Your Student Magazine Garden Party
Relive the best moments from Garden Party 2020
Issue Eight October/ĹŒketopa
How covid-19 affects our student life
Beavers Banter
A fictional synopsis of how different degrees perform in the bedroom
RAM Magazine Lincoln University Students’ Association Email:
RAM | Issue Eight
Contents. Words from the President
2020 LUSA Exec 05 Garden Party Recap 08
A Fictional Synopsis of How Different Degrees Perfom in the Bedroom
Life in the Halls 2013–2015
Things Overheard in Grounded
25 Things To Do Before You Turn 25
Te Awhioraki's Reflection on 2020
Grad Ball Recap
Covid-19, How it Effects Our Student Life 10
Sam Blackmore Well, here we are. The final hurrah!
I’m not fond of long goodbyes, so I’ll keep this short. This year has been massive, and no one could have predicted the events that have unfolded. COVID-19 will forever be etched into our memory, and for me it has become the overwhelmingly clear theme of my time as president. I’m really proud of the way that LUSA pulled through to offer support and assistance, advocated for equitable and reasonable assistance from the Uni for students throughout the year and still pulled through to put on as great a student experience possible, including the biggest Garden Party we’ve ever done! There’s not much more for me to say than it has been an absolute honour and a privilege to be the LUSA President alongside such an incredible team. Max, you’ve been a huge support and advisor to me in your role as VP. Charlotte, Kate, Zoe, Sarah, Barb, and Balaji — you guys have been dealt such a tough hand this year, but you’ve all handled the challenge this year like champs! I’m so proud of the work you’ve all done this year. And Greg, I wish you all the best for leading a new team in 2021! Ka kite anō au I a koutou.
RAM | Issue Eight
Max Lichtenstein
Gregory Flemming
Kia ora te whānau! Ke te pehea kotou?
Kia ora koutou,
As the countdown is on until the end of this semester and the stress levels are rising, we’re all in the thick of it at the moment! Hang in there and given the rate at which this year has flown by, summer holidays aren’t that far away now!
This is your salacious secretary speaking. The final countdown is here! *cue the music*. With Garden party now over (and wowee what a day!), our inevitable final exams are upon us. But you know what that means, 2020 is almost over.
Thanks to you guys for giving me the opportunity to represent you across our campus over the past two years. My successor for 2021 is a good bloke called Lincoln Roper who will be studying a Master of Agribusiness next year. I have no doubt Lincoln will be up for the challenge of tackling some mega student issues that will carry over into next year and I think he will to do a stellar. As always, please feel free to reach out to me or Lincoln via email if you have anything your concerned about or would like to discuss.
All the best for your exams! Ngā mihi manaakitanga Max
With wildfires, COVID-19, multiple lockdowns, the ongoing recession, and whatever Pandora has for us in November (this month I had my car breakdown which was fun*), I am sure glad that 2021 is on the horizon. For some of you, this will (hopefully) be your last semester of university, and I wish you all the best for next year with work, further study, or whatever you do. For those who are continuing on to next year, I look forward to seeing you around! I have the honour and privileged of continuing on with LUSA next year in the role of El Presidente. In conclusion, thank God this year is coming to an end; See you next year, have a great summer. Yours sincerely, Gregory *if anyone can tell me why my car won’t go in reverse or past second gear that would be great…
Barbera Forster General Rep
General Rep
This is it, signing off for the rest of the year, and what a year it has been!
Kia ora e te whānau o Lincoln <3 Hello Lincoln family <3
As a student myself, I have found this has been one of the most challenging years I've had at university. It has been a lot of adjusting and rethinking about how to study, what a social life looks like over zoom and what this means for those finishing uni this year. Hopefully, those finishing this year like Tech jobs, if you've watched the leaders debate you'll understand.
Tēnā rawa atu ki a koutou katoa mō te tau tino pai! Thank you all so much for a fantastic year!
Have a safe and happy year guys. I’ve really enjoyed being your wellbeing rep and I’m glad to have such an awesome Exec step up this year. Thanks a bunch, Barb.
