Free Tools Handbook

Page 1

Free Tool Galaxy ‘A review book of Free Tools’

Introduction From the 6th of May to the 19th of June 2013, second year Graphic Design students at the Willem De Kooning Academy in Rotterdam took part in The Free Culture Project. One part of this quarter-long investigation into all things ‘free’ in the creative world, was a Crosslab assignment on the topic of free tools and programs. This book is the result of this assignment, and contains student reviews of various “free” tools that may be of interest and use for designers and students of design. Through testing and scrutinizing the tools they not only look at them for their functional qualities, but also make a critical distinction between the various meanings of the term “free” in relation to software. Is it free as in “free speech” or free as in “free beer”? What does that mean? Not only as a consumer, but also as a maker, a producer? Or as a prosumer? The classes tested the tools on various abilities and structure. In this book we used all kinds of Free. it’s built on Free. The fonts we used, are free. Some programs used for the design are free. The information in this book, is generated for free! There is also something special about these pages. On the pages you’ll instantly see how the tool has been rated. The border around each page displays this rating, along with some other main characteristics of the tool. The greener the border gets, the better the tool! Conversely, if the border is more grey, then the tool is not good at all. We have also produced an interactive version of this book. That version comes with coloured text pages. These colors indicate what category the tool falls in - if it’s a tool for Image Processing, Video/Animation, Mindmapping/Archiving, Webmaking or if it is a Font tool. This makes it easier to look up and find categories. As the makers of this book we will hope that you’ll enjoy reading and exploring al of this information and use it for your own benefit!

Student assignment:

Free Culture & Free Tools Test. Review. Share. Vorig jaar hebben de studenten een basis gelegd in Processing, tijdens het vorig kwartaal werkte ze in Hotglue. Wat beide programma’s gemeen hebben, is dat ze gratis én free zijn. Ze zijn niet alleen free in de zin dat je niet hoeft te betalen om ze te gebruiken, maar ze zijn free in de zin dat je vrij bent om er mee te doen wat je wilt. Vrij om met de broncode van de programma’s aan de slag te gaan, vrij om mee te ontwikkelen aan de tools en vrij om de code te delen of te verspreiden op welke wijze dan ook.In tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld de Adobe Creative Suite, waarvoor je een licentie moet kopen, waarbij de broncode niet beschikbaar is gesteld maar het bezit is van Adobe, en waarvan het verboden is het te kopiëren en verspreiden. In het kader van het Free?! kwartaal hebben alle tweedejaars studenten voor Crosslab aan een onderzoek werken waarin een aantal free tools zoals Processing en HotGlue door jullie onder de loep worden genomen. De daaruit opgedane kennis, inzichten en ervaring m.b.t. de diverse tools kan vervolgens ingezet worden bij de overige opdrachten van het Free?! kwartaal. Iedere student heeft twee tools van de lijst toegewezen gekregen en heeft deze uitvoerig onderzocht om daar vervolgens een REVIEW (beoordeling/recensie) voor te schrijven. Naast de twee toegewezen tools kiezen ze er zelf een derde bij die ze gaan onderzoeken. Per week hebben ze zich op één tool gericht. Hoe gaat dit in zijn werk? Van deze drie tools hebben de studenten zoveel mogelijk uitgezocht. Ze installeren het, lezen de tutorials, manuals, gebruikerservaringen en experimenteren vooral ermee! Ze hebben geprobeerd om hierin zover mogelijk te gaan . Wat kun jij er bijvoorbeeld uit halen waar het misschien niet voor gemaakt is? Wat vind je van het gebruiksgemak, de mogelijkheid het naar je eigen hand te zetten, de voorbeelden en ervaringen van andere gebruikers, de exporteer mogelijkheden etc? Alle bevindingen hebben we gebundeld in dit boek.



easy in use clear and simple interface

unexpected results

sketch only no option to redo



random option

quick sketching

fooling around


Al.Chemy ‘An open drawing and sketching project’

The bottomline Good for quick sketches, monster drawings and experimental-fooling-around-sessions. The good It’s a nice to use for quick sketching. With a lot of random options you’ll get something unexpected in no time. The bad There is no option to un-redo or adjust a piece of your drawing. This makes it a sketch-only tool.

few bugs

no zoom



easy in use clear and simple interface

unexpected results

SPECIFICATIONS Alchemy is an open drawing project aimed at exploring how we can sketch, draw, and create on computers in new ways. Alchemy isn’t software for creating finished artwork, but rather a sketching environment that focuses on the absolute initial stage of the creation process. Experimental in nature, Alchemy lets you brainstorm visually to explore an expanded range of ideas and possibilities in a serendipitous way.


