突破 英文非選複習講義

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作者簡介 陳 賢 國立高雄師範大學英語教學碩士 曾任小港高中教師 曾任國立屏東商業技術學院兼任講師

陳緻潔 澳洲雪梨大學英語教學碩士 正修科技大學兼任講師

英文非選 複習講義

第 1 章 五大句型

第1章 Unit 1:


S + vi.

(A) S + vi. (rise/fall/rain/...) (B) S + vi. (rise/fall/rain/...) + adv.

Unit 4:

S + vt. + IO + DO

(A) S + vt. (bring/lend/send/...) + IO (sb.) + DO (sth.) (B) S + vt. (bring/buy/cook/...) + IO (sb.) +

Unit 2:

S + vi. + SC

DO (sth.)

(A) S + vi. (be/go/get/...) + SC (adj.) (B) S + vi. (look/sound/smell/...) + SC (adj./like + N)

Unit 5:

S + vt. + O + OC

(A) S + vt. (like/make/find/...) + O + OC (adj.)

(C) S + vi. (lie/sit/die/...) + SC (adj.)

(B) S + vt. (name/find/leave/...) + O + OC (N)

(D) S + vi. (lie/sit/go/...) + SC (V-ing)

(C) S + vt. (let/make/have/...) + O + OC (VR) (D) S + vt. (see/watch/feel/...) + O +

Unit 3:

S + vt. + O

OC (VR/V-ing)

(A) S + vt. + O (N/pron.)

(E) S + vt. (make/have/see/...) + O + OC (p.p.)

(B) S + vt. (enjoy/finish/practice/...) +

(F) S + vt. (want/warn/advice/...) + O +

O (V-ing) (C) S + vt. (want/decide/hope/...) + O (to VR)

OC (to VR) • Review Unit 1-5

(D) S + vt. + O (what/how/when/... + to VR) • Review Unit 1-3


第 1 章 五大句型

Unit 1

S + vi.

(主詞 + 不及物動詞)

句型(A) S + vi. (rise/fall/rain/fly/shine/work/...) • 完全不及物動詞後不接受


• shine-shone-shone

接受詞或補語。 • Leaves fall.(樹葉飄落。)

• fall-fell-fallen 掉落;落下 • fly-flew-flown 飛



• Time flies.(【諺】光陰似箭。) • 太陽正照耀著。 The sun . is shining

句型(B) S + vi. (rise/fall/rain/fly/shine/work/...) + adv. 說

為使句意清楚,可在動詞之後添加副詞,副詞包括簡單副 詞、副詞片語及副詞子句。 • It rained hard in the early morning.

• hard = heavily

(清晨下了一場大雨。) 例 • the sun 是第三人稱單數主

• Tom studied quietly in the library. (湯姆安靜地在圖書館讀書。) • 日出於東而沒於西。


The sun in the east and in the west. rises sets

句子重組 1 1 bloom (v.) 開花 2 blossom (v.)


1 flowers/bloom/and/comes Ö Spring comes and flowers bloom 翻譯填充 2 鳥兒在樹上快樂地歌唱。 sing in Birds merrily the tree.

3 rise = go up 上漲;上升

3 食物的價格因戰爭而上漲。 rise of Food prices because the war. 題組翻譯

4 break out表「發生」,break

4 昨夜發生(break out)火災。


A fire broke out last night.


5 兩人在火災中喪生(be killed)。 Two people were killed in the fire.



第 1 章 五大句型

Unit 2

S + vi. + SC

(主詞 + 不及物動詞 + 主詞補語)

句型(A) S + vi. (be/go/get/run/turn/seem/become/...) + SC (adj./N) 說

明 上列動詞需接形容詞或名詞,補充說明主詞。 • Food goes bad easily in summer. (食物在夏天容易腐壞。)

• run-ran-run 流;跑

• Still waters run deep. (【諺】靜水流深。/大智若愚。) • 最後,約翰成為一位有名的律師。

• famous = well-known

, John At last becomes a famous lawyer. 句型(B) S + vi. (look/sound/smell/taste/feel/...) + SC (adj./like + N) 說

• 不完全不及物動詞後需接 受詞或補語。

明 上列連綴動詞需接形容詞或like + 名詞,補充說明主詞。 • The music sounds sweet to the ear. (這音樂聽起來悅耳。)

• Good medicine tastes bitter.