Āe, kua tau wero, engari! Kua tau koa, tipu hoki :) Yes, it has been a challenging year, but! It has also been joyful and fruitful :) Kia whakapai tō tau kei mua. Have a blessed year ahead. Kei te aroha au ki a koutou katoa! I love you all! Piripai tahi: iwa "Ko taku inoi anō tēnei, kia nui haere tonu tō koutou aroha i runga i te mātauranga, i ngā mahara mōhio katoa." Philippians 1:9 "I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding."
Kate Lambarth
General Rep
THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL TALK CRAP AND NO ONE WILL READ IT. Glorious. What a year it has been, we had covid, weird referendums and I tried my first Mc Gang Bang. This is a McChicken put inside a double cheeseburger, what a cardiac arrest that was. But onto some motivation or some shit, put your head down and study. Yeah ok, some exams are now open book, but don't use this opportunity to be excited about not studying, actually do some work, your degree amounts to the work you put into it, not what you don’t. This of course isn't aimed at everyone, mostly the unmotivated stoners. (Ok, I don’t actually
Sarah Visser
think all stoners are unmotivated, I just know that statement will wind up some people, especially some mates of mine ) Oh would you look at that, gone off topic again. As I write this, I'm sitting with 8 kids that I'm looking after, watching "How to Train Your Dragon". I don’t know what's going on, right now there is some cute as fuck black dragon and two cartoon humans that have way to much sexual tension. Jesus. Maybe I should talk about one more important thing... as some of you are about to finish studying and find a job, don’t stress. I, myself have got a job at a coffee shop and I'm excited as hell!! I know I'll get given a great opportunity one day, things always work out! So get out there, get yourself a good ole modest job if you cant find anything specific to your degree and just enjoy it. Real success is happiness.
RAM | Issue Eight
Balaji Leksshman
Zoe Arts
Postgrad Rep
International Rep Kia ora!
My name is Balaji Leksshman and I'm doing my Postgraduate diploma in applied science. The LUSA is excited to welcome you to our peaceful and diverse university. This is the last issue of RAM and it been a pleasure to be a part of LUSA. As this my last semester at Lincoln university, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m thankful for everyone supporting LUSA under the rough time we had this year. The LU and LUSA is doing the best for students to have a better university experience here at New Zealand. As an International representative I was every excited working with multicultural students around me. It was a great experience for me to know different languages and international society we have at Lincoln. The LUSA is here to help you, whether it is through our representation of students, our advocacy and wellbeing services and all the student events at LU. We have free food events during study break as well. So, if you feel tired of studies come to Forbes to collect your food. All the best with your studies, exam and enjoys your time at LU with LUSA.
We are fast approaching the 10 week anniversary of the postgrad coffee machines mysterious departure. Unfortunately, we are no closer to solving this, all our leads have resulted in dead ends, but we welcome any new information. In the meantime, there will be a couple coffee plungers in the postgrad kitchen that you are welcome to use until they go missing. On a more exciting note there a still a few postgrad events scheduled for this year, there will be a postgrad BYO/Christmas party at some point in the study break as well as the postgrad high tea on the 4th of November at 12:30pm in the Forbes postgrad space. This is my final blurb, the next will be written by Findal the incoming postgrad rep, so if you have any event requests or ideas make sure to hit him up. I hope you all have a great summer, please remember to take a break, you deserve it!
If you have any questions or need any help, get in contact with the LUSA Team! I would love to hear from you too, so send me an email on balaji.poobalamuruganleksshman@
Welcome to RAM Issue 8 aka the end of the year that was 2020 and thank god for that. All we can hope for now is no massive cliff hanger and to just cruise on into summer. It's been a year and quite frankly, a pretty shitty one, but let's take a moment to appreciate the country we live in. Our world is falling apart, we could be in
a much worse position, yet here we are, at level 1 and, touch wood, about to head into a summer full of freedom and fun. So with that, good luck for your exams and have a fantastic summer holiday. To those of you who this is your last year on campus, congratulations, we can't wait to see you at Grad Ball 2021!
THE HIGHLIGHTS Garden Party 2020 was epic! Because finally, lockdown after lockdown, we were all able to let our hair down and celebrate making it through the year and the end of lectures for 2020.