What is it: Application What is it for? Image processing Export format: PNG, JPEG, PDF, SVG This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick & easy to understand:

no option to redo

sketch only



random option

quick sketching

fooling around


What about the interface? It’s basic, clear, intuitive. So simple that nothing can go wrong. Easy to grasp. It is in Dutch and you immediately understand everything after using the tools within the program. The program is very logical because there are not that many functions. What notable things do other users say about this tool? The first thing that jumps out at me is that it would be very useful to allow users to assign their own hotkeys for the various different tools and settings. This seems like the type of program where you want to be able to work fluently without having to directly access to the interface too often. Testing the tool It includes a few bugs, for example the random swatch button doesn’t respond to changes when using it. Also not after choosing something else in between. And also people miss the zoom button and the undo button. What would/could a designer use this tool for? Free sketching, experimenting with shapes. For sketching with a precise endresult in mind this is not the right tool, but the experiment is nice and worth a try to get ideas. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? It’s free. No advertising, accounts, email addresses or anything.

no zoom few bugs



easy in use clear and simple interface

unexpected results

Additional comment: It’s nice to play around with the shapes and effects in this program. Could be a good way to get ideas for certain visuals, although a final product has to be made with a different program where fine tuning is possible.

Rated with: no option to redo

sketch only



random option

quick sketching

fooling around


no zoom few bugs







not intuitive

icons unclear


possibilities video

impressive open source


‘Is a 3D creation for everyone’ The bottomline It’s a very exciting tool with immense possibilities. Unfortunately it isn’t that user-friendly. The good With Blender you can make impressive 3D models as well as animations and videos. I can imagine that if you practice a lot it will reveal lots of possibilities. incompatible with trackpad The bad The interface is not intuitive at all, which makes the learning curve a steep one.


takes time







What is it: Application What is it for? Video | Animation | 3D Export format: BMP, Iris, PNG,JPG, Targa, Targaraw, Cineon, DPX, TIFF, AVI_jpg, AVI_raw, Frameserver, H264, MPEG, Ogg_theora, Quicktime, Xvid This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:



not intuitive

icons unclear





open source

What about the interface? The interface is a major problem of this program. As soon as you open the program you’re overwhelmed with buttons and functions. The symbols and layout are unclear and not intuitive, even after watching tutorials you are not sure of what does what. Zooming and scrolling is also a pain as it is most compatible with a mouse. What notable things do other users say about this tool? It is so full of features that it really puts to shame a lot of commercial software that asks money for barely anything. Anyone who’s ever wondered about computer-generated imagery should really devote some spare time to playing with Blender, and it is surely ideal for animation students who cannot afford to spend hundreds of pounds on modelling and animation software that might not be to their taste. Testing the tool Besides creating the basic 3D model, you can add textures, effects like glass and reflections and even adjust the lighting. All this takes a lot of patience but the more you use it the better the results can be. What would/could a designer use this tool for? It’s too complicated to be suitable for every 3D project but if you know how it works it can be very useful for designers, animators, even architects or product designers. It’s not better than Cinema 4D but it is free.

incompatible with trackpad


takes time





Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? It’s free. No advertising, accounts, email addresses or anything. Additional comment: The difficult interface is the biggest let-down of this program, which is otherwise quite interesting for a designer. There are lots of useful tutorials but they are long and not easy to understand.

Rated with: confusing Blender


not intuitive

icons unclear


possibilities video

impressive open source

incompatible with trackpad


takes time


graphics code






no compound pathes

s time


adobe illustrator vector assets free speech

Drawscript ‘It generates codes from vector shapes’

The bottomline Drawscript converts illustrations/designs into (Obj-C, C++, JavaScript, Processing, ActionScript 3, JSON, Bezier array).

The good You can create coding while making vector shapes, so there is no gap between designing and programming. The bad Latest version of Illustrator needed, it creates complex coordinates that generates errors when displaying and it’s not possible to have compound paths.

complex coordinates



graphics code






What is it: Extension What is it for? Image processing Export format: Obj-C, C++, JavaScript, Processing, ActionScript 3, JSON This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:


no compound pathes

s time


adobe illustrator vector assets free speech

What about the interface? Interface is integrated with Adobe Illustrator since it is an extension for that program. So if you are used to AI, it will be an easy program to learn. Just a small box where you see the transcode, really easy to use, just select the shape and the code is generated in the box. What notable things do other users say about this tool? ‘Drawscript is an extension for Illustrator (a tool from Adobe Creative Cloud). It generates graphics code from vector shapes in realtime. This is insanely useful. Especially for sprite path data!’ ‘Drawscript is pretty handy for anyone willing to skin UIs, create vector assets for gaming and learn vector graphics programming.’ ‘Looks really nice. There are various other methods floating around for some of the individual options, but nice idea to have it all in one output process from within Illustrator. Makes for a much cleaner approach, good work.’ What would/could a designer use this tool for? You can experiment with by changing the code instead of exporting it. You can create some weird shapes with it. Same goes for the colors. As it is not a fixed image, the designer can animate it using Javascript transitions, it is great to make vector animations that loads very quickly. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? It is free, but you need Adobe Illustrator and that’s a paid program.