• bitter (adj.) 苦的

(【諺】良藥苦口。) • 他看起來像是誠實且友善的人。

• 名詞 + ly = 形容詞 → friend + ly = friendly

He an honest and looks like friendly person.

→ love + ly = lovely

句子重組 1 taste/enough/the/good/food Ö Does the food taste good enough


翻譯填充 2 呼吸(breathe)新鮮空氣有益健康。

2 breath (n.) 呼吸

Breathing fresh air is for good health. 3 fly; pass (v.) 流逝

3 時光快速地流逝。他的頭髮已變白。 flies/passes quickly. His hair has turned grey. Time 題組翻譯

4 music (n.) 音樂

4 她的願望是成為一位音樂家。 Her wish was to be/become a musician

. 5 come true; be realized 實現

5 最後, 她的夢想實現了。 In the end, her dream came true/was realized



第 1 章 五大句型

句型(C) S + vi. (lie/sit/die/stay/stand/remain/keep/...) + SC (adj.) 說

明 上列動詞需接形容詞,補充說明主詞。

• the dying 垂死的人

• The musician died young. (這位音樂家英年早逝。)

• single (adj.) 單身的

• Susan remains single all her life. (蘇珊終生未嫁。) • 史蒂芬.賈伯斯曾說過,「求知若飢,為人若愚」。 Steve Jobs once said, “Stay ; stay .” hungry foolish

句型(D) S + vi. (lie/sit/go/come/stand/...) + SC (V-ing) 說

明 上列動詞常接現在分詞,表「正在做……動作」。 • Jane lies on the bed reading a novel.

• lie in bed 臥病在床

(珍躺在床上看小說。) • 1 sit = be seated 2 seat (n.) 座位

• Jack sits on the sofa watching TV. (傑克坐在沙發上看電視。) • 東尼站在那兒思考他的未來。 thinking about Tony stands there his future.

句子重組 1 sing-sang-sung 唱歌

1 home/singing/came/a song/Susan Ö Susan came home singing a song. 翻譯填充

2 1 alone (adj.) 單獨的

2 珍每天都獨自坐在窗邊。

2 lonely (adj.) 孤單的

sits alone Jane by the window every day.

3 everyday (adj.) 每天的

3 妮娜整個晚上都保持沉默。 kept/remained silent Nina all through the night. 題組翻譯

4 看報紙的動詞用read,而 非see。 5 「聽」用listen; 「聽……」用listen to...; 「聽音樂」用listen to music。


4 彼得坐在椅子上看報紙。 Peter sat on the chair reading newspapers


5 瑪莉躺在沙發上聽音樂。 Mary lay on the sofa listening to music


第 1 章 五大句型

Unit 3

S + vt. + O

(主詞 + 及物動詞 + 受詞)

句型(A) S + vt. + O (N/pron.) 1 單數名詞前,需加a或an;複數名詞的字尾需加s或es;表 說

特定的事物,需加the。 2 代名詞當受詞時,應用受格,如:it, us, him, her, them等。 • Mary raises a dog and two cats.

• 1 raise-raised-raised 飼養 2 rise-rose-risen

(瑪莉養了一隻狗和兩隻貓。) 例

• She is a kind girl and we like her.


(她是位善良的女孩,我們喜歡她。) • 光陰很重要;我們必須善用它。

• 片語make good use of中的 use為名詞。

Time is important; we must make good use of . it 句型(B) S + vt. (enjoy/finish/practice/mind/avoid/...) + O (V-ing) 說

明 上列動詞需接動名詞當其受詞。 • The young enjoy using smartphones.

• the young = young people

(年輕人喜歡使用智慧型手機。) • Do you mind turning off the radio for me? 例

• 1 turn off 關掉 2 turn on 打開


• 我弟弟想出國,所以他天天練習說英語。

• go abroad 出國

go abroad My younger brother wants to , so he speaking English every day. practices

句子重組 1 1 teenager (n.) 青少年

1 playing/video games/enjoy/online/Teenagers

2 online (adv.) 線上地

Ö Teenagers enjoy playing video games online. 翻譯填充

2 fish指同一種魚時,單複

2 哈利養許多魚,而且他喜歡釣魚。


keeps and likes/enjoys fishing. Harry a lot of fish, he


3 這女孩每天練習彈鋼琴兩小時。 practices playing the piano for The girl two hours every day.