With the likes of Sachi, Wax Mustang and Lee Mvtthews killing it on the stage, it absolutely did not disappoint. We hope you had as much fun as we did and we can't wait until next year to do it all again!
RAM | Issue Eight
For all Garden Party photos check out LUSA on Facebook 9
COVID-19, How it Affects Our Student Life! [by Basil Saju]
RAM | Issue Eight
I thought of sharing with how this pandemic (Covid-19) affected the student life in New Zealand. Even though the lockdown period in New Zealand was not that much restricting as in many developing countries, it still left its footprints in our student life. The coronavirus period had different impacts on each student.
have also shifted to being night owls as they could only enjoy the others company through telephonic conversations.
Studies have found that in online classes the adoption rate is around 50-60% whereas in the classroom the adoption was around 80-90%. Also online classes affect the eyes of the students due to long hours in Initially, many were happy with the lockdown all over front of the blue screen. Furthermore, looking at the the country as it meant that they didn’t have to big picture there is huge job loss due to the economic attend the early morning lectures in the cold winter recession within the country. This would adversely in New Zealand. To begin with, the lockdown gave affect the students who are due to graduate this a month of assignment free life which made many year. Anxiety of not getting a job has increased enjoy their own company. It engulfed us into the world among students especially among international of music, games, movies and internet. But it also students. The ones who have taken educational meant that we got separated from our friends. The loans from their mother land for their education are joys of self-entertainment soon began to be boring. the worst affected by this scenario. Another problem Then, it was a long wait for an unlocking situation to that could be faced particularly by international meet friends and relatives. students is the lack of exposure to the NZ culture. Many might not Then, soon after the 1 month level ...enjoy the have got a chance to catch up with 3 lockdown, level 2 settled into present and domestic students to explore their everyone’s lives and with that online classes began. Still, it was make everlasting cultures as the lock down isolated Moreover, many better than face- to –face lectures memories of your communities. adventure sports that aimed at as many students who lived in the University life in providing entertainment and a sense city found it more convenient as it saved them the travelling time whatever time you of team spirit among international got left, so that students got called off. This reduced to Lincoln. There was a complete their chances of being a part of the change in the situation of the class’s those moments kiwi society and many just became atmosphere. But after a while many get etched in our isolated in their cultural domes. came to know that there are lots of
memories. disadvantages than advantages to Students themselves are faced with this type of education. This virus is isolation, anxiety about a deadly not a blessing to students but a fore-shadow of the virus and uncertainty about their future. In so many student’s further life to adjust the online mode of ways the current situation is unprecedented for most education. The shift in education is totally different people alive today. Amongst all that is happening from what we were used to. This type of online around, New Zealand is blessed in a way as it is course seen in Software’s and online applications due to come out of lockdown. Many who felt that was not convenient and restricted our freedom of the student life has been a struggle could rejoice. raising doubts and interacting with the class. Now that the education system returns to normal But there was an option for everyone to spend time everyone has to start getting up early morning productively as you can use the extra time to gain to attend the morning lectures, at least most of better knowledge and even try to improve one’s us I guess! To those who worry about what effect grades. Students with artistic talents could spend this pandemic has on their future. Just remember their time polishing their skills. As the winter draws yesterday was history and tomorrow is a mystery, to an end many are seen more bonded by blood. The there is no use worrying about it. Just enjoy the Covid 19 period have strengthened family bonds as present and make everlasting memories of your many parents were engaged in work from home. So University life in whatever time you got left, so that for those who felt left out this was the perfect time to those moments get etched in our memories. strengthen relations. Many Romeo and Juliet’s might
The Final Beavers Banter Presents..
A Fictional Synopsis of How Different Degrees Perform in the Bedroom... [by Beaver]
RAM | Issue Eight
Hey beaver bitches!! It is with a sad heart that this will be my last ever Beavers Banter, forever… you guys are going to have to find something else interesting to read while you take your morning shit now, sorry bout it. But, since this is my final, I decided to really go hard core on you guys and write some fictional (mostly… or is it?) stories on what I believe each degree is like in the sack. And when I say sack, I mean good old fashioned fucking. All of these stories will focus on how I believe men behave according to their degree, yes I know its 2020 and everyone should be included, but frankly, I don’t give a shit. That’s my personal focus.