complex coordinates


graphics code





Rated with: Drawscript errors

no compound pathes

s time


adobe illustrator vector assets free speech

complex coordinates



FREE BEER webpages save

limited can’t open when offline





mobile devices



‘Onthoud alles’

The bottomline Evernote is een heel simpel gebruiksvriendelijk programma voor zowel ontwerpers als niet-ontwerpers. Wel jammer dat er een betaalde versie aanvast zit. The good Het is makkelijk te downloaden en installeren. Het programma is makkelijk in gebruik en je kan altijd overal bij je ‘evernotes’ via je telefoon of tablet device. The bad Het is niet echt heel erg vernieuwend in z’n soort en het heeft wel wat weg van Dropbox.

must open account

not creative or exciting



FREE BEER webpages save

SPECIFICATIONS This feature lets you save the most recent copy of selected notes locally on your device so they’re available to read and edit when you don’t have an Internet connection.


What is it: Application What is it for? Share | Writing | Collecting Export format: Computer | Tablets | Smartphones This tool functions: After download and install and online This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac | iOS | Android This tool is: Free Beer Paid version available? Yes

Tutorials / Instructions

limited can’t open when offline

Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:





mobile devices


What about the interface? De interface lijkt op een ‘postvak-in van een mailbox. Het geheel is gebruiksvriendelijk en je hebt er geen introductiefilmpjes voor nodig. Alles wijst vanzelf waardoor je intuïtief te werk kunt gaan. Evernote werkt met notebooks waarin notities worden gemaakt, dit kunnen teksten zijn, screen shots van webpagina’s, foto’s die gemaakt zijn met je eigen mobiel, gescande documenten of andere bestanden. Iedere note kan uit één of meerdere ‘items’ bestaan. Het is dus mogelijk om een foto te voorzien van een korte omschrijving, en daar ook een PDF-bestand bij te voegen. Daarnaast is het een makkelijk te volgen interface. Ook op de telefoon en tablet is het makkelijk te volgen. Mocht je het dan toch niet weten kun je altijd nog het instructie filmpje volgen. What notable things do other users say about this tool? Everything found about the tool is positive, besides some very minor things. It’s a handy application, clear and easy to use. Many different options and available on many devices. What would/could a designer use this tool for? Ik zou het gebruiken om dingen die ik belangrijk vind in op te slaan. En daar is dan ook alles mee gezegd. Voor je creativiteit moet je denk ik ergens anders zijn. Het is eigenlijk om het heel globaal te zeggen een tekstverwerking programma met online opslag opties. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? De onbetaalde optie die in gebruikt heb is een goede advertentie loze versie. Bij de Gallery optie heb je wel de optie

must open account

not creative or exciting



FREE BEER webpages save

om meer programma’s te downloaden die van dezelfde makers zijn als van Evernote, maar daar stoor ik me totaal niet aan. Het is ‘free’ zolang je maar minimale capaciteit gebruikt. Wil je meer dan dat? Dan moet je betalen. Additional comment: In het proces van het posten van een bericht was er maar een beperkt aantal fonts aanwezig. Maar laterna bleek dat je meer fonts kan toevoegen. Prices paid version: Free: Upload to 60 MB data per month. Premium: Costs $5 per month or $45 per year. Upload a 1GB per month.

limited Rated with: Evernote can’t open when offline




must open account


mobile devices


not creative or exciting






no forum

easy to use


web fonts

remixing forms font creator

Fontstruct ‘To make your own font very easily’ The bottomline Geweldig als je snel een font wilt maken dat niet complex is. The good Makkelijk te beheersen, duidelijke interface. The bad Je kan alleen uit een voor geselecteerde vormpjes kiezen, niet je eigen.

can’t upload own forms

connected to Font Shop





easy to use

SPECIFICATIONS Het is een mooi online programma. In eerste instantie denk je: wat een simpel en goed programma, maar daarna kom je erachter dat er best wel gelimiteerd is. Maar met de juiste fantasie kun je echt een heel eind komen.


What is it: Online tool What is it for? Font tool Export format:TTF This tool functions: Online This tool is available for:Linux | Windows | Mac | iOS | Android This tool is: Free Beer Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:


no forum


web fonts

remixing forms font creator

What about the interface? Het programma is makkelijk te volgen. Ik denk dat ik binnen vijf minuten de basis door had en wist hoe ik letters kon maken. Als je snapt hoe Illustrator en Photoshop in elkaar steken dat weet je ook snel hoe dit programma in elkaar zit. Na een aantal stappen wil je meer en ga je vanzelf wel op zoek naar andere opties en mogelijkheden. Die kun je snel vinden op het blog en de support sectie. What notable things do other users say about this tool? Mensen op websites vinden het programma ‘easy to use’ en ‘a lot of fun’. Dus ik denk dat het programma in goed valt bij gebruikers. Ook op de website van Fontstruct zelf wordt positief gesproken over de tool. Testing the tool Er zijn een aantal dingen waar je tegen aan loopt. Bij het kiezen van een vorm kan er een willekeurige vorm verschijnen terwijl je daar niet voor hebt gekozen. Dit kost extra moeite om het goed vast te zetten. Helaas kan je ook geen eigen vormen uploaden. Daarom behoort het echt tot de ‘Free Beer’ stroming. Er is net iets te veel beperking, maar om zo maar te zeggen. What would/could a designer use this tool for? Het is een erg leuke manier om je fonts simpel online te maken en ook gelijk te kunnen downloaden. Het enige echte nadeel hiervan is dat het nog te beperkt is. Je kunt geen eigen input inbrengen en zo kun je dus niet optimaal gebruik maken van je creativiteit als ontwerper.

can’t upload own forms

connected to Font Shop





easy to use

Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? Het is helemaal ‘free’. Er zijn geen kosten achteraf of een versie waarbij je na betaling meer opties hebt. Je kunt zoveel fonts maken als je wilt. Fontstruct is een initiatief van Font Shop en daarom staan er Fontshop fonts tussen de fonts die zijn gecreëerd door anderen. Je font kan dus ook op de dan op de website van Font Shop verschijnen. Dit is tevens de enige vorm van advertising die je tegen komt. Additional comment: Erg leuke tool. Zeker de moeite waard om te gebruiken. Je leert het snel en het is handige toevoeging dat je gemaakte font ook gelijk als web font kan worden gebruikt.

Rated with: Fontstruct


no forum


web fonts

remixing forms font creator

can’t upload own forms

connected to Font Shop

FREEMIND mindmap

can’t make it your own

FREE BEER simple

share online








‘To create animated mindmaps’

The bottomline Prima tool om tijdens het brainstormen het allemaal op een rijtje te zetten, maar dan wel voor intern gebruik. The good Handig en eenvoudig om je mindmap als een interactieve webpagina te kunnen delen. Gratis programma om mindmaps te maken. Een mindmap ziet er clean uit door vaste vorm die FreeMind toepast. The bad Oubollig en beperkt ontwerp, de gebruiksvriendelijkheid is minder.

not as easy as a pen and paper

FREEMIND mindmap

FREE BEER simple

share online


SPECIFICATIONS Mindmapping helpt je om structuur aan te brengen in je gedachten door deze via een intuïtief systeem van onderling verbonden tekstwolkjes op papier of de pc over te brengen. Freemind is een editor, en dus vergelijkbaar met een tekstverwerker, waarbij je met behulp van tekst, afbeeldingen, diverse opmaak, speciale symbolen en hyperlinks als het ware een geanimeerde versie van je eigen gedachten kan creëren.


What is it: Application What is it for? Mindmapping | Structuring Export format: HTML, XHTML, XHTML, Java Applet, Flash, Open Office, Writer, Document, PNG, JPEG, PDF, SVG. This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac | iOS This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

can’t make it your own






What about the interface? In eerste oogopslag lijkt het door alle iconen links gelijnd en links boven dat je veel opties hebt, maar al gauw zie je de eenvoud van het programma door te klikken op één van de iconen. Want na er één aangeklikt te hebben zie je het resultaat direct op een woord in je mindmap. Verder is de interface fijn in gebruik, de bubbles versleep je makkelijk naar de gewenste plaats. What notable things do other users say about this tool? Zowel positieve als negatieve meningen verschijnen er op het internet, maar vrijwel iedereen is wel dankbaar voor zo’n gratis programma. What would/could a designer use this tool for? Voor interne brainstormsessies is het ideaal. Een ontwerper zou het niet snel zo presenteren aan een klant, omdat het ontwerp te bepalend is en niet de mogelijkheid biedt om het eigen te maken omdat je vast zit aan een stramien. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? Het is ‘free’ om het gratis te installeren maar je bent niet vrij om echt een origineel, je eigen mindmap te maken. Bijvoorbeeld eigen bubbles te tekenen of je eigen structuur te bepalen. Hoe je het ook plaatst of kleurt, het blijft er ‘Freemind’ uitzien.

not as easy as a pen and paper

FREEMIND mindmap

FREE BEER simple

share online


Additional comment: Freemind is een fijne eenvoudige programma om al je ideeën op een rijtje te zetten maar het zal mijn pen en papier niet vervangen en kies ik ervoor om liever klassiek te zijn i.p.v. oubollig wat het ontwerp van ‘Freemind’ is. Alleen voor Windows zijn er 2 versies beschikbaar: Windows Installer ‘Min’ en ‘Max’. ‘Min’ versie ontbreekt de SVG en PDF export. ‘Max’ versie is all inclusive.