3 play + 樂器名稱前需加the; play + 運動名稱前則不加


the,如:play the violin;

4 有些人喜歡交各式各樣的朋友。

play soccer。

Some people like making/to make all kinds of friends



5 但我們要避免交到壞朋友。 However, we should avoid making bad friends

4 all kinds of...

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第 1 章 五大句型

句型(C) S + vt. (want/decide/hope/begin/plan/...) + O (to VR) 說

明 上列動詞需接不定詞當其受詞。 • Hank decides to quit the bad habit.

• 1 hobby (n.) 嗜好 2 pastime (n.) 消遣

(漢克決定要戒掉這個壞習慣。) • Sue plans to go to Europe to study music. 例


• 我們一上巴士,就開始下雨了。 got As as we the bus, it on soon began to rain. 句型(D) S + vt. + O (what/how/when/where/who/... + to VR...) 說

明 「疑問詞 + to VR」為名詞片語當受詞。 • She hasn’t decided whom to invite.

• invitation (n.) 邀請

(她還未決定要邀請誰。) • We don’t know how to solve the problem. 例


• 重要的是能給予什麼,而不是得到什麼。

• 可改用子句:what we give; what we get

give The important thing is not what to , what get to .

句子合併 1 not...but...

1 The problem is not what to do.


The problem is how to do it.(用not...but...合併) Ö The problem is not what to do but how to do it. 翻譯填充

2 1 healthy (adj.) 健康的

2 為了保持健康, 我決定過規律的生活。

2 regularly (adv.) 規律地

healthy decide to live/lead a regular life. To keep , I

3 as在此表「當做……」。

3 我不知道該買什麼當做她的生日禮物。 what to as I don’t know buy her birthday present. 題組翻譯 4 我希望能通過考試去當一位廚師(cook)。 I hope to pass the test to be a cook

5 prepare for a test

5 但我不知道該如何去準備(prepare)它。


But I don’t know how to prepare for it


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第 1 章 五大句型

Review Unit 1-3 句子重組 1 alone/can/Man/speak Ö Man alone can speak.

1 1 man 指人類。 2 alone (adv.)

2 leaves/will/some/red/turn Ö In autumn, some leaves will turn red


3 They/walking/became/after/thirsty Ö They became thirsty after walking

for a long time.


2 leaf (n.) 樹葉 3 thirsty (adj.) 渴的

4 A: about/How/a cup/having/of coffee?

4 I’d like to + VR

B: No, thanks. I’d like to have tea.


Ö How about having a cup of coffee? 翻譯填充 5 世界上所有的動物都要睡覺。

5 1 sleepy (adj.) 想睡的

animals in the world . sleep All

2 asleep (adj.) 睡著的 6 saying ; proverb (n.)

6 有句諺語說:「百聞不如一見。」


Seeing is .” believing A saying goes, “ 7 尼克看起來像是一位學者。 looks like Nick a scholar.

8 practice + V-ing 練習……

8 蘇珊每天都練習寫英文。 practices writing English every day. Susan 中英翻譯

9 I don’t care. 我不在乎。

9 A: 你為什麼要幫我? B: 因為我在乎。 A: Why did you help me? B: Because I care.

0 happiness (n.) 幸福;快樂

0 只靠金錢不能買到真正的幸福。 Money alone can’t buy true happiness

. q cooking (n.) 烹飪

q 我的朋友想出國研讀烹飪的藝術。 My friend wants to go abroad to study the art of cooking w Happiness lies in contentment.

. w contentment (n.) 知足

幸福在於知足(知足常樂)。 問答題 e Is learning English boring or interesting?(選擇一項回答)

e boring (adj.) 無聊的

It is boring.或It is interesting.


第 1 章 五大句型

Unit 4

S + vt. + IO + DO

(主詞 + 及物動詞 + 間接受詞 + 直接受詞)


S + vt. (bring/lend/send/show/tell/write/give/...) + IO (sb.) + DO (sth.) = S + vt. (bring/lend/send/show/tell/write/give/...) + DO (sth.) + to + IO (sb.) 因句型(A)和(B)的動詞大多和「授與」有關,所以稱為「授 與動詞」。上列動詞常配合介系詞to。 • Will you lend the dictionary to me?

• lend (v.) 借出 ↔ borrow (v.) 借入

(你可以借我字典嗎?) 例

• Lily writes emails to me every day. (莉莉每天都寫電子郵件給我。) • 愛帶給我們極大的幸福。

• bring-brought-brought 帶來;拿來

Love great happiness us. brings to

句型(B) 說

S + vt. (bring/buy/cook/find/make/leave/save/get/...) + IO (sb.) + DO (sth.) = S + bring/buy/cook/find/make/leave/save/get/...) + DO (sth.) + for + IO (sb.)

明 上列動詞常配合介系詞for。 • They bought a birthday gift for Mary.

• buy-bought-bought 買

(他們買一個生日禮物給瑪莉。) • safe (n.) 保險箱 • leave-left-left 留下

• We must save money for our future. (我們必須為我們的將來存錢。) • 我媽媽每天都留一些食物給流浪貓。 My mother stray cats every day. leaves some food for

句子重組 1 「吃藥」不可用 eat medicine。

1 how to/Mike/taught/take the medicine Ö The nurse taught Mike how to take the medicine


翻譯填充 2 sit down 坐下

2 請坐。讓我泡些咖啡給你喝。 seated make for Please be . Let me some coffee you.

3 anything/something/nothing + adj.

3 一本好書能教我們一些有用的事。 teach something . useful A good book can us 題組翻譯 4 老師教我們如何學好英文。 Our teacher teaches us how to learn English well

5 homework (n.) 作業

5 她也給我們許多家庭作業。 She also gives us a lot of homework


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第 1 章 五大句型

Unit 5

S + vt. + O + OC

(主詞 + 及物動詞 + 受詞 + 受詞補語)

句型(A) S + vt. (like/make/find/keep/think/...) + O + OC (adj.) 說

上列動詞在受詞後可接形容詞當受詞補語,說明受詞的情 況。 • My father likes his coffee strong.

• cybercafé; Internet café 網咖

(我爸爸喜歡喝濃咖啡。) 例

• People find cell phones very useful.

• cell phone; mobile phone 手機

(人們發現手機很有用。) • 我們認為字典是學語言所必需的。

• necessity (n.)

necessary in learning a language. We think the dictionary


句型(B) S + vt. (name/find/leave/choose/select/...) + O + OC (N) 說

上列動詞在受詞後可接名詞當受詞補語,說明受詞的身分或 職稱。 • They named the ship “Mayflower.”

• be named after... 以……命名

(他們將該船命名為「五月花號」。) 例

• We chose Tom chairman of the club.

• choose-chose-chosen 選擇

(我們選湯姆為這個俱樂部的主席。) • fruits指「各種水果」。

• 他們發覺臺灣是水果王國。 They Taiwan the kingdom of . find fruit

句子重組 1 sb. + be unable to + VR

1 makes/sleep/unable/me/to Ö The noise from the traffic makes me unable to sleep



翻譯填充 2 我們發現香港是購物天堂。

2 go shopping; do the shopping

paradise for . shopping We find Hong Kong a


3 冬天的陽光使我們溫暖和舒適。

3 sunlight; sunshine (n.)

makes us warm and . comfortable The sunlight in winter


題組翻譯 4 convenience (n.) 方便

4 人們發覺臉書(Facebook)很方便。 People find Facebook very convenient


5 我們可以稱它為友誼(friendship)的橋梁。 We may call it a bridge of friendship

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第 1 章 五大句型

句型(C) S + vt. (let/make/have/...) + O + OC (VR) • 強迫或要求某人做某事可 使用使役動詞。

使役動詞後的受詞若為「主動發出動作者」,則其後需接原 說

明 形動詞。另外,動詞get也有使役的含意,但其用法為:get + O + to VR。 • What makes you think so? (你為什麼這麼想?)

• She likes to have the house look clean. (她喜歡家裡看起來乾淨。) • 我必須找人來清除垃圾。

• trash; rubbish; garbage (n.)

get to I must someone clean out the trash.


句型(D) S + vt. (see/watch/feel/hear/...) + O + OC (VR/V-ing) 說

感官動詞後接原形動詞,表示受詞「全程做……事情」;若 接現在分詞,則表示受詞「正在做……事情」。 • I saw Jim leave the store with two bottles of Coke. (我看到吉姆拿著兩瓶可口可樂離開那家店。)

• We heard someone calling out for help. (我們聽到有人喊救命。) • 我可以感覺到自己在冷風中顫抖。

• shake; tremble (v.) 顫抖

feel shaking in the cold wind. I could myself

句子合併 1 1 bell (n.) 鐘聲

1 Do you hear something?

2 ring-rang-rung 響

The bell is ringing. Ö Do you hear the bell ringing


翻譯填充 2 so...that...