Dip Ag Students
Any Type of Science Majors
The ‘root’ of these guys’ performance ‘cums’ directly from their degree. Just give it a wee dippy dip dip and there you have it, a disappointingly quick ride. I’m not saying these guys lack other skills in the bedroom, I mean most of them like to get their hands dirty right? So you can bet they’ll be all up in your under-grill with their dirty fingers, flicking you to the wondrous world of Jack’s beanstalk. Just be careful though, they are probably covered in cow shit, cow shit = thrush. I know better than anyone that thrush ain't a good time. Am I right ladies?
I’d be careful with these ones, I can see them examining your flaps under a magnifier. You might also find them trying different fertilisers on you to see how it effects your sex drive. Yeah I know I’m talking a load of shit, but that’s the kind of quality writing you are choosing to read right now. To be fair, these guys are probably pretty good, if they like science, then maybe they’ve figured out the exact force and speed of what to pump you with, and we all hope that’s a big load of creamy little spermies.
Commerce Students Now for the only time, I’ll advocate for the women of this degree that they are professionals at riding cock (not biased at all)… but when it comes to men, especially accounting, they are definitely looking for a big money earning job to make up for what they lack in the department of dick. The good thing about these guys though is that they can be kinky as fuck. So get out those nipple clamps, tie your hair up in a pull-able pony tail and get ready to be bent over the bathroom basin, these guys know what they’re doing.
Postgrad Students These guys are more of the slow romantic type, and there is nothing wrong with a bit of vanilla sex every now and again. The only downfall is that they will talk about their problems the entire time and probably complain about someone putting too much salt on their carbonara last night.
Masters Students Now, in my experience a lot of masters students lie that they have lost their virginity, so the empty hole they have been filling their entire lives, hasn’t been pussies or assholes, they have been the dark hole of education. So they may be a master of something, but you won’t find it under the sheets.
PHD Students To the one particular, sexy guy I know who’s reading this, you know who you are ;) PHD = PRETTY HUGE DICKS enough said. So that’s all guys. I hope this one gets more complaints that my tinder article, just for memory sake. I really am going to miss writing these articles, they provide some inappropriate laughter that I think is slowly disappearing in this PC world. (Definitely not shedding a tear as I write this) Here is my last EVER Beaver quote for you… “Don’t judge a man for what he may lack, instead train him up and teach him to rub your crack”. Final Regards, Beaver 13
Hey guys! As this is the last RAM of the year, I, your mate Beaver, have been sifting through to find some funny shit to lighten your day. As I was researching, I came across this absolute BEAUTY of a FB page with confessions from our halls from 2013â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2015. This is some fucking inappropriate shit you're about to read, so prepare yourself and put that inner Karen to bed for the next 5 minutes for the love of GOD. One positive thing that comes out of this is, we have come a long way when it comes to being PC. Try this shit now and you'll just be another stuff article. Peace out bitches
RAM | Issue Eight
"Things Overheard in Grounded." [by Kate Lambarth]
There's a new Lincoln Facebook page amongst us! Go onto Facebook and like this page immediately! And when you hear something that may be a bit out of context, or just generally hilarious, be sure to message the admin for the page to get it posted up! Everything posted is anonymous so don't fret yourself about that! Here are some prime examples of what this page has to offer so far, and only to get better!
"If you have good shoes, you have a good life, I learnt that on Hannah Montana and it's actually true!" "You know what never let's you down? Adidas." "What? Anal beads?"
"I don't win in anything, I just don't loose as bad."
"I wish I was attracted to feet, then everyone with shoes on would be the equivalent to getting nudes but I wouldn't even have to ask."
"Are you really going to cut my toenails right now? With 2 days without showering?"
"I got so drunk on Saturday, I texted all my exes from the last 10 years... like I talked to a guy from year 9." "Must be hard to be weird." "Your brain produced this chemical when your dead like dreaming." "How?" "I dunno oxytocin or some shit." "But you're dead?"