Rated with: Freemind can’t make it your own






not as easy as a pen and paper


FREE SPEECH photoshop alternative

open source photo retouching


multi-view default

too technical


map objects




‘The image manipulation program’ The bottomline It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. The good GIMP’s functionality. When you start, the program gives examples of things you can do with it that are different from the obvious things in Photoshop. The bad The layering system, you can’t even select multiple layers.

rougher than photoshop

resource hungry bugs and errors


FREE SPEECH photoshop alternative

open source photo retouching

SPECIFICATIONS GIMP is a quick to learn tool and has lots of export options. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.


What is it: Application What is it for? Image processing | Image manipulation Export format: PSD, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG,TGA, BMP, XWD, XPM, PIX, CEL, MNG, PPM and PCX This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac | Sun | FreeBSD This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:


multi-view default

too technical


map objects



What about the interface? The basics are pretty easy when you have been using Adobe programs. In the beginning it is pretty unclear how to open what. You don’t see what picture you open unless you know the name is. When you follow a tutorial it is pretty easy to understand. It is one of those programs that you have to do it once it is pretty easy to remember. What notable things do other users say about this tool? When you follow a tutorial, Mac users have a different outcome than Windows users. This also happened to me when I did the ‘orb tut’. Great software! I’ve used it for years. Don’t shell out big bucks for Adobe until you try GIMP. I’ve just tried GIMP and I can honestly say it is just as good as Photoshop, yes, Photoshop v2! What can I say? The mighty GIMP has lots of promise as very good software. It can do many things the big names do for free. The only downside is the UI is pretty shabby and I’ve never gotten used to it. It feels like stumbling around in the dark to figure out what I need to do. What would/could a designer use this tool for? I don’t think I will use it for everything but things as changing the position of the item on the picture it is really easy. When I have time I will definitely explore this tool more. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? Free to download. It is a tool you have to install on your

rougher than photoshop

resource hungry bugs and errors


FREE SPEECH photoshop alternative

open source photo retouching

computer. That way it is free because it is not in connection with the internet. You can also use it offline. Additional comment: Een leuke tool voor als je een beetje wilt spelen met foto’s. Maar ik zou veel eerder Photoshop gebruiken als grafisch ontwerper. There is no paid version but you can make a donation. You can also pay with Bitcoins.

Rated with: GIMP confusing

multi-view default

too technical


map objects

rougher than photoshop



resource hungry bugs and errors


FREE BEER library

free fonts

limited possibilities





Google Fonts

‘An open font library’ The bottomline Hundreds of Free fonts, optimized for the web.

The good These fonts are free to use and useful when you’re doing webdesign or other things online because you can use them right away and you can be sure that whenever you use the font it will show on the website. The bad Not all of the fonts have great quality so you have to be really selective and search to find something good. Many fonts have only one style (no italic or bold), quality not consistent which may sometimes limit the possibilities.

benefit of google

not open source



free fonts



Google Fonts Open Font Library

What is it: Online tool What is it for? Webmaking & posting Export format: Export fonts for offline use This tool functions: After download and install and online This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac | iOS | Android This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

limited possibilities





What about the interface? It is really easy to understand and easily implemented into your work. The website/interface looks clear, there isn’t much to it, everything is pretty self explanatory. What notable things do other users say about this tool? I found a really interesting article about Google Free Fonts and why it isn’t really open source. This person takes you through seven steps that define open source which don’t apply to Google Free Fonts. I thought it was really interesting. Link What would/could a designer use this tool for? Designers can use these font for anything they do with text, it is really broad. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? First you think that is is free, but after reading the article mentioned there are some doubts. Of course Google uses it for their own benefit. Additional comment: Google Free Fonts is still super useful. You are allowed to use these fonts for free, which is a good thing, especially when you’re a starting designer who doesn’t own too many legal fonts yet. So open source or not, I am glad Google is offering this.

quality not consistent

benefit of google

not open source



free fonts


Rated with: Google Fonts limited possibilities





quality not consistent

benefit of google

not open source


html possible

too simplistic


great for beginners

strange bugs

easy to use

not precise



website creator


no code


‘Is an easy to use website creator’ The bottomline Hotglue is a useful and interesting tool for nonprogrammers to make good but simple websites. The good You don’t need to know code to make a working website, and you can embed some nice features like videos, animations, other pages or even comment boxes. The bad

no undo You button cannot decide the size of your page. And you miss the ‘undo-button’.

only default size


html possible


great for beginners

easy to use



What is it: Online tool What is it for? Website making & Posting Export format: Online website or own domain This tool functions: Online This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

too simplistic

strange bugs

not precise




website creator

no code

What about the interface? The interface is relatively easy to follow, with icons forming a sort of toolbox. Clicking on specific objects on the page, like an image or a text box, gives you a different interface with options relating to that object. It takes some practice to know which button does what, but in general it is easy to grasp. Unfortunately, the interface can disappear off the page if you have objects near the edge of your screen, which is a nuisance. What notable things do other users say about this tool? Hotglue is still growing, with 3608 users to date. Most users in the forum are thankful and appreciative of Hotglue, but have a lot of questions and suggestions for possible new features. It still has many problems, but with the open source it will be solved one day or another. What would/could a designer use this tool for? It’s more of a prototyping tool than a means to a real end product. Creating presentations and mock-ups would be a perfect use for Hotglue. To show his/her works when he is a beginner or he doesn’t want to spend a lot of time on it, and especially for an event or something like that which should be done quickly. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really?


There is no advertising and no payment, although it keeps track of your website and adds it to an official Hotglue Users List. I think this is a small price to pay for this tool, which has a real undo community button feel, with lots of sharing and direct contact with the developers.

only default size


html possible


great for beginners

easy to use

Additional comment: Personally, I miss the ‘command-z’ short cuts, and being a perfectionist makes working with HotGlue almost impossible. But for presenting projects it works fine. Hotglue saves a lot of time comparated to a regular website and is very handy. There is no paid version, but you can choose to get more involved by downloading and installing Hotglue onto your own server. This allows you to do more with Hotglue on your own domain, and you can even work with the source and development code which is shared on Github.

Rated with: too simplistic


strange bugs

not precise




website creator

no code

no undo button only default size



automatic function


neat panorama images

complicated to use unclear interface

mathematical meth

asily installed





‘Panorama stitcher for panorama tools’

The bottomline With Hugin you can assemble a mosaic of photographs into a complete immersive panorama, stitch any series of overlapping pictures and much more. The good Hugin has a good automatic function that works precise and gives neat panorama images. It’s easily installed. It works for what it is made for.

The bad It’s really complicated to be used. This tool is unclear, there is no explanation of what to do to have the final panorama. too many option


can’t move pictures



automatic function


neat panorama images

SPECIFICATIONS Hugin is an Open Source panorama stitcher and graphical user interface (GUI) for Panorama tools. It also provides a number of additional components and command line tools. Open Source software, free to use, modify and share.


What is it: Application What is it for? Image processing | Image Editing Export format: Vector, TTF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, HDR, EXR This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

complicated to use unclear interface

mathematical meth



asily installed


What about the interface? I needed a tutorial to get started with this program. The user interface is unclear and too complex. It’s too ‘mathematical’, it’s not intuitive at all. It takes me a lot of time to understand what to do, and I didn’t arrive at a good result. There are too many options. What notable things do other users say about this tool? Hugin is very comprehensive and is very quick to use provided the images have an even horizon and little adjustment is needed. However, if anything goes wrong, it’s complexity of use is revealed and you’re left stranded if you’re not interested in toggling between numerical adjustment of image positions and the preview panel. The tool is recommended if the user experience is improved. The assistant tool, is a really good idea. Hugin 0.7 is also quite good at creating HDR photos. Testing the tool Use this tool to make something simple with; an object, file, video, imagefont, animation, 3D-object etc. What would/could a designer use this tool for? Its calculating is quite precise and with that it makes neat transitions. You could use this tool if you want your pretty vacation pictures on the wall but for artistic purposes I wouldn’t recommend it. I don’t know what a designer could do with this tool actually.

can’t move pictures

too many option complex



automatic function


neat panorama images

Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? In the sense of free beer, it’s really free. In the sense of free speech it isn’t, there is little room for own input and adjustments, no ads or tracking. Additional comment: Making panorama pictures with your phone is a lot easier. De resultaten zijn leuk, maar het is best technisch en dat schrikt af. Pros: Comprehensive features, but also includes an “assist” mode which is easy and effective for 99% of users. Superior results. Cons: Installation disk space and memory usage are pretty large. Processing is slow compared to some other (less capable) stitching programs.

Rated with: Hugin

complicated to use

unclear interface

mathematical meth

asily installed




can’t move pictures

too many option complex



illustrator alternative


bugs and errors

open source

printing bug complicated 3d features


3d possibilities



‘An Vector Graphics editor’

The bottomline Het is handig voor beginnende ontwerpers of ontwerpers die nog nooit van Illustrator hebben gehoord maar ik denk dat die er niet zijn. Er is nog veel nodig om het naar een hoger niveau te tillen. The good Je kunt het zien als een gratis Illustrator.. The bad Het is niet echt duidelijk welk bestand je moet downloaden om het te installeren op je computer. De versies zijn niet goed aangegeven. not sophisticated difficult to download

no pms color support



illustrator alternative

open source

SPECIFICATIONS An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. We also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development.


What is it: Application | Script What is it for? Image Processing | Animation Export format: Vector, SVG, PNG This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:


bugs and errors

printing bug complicated 3d features


3d possibilities


What about the interface? Voor veel handelingen is het vrij voor de hand liggend hoe je deze kunt uitvoeren. Maar wel een erg rommelige interface, het ziet er erg windows-achtig uit en vind het erg onoverzichtelijk. Vrij omslachtig hoe om te gaan met 3D, dat is echt jammer. What notable things do other users say about this tool? De reacties op deze tool zijn veelal goed, vaak wel dat het veel lijkt op Illustrator. Maar de tool is gratis te downloaden waardoor het voor iedereen te gebruiken is. Inkscape has developed into an application that perhaps should now be taken seriously as a professional tool, though its lack of PMS colour support may still be a stumbling block for some users. I hate to say it, but I cannot recommend Inkscape until they get the printing bug fixed. I would like them to make it more versatile when exporting to other formats. Testing the tool Voor het (na)tekenen van een foto werkte het programma perfect, zonder enkele moeite lukte mij dit. Maar toen ik voor inkscape probeerde 3D objecten te maken is dit niet gelukt. Zo begon ik met een tutorial om een 3D bol te maken. Dit is mij niet gelukt omdat er bij een van de aanwijzingen die ik kreeg een error verscheen in mijn beeld.

not sophisticated difficult to download

no pms color support



illustrator alternative

open source

What would/could a designer use this tool for? Ontwerpers zouden Inkscape kunnen gebruiken om Illustraties te maken wanneer ze geen geld hebben voor Illustrator. Het kan eventueel worden gebruikt voor folders en posters aangezien er een optie is typografie bij te voegen. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free� is this tool really? Free speech, Inkscape kan niet zien wat je maakt met de tool. Ook moet je het downloaden en doe je het niet online waardoor er geen reclame kan worden gemaakt op het programma. Wat wel mogelijk is, voor mensen die hier de vaardigheden voor hebben,is het programma zelf te aan te passen in ontwerp. Maar dit is wel enkel besteed aan de mensen die kunnen programmeren/coderen. Additional comment: Inkscape krijgt 3 sterren gegeven omdat het aan de ene hand een makkelijke tool is om te gebruiken. Een leek zal er redelijk goed uit kunnen komen zonder tutorials als ze graag vector beelden willen maken. Maar, omdat Inkscape laat zien dat je ook met 3D kunt werken maar dit best lastig is voor iemand die het pas net ontdekt, ook al maken ze gebruik van tutorials, is het geen 4 of 5 sterren waard.

Rated with: Inkscape


bugs and errors

printing bug complicated 3d features


3d possibilities


not sophisticated difficult to download

no pms color support




hard to work with

html knowledge n no explanations


djust maps



‘A library for mobilefriendly maps’

The bottomline An interesting tool for web developers with HTML/Javascript knowledge, but very hard to get when theres no HTML knowledge.

The good It gives you the opportunity to adjust or make maps quite easily, and get the actual source code. The bad It’s very hard to work with, it’s hard to find any explanation and knowledge of HTML/Javascript is tutorials missing needed to understand Leaflet.

no streetview







What is it: Script Writing What is it for? Website Making & posting Export format: CSS This tool functions: Online & Offline This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful:

hard to work with Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

no explanations

html knowledge n


djust maps


What about the interface? Leaflet is an existing code for a working map, which you can edit through HTML. As soon as you link the downloaded code into your own html file you can work with it immediately. What notable things do other users say about this tool? A lot of people have questions about the tool and most talk about the missing tutorials and explanations. One review said ‘What’s really great about this library is that is really really lean. Like 24Kb on the wire. Of course this means that instead of handling every possible thing in every browser, the developers focused on a reasonable subset of functionality, and make the assumption you’re using a reasonably modern brower.’ What would/could a designer use this tool for? Often companies want a map with their contact information. This way you can design the map more freely and personalize it. It would also be nice to design info graphics. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? Free tool, you will get acces with a sourcecode.

missing tutorials

no streetview





Rated with: hard to work with Leaflet

html knowledge n no explanations


djust maps


missing tutorials

no streetview





open source wiki


too much text

not easy to start


professional look

Media Wiki ‘Customizing a wiki website’ The bottomline This tool offers you the freedom of customizing a wiki website for just about anything, where everything is pre-programmed for you. The good The tool uses the power of open source just as a wiki itself generates information via a crowd of people who adjust the information on wiki’s. The bad It is way too complicated to get it started because there is way to much text. php skills needed

complicated terms

easy uploading text




open source wiki

SPECIFICATIONS Wiki Media offers you an open source wiki text program, which is interesting for reading but is hard to get started with.


What is it: Online tool What is it for? Writing | Website making & posting Export format:HTML/PHP This tool functions: After download and install and online This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac | iOS This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:


too much text

not easy to start


easy uploading text

professional look

What about the interface? The interface is not that hard to understand. It only takes a while to take it all in. There is a lot going on when first opening it, that’s why it takes a while to locate everything. Your instincts go out to the Wikipedia layout (what is logical of course). What notable things do other users say about this tool? The helpcenter of mediawiki is good, as well as the manuals etc. to help you explore the tool. People who use PHP on a regular basis seem to be quite enthusiastic about this tool. What would/could a designer use this tool for? Because the source code is open to use for anyone, a designer could well do his best to improve the design of it. The design is basic and trusted as we know Wikipedia, but far from optimal as I see it. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? There is no payment involved. I don’t know if it will keep track of what you have been doing. Seeing it is like Wikipedia I would think that it would be a pretty free tool to use. Additional comment: I find it a shame that a website that looks that easy is so hard to understand and get to work. I barely knew how to get them installed seperately, let alone to get them working together for the use of Media Wiki.

php skills needed

complicated terms




open source wiki

Rated with: chaotic

Media Wiki

too much text

not easy to start


easy uploading text

professional look

php skills needed complicated terms



online & offline

freedom wide range of options

php knowledge

a lot of errors




code ‘An open CMS system’ The bottomline If you really want to design your own (CMS) website this is a good tool (if you have the programming skills). But you’ve got to know your programming languages.

not working

The good You can now design your own CMS without developing the whole CMS yourself. A very wide range of options. You can add plugins and rewrite the code.

security concerns The bad Thiswaste software is not for ‘amateurs’. It is acquired to of time have a lot of knowledge of PHP and other programming languages. There were a lot of errors. complex



online & offline

freedom wide range of options



What is it: Platform What is it for? Website making & Posting Export format: PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript This tool functions: Offline & Online This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Beer Paid version available? Yes

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

php knowledge

a lot of errors





What about the interface? For people without knowledge of certain CMS systems it is very complex and hard to use. For others, at first sight the interface is easy to use. But after a while when i tried to install plugins it was harder to use. What notable things do other users say about this tool? ‘I hate it.’ ‘Screen is blank after installation, not working.’ ‘Waste of time!’ ‘Don’t bother to install. Use WordPress or Joomla! instead.’ Testing the tool ‘If you are a web designer and you want a CMS that allows you the creative freedom to make your site look exactly the way you want it to, you should definitely give MODX a try.’ ‘Modx is very light weight and it is offered with a platform which you can easily build on. Ajax support is good, lots of cool features, not good at multi language. But I haven’t used it that much, there were some security concerns though.’ What would/could a designer use this tool for?

not working

Simple. To make a CMS behind a website. Developing different websites for different clients without being restricted by something like the wordpress themes. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this security tool really?

waste of time

It is free and yes they add some keywords so that they can find you on Google. But if I want to delete those keywords (which





online & offline

freedom wide range of options

is totally legal) they can’t track me anymore. But okay, they added some keywords in the first place. You can choose to delete those keywords. So yes, it’s free.

Rated with: php knowledge

a lot of errors





not working

security concerns waste of time complex




smooth animations

loads quickly


not compatible older browsers






‘A vector graphics scripting framework’ The bottomline A really useful library to someone who already knows Javascript quite well. The good It has some really smooth animations, loads very quickly, uses layers and “bezier” curves.

no debug

The bad There is no debug mode for Paperscript. It is a new language to learn and the syntax is sometimes kind of mode hard to understand.

complex syntax




smooth animations

loads quickly



What is it: Script Writing What is it for? Website making & Posting & Animation Export format: HTML, Javascript This tool functions: Offline & Online This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Beer Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:


not compatible older browsers





What about the interface? Just like all the other Javascript that exists, you need to load it at the beginning of your document and you get new functions. So there is no interface, but the reference online is well organized and has good interactive examples (not enough to understand all the features). What notable things do other users say about this tool? There aren’t many reviews online, as most people are having a hard time understanding the library itself. Mostly there are questions about the library. On the other hand, there are a couple of reviews, comparing Raphael, Paper.js and Processing.js. What would/could a designer use this tool for? The tool is meant for basic image animations, but I can imagine this being used on more than images, such as movies. It can also be used to experiment when looking for a new logo or building a website completely out of geometric forms. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? The tool is completely free to use, everything is open source and nothing is keeping track of what you do. It’s just a piece of code.

no debug mode complex syntax




smooth animations

loads quickly

Additional comment: An amazing script, even though a bit hard to understand. But that’s with every type of coding.

Rated with: Paper.js not compatible older browsers






no debug mode complex syntax




live feeds

must log in to mozilla

online only


open source intuitive


combining media

Popcorn maker ‘Supercharge webvideo’ The bottomline Popcorn is a useful and dynamic video mashup tool that is great for combining different media and layers of information. The good It lets you create web-rich videos that pulls live information from plugins like Twitter and Flickr. The bad It’s pretty limited, especially in actions/effects. You cannot save your videos as a file on your computer, only embed it or share it online.


can’t embed webpages

too simple




live feeds

SPECIFICATIONS ‘Video Beyond the Box: Popcