RAM Issue #6 August/Here turi koa

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RAM | ISSUE 06 3 Ghosting Sucks / 09 Student Wellbeing / 12 Winterball 22’ / 16 Vote Local / 18 Club Yarns / 21 Winter Reviews / 34 Once Upon a Time / 36 Flat of the Month / 38 Raraki Take.printedRAMPrinteris by Editor & Design Julia Followcomms@lusa.org.nzWillslusa.nzus&keepup to date: Read RAM Online: www.theram.org.nz 12 16 21 38


Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) is celebrated annually, and this year it’s happening in September from the 12th to the 18th. This is an opportunity to acknowledge and learn a bit of the Māori culture and language with interactive language games, word of the day, plus free kai and coffee throughout the week. (check out the calendar of events on page 29) So, be sure to step out of your comfort zone and feel inspired to give Te Reo Māori a try and have a bit of fun while you’re at it!

RAM is your Maheni!

Articles - Done some cool stuff lately? We wannaabouthearit! Club Yarn - Been away on a cool Club Trip? Have an event coming up that you want to share?

Keep sending in your RAM articles, the next deadline is the 5th of September, and thanks to all of those students who submitted this issue. Plus keep an eye out on Facebook for when Kate’s RAM Club meetings are. Kia manahau! For more info visit theram.org.nz To submit a piece email comms@lusa.org.nz So get involved and you'll be rewarded with your five minutes of fame and be set in print for life!

Pester The Prez - Share you opinion. The controversialmorethebetter. PREZ

So much has been happening over the past month on campus since the last issue. We’ve had SPACE Ball, Sustainability Week. #TIB’s Sex Quiz plus of course ReO’Week, LU Open Day, floods, snow, and rampant sexually transmitted infections in Canterbury! (Please be sure to pop into LUSA for your FREE condoms.)

Kupu Whakataki.

Kia ora koutou and welcome to the sixth edition of WhatRAM.a ripper of a mag you have in your hot little hands. It’s jam-packed with ReO’Week Recaps, (including some great pics) Club Yarns, great student articles and we’ve even bought back Flat of the Month, after a HUGE hiatus!

Jeremy Kilgour Kia ora, It is hard to believe that this is RAM #6 and it is nearly halfway through semester 2. It has been a very full-on start to semester 2 with the sad news that one of our whānau had passed. If you are feeling down at all or need any support with absolutely anything, be sure to reach out to LUSA, the wellbeing team, or student health. There are counselors here to support you with any curve balls that life throws you.


Kupu na te Tumuaki.

LUSA’s strategic plan is up for renewal this year. If you don’t know about LUSA’s strategic plan then have a look at it on our website under official documents. I would love to hear your thoughts on this and what needs to change to do our job more effectively.

As term 3 draws to an end it is hard to believe that we are nearly ¾ the way through the year. It can be a tough time being a student and studying but there are people and resources available to help you through, whether it be related to academic, social, or health – don’t be shy to reach out to the library, lecturers, LUSA, clubs & societies, the wellbeing team or student health – they all have your back! Here is a whakatauki for the rest of 2022. It is about aiming high for what is truly valuable and being persistent, not letting obstacles get in the way of reaching your goals: Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei. Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.

I am keen to hear whether you think your voice is heard at Lincoln. Do you think that LUSA does a good job at representing you, or do you think we do a crap job? I am more than happy to receive feedback, whether it be good or bad. LUSA is thinking of reviewing our executive positions to ensure that students’ voice is heard from our diverse range of student cohorts. I want to hear your opinion – email me at president@lusa.org.nz or come into the office and share your thoughts.

Ngā Jeremy.mihi,

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Ngā mihi nui, Katie.

For a quick rundown of what’s been on the table in our sustainability sector at LUSA, we really pumped the gas on Hitch; a carpooling initiative to reduce our emissions!carbon Hitch has released an app that will make it so much easier to access and sort a ride with your mates. This is super important as Lincoln has a goal of being carbon neutral by 2030 (only 7 1/2 years away) and carbon zero by 2050. It’s a pretty massive, but important goal, and we’re standing by it, so check it out! @hitchnz on Instagram for more deets. Alongside that, we’re still trucking along with getting our compost and food waste bins solidified. Sustainability Week highlighted our new labelling systems, so keep an eye out around campus and on socials for these changes!

te Reo Māori is an opportunity for all of us to think about how te reo Māori could have a place within our lives.”Ruki Tobin, (Poutiaki Rauemi, National Library. Services to Schools.)


I’m so glad to have a new semester to start afresh with; the last set was a bit of a hectic one. I think I spent maybe two full weeks on campus tops! Cheers Covid.

As always, we are here for you, so if anything at all is causing you issues, let us know so we can help!

Katie Blows Mākai Reo Tauira Kia ora e te whānau!

So, I challenge you, to try using some Reo Māori in your day to day life, and gradually build up to Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, because who knows, there may be some kind of prize at the end of it…

Harris Moana Tumuaki E te iwi o Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki, With semester two well underway, it’s good to see our tauira back in the swing of studying. Te Awhioraki has been busy achieving many things behind the scenes to help create a welcoming and encouraging

Tash Smith Mākai Reo o kā tauira paeruka

It was great to meet new PG’s, current and old, at the Cocktail Night held at Kong Bar. It was such a great event for networking and hearing some awesome research projects going on within our University, plus, it was nice to hear from alumni with their endeavours after leaving Lincoln. Also, it was great to hear more from our students at the 3MT. Congratulations to all, you did a fantastic job!