When we turn 25, we would have completed quarter of our life. We would have experienced college, fallen in first love, for some first heart break and also some personal struggles. We will be a young adult, who has learned a lot about ourselves. But there are some things to do before we turn 25 so that we can ensure that we are living our best life. 1. To Learn How to Manage the Money We Have
5. Have a Movie Date to Yourself
Make sure that you all have a savings bank account for yourself, a checkbook, etc. Many schools are not teaching things like these. Finance play a major role in our life. So it is always good to know how to handle our money.
It may sound funny but it is necessary to spend some quality time within yourself to stay mentally fit.
2. Remove Toxic People From Your Life Our life should always be filled with positivity. The first thing to do is to remove the negative people from our life. Keep in touch with those who really encourage you to pursue your dreams. 3. To Run a 5k It is necessary to keep you fit. So get yourself cute shoes and make a squad of your own and run everyday. 4. Have Your Breakfast Health is wealth. So it is necessary to stay healthy. The first step for keeping you healthy is to have your breakfast. 16
6. Explore New Places Travel always makes our mind fresh. Taking a break from our regular activities not only makes your mind fresh but also all your sensory organs. 7. Learn to Cook It is better to know cooking than to go for a restaurant all the time. Also making dinner for your dates can given a good impression to the person who you love, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a additional bonus. 8. Get a Way to Make Your Mind and Body to Focus Every single year that passes in our life may turn us down a little bit, so it is better to get a way that makes your mind and body to focus in your work. It can be yoga, exercises, etc.
RAM | Issue Eight
9. Learn a New Foreign Language
18. Be Creative
Learning new language will gives you knowledge about different cultures, ethics, etc. Also, in future it may help you during traveling.
Try to bring a lot imaginations in your way of thinking. This will also make you stand unique from others.
10. Always Be in Touch With Your Parents
As I already mentioned, we all should know to cook. In that itself, you should have some dish of your own in your style. This will impress others easily whenever you call them for dinner over your place.
Our relationship with our parents is something very important. No matter what, Family is forever. 11. Start Saying No If you don’t like to do anything that doesn’t suit you, it is better to say no. No body should control you for their likes. 12. Stop Depending on Others Be independent. Start doing things by yourself, from setting your alarm till you reach your bed, make sure you do most of the things by yourself.
19. Make your Signature Food
20. To Do Your Basic Household Chores Keep your place clean and neat. Mess free environment not only impresses your guest but also keeps your mind calm. 21. Have a Cool Posture Sit in a proper posture. It will keep your body healthier and helps you from having any kind of body pain.
13. Make a Habit of Having Friend’s Night
22. Do Some Outdoor Activity
A lot of things will be there for us like studies, work, relationship, family, etc., but it is always necessary to spend some time with your friends.
Play something whenever you get time. Volleyball, football, anything you like. This will also give you a healthy mind and body.
14. Ask Whenever You Need Some Help
23. Get Offline
We are not god to do everything by ourselves. It is not a bad thing to ask for a help when you get stuck in a situation. You should be actually smart and strong to ask for a help whenever you need it.
Don’t be too much on internet. Make sure you use your electronic gadgets wisely than to be in social medias all the time.
15. Be Honest in Your Opinions It is time to be true to your feelings. Don’t be fake. Only if you say, people can know what you feel. Everyone is not a mind reader.
Pen down the wishes you want to finish off before the end of a year or five years or whatever so. It can be anything even it may be silly. It may help you to prioritize your works easily.
16. Have a Vacation for Yourself
25. Learn to Live in the Present
Go to some trips alone. That will help you understand yourself better. You will be able to create memories for a life time.
Past is a history, future is a mystery, so always try to live in the moment. Be happy with what you have at this moment. Because no moment can be lived twice.
17. Learn to Forgive We are all humans, we are born to make mistakes. No one is a saint here. Grudges against someone won’t take you anywhere in life. Though we cannot pretend like nothing happened but forgiving someone can make your heart to be in peace.
24. Make a Bucket List of Your Own
I hope this article would have been interesting and helped you in some way. And bring happiness in life to everyone!
RAM | Issue Eight
Humble Attempt: Lake Moriane Lake, Alberta Canada by Tushar Phatak 19
, Te Awhioraki s Reflection on 2020. We’re arriving at the end of another year on campus... and what a year it’s been! There’s been a lot of unexpected disruption, and then somewhat expected disruption, but we’ve made it- me he tē We’ve all been plenty busy at Te Awhioraki throughout the year, but some of our key highlights have been: • Clubs and Markets Day: it’s so cool to see more and more stalls on campus- and a few new clubs too! (Pssst, did you know that there’s a Carpentry Club, as well as a Pottery Club? Tau kē!) • Waaaaay back at the end of the year we got together with some tauira Māori for a couple inu at the Grouse- keep an eye for one last get together before exams! • Community Day was a really nice way to catch up with members of the community and weave some harakeke just before lockdown had us locked inside • While it’s been a stressful year, Te Awhioraki are grateful to have been able to send out vouchers and give out gift bags to tauira Māori as small ways of providing tautoko • Elections! We know lots of people find them boring, but we were stoked to have strong engagement this year (both in elections and 20
the AGM!). The tauira that you’ve chosen to represent you in 2021 will be saying hi again early next year, and planning a new line up of events, advocacy and support • Last, and never least, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, which may be one of our favourite weeks of the whole year. This year we had a movie night, quiz night, three free lunch, our AGM, and a night out bowling with students- and on that note, ngā mihi nui to Matua Kevin Eastwood from BioProtection Research Centre for sponsoring the bowling night! Aside from all the fun things, Te Awhioraki has also been part of the conversations around how students are supported at the University, and doing work behind the scenes to see what we can do to make your experiences better (look elsewhere in the issue for another project we’re supporting…). That said, we always welcome ideas! So, if you have something you want to see us do, just flick us an email at TeAwhioraki@ Whether you’re moving on from Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki onto a new kaupapa, or coming back over summer or returning next year, kia manawanui, mauria te pono, be strong-hearted, believe in yourself. Kia ū, Te Awhioraki
RAM | Issue Eight
LUSAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S 2020
GRAD BALL Let's face it, 2020 has been somewhat a shit year. Graduation was postponed, then cancelled, but nevertheless, we pushed through and delivered Grad Ball. And what a bloody great night it was!
RAM | Issue Eight
RAM | Issue Eight â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Season Final
Congratulations to all of our 2020 LUSA's Best winners! Best Club Event: Thursdays in Black â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sex Quiz Best New Club: Lincoln Environmental Sustainability Society Best Club: Thursdays in Black Best Clubs Collaboration: Association of African and Caribbean Students and LatiNZ â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sports and BBQ
Most Dedicated Club Members: The Bouldering Gym Team (Balin Robertson, Findal Proebst, Myles Mackintosh, William Talbot)
Student Who Enhances the University Experience for Their Peers: Kate Lambarth
Best Student Rep: Zac Howell
Best Quality University Experience: Malika Arora
Best PASS Leader: Amy Wells Best RAM Article: Maui Duley
Smiliest Student: Hayden O'Leary
Random Acts of Kindness Superstar: Johanna Cao
RAM | Issue Eight
Don't stand for any bullâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;feel safe and confident or say NO! Rural workspaces can be dangerous places 17 fatalities in agriculture already in 2020 2,229 sector injuries in 2019.
Make sure you get your H&S induction before you start work. Understand what the hazards could be. Are you experienced at what you are trying to do? Ask for helpâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;everyone was inexperienced at some stage. Think about your own safety. Make sure you get plenty of rest.
For more info visit: 27
Clubs Noticeboard
SPACE Key Dates. OCTOBER Spirit Day: Oct 20 Spirit Day is an anti-bullying campaign in which people all over the globe wear purple to show they stand in solidarity with LGBTQIA+ youth (Wright State University, n.d.). International Pronouns Day: Oct 21 A day that teaches people how to appropriately ask others what their pronouns are, and educates people on what pronouns mean. This day expresses the importance of using the right pronouns (International Pronouns Day, n.d.). Intersex Awareness Day: Oct 26 A day which celebrates intersex people and acknowledges the human rights issues they face. This day is also used to share the history of the intersex awareness movement (Intersex Day, 2017). Asexual Awareness Week: Oct 25-31 A week in which progress for asexual people is celebrated. The week is also used to educate people on "asexual, aromantic, demisexual, and greyasexual experiences" (Wright State University, n.d.). NOVEMBER Intersex Solidarity Day/Intersex Day of Remembrance: Nov 8 The birthday of Herculine Barbin, a French intersex person in the 1800s. Barbin wrote a memoir of their short 30-year life which has been published in French and English (Wikipedia Contributors, 2020).
Transgender Day of Remembrance & Transgender Awareness Week: Nov 20 & Week surrounding Nov 20 Honours all transgender people that have lost their lives due to anti-transgender violence. The week encourages people to engage with people in their community that identify as transgender to find out what kind of violence they are facing and how they can best support the transgender folk around them (Glaad, n.d.). DECEMBER World AIDS Day: Dec 1 A day which commemorates those that have lost lives because of AIDS related illnesses and encourages people to show solidarity to people living with AIDS and "unite in the fight against HIV" (World AIDS Day, n.d.). Human Rights Day: Dec 10 On December 10 1948, the United Nations General Assembly established the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights'. The document announced the inherent rights of every human, "regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status" (United Nations, n.d.).
RAM | Issue Eight
What a fun time to be unattached! Dating will feel exciting this summer thanks to a surplus of hotties. Your heart will open up to the idea of falling in lurrrrve, and a relationship might seem more appealing.
It's time to stop and smell free food over the next two weeks. It's true that this world is literally a shambles right now. Everything is overwhelming, but that doesn't stop tiny good things from happening to you every day, starting with the Study Break free food.
We all get lonely sometimes. It can feel especially challenging during the pandemic to feel connected to others. Make an effort this month to reach and form small connections with people. Even something as simple as sending a funny meme or responding to a person's tweet can spark a connection.
March 21 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; April 19
April 20 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; May 20
May 21 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; June 20
RAM | Issue Eight
You've lost site of the good things in life. You've started feeling like you're trudging through days that are all the fucking same. Take time this month to notice the small things in your life that bring you joy. Once you find out what those things are, work hard to put more of them in your day.
Make peace with your feelings this month. Accept that what you're feeling is natural and not something to fight. Stop trying to judge or suppress your emotions. Acknowledge those fuckers and let them play their course.
Practice the conservation of yourself this month. Your energy is limited and you've been giving it out to people left and right. Turn down some invitations and requests this month to focus on you.
This month focus on improving how you live in all areas. This is a great month to focus on your future success. The little steps you make in improving your home, your relationships, and your finances will go a loooong fucking way. A forward-moving energy will compound all your small efforts into something huge.
Take stock of your life this month. Feel thankful for what you do have. At this shitty time when it feels like everything is taken away from you, it can be easy to focus on everything missing from your life. Instead, think of every friend and family member that's with you and feel a new sense of gratitude.
You're used to carrying a great emotional weight. You're always carrying other's emotions around with you on top of your own. It's part of your empathetic nature. This month, let some of that damn load off by venting to a friend. Let people who love you carry a little of the baggage for you.
You're already hella good at what you do. But it's time to branch out and learn a new skill. We're sure there's something you've been wanting to try. Whether it's studying for your exams, demolishing free food, sleeping till noon, give it a go this month.
You've been putting yourself out there a ton lately. We fucking love that for you, and we support sharing your voice. This month, however, you should focus on being alone and regrouping. See what you learn in the quiet.
You've been slacking on follow through lately. You keep starting things but not quite finishing them. This month take time to work hard on something you care about. Notice how fucking good it feels to complete something and keep chasing that feeling.
June 21 – July 22
September 23 – October 22
December 22 – January 19
July 23 – August 22
October 23 – November 21
January 20 – February 18
August 23 – September 22
November 22 – December 21
February 19 – March 20