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1. 同




同 表示同義字



反 表示反義字

because of 由於、因為

103 100 95 93 92 100 99






due to、owing to、on account of、as a result of、 as a consequence of、thanks to I have been wide awake all night because of the coffee I drank yesterday evening.



We were forced to cancel our plan for the weekend picnic because of the bad 100 weather.



Because of the engine problem in the new vans, the auto company decided to 100 recall them from the market.




because of 表示「由於、因為」,後接名詞。 because 本身為連接詞,連接兩個子句。 例句 Because it has been raining for two days, all the laundry is still wet. 因為已經下兩天雨了,洗好的衣服都還是溼的。

2. 同 例1

as soon as 一……就……

100 92 93

the minute、the moment、the instant As soon as I stepped into the house, it started to rain. 我一踏入家門,就開始下雨。


As soon as the popping slows down, remove the pot from the stove.


爆米花爆開速度一慢下來,就將鍋子從爐子上移開。 例3

Therefore, government authorities usually undertake aggressive emergency 93 control measures as soon as an outbreak is detected. 因此,疾病的爆發一被偵測到,政府當局通常就採取積極的緊急控制措施。

as soon as 表示「一……就……」,此片語為連接詞,用來連接兩個完整子句,指兩件事 很快地接連發生。



...hardly...when... 一……就…… 同

...no sooner...than...


I had hardly opened the door when the dog jumped on me. 我一開門,狗就跳到我身上。


...hardly...when... 前半句搭配過去完成式,後半句搭配過去式;...no sooner...than... 亦 同。


be aware of 意識到……

反 be 例1

99 92 98

unaware of

I was not aware of the danger when I jumped into the river to save the drowning boy. 當我跳入河中要救溺水的男孩時,我沒有意識到危險。


There isn’t a brand or a trend that these young people are not aware of.


沒有這些年輕人沒注意到的品牌或潮流。 例3

For example, the “patient” can be programmed to be allergic to certain medicines and can suffer from serious reactions if student learners are not aware of the 98 situation. 例如,「病人」可能被設定成對某些藥物過敏,假如實習生沒有意識到情況的話,病人 就會有嚴重反應。


be aware of 表示「意識到……」,指知道某事物的存在。 be aware of 後接名詞。 本片語亦可變化成為句型 be aware that,後接子句。 例句 I was aware that the entrance exam was drawing near and began to feel nervous. 我意識到入學考試近了並開始感到緊張。





by no means 絕不

93 98


not by any means、in no way、under no circumstances、 on no account


Math is by no means my favorite subject at school. 數學絕不是我在學校最喜歡的科目。


By no means will I marry you. 我絕不會嫁給你。


The RIAA, the organization that files lawsuits against illegal downloaders, states 98 that suing students was by no means their first choice. 針對非法下載者提起訴訟的機構—RIAA—聲明控告學生絕不是他們的第一選擇。


by no means 表示「絕不、一點也不」,為副詞片語。 by no means 若置於句首需倒裝,如例句 2。 相關片語

(1) by all means ①盡一切方法 ②當然 例1

We must get to that place before lunch by all means. 我們必須盡一切方法在午餐前到達那個地方。


A: May I have a word with you? B: By all means. A:我能和你談一談嗎? B:當然。

(2) by means of 用……的方法、手段 例句

5. 例1

He convinced Sally by means of his kindness and his polite manners. 他用和氣和禮貌的方法說服了 Sally。

give away ①贈送 ②洩露 Don’t tell her your secrets because she will just give them away. 別把你的祕密跟她說,因為她會洩露祕密。





Giving away free papers is not a strong enough incentive to attract readers.




By the time he died in 1919, he had given away 350 million dollars. 到他 1919 年去世時,他已經送出 3 億 5,000 萬元了。




give away 為可分離動詞片語。

6. 同

now (that) 既然

98 98


since、seeing (that) Now that you are here, we should start the discussion.



Now that we all use pencils, doodling is on the increase.




Now that women make up 46 percent of the U.S. workforce, girls can find role 98 models in every occupational field. 由於女性占了美國勞動人口的 46%,女孩們在各種職場中都能找到榜樣。



now (that) 為連接詞,用來引導表原因的副詞子句。

7. 同


come across ①不期而遇 ②碰巧發現

101 94

① run into、bump into ② stumble across/on/upon、find/meet... by chance/accident He came across an old photo while cleaning the attic. 整理閣樓時,他發現一張舊照片。


I came across my high school teacher yesterday. 我昨天遇見我高中老師。


These problems are perhaps the biggest issue a researcher can come across while 94 studying new markets. 這些問題是一名研究員在研究新巿場時可能遇到的最大問題。





(詳解請見解答 1)

A 單選題 (

)1 After having passed out for several hours, he finally . A stumbled on B put together C gave away D came to ( )2 This is our best choice. We are still considering other possible options. A far from B on account of C aware of D hardly when )3 John left me a message and that’s why I was the matter. A unaware of B aware of C aware that D unaware that ( )4 is he going to be included because he is not a team player. A No sooner B In summary C By no means D Far from ( )5 everyone is here, we can start our meeting. A Due to B Now that C All in all D By means of ( )6 As I have promised, I will arrive there . A in short B without fail C by chance D by no means ( )7 The football game was cancelled the rain. A because of B by means of C far from D as soon as (

)8 You shouldn’t trust her. She will betray you and the secret. A come across B put together C come to D give away (

)9 I can’t do this by myself. The deadline is tomorrow and I still have a lot to do. , I desperately need your help. A Without fail B In short C Now that D In no way (



)0. Stephen had opened the window he saw the mess outside. A no sooner...when B no sooner...than C as soon...as D the minute...X

B 引導式翻譯 1 我們的生物老師正在產假中。

Our biology teacher is . 2 Emma 連續地看了三部電影。

Emma watched three movies . 3 隕石徹底消滅了恐龍。

A meteor all the dinosaurs. 4 為了讓他女兒開心,Mr. Stevens 組裝了一個娃娃屋。

Mr. Stevens a doll house to cheer his daughter up. 5 這名私家偵探在協助警方調查此案件。

This private detective is helping the police this case.

C 連貫式翻譯 1 昨天我偶然遇見好久沒見的老朋友。 2 然而,我一看見他就認出他了。


Reading Corner 1 Ecotourism1 2 In general, ecotourism means visiting natural areas far from densely-populated

ones—in the remote3 wilderness4 or in rural5 environments. However, in no way is ecotourism just about this. It deals with much more. According to the definition6 given by The International Ecotourism Society in 1990, ecotourism also has to do 7 with “improving the well-being of the environment and the local people.� In other 8 words, you need to be aware of the pollution and the impact you are creating on the

environment and minimize9 them. For example, you need to make sure that you travel to your destinations10 by means of the transportation that generates11 the least pollution. In addition to that, respecting and improving the local culture is important as well. Traditional tourists do not care for the environment and culture. They show no regard for12 them and exploit13 everything they come across at will, and the locals have to 14 put up with it. Due to this fact, biodiversity and cultural diversity are at risk of being

wiped out at tourist destinations. Ecotourism, on the other hand, promotes recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation 15, and the creation of plenty of economic opportunities for local communities. Ecotourists seek to16 coexist17 with the environment and the locals. In short, ecotourism is a better choice than traditional tourism.


中譯 生態旅遊 一般來說,生態旅遊的意思是去遠離人口稠密區域的自然區域旅遊 —遙遠的荒野 或是鄉村環境。然而,生態旅遊絕不只如此。它涉及更多層面。根據國際生態旅遊協會 在 1990 年的定義,生態旅遊也和「改善環境和當地居民的福祉」有關。也就是說,你 必須意識到你對環境的汙染和衝擊,並將之減至最低。舉例來說,你必須確認使用產生 最少汙染的交通方式到達目的地。此外,尊重和改善當地文化也很重要。傳統遊客並不 關心環境和文化。他們不尊敬它們,並且任意濫用他們碰到的每一樣東西,而當地人必 須忍受這些事。因為如此,觀光景點的生物多樣性和文化多樣性有徹底被摧毀的風險。 相反地,生態旅遊提倡回收、節能、省水和為當地社區創造許多經濟機會。生態旅人尋 求與環境和當地人共存。簡言之,比起傳統旅遊,生態旅遊是更好的選擇。

單字與片語 1 ecotourism n. [U] 生態旅遊

0 destination n. [C] 目的地

2 densely-populated adj. 人口稠密的

q generate vt. 產生

3 remote adj. 遙遠的

w show regard for 尊敬

4 wilderness n. [C] 荒野

e exploit vt. 利用、剝削

5 rural adj. 鄉村的

r biodiversity n. 生物多樣性

6 definition n. [C] 定義

t conservation n. [U] 節省、保存

7 well-being n. [U] 福祉

y seek to 尋求

8 impact n. [C] 衝擊

u coexist vi. 共生

9 minimize vt. 使減到最少


Review 1

(詳解請見解答 1)

A 單選題 (

)1 I can’t my mom’s constant nagging anymore. A put up with B turn down C take turns D give away ( )2 I will let you watch TV you finish homework. A in case B as soon as C for fear D no sooner than ( )3 We can help those by donating some money. A in brief B in case C in the least D in need ( )4 This task is easy, so I think it will take us more time. A in case of B far from C in other words D in view of ( )5 The children decided to throw the man a party his generosity. A by means of B in addition to C in return for D in case of ( )6 Mr. Ryan tiptoed around the room waking his wife. A on account of B on the basis of C now that D for fear of )7 will he help us because he’s a selfish and arrogant man. A Under no circumstances B At will C No more than D As soon as ( )8 He flies to Alaska to see his grandchildren every Christmas . A at will B at most C all in all D without fail (

)9 This campaign aimed to help people ’ s prejudice against new immigrants to the country. A deal with B put together C look into D wipe out (


Review 1: Unit 1


)0 He just played two tennis matches and is exhausted now. A by all means B back to back C by birth D as well

Unit 3

B 綜合測驗 Imagine reading this unusual headline in the newspaper: “Lord Jesus Christ Injured in Car Accident.” It would 1 anyone 1 . In fact, this news has actually been circulated around the world. You might find it hard to believe that someone would call himself Lord Jesus Christ, but the truth is that one guy actually goes by this name, which might be the strangest name you’ve ever 2 . Just as would be expected of someone with such a name, Christ forgave the woman that had hit him. The only problem the driver had was that the police did not forgive her. 3 a local newspaper, The Republican , Lord Jesus Christ is a 50-year-old artist. He is from the town of Belchertown. At first, the police couldn’t believe he was actually called Lord Jesus Christ. However, after checking his ID, the police officers 4 that this was indeed his name. Luckily, the man’s injuries were not serious 5 . There were only some minor injuries on his face. He was treated at a local hospital and released on the same day. ( )1 A take...by surprise B find...by accident C hand...over D take...for example ( )2 A take turns B come across C consist of D put together ( )3 A Due to B Besides C No more than D According to ( )4 A made sure B dealt with C turned down D cared for ( )5 A in no way B as usual C at all D in need


C 文意選填 The killer whale is one of the most beautiful animals in the world. A killer whale can grow to be 1 fifteen feet in length when mature. Given the size, it’s a time-consuming and challenging task to give birth to a baby and nurture it. It will take sixteen months for a female killer whale to give birth. After this the mother will 2 the newborn for a year. The teeth that a killer whale has are for eating fish and various marine mammals, so they are very large. With these teeth, killer whales can consume 3 food each day. In fact, the weight of what a killer whale eats each day is equal to five percent of its body weight. Killer whales can be found when they’re hunting for food, traveling around in the water or resting by slowing down in the water; 4 , they do all those activities in groups. One very interesting fact is that females are the dominant figures in a group, perhaps because they usually 5 most of the population. Male whales on average have a 30-year lifespan while females can live up to 80 years. A generally speaking

B a great deal of

C look after

D make up

E no less than

F a large number of

D 填空題 1 Professor Brown is research on this issue. 2 I am glad that we could this conclusion and settle the

problem. 3 If you want more muscles, you should in the gym at least

twice a week. 4 He’s a drunken young man; you don’t need

to be afraid. 5 I like many ball games, basketball and baseball.


Review 1: Unit 1

E 整句式翻譯 1 但願我年輕十歲。

Unit 3

2 他已經病假請兩週了。 3 博物館有幾幅米開朗基羅(Michelangelo)的作品在展出。 4 如果你的意志力(willpower)不堅定,很容易屈服於誘惑。 5 為了回應輿論,總統府將舉行記者會(press conference)。


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