˇková, Z. V., Galafassi, D., Pereira, L. M., Selomane, O., & van Der Leeuw, S. (2023). Participatory pathways to the Sustainable Development Goals: inviting divergent perspectives through a cross-scale systems approach. Environmental Research Communications, 5(5), Article 055014.
Eadson, W., & van Veelen, B. (2023). Green and just regional path development. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 10(1), 218-233.
Erlwein, S., Meister, J., Wamsler, C., & Pauleit, S. (2023). Governance of densification and climate change adaptation: How can conflicting demands for housing and greening in cities be reconciled? Land Use Policy, 128, Article 106593.
Fonseca, C., Wood, L. E., Andriamahefazafy, M., Casal, G., Chaigneau, T., Cornet, C. C., Degia, A. K., Failler, P., Ferraro, G., Furlan, E., Hawkins, J., de Juan, S., Krause, T., McCarthy, T., Pérez, G., Roberts, C., Trégarot, E., & O'Leary, B. C. (2023). Survey data of public awareness on climate change and the value of marine and coastal ecosystems. Data in Brief, 47, Article 108924.
Garland, J. (2023). Iconoclash and the climate movement. Visual Studies, 1-12. Advance online publication.
Girma, M., Jerneck, A., & Dejen, A. (2023). Food insecurity experience during climate shock periods and farmers’ aspiration in Ethiopia. Environmental Development, 46, Article 100868. envdev.2023.100868
Harnesk, D., Pascual, D., & Olsson, L. (2023). Compound hazards of climate change, forestry, and other encroachments on winter pasturelands: a storyline approach in a forest reindeer herding community in Northern Sweden. Regional Environmental Change, 23(4), 1.
Harnesk, D. (2023). Strategies of the Sámi movement in Sweden: mobilization around grievances related to the ecological conditions of reindeer pastoralism, 2012–2022. Ecology and Society, 28(4), Article 8. https://
Harnesk, D., & Jakobsen, J. (2023). Public contestations against the disturbance, degradation, and destruction of Sámi pastoral landscapes in northern Sweden. Journal of Rural Studies, 104, 1-13. Article 103162.
Hegelund, F. M., Vintov, K., & Hougaard, I-M. (2023). Når forandringens vinde blæser over det åbne land: Fortællinger og landmandsfrihed i den grønne omstilling. Tidsskriftet Antropologi, 2023(86), 43.
Himes, A., Muraca, B., Anderson, C. B., Anthayde, S., Beery, T., Cantú-Fernández, M., González-Jiménez, D., Gould, R. K., Hejnowicz, A. P., Kenter, J., Lenzi, D., Murali, R., Pascual, U., Raymond, C., Ring, A., Russo, K., Samakov, A., Stålhammar, S., Thorén, H., & Zent, E. (2023). Why nature matters: A systematic review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values. BioScience, 1-19. Advance online publication. https://doi. org/10.1093/biosci/biad109
Hoddy, E., & Gray, J. (2023). Human rights leadership in challenging times: an agenda for research and practice International Journal of Human Rights, 27(4), 635-658.
Hougaard, I. M. (2023). Rural precarity: relational autonomy, ecological dependence and political immobilisation in the agro-industrial margin. Journal of Peasant Studies, 50(6), 2437-2456. Advance online publication.
Islar, M., & Van Ryneveld, T. (2023). Coloniality as a Barrier to Climate Action: Hierarchies of Power in a Coal-Based Economy. Antipode, 55(3), 958-981. Advance online publication.
Ives, C. D., Schäpke, N., Woiwode, C., & Wamsler, C. (2023). IMAGINE sustainability: integrated inner-outer transformation in research, education and practice. Sustainability Science, 18(6), 2777-2786. Advance online publication.
Jackson, G., N'guetta, A., De Rosa, S. P., Scown, M., Dorkenoo, K., Chaffin, B. C., & Boyd, E. (2023). An emerging governmentality of climate change loss and damage. Progress in Environmental Geography, 2(1-2), 3357. Advance online publication.
Jackson, G. (2023). Environmental subjectivities and experiences of climate extreme-driven loss and damage in northern Australia. Climatic Change, 176(7), Article 93.
Jackson, G. (2023). More-than-climate temporalities of loss and damage in Australia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113(10), 2359-2375. Advance online publication. 4694452.2023.2223611
Johansson, E., Martin, R., & Mapunda, K. M. (2023). Participatory future visions of collaborative agroecological farmer-pastoralist systems in Tanzania. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 47(4), 548-578. Advance online publication.
Jolivet, D., Fransen, S., Adger, W. N., Fábos, A., Abu, M., Allen, C., Boyd, E., Carr, E. R., Codjoe, S. N. A., Gavonel, M. F., Gemenne, F., Rocky, M. H., Lantz, J., Maculule, D., de Campos, R. S., Siddiqui, T., & Zickgraf, C. (2023). COVID-19 responses restricted abilities and aspirations for mobility and migration: insights from diverse cities in four continents. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), Article 250.
Kavak, S. (2023). Cross-class alliances and urban middle classes with peasant characteristics: a historical-spatial approach to agency in territory-based rural mobilisations in Turkey. Journal of Peasant Studies. Advance online publication. http://10.1080/03066150.2023.2259809
Lefstad, L., & Paavola, J. (2023). The evolution of climate justice claims in global climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC. Critical Policy Studies. Advance online publication.
Loos, J., Benra, F., Bérbes-Blázquez, M., Bremer, L. L., Chan, K. M. A., Egoh, B., Felipe-Lucia, M., Geneletti, D., Keeler, B., Locatelli, B., Loft, L., Schröter, B., Schröter, M., & Winkler, K. J. (2023). An environmental justice perspective on ecosystem services. Ambio: a Journal of Human Environment, 52, 477-488. Advance online publication.
Lund, J. F., Markusson, N., Carton, W., & Buck, H. J. (2023). Net zero and the unexplored politics of residual emissions. Energy Research & Social Science, 98(April), Article 103035. erss.2023.103035
Lund Christiansen, K., Hajdu, F., Planting Mollaoglu, E., Andrews, A., Carton, W., & Fischer, K. (2023). “Our burgers eat carbon”: Investigating the discourses of corporate net-zero commitments. Environmental Science and Policy, 142, 79-88.
Mar, K., Schäpke, N., Fraude, C., Bruhn, T., Wamsler, C., Stasiak, D., Schroeder, H., & Lawrence, M. (2023). Learning and community building in support of collective action: Toward a new climate of communication at the COP. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 14(4). Advance online publication.
Mefor, E., Schröter, B., Graef, F., & Delgadillo, E. (2023). A social network analysis to determine success factors of food security innovations in Tanzania. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 15(2), 240-263. Advance online publication.
Mwamlima, P., Mayo, A. W., Gabrielsson, S., & Kimwaga, R. (2023). Potential use of faecal sludge derived char briquettes as an alternative cooking energy source in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Hygiene and Environmental Health Advances, 7, Article 100068.
Nastar, M. (2023). A Critical Realist Approach to Reflexivity in Sustainability Research. Sustainability, 15(3), Article 2685.
Olsson, L., Jerneck, A., Fry, C., & Habib, A. B. (2023). Civil Society and Social Integration of Asylum Seekers: The ‘Strength of Weak Ties’ and the Dynamics of ‘Strategic Action Fields’. Social Sciences, 12(7), Article 403.
Ramstetter, L., Rupprecht, S., Mundaca, L., Osika, W., Stenfors, C. U. D., Klackl, J., & Wamsler, C. (2023). Fostering collective climate action and leadership: Insights from a pilot experiment involving mindfulness and compassion. iScience, 26(3), Article 106191.
Schröter, B., Sattler, C., Metzger, J. P., Rhodes, J. R., Fortin, M-J., Hohlenwerger, C., Carrasco, L. R., & Bodin, Ö. (2023). Exploring the role of boundary work in a social-ecological synthesis initiative. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 13(2), 330-343. Advance online publication. https://doi. org/10.1007/s13412-022-00811-8
Schröter, B., Gottwald, S., Castro-Arce, K., Hartkopf, E., Aguilar-González, B., & Albert, C. (2023). Virtual participatory mapping of nature-based solutions in the Grande de Tárcoles River basin, Costa Rica: Connecting diverse knowledge systems in a context of physical immobility. Science of the Total Environment, 872 , Article 162195.
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Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) is a world class sustainability centre for research, teaching, outreach and impact, where we work to understand, explain, and catalyse social change and transformations in relation to material limits in the biosphere.