2 我的家庭作業是如此差,以致於老師要我重做。


had/made me do My homework was so poor that the teacher it again.

3 1 feel-felt-felt 感覺;感到

3 地震發生時,我們感覺房子在震動。

2 shake-shook-shaken 震動

earthquake happened, we felt shaking When the the house . 題組翻譯

4 diligent (adj.) 勤勉的

4 勤勉使我們較容易成功(succeed)。 Diligence makes us succeed more easily


5 但是,懶惰將會使我們失去一切。 However, laziness will make us lose everything



第 1 章 五大句型


S + vt. (make/have/see/feel/hear/watch/find/...) + O + OC (p.p.) 使役動詞及感官動詞後接過去分詞,表示受詞「被……;遭 遇……」等被動的情況。 • Jim’s poor grades make him punished.

• punishment (n.) 處罰

(吉姆的爛成績使他受罰。) 例

• We saw a thief caught by the police.

• catch-caught-caught 抓住

(我們看到一名小偷被警方抓走。) • 我們發現許多流浪動物遭殺害。

• stray animals 流浪動物 (不可用astray animals)

stray killed We find many animals .


S + vt. (want/warn/advise/force/allow/encourage/...) + O +

• advice (n.) 表「忠告」,

OC (to VR)

其為不可數名詞,一則忠 告為a piece of advice。

上列動詞需接不定詞當受詞補語,說明受詞(指某人) 「做……事;去做……事」。 • We don’t allow children to tell lies. (我們不允許小孩說謊。) • The doctor advises him to quit smoking.

• quit + V-ing = give up + V-ing 戒除


• 老師應鼓勵學生多看書。

• 1 discourage (v.)

Teachers should encourage students to read more


2 discourage sb. from + V-ing

. books


句子合併 1 She doesn’t allow something.

1 allow sb. to + VR

People smoke inside her house.(合併成一句)


Ö She doesn’t allow people to smoke inside her house


翻譯填充 2 生病迫使她放棄工作。

2 1 illness; sickness (n.)

forced her to give up Illness working.


2 disease (n.) 疾病

3 你必須使自己受尊敬(respect)。

3 respect = look up to 尊敬

make respected You must yourself . 題組翻譯

4 good修飾名詞;well修飾

4 牙痛使他不能好好工作。 The toothache made him unable to work well



5 因此,醫生建議他把蛀牙(decayed tooth)拔掉(pull out)。 Therefore, the doctor advised him to have the decayed tooth pulled out

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第 1 章 五大句型

Review Unit 1-5 句子重組 1 What/you/come/for/do/here 1 What...for? = Why...? 為什麼…… 2 1 rumor (n.) 謠言 2 turn out to be...

= become... 變成……

Ö What do you come here for? 2 The rumor/turned out/has/true/to be Ö The rumor has turned out to be true. 3 learn/must/to/how/swim Ö You must learn how to swim


4 me/where/find/to/show Ö Please show me where to find


5when/there/closed/I/the store/got Ö I found the store closed when I got there


翻譯填充 6 prevent sb. from + V-ing

6 壞天氣使我們無法出發。

= make sb. unable to VR

prevented us from starting Bad weather .

使某人無法…… 7 lie in; consist in 在於

7 健全的心靈在於健全的身體。 mind in body A sound lies a sound .

8 make oneself at home

8 主人對客人說:「請勿拘束。」


at make The host said to the guest, “Please yourself home .” 中英翻譯

9 have one’s eyes examined

9 我的奶奶去醫院檢查她的眼睛。


My grandmother went to the hospital to have her eyes examined


0 我無法讓自己的意思被了解。 I can’t make myself understood q Haste makes waste.

q As the saying goes, “Haste makes waste.”


譯: 如同諺語所說:「欲速則不達。」

w what he is now

w His parents have made him what he is now.


譯: 他的父母使他有今日的成就。 問答題(請用yes或no詳答)

e be good at 精通

e Are you good at sports? Yes, I am good at them.或No, I am poor at them.

r have a good time

r Did you have a good time at the party?

= enjoy oneself

Yes, we all enjoyed ourselves.或No, it was a boring party.

= have fun 玩得愉快



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