Another regular LUSA event for PG’s is the Voice Committee. It’s for PGs to come and raise any issues they may have, or to simply have a chat and meet other PGs over a cuppa and a delicious free morning tea. All PGs and mature students are welcome to attent our events. Our events like the Cocktail Evening and the High Tea are great opportunities to bring partners and friends to meet fellow PG’s, to share experiences plus their research. I look forward to meeting more PGs at the cupin-coming events.

Please touch base if you have any concerns or queries, as I’m here to help, offer advice, or put you in touch with the people who can, if I can’t.

Ello from your Post Grad Rep!

What an absolute blast Re-O’Week was! It was so awesome to see so many of you attend the infamous Winterball, which was a hoot of a time. A highlight of ReO’Week for me was definitely the Club Kai Market, where a number of our International Clubs along with Te Awhioraki put on some free tasty international treats for us. This semester, I will be working on establishing a solid foundation for the RAM Club. For those of you that don’t know, the RAM Club is a group of students who are interested in writing RAM magazine submissions for students to read. Keep an eye out for this being advertised! Till then, I hope you are all trying your hardest to stay warm and well out here in the winter elements. Spring is just around the corner!

Kate Simstra Mākai Reo Tauira Kia ora koutou!

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First and foremost, ghosting sucks, regardless of gender. We have probably all been ghosted at one time in our lives and all through various scenarios. One day your friends and the next it’s like you’ve never

I’ll give Jake the benefit of the doubt, as he did message me later that day saying ‘sorry for f*king me around’! My favourite podcast started up again for another season a few weeks later. And guess who was a guest for the season? Yep, you guessed it, Jake. Got to love how small NZ is!

I highly recommend the podcast, Do you f*king mind. - by Alexis Fernandez. Here is an exert from episode 44:‘Ghosting is emotional abuse and toxic behaviour. The reason why people ghost is because they are people who can’t deal with their own emotions. They avoid being vulnerable because they can’t deal with conflict or confrontation. Don’t think that what they’ve done to you is something to be shameful about. You should, in fact, feel, pity for them. They feel sorry for them and don’t know how to treat people. This reflects on them, and you should never feel bad about their actions. You need to treat people with respect if you want to be respected; that is something these people do not do and do not know how to do.”


Thingsmet!get a bit worse when you jump on the ole online dating apps too. You start chatting to a few ‘potentials’ online, resulting in your messages getting a ‘seen’ and then, all of a sudden, there’s no more conversation! Then there is the Netflix and chill and ghost. This happened to me over the holidays, and damn, it hurt. It felt a little bit like spray, and walk away. I’ll give you a bit of context: Tinder, match, cute, hot, athlete *Jake, long surfer hair and fit. Ticked all my boxes! We went on the classic Netflix and chill sort of date at his house in a fancy suburb. We had a bit of cuddle on the couch, and you can figure the rest out...the next day, (after a great intimate night with Jake, of course) I went to ask for his Snapchat, and I got back “I’ll message it to you later.” Later, I found I had been unmatched on Tinder! I was left feeling super anxious, sick, and confused! Later in the evening my best friend Luciana and I analyzed the situation as any girl would do. Concluding that there were no red flags before and/ or throughout the evening...and I’m telling you, this wahine wouldn’t let any guy use her! Jake did mention where he worked and I was so f*ked off, that a week after the dust had settled, I went into his work to ‘buy a product’, and there he was sitting at the counter! It was fair to say, he looked a bit Iconcerned!wentforit...“Hey, Jake. Look. Ghosting isn’t cool. You think you are trying to help but not getting in contact with me and removing yourself from the situation but I felt used, and it’s just not cool!”


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Clubs Market Day On Monday 18th July we kicked off Semester 2 with Clubs Market Day. The sun was shining (which was the only day that week!) and there were smiles all around. There was an awesome turnout of Clubs, local businesses, and of course you students! We hope you joined a few Clubs and managed to grab a free sausage and some treats from LUSA!

A huge thanks to LUSA, for the Post Grad Cocktail Night, held at KONG on Thursday 21st July. It went off with a bang! It was a great way to meet other Post Grads, with fun games like speed dating/meeting, and a cool bingo game. New friends were made, plenty of laughs were had, and heaps of fun took place in front of the selfie camera with the most beauti ful of backdrops! The cocktails were amazing, atmosphere on point, and plenty of banter. Looking forward to the next event and meeting more Post Grads! by Tash Smith


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The gap between income and cost of living is causing students anxiety an distress. Students are frustrated by some student allowance entitlement settings: in particular, parent and partner income testing, graduate student ineligibility, reducing student allowance payments if they earn “too much” in their part-time jobs, and eligibility age limits. These settings are contributing to students dropping out of their courses, reducing the amount of time they put into their studies, and forcing students into debt to make ends meet. 60% of students are not, and sometimes cannot be, Aspects of student allowance policy are considered unfair and inequitable. supported by their parents, including parents with an income over the student allowance entitlement limit. Pasifika and Māori are most likely to not be financially supported by their parents (75% and 70%

Spending up to 30% of one’s income on housing is recognised internationally and by the Government as the marker of housing affordability.

• Cold and poor insulation

• Poor or faulty appliances, fixtures and fittings

Many said they did not or could not move some where better for lack of options or high prices.

Many students feel that the government and people who were in tertiary education some time ago, either don’t care or don’t understand just how hard it is for students these days to get by while doing their best to succeed. The struggle to make ends meet while seeing debt mount up is a cause of significant anxi ety and distress for many. Data allowing comparison to the total adult population shows those in study or training are much more likely to have ‘not enough money’ and ‘only just enough money’ to meet every day needs!

Students who rent a shared flat spend over half their income on their accommodation, yet many report poor living conditions.

• Lack of maintenance

One in six students (14%) living in a shared flat said their housing did not meet their needs. The most common unprompted reasons why housing did not meet their needs, were:

• Crowding and noise

“Life12 as a student is harder than people think. My parents' peers tell me university was the best time of their life. But I am in much more debt than they were due to studying, and the debt I am taking out is not even enough to cover my living costs. Additionally, I am living in worse quality housing and have been isolated from my community due to COVID. The 'student experience' I got was not the one society sold to me.”

• Damp and mould

Onrespectively).average,students living in a shared flat, rent was $234 per week and 56% of their weekly income.

Students who felt unsupported or uncomfortable with their provider’s response said this was because:

• Not pay bills on time or use payment plans

• Go without until more money comes in

There was considerable frustration and anger amongst those who were required to pay full fees, despite being unable to access equipment and facili ties and it being harder to get time with or help from tutors and lecturers.

• Draw down on savings stashed away over the summer break

About two-thirds of students regularly do not have enough money to buy food, clothing, pay bills, get the health care they need or other basics. Disabled students, Māori and Pasifika students were most like ly to be in that position.

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circumstances outside of their control.

• Their institution’s policies or processes, including infection control, seemed unclear or poorly disorganised.

• Health care and support was inaccessible, particularly mental health services.

• Lingering and persistent shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and other symptoms associated with COVID 19.

Most students reported a decline in mental wellbeing during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Students have been in a position where they couldn’t pay for transport or the costs of running a vehicle.

To help make ends meet, students said they would:

A small majority of students (58%) felt supported by their education provider’s response to COVID 19.

Students often go without food, health care, clothing and other necessities.

• They felt there was a disregard for student stress and circumstance, including when students were unwell or when they were providing support to others who were unwell.

• Isolation from family, friends and social settings.

• Take on extra shifts at work instead of attending class or studying.

• It becoming increasingly difficult to get health care and support, especially for mental health.

• Feeling stressed trying to balance work and study commitments while recovering from being unwell and/or caring for unwell others.

A large majority of all respondents – 91% - said they would use public transport “more” if it was free, and 70% said they would go to campus more often.

• Lack of support.

• Borrow money from family or friends, student loans, “pay-day” loans or credit cards

Disabled students (52%) were less likely to say they felt supported than students who were not disabled (60%). Some noted individual lecturers and teachers showed concern and did what they could do to help but felt the institution-wide response was poor.

Just over two-thirds (69%) of respondents reported poorer mental wellbeing during the pandemic and some said this negatively impacted their studies. The respondents said this was caused by:

• Worry about contracting COVID and/or its social and economic impacts.

• Students were disallowed a grade-bump, despite significant disruption to their studies due to Half students felt supported by their institutions COVID 19 response.

Are You a Student at University?Lincoln Book online and put Lincoln University Student in the comments box OR phone Lincoln Dental on 03 325 26 96 Hurry! Offer runs from 18th July to 30th November 2022 Get a half price exam with us by just showing your student ID on arrival at Lincoln Lumino i.e., $69 exam Also, have hygiene for $124 and get 5% off extra treatment excluding lab fees!!!

RAM | ISSUE 06 15 A good One is securing belongings Don’t let Teddy get GoodOne.org.nzstolen.

A sold-out Winterball went off without a hitch on Wednesday 20th July. With every one scrubbing up well (then getting covered in mud somehow) you all managed a great night. It was awesome to see you all get your groove on with our live bands, DJs, and Silent Disco. Hope you had fun! ...until next time!


18 NGĀ PŌTITANGA Ā-ROHE 2022 whakahouWhakauru, rānei i ō pōtitangakiataipitopitopōtikingāā-rohe. vote.nz 0800 36 76 56

In order to vote in the local elections, you must be enrolled to vote.

You can have your say on who represents your community by voting from 16 September to 8

With issues such as climate change, COVID-19, population growth and sustainability, driving widespread change in our Selwyn society, the 2022 local elections have never been a more imprtant time to have your say!

BUT...it is not just a vote, it's your opinion, values and character. I also want you to earn the right to complain. If you don’t vote you cannot complain and we all love to be opinionated! Who to vote for ? If you consider Lincoln Uni to be your home for the wee while, then you’ll be voting for your preferred candidate in the Selwyn Electorate.

The people elected by you, get to make decisions about our daily lives and the future of our towns and cities! Wholly crap..that’s quite a big deal!

How do you enrol to vote?

RAM | ISSUE 06 19

You can have your say on who represents us on our city, district, and regional councils.

The Whys and Hows of Voting in the 2022 New Zealand Local Election

1. Drivers Licence 2. New Zealand Passport 3. RealMe verified identity (what you use for Study link login)

Luckily for you, enrolling to vote is much easier than enrolling in your University papers! Simply visit www.vote.nz and click on the ‘enrol or update your details’ tab. From there, you will be asked to provide details from one of three forms of ID:

They set and collect rates, oversee town planning, and provide services like rubbish collection, parks and libraries. Local elections no longer include Dis trict Health Board elections now. The boards are being replaced by a new body, Health New Zealand, which is kinda cool!

I know you're busy with your assignments, part time work and your, lets call them “laid back” Sundays.

Overall,October!enrolment is an easy process, and will take no longer than 5 minutes of your precious time. Instead of scrolling Facebook next lecture, visit www.vote.nz to enrol and have your say this election!

Why should you vote?

From here it is an easy road to complete your enrol ment, with questions such as your name and date of birth (difficult I know). The hardest part of this process is choosing your address, as this will deter mine the electorate you will vote in. There are 72 electorates in New Zealand, so it is likely your home address may be different from the address you use at University. The enrolment form says to “Use the address you consider to be your home”, so it is up to you if this is your home or university address.

FAST-TRACKED CAREER PROGRESSION A P P L Y N O M E F U T U R E L E A D E R M O L L Y A F F C O G R A D U A T E P u t y o u r t e r t i a r y e d u c a t i o n i n t o p r a c t i c e w i t h i n a f o r w a r d t h i n k i n g o r g a n i s a t i o n M a k e a n a t i o n a l a n d g l o b a l i m p a c t a n d g e t h a n d s o n e x p e r i e n c e a s y o u r o t a t e t h r o u g h s e v e r a l k e y d e p a r t m e n t s w i t h i n t h e N e w Z e a l a n d m e a t s e c t o r

LU ParkSocietyParentFarmTrip

Written by Vivian Wang Karapu.Karere

RAM | ISSUE 06 21

After months of planning, the LU Parnet Society finally visited Arion Animal Park, which is out on McLean’s Island Road in Harewood. In the first week of Semester two, we took our children (who were so excited) to see the animals. The kids could run free and enjoy themselves amongst animals while their parents could catch up in the peaceful surround Weings.had about 40 happy members and families join us. My daughter had her 5th birthday in the same week, so we also enjoyed lunch and cakes together at the park, prepared by my family. We had some takeaways from our favourite Chinese restaurant which everyone enjoyed. For some, it was a bit of a culture shock with a particular dish, but everyone was a good sport and was excited to learn about other members’ cultures. It was a lovely day with lots of laughter, joy, and cute llamas (which is now our favourite animal)!

Written by Henry Spark


On the 29th of July, 31 of the Lincoln University Hunting Club members traveled down to Naseby. All meeting at 8am in the Lincoln netball carpark, spirits were high, and eyes were wide for a weekend of adventure. State highway 1 took us down to Palmerston, where we headed inland to Naseby. The sky was blue, and the weather was warm. But who would have seen the calm before the storm! We arrived on the farm just out of Naseby around 2pm. We meet the farmer and unrolled our bedding on the woolshed floor, before a quick turnaround to head out onto the hill. With daylight hours fading and only limited hunting spots available on the first night, we glassed the faces from the valley floor, picking up around 15 deer and split up into 4 groups each hunting different gullies. It was a successful afternoon, with Angus Bradley taking a spiker and around 50 deer being seen. However, as the sun was setting, a southerly front rolled in, bringing gale force winds and snow. As most groups hadn’t made it back to the vehicles yet, the snow was making it a challenging walk back. And if that wasn’t enough to keep you from losing your footing the strong winds caught you off guard and blew you around. I was at the back of my group and as the thunder and lightning hit, the hillside lit up around us, Molly Nelson and Kate


Braidwood hit the deck with shock. Molly said, ‘If I am down low the lightning won’t hit me’. She can’t have realized the speed at which lightning travels! Within an hour of darkness, everyone had safely made it back to the trucks. However, the day wasn’t done yet! 10cm of snow had now settled around the trucks and as we had parked on a hill, turning the vehicles around proved challenging. For the majority of us driving back in the snow didn’t come too chal lenging, however, Fergus managed to do a full 360 down the track completely accidentally. Eventually, we made it back to the woolshed, got the heater going to dry out some gear, and cold bodies were warmed by a hot feed. Bolts were safely stored out of guns and a couple of quiets cracked open. The next morning everyone rolled out of bed nice and early to get ahead of the day and try and knock over some cunning Naseby Red deer. A feed was prepared, bellies were full, and 2 farms were now available to hunt on, so the team split up. Over the day many deer were seen but no one was suc cessful in taking any. It’s a different style of hunting down there, due to the open nature of the country with no native bush to hide in. Making stalking the deer way more challenging. At 2pm, everyone had to start heading back to the woolshed as a van was


coming to pick us up. So, the day was cut short. At 4pm after guns had been locked away, everyone piled into vans and Fergus’ car with a box on their laps ready for a good night at the Naseby Ice-skat ing and Luge Centre. Everyone went along and paid for what they wanted to do. Naseby has the only natural Luge course in New Zealand, so everyone gave that a try, and was awesome to see the en joyment in trying something new with such a great group of people. Ice-skating was also a favorite with a lot of people trying it out for the first time. For everyone, it was successful in improving their skills but for some, it came at the cost of being very bruised and sore from falling on the ice. The center put on a feed and a few beers were drunk before 10pm rolled around and it was time to go back to the woolshed. Everyone made it back to the woolshed but it wasn’t time to call it a night yet! The night continued until 3 in the morning, with a great social atmosphere and everyone laughing and mingling. The host farmer even turned up sharing some of his whiskey around and joining in on the fun. Memories and highlights of the day were shared and laughed about and will be for years to come. Everyone rolled into bed by 3 in the morning, the heater was turned off and lights went out. The morning rolled around, and only 3 people were keen on a morning hunt. Even though there were about 10 the night before that said they were keen. After a couple hours of searching the hills no more animals were sighted, and they headed back to join the rest of the group for breakfast and to clean up. By midday, the convoy was on the road and headed back to Lincoln. This meant a peaceful drive for the drivers as their passengers dosed in and out from a big Overall,weekend.thetrip was a great success, and many memories were made. For one person it was even their first time seeing snow. The incorporation of going to the Naseby ice skating and Luge center was a real highlight for a lot of club members as it meant that the whole weekend wasn’t just about hunting but was very social as well. This club trip was first run last year, and the host farmer welcomes us back for next year so will be an annual trip that you don’t want to miss!

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If you’d like to join LUICS or have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email: InternationalCultural.Society@lincoln.ac.nz Internatoinal Culture Society Written by Sahiti Peddisetti

On Wednesday, 03rd August 2022, LUICS hosted an International and Cultural Quiz Night in Grounded Café, that attracted more than 50 students! It was another fun and memorable night, featuring Chatime’s delicious Mango and Peach Bubble Tea that were served with various toppings. Thank you to the many sponsors who have provided LUICS with prizes worth over $250. Huge congratulations to the winners. First place: Arabella Dudfield, Harriet Boyd, Jannawie Adhikari, Amelia Taylor and Ryan Foster. Second place: Calvin Leonardo, Jenny Chen, Teddy Wu, William Yi and Lucas Li. Third place: Richie Chen, Suhasna Palihakkara, Aghogho Ohwofasa, Neleesha Shanthirathna and Minoo Mohajer.



Here’s also a reminder that LUICS Badminton is happening every Monday, 2:30pm till 5pm in the Gym Sports Hall. Open to everyone of all ages and abilities. Limited rackets available, so please bring your own racket if possible. Later in the semester, we are planning to organise a Movie Night, participate in the Selwyn Culture Fest, celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival and conclude the year with Diwali celebrations as a Desi Night! So, keep an eye out and make sure you don’t miss out on these awesome events!

Kia ora everyone! Warm greetings to the new and returning international students. It’s awesome to see many of your smiley faces around campus. Hope the semester is going well!

SPACE Ball celebrated and supported gender and sexual diversity at Lincoln University and the wid er community. We are proud to announce that after a year of planning, delays and cancellations thanks to COVID, SPACE Ball ’22 sold out!!

A special thank you to Brit, LUSA’s Clubs and Events Co-ordinator. We wouldn’t have been able to put on this event without you. The support you provided the SPACE Exec was incredible and we are extremely grateful for the hard work you put in. The event’s success was largely to do with you, so thank you Brit.

Don’t worry if you missed out on going to the Ball this year, SPACE is already started thinking about the one for next year! Keep an eye out for SPACE’s up-in-coming events, as we have some exciting things in the works: @SPACELincolnUni on Facebook. Thank you for everyone’s love and support, Arabella and Sophie.

The SPACE Exec with the support of LUSA decorated the room in all things rainbow, creating a magically queer atmosphere. We saw some very stunning and creative outfits that added even more to the event! We want to say a massive thank you to our event sponsors Rainbow Youth and Selwyn District Council and LUSA for making this event possible.

SPACE hosted their first ever Ball on Friday the 29th of July at the Tai Tapu Hotel in their Function room.

The Tai Tapu Hotel staff were amazing venue hosts and were extremely accommodating of our event needs, providing our attendees with a safe and inclusive environment where they could be themselves. They also provided great food, with vegan and vegetarian options too.

Written by Georgia Moody

The annual Lincoln Hunting Competition was a great success for 2022. The weigh-in was held on Sunday 24th July at the Famous Grouse Hotel and attracted hunters, club members, and public from all over New Zealand.


An honorable mention from the weekend must go out to the ‘Stihl Shop Fosters Big Three’ and ‘Vet-Ent Lincoln Heaviest Boar’ category winners, ‘The Cowboys’ for their outstanding hunting efforts and weighing in a 217.8lb boar!

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The trying conditions with COVID and the weather meant that this year there were just over 100 entries. A great turnout at the weigh-in and support from over 32 sponsors making up a prize pool of over $12,000 meant that an awesome weekend was had by everyone involved! This is one of the major fundraisers for the Lincoln Young Farmers clubs – around $3,500 was raised. The money goes straight back towards our club members through organizing trips, subsidizing merch, and creating professional development op portunities to support our members in their chosen this wouldn’t be possible without the help and support from sponsors, Bill Westwood for judging, Kurt and the team from The Famous Grouse Hotel, McCarthy’s Contracting, and of course the Hunting Competition organizing committee!


Our ‘Dayle Benny Home-kill Little Three’ junior category was taken out by the Reids (Lukas Reid, Mikayla Reid, and Chev Roxburgh) who had the max total weight of a possum, hare, and rabbit on ThanksSunday!toeveryone who supports these local events – bring on 2023!



Wear Black on Thursdays to show your support to a global movement for a world without violence and sexual harm Thursdays in Black Aotearoa is a national cam paign run by, and for, students – aimed at prevent ing and responding to sexual violence in tertiary Thespaces.campaign is simple but profound. Wear black on Thursdays. Why wear Black? In this campaign Black is used as a colour of resistance and Theresilience.Thursdays In Black Club which is looking for new members and leadership team to learn the ropes ready to lead in 2023.

Some of the things this Club does includes:

• Advocating for sexual harm reduction initiatives on campus. A safe place for victim/survivors and allys. Events and activities. Annual Sex Quiz. Training for leadership team. Active relationship with LU Wellbeing and Support teams to provide care and support where needed.

RAM | ISSUE 06 29 teawhioraki teawhioraki.org.nz Te Awhioraki Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 12th – 18th Mahuru/September Mon 12th Sept Free8am–goneForbesBreakfast Join us for a free breakfast to celebrate the start of Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori! Available to students and staff Limited quantities available WordDailyofthe Day Tune into Te Awhioraki on social media each day to learn a new Māori word, how it’s pronounced and what it means! Tue 13th, Wed 14th, Thu 15th Sept Free Kawhe Grounded(Coffee)11am–1pm Participate in our interactive game to get a free coffee voucher! Available to students and staff, one coffee per person Friday 16th Sept Free 12pm–1pmGroundedKai Available to students and staff, first in first served!

NOTE: This is a student opinion piece. This article is not intended to target the LGBTQI+ community, but only raise concerns around the safety of the cross, and not what the crossing represents (our support for the LGBTQI+ community).

TheCrossingZebra -Korero.Hai

Written by Tautakata

Pedestrian Risks: “On roads with speed limits of 50 km/ph or less - the roads on which the majority of pedestrian crashes occur - pedestrian fatalities have risen from 29% of all road user fatalities from 1994-1996 to 36% of fatalities during 1997-1999.” - NZTA 2022 ‘Overview of pedestrian injury on New Zealand roads’ This quote especially states an increased risk for pedestrians on our roadways and why it should be in the universities best interests to revert this crossing back to a publicly recognized ‘zebra crossing’.

Drivers Viewpoint: On that point, I believe it is extremely dangerous that the university has installed a rainbow cross ing in a publicly accessed (and publicly recognized roadway under the NZTA legislation and maps) roadway. As drivers in New Zealand have not been publicly notified about differences in pedestrian crossings, a potentially confusing, and potentially deadly scene if a driver were not paying attention.

You may be aware of the crossing between the Dining Hall and LU Gym car park. The coloured rainbow crossing was painted to represent the rainbow community that is among us at the Theuniversity.university has gone to great lengths to represent this community, however, this could cause major strife if someone were to be hit and hurt while using the crossing. From a legal point of view, as stated by NZTA 2022, “A pedestrian crossing must be marked in reflectorised white, or if white does not contrast with the colour of the adjacent roadway then it must be resurfaced or marked to provide contrast.”

Potential Fix: My proposal is that the university removes the rainbow crossing and revert it back into a properly recognized pedestrian ‘zebra crossing’, potentially with the addition of more lighting on either side and or flashing yellow beacons to properly notify drivers of the upcoming hazard.

RAM | ISSUE 06 31 Hey LU students, don’t miss out on cheaper travel Student fares are now cheaper –make the most of the savings. Collect your new card from the Campus Bookshop in the Forbes Building, Ground Floor. Or for more information visit metro.co.nz/tertiary Get your new card cardTertiaryStudent

What an epic way to begin our winter events season other than a learners day at Mt Cheeseman. It was the first day on the snow for some of our members, so it was great to see them out there giving it a go! Thanks to our siblings at CUSSC for inviting us along, with them leading the charge, we all felt in safe hands. After a moderately early morning start (if you’re comparing it to Mt Hutt wake-up times), we all packed into cars like sardines, some of us being scooped up in Lincoln and others at Haere-roa at UC. A quick stop at the pie shop in Sheffield ensured we were all fuelled up for the day ahead. Once at Cheeseman, the cool breeze made for red cheeks and cold fingers while qued up waiting for our lift passes and rental gear. For some, it was off to the bunny slope to work on what I would call some of the best pizza and fries I’ve seen in a long time! For others, it was off to the T-bars heading up the slopes, only to carve and slash our way back to the Asbottom.lunchtime rolled around we all gathered on the deck for some snags - compliments to the chef!


A few more laps after lunch seemed to be the go, and as mid-afternoon rolled around, so did the next storm, making for some fresh turns however, as the visibility waned – so did our enthusiasm for hitting moguls. One by one we returned to the deck seeking out our drivers and new friends. With the snow starting to come in thick and heavy we realised that if we wanted to get home that

Learners Day with LSD & CUSSC


Written by Marissa Mcdonald

RAM night we should probably move quickly before the roads began to close, that’s if we hadn’t already missed that boat! As we assembled at the cars, we quickly learned that chains would be a must for the journey down the hill. For many of us – we had owned chains for a while but it was our first time fitting them, which goes to show that a learners’ day can extend way past just skiing and snowboarding! From there it was a slow yet stunning journey home through Porters Pass in what I like to call a chains-on chains-off saga! A big thanks again to all those who came, the drivers, Max Turner and the team at CUSSC for organising and making us feel welcome, and Mt Cheeseman for hosting us! Keep an eye on our socials and your emails for our next adventures and sign-ups, you can find us and CUSCC on Instagram @lsd.snow, @cussc also be sure to check out our Linktree for merch and other goodies. linktr.ee/lincolnsnowdepartment Hope to see you out there! Your LU Gym Membership is included in your student services fee

Winter Arotakeka selwynfestivals.co.nz

SNOW MANIA This place is the absolute place to go for all your ski/board rental gear! Located on Dalgety Street near Tower Junction, Snowmania will get you kitted out for around $30. Collect your gear the avo before heading up to the slopes and return by 11am the next day. You can even hire clothing and accessories, like toboggans if that’s more your style. Their workshop is outfitted with several machines to get your skis and snowboards repaired and maintained, so you can keep riding the mountain the same way you could when you first bought your gear! snowmania.co.nz



TIMEZONE RICCARTON Get out of the cold and into Arcade Games, Bowling, Laser Tag, Bumper Cars and even Glow in the Dark Mini Golf, all under one roof! This place is not just for kids. Make a night of it! timezonegames.com

5TH AlthoughSTREETthis restaurant is in a very random spot that you wouldn’t expect to dine in, that is what makes it all the more bespoke. It was hand built, using recycled and secondhand materials. Filled with greenery, featuring local dishes and lovely staff, this beautiful evening dining experience is the brainchild of the team behind the much loved Sydenham cafe Hello Sunday. Their delicious small plates such as fried chicken and steak tartare, medium plates like roasted carrots with whipped feta, and larger plates of lamb shoulder, and pan-fried hapuka. Their cocktails are fab too! 5thstreet.co.nz

Decreased chance of heart attacks

Airbnb will be a great friend, as will hostels, holiday parks, and Everyonebooking.com.deserves a break and science supports it, providing the perfect excuse to break open the bank account and treat yourself! airbnb.co.nz


• Reduces risk of depression

Numerous studies have investigated the impact of traveling on health (particularly traveling abroad - but that’s expensive and actually more stressful to plan) and show that it has great benefits. While these studies typically focus on visiting countries or places you haven’t been before, visiting places after a long time or having different experiences in places can induce similar effects. So what are the actual benefits:

• Stress relief

It’s around the time of year when study just gets a bit too stressful and doing your usual mental recharge activities isn’t working as great as they did. Well, what a great time to just get out of it! Christchurch that is.

AKA enhances creativity and cognitive (brain) function – but best to engage and not just relax.

Therefore, I think it is completely valid to go take that time to explore New Zealand (or elsewhere). Take Friday off and don’t think about university or work till Monday (or longer). There are heaps of places, walks, trips, and activities to do around Selwyn and Canterbury within a couple hours.

RAM | ISSUE 06 35


• Boosts happiness and satisfaction

These amazing beach side hot pools in New Brighton, offer five different temperature pools with a separate plunge pool, sauna and steam room. It is such a great way to relax, unwind, and take the time to forget about your woes. Simply sit and enjoy stunning views while soaking in the pool. With four session times available and adult passes from $14, He Puna Taimoana is the perfect way to spend some of your day or evening. hepunataimoana.co.nz

• Increased cognitive flexibility and depth and integrativeness.

You might want to stay a lost boy forever, your girlfriend probably won’t. Let’s not forget that Wendy decided to get her act together and grow up, taking all the other boys back to London with her, and leaving Peter on his own to stay young forever in Neverland. What can fairy tales tell us about tales with a line of darkness, or tales wrapped in mystery...

Once Upon A Time

These stories allow us to explore the furthest reaches of our imaginations, but also a few things can be learned from a childhood spent devouring the ultimate Fairy tales. Like, life is difficult and chal lenging; bad things happen to good people; the course of true love never runs smooth; and we all live happily ever after...ofEveryonecourse!needs to venture off the beaten track at some point in his or her life, so no one can blame Little Red for doing that, but confusing a wolf for your grandmother? That’s just inexcusable!


Why do they all start with “Once upon a time. In a deep, dark wood. In a kingdom far away...”? Fairy tales are dark for a reason - they’re trying to warn us about how crap life can really be!

Peter Pan - Girls are always going to be more mature than boys. Little Red Riding Hood - Invest in good eye care. With fantastical stories of witches and fairies, goblins and elves, or heroic princes and their villainous counterparts, folklore and fairy tales have long been an ingrained tradition in story-telling.

10 life lessons from fairy tales

“One girl is worth more use than 20 boys.”J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Never forget the importance of networking: where would Cinderella be without her fairy godmother? Most likely still sweeping cinders out of the fire place. While many fairy tales commend success through one’s skill, talent and hard work, this story reminds us that friends in high places can also give us a boost up.

Let’s get one thing clear: the princess in question only kissed one frog, who just so happened to be a handsome prince under a spell. So you don’t actually need to kiss many frogs, you just need to kiss the right frog – but frog-kissing is still essential, so give that guy or gal a chance and it might just pay off.

Cinderella - Its not what you know but who you know.

Throw all caution to the wind and have a grand adventure! Follow the white rabbit, drink from that mysterious bottle and go to tea parties with strang ers. You’ve already made so many other inadvisable decisions in your life – what’s the worst that can happen? You may love him with all your heart. You may leave your family, give up your voice and change yourself to be with him. But, as the original Hans Christian Andersen story shows, you can’t make him fall in love with you. This tragic tale pulls no punches and teaches us from a young age that you don’t always get your prince, no matter how hard you try.

Beauty and the Beast - Dont judge a book by its cover. Snow WhiteConsent is power. The tale’s message is a good reminder that we should not judge a book by its cover. We should take the time to get to know somebody on a deep er level to see if there is a meaningful love connec tion...although Belle is held captive against her will by the Beast. Yet, she falls in love with him over time, almost as if she was afforded no choice in the situation. A little bit of Stockholm Syndrome here if you ask me!

The Princess and the Frog - Give people a chance.

Alice in Wonderland - Just do it.

Snow White is unconscious when the prince kisses them, which raises up a lot of issues about con sent. In the #MeToo era of educating people about the importance of sexual consent, romanticizing non-consensual sexual actions with an unconscious person is a negative message but we now know better. However, this Fairy tale still has a good ending, where true love conquers all and goodness prevails.

The Little Mermaid - Sometimes you cant have the one you want.

• Simrose, Purple Powerade

Andre, loves to just chuck shit in the oven. “Why cook when you can heat up?!” Dirtiest flattie & why? Logan, Andre and Will, only clean their rooms for flat inspections. Most annoying flattie & why?

The boys are at Canterbury and LU students studying a range of things from Product Design to Environmen tal Management and Andre does not study and is a full time Benebludger! How old are you all? 21-22 Any Flat-guilty Netflix Pleasures? Shrek, Shrek 2, Shrek 3 and Shrek Forever After. What’s your flat Hangover go-to?

Flat name? Paris Who lives here? Joe, Jack, Matt, Will, Logan, Flynn and Andre. Where are you all from? Christchurch, the Boom and South Auckland What are you all studying?


Flat must have… Mana and walking access to Wild Bean Cafe. What do you usually disagree on? Baths and when to turn on the dish washer and fireplace on. Any flat traditions? Wondering aimlessly around Bunnings. Would you all flat with each other again? Yes! We will be back for season three next year!

Jack has always got something going on and won’t shut the fuck up about it. Flat mascot? Groot!

• Wake up keep going Anyone screwed the crew? Not that we are aware of. Do you have a Flat pet? Did that in second year - Big Ceebs. Worst cook & why or what do they cook that’s so bad?


January 19

40 Leo July 23 – August 22

Sagittarians are fun-loving crea tures, but you’re also the rudest ones on the astrological chart... and blunt as hell! Rudeness is very obvious in your behaviour and on top of that, you won’t apologise at all. Short-tempered, clumsy, unable to follow a rou tine, arrogant, reckless, inconsis tent...what is your problem you extrovert?

Although you might be expecting to see Scorpio at the top of the “asshole” list, we think that if we have to choose a “shit” sign, it would be Capricorn. Known for your grumpy, in-your-face way of communicating. You’re rude, blunt, and don’t give a shit how others feel. In general, you disregard how others’ feelings in pursuit of your own interests.

You’re a complicated creature; logical, hardworking, responsible, and modest. But like with all-star signs, not everything about a Virgo is peachy. While your mem ory can serve as an excellent tool, it also is the reason for their anxiety. Stop overthinking and worrying. Smoke a big joint, stop being so uptight, and chill out!

November 21

Virgo August 23 – September 22

You’re usually one of the more charitable people around. You won’t hesitate to give a person what they need (you slut). However, you can also be incredibly self-indulgent, enjoying the finer things in life, buying up large, and not giving a shit about climate change.


SeptemberLibra 23 – October 22

NovemberSagittarius22–December 21


Stop rejoicing in your own spotlight that you’ve created for yourself. No one cares and stop trying to make everyone your friend! You’re annoying, stubborn, arrogant, restless, dominating... shall I stop now? Stop tearing everyone a new one when they do you wrong. Just be your sexy, slutty self!

Scorpios always get a lot of shade, maybe because there is something to be said of your vindictiveness and tendency to resort to malicious words or acts if someone happens to fuck you off. You’re usually known for your introverted nature, but while you may not actively project what you’re feeling or thinking, sometimes what’s going on underneath isn’t always good-natured and you may turn into a complete cu#t with little to no warning.


RAM | ISSUE 06 41

You’re sooooo negative. Sensitive, moody, such a pesimist. Insecure, indeci sive, trying to escape every sitiuation, taking no responsibilty, weak-willed, clingy...oh and did I mention lazy? But you do forgive easily, which is great for others as we can all take advantage of their loving and caring nature. Woo hoo!

JuneCancer21–July 22 Cancer is the queen of belittling humor, which makes you as weak as you look. You constantly make people uncomfortable, and no one gets your shitty jokes. You’re blunt and not funny. Check-in with those around you to make sure they even like you before hanging out with them as they’re more than likely pretending to be your friend.

MayGemini21–June 20

Taurus April 20 – May 20

As a fire sign ruled by Mars, you’re downright aggressive and impatient, which makes you a prick to deal with. You’re always thinking you’re way is the best, and the only way to do things.You’re actually very off-putting to most people. We’d rather just get out of your way or ignore you. Although you’re passionate, you’re also a bully who insist on taking a shit on the bonnet of your car.

Get over yourself Aquarius, no one notices you anyway!


Gemini people are considered to be the most immature zodiac sign and that’s why sometimes they can’t control their feelings and cry like a little bitch all the time! You can’t stand any judgy situations and let your poor little feelings build up inside you until you burst embarrassing yourself more than ever. Grow up Gemini!

You’re is known for being low-key and laid-back, and so is your sense of humor. You’re boring as fuck! You’re quite reserved, but if someone crosses you you’ll be sure to let out that inner rage all over their face! So everyone tip toes around you. So, if you have a Taurus friend, think twice before annoying them. Yuck.

FebruaryPisces19 – March 20

Aries March 21 – April 19

January 20 – February 18

Aquarius, you’re not funny. We all hate you because you prefer to revel in the humor of others, at their expence. You’re a closed off recluse, preferring a tight-knit group of people (or cats), because you always feel insecure or exposed.

Daf fodil Day Friday 26th August From 11am, Grounded Can’t make it on thankaandMakedonationMakeFriday?yourhereadonationLUSAgiveyoucupcaketosayyou!

RAM | 43

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