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Book 1 Lesson 1~4

必考字彙整理 1. add v. 增加 addition n. 附加

13. crash v./n. 撞擊;墜毀 14. delay v./n. 延誤

additional adj. 附加的

delay n. 延誤

˙ in addition 除此之外 2. appear v. 出現 appearance n. 外表;出現

15. deliver v. 遞送 delivery n. 遞送

˙ appear to 似乎 3. approach v. 接近 approach n. 接近;方法 4. attract v. 吸引 attraction n. 吸引力 attractive adj. 吸引人的 ˙ tourist attraction 旅遊勝地 5. block v. 阻擋 block n. 塊狀物;街區 6. calculate v. 推測;計算 calculation n. 推測;計算 7. cause v. 導致 cause n. 成因 8. certainty n. 確定 certain adj. 無疑的 9. choose v. 選擇 choice n. 選擇

16. describe v. 描述 description n. 描述 ˙ be described as 被描述為 17. design v./n. 設計 designer n. 設計師 18. destroy v. 破壞 destruction n. 破壞 19. discover v. 發現 discovery n. 發現 20. distance n. 距離 distant adj. 遠方的 21. educate v. 教育 education n. 教育 22. encourage v. 鼓勵;促使 encouragement n. 鼓勵 23. equal v. 等於;相匹敵 equal n. 相匹敵的人/東西 equal adj. 相等的;平等的

10. communicate (+ with) v. 溝通 communication n. 溝通

24. explain v. 解釋 explanation n. 解釋

11. confidence n. 信心 confident adj. 有信心的

25. follow v. 跟隨 following adj. 接下來的

12. confuse v. 使困惑 confusion n. 困惑

26. globe n. 球體 global adj. 全球的

confusing adj. 令人困惑的

˙ global warming 全球暖化




27. handle v./n. 處理/把手 28. mean v. 意指 meaning n. 意義 meaningful adj. 有意義的 ˙˙mean + V-ing 意味著   mean + to VR 企圖 29. mix v. 混合 mixture n. 混合 30. peace n. 和平;寧靜 peaceful adj. 和平的 ˙ live in peace and harmony 和諧相處 31. profession n. 職業;專業 professional adj. 專業的 professional n. 專業人士 32. recommend v. 推薦 recommendation n. 推薦(信) ˙ highly recommend 強烈推薦 33. repair v. 修理

34. satisfy v. 使滿意 satisfaction n. 滿意 satisfying adj. 令人滿意的 35. shine v. 發光;擦亮 shiny adj. 發光的 36. similarity n. 相似處 similar adj. 相似的 ˙ be similar to 和……相似 37. threaten v. 威脅 threat n. 威脅 38. uniqueness n. 獨特性 unique adj. 獨特的 39. vary v. 改變 variety n. 各式各樣 various adj. 各式各樣的 ˙ vary with 隨著……而改變 40. wisdom n. 智慧 wise adj. 明智的

repair n. 修理

必考慣用語整理 1. for example 舉例來說 ߖ for instance 使前文中的說明更清楚。

需要舉例說明時,會使用轉承語 for example,

※such as、like 也用於舉例,但這兩個表達法為介系詞片語,後面應接名詞。

2. due to 因為 ߖ owing to、because of、on account of、as a result of to 中的 to 為介系詞,其後應接名詞。

due to 與 owing

※ thanks to 意思為「幸虧」,用法與「因為」類似,但 thanks to 後通常接正面的理由。( 本 片語中的 to 亦為介系詞。) 3. as soon as 一……就…… ߖ once、the moment 為「一……就……」時,當連接詞用,連接兩個子句。

as soon as、once、the moment 譯

4. according to 根據 5. take care of 照顧;處理 ߖ take care of 譯為「照顧」時,與 look after、care for 意思 相近。 as 當介系詞用時,可表「當作」、「成為」。 6. work as 作為;身為 7. at least 至少;最少 І at most 至多;最多 8. even though 即使 ߖ though、although、despite the fact that



1 重點整理

必考句型整理 1. make/have/let(使役動詞)+ O + VR(表主動) 有些動詞帶有使役的意味,例如 allow(允許)、force(強迫),但並不屬於使役動詞, 因此,後方不定詞中的 to 不可省略,即 allow/force + O + to + VR。 ‫ ٽ‬If it is too cold in this room, you can adjust the air conditioner to make yourself feel comfortable.


(96 學測)

2. It seems/seemed + that + S + V… = S + seem(s)/seemed to + VR... 似乎 表「似乎」的句型中,除了 seem 之外,也可使用 appear。 ‫ ٽ‬Jane usually buys things on impulse. Her purchases seem to be driven by some sudden force or desire.

(93 學測)


3. either...or... 不是……就是…… 對 等 連 接 詞 either...or... 連 接 結 構 相 同 的 成 分。 有 類 似 用 法 的 連 接 詞 還 有 neither... nor...(不是……也不是……)、both...and...(……和……都)、not only...but also...(不 但……而且……)等。 ‫ ٽ‬If you need money now, you should try either finding a job or cutting down on your expenses. 如果你現在需要錢,你應該試著不是找工作,就是減少花費。

(95 學測)

4. S + V... + (in order) to + VR... = (In order) to + VR..., S + V.... 為了 表「目的」時也可使用 so as to + VR,但須注意 so as to + VR 不能用於句首。 ‫ ٽ‬In order to write a report on stars, we decided to observe the stars in the sky every night.(93 學測) 為了寫一份關於星星的報告,我們決定每天晚上觀察天空中的星星。

※ 其他表「目的」的慣用語:with a view to、with an eye to、for the purpose of,後接名詞 或動名詞。

5. taste/smell/feel/look/sound + adj. 連綴動詞的後方可接形容詞,也可接名詞,但須注意名詞之前應接介系詞 like(像是)。 ‫ ٽ‬Mr. Chang always tries to answer all questions from his students. He will not ignore any of them even if they may sound stupid.

(94 學測)


※ 除了 feel 之外,此處列出其他四個連綴動詞不能用於進行式。

6. feel/see/hear/watch + O + VR/V-ing 在感官動詞後接 V-ing 時,強調該動作當時正在進行中。 ‫ ٽ‬Kids are tuned into their parents’ eating preferences and are far more likely to try foods if they see their mother or father eating them.

(98 學測)





模擬試題演練 詞彙題(15%) ( ) 1. With her teachers’ and parents’ , Jane regained her confidence and has made great progress.

91 年

(A) construction

(B) movement

(C) association

(D) encouragement

( ) 2. The postal special service is very efficient. A package sent can be received in a couple of hours. (A) delivery

91 年

(B) directory

(C) discovery

(D) dormitory

( ) 3. Having fully recognized Mei-ling’s academic ability, Mr. Lin strongly her for admission to the university. (A) assured

(B) promoted

99 年

(C) estimated

(D) recommended

( ) 4. The twins look in every respect. It’s really hard to tell them apart. (A) unique

(B) various

(C) digital

(D) similar

( ) 5. Professor Smith has helped his students a solar-powered car. The maximum speed of the car is 30 km an hour and, when fully charged, it can cover 100 km. (A) educate

(B) design

(C) calculate

(D) destroy

( ) 6. The old house showed signs of decay and was badly in need of . (A) repair

(B) mixture

(C) mission

(D) origin

( ) 7. Mr. Johnson is proud of his sports car. He polishes it every day. (A) shiny

(B) wise

(C) ugly

(D) casual

( ) 8. Tracy decided to give up the villa she had intended to buy because it was too from where she worked. (A) additional

(B) various

(C) confident

(D) distant

( ) 9. Women and men should have access to educational and employment opportunities. In other words, women shouldn’t be limited in their choice of education and jobs. (A) equal

(B) global

(C) following

(D) darling

( ) 10. With the of the typhoon, many villagers were evacuated to a safe place. (A) confusion

(B) approach

(C) variety

(D) admission

( ) 11. A pedestrian was struck and killed by a train this morning in Taichung. The accident the train by several hours. (A) threatened

(B) attracted

(C) delayed

(D) fastened

( ) 12. The chemicals from the glass factory were polluting the water supply and people to become sick. (A) handling


(B) harming

(C) causing

(D) crashing


1 試題演練

( ) 13. Our team will win this inter-class contest, because all the players have a strong competitive spirit. (A) mainly

(B) wisely

(C) globally

(D) certainly

( ) 14. The worker didn’t know how to operate the new machine, for the instructions were very . (A) satisfying

(B) professional

(C) meaningful

(D) confusing

( ) 15. You should have more in yourself. This failure is just a stepping stone to success. (A) explanation

(B) description

(C) confidence

(D) appearance

綜合測驗(15%) 16~20 題為題組 A new online computer game about bullying has become a national topic of conversation. It is reported to be ready for launch this week 16. calls for it to be banned. In the game, players play the role of new students at a school and are forced to fight bullies, by punching them or hitting them with a baseball bat. Many people are concerned that the game promotes violence, but the makers of it 17. this and say that, although there is violence in the game, it is nothing but an amusing look at school life. Besides, the violence in the game is meant to protect students who 18. and is directed against the bullies only. The makers also claim that players will have the chance to learn to stand up to bullies. Several politicians have demanded that it be banned as they believe that it might influence 19. young people perceive violence. Anti-bullying organizations have suggested that the game is very likely to 20. people respond violently to bullies, which might make school life more violent and result in serious injuries. ( ) 16. (A) without

(B) despite

(C) except

(D) besides

( ) 17. (A) approve

(B) yearn

(C) reply

(D) deny

( ) 18. (A) are bullying

(B) have bullied

(C) are being bullied

(D) have been bullying

( ) 19. (A) how

(B) why

(C) when

(D) where

( ) 20. (A) allow

(B) force

(C) make

(D) get

21~25 題為題組 Parents’ general approach to child-raising is often reflected in how they manage their kids’ diets. This suggests that we need to take family dynamics into consideration when making efforts to control childhood obesity, 21. researchers. A recent study of 240 parents of first-grade children found that strict parents were generally also apt to have an “authoritarian” approach to their children’s diets— banning certain foods, 22. , or forcing them to eat fruits and vegetables. Likewise, those who were generally “permissive” in what they 23. their kids eat had a tendency to share similar parenting styles. In between these two groups, the researchers said, were “authoritative”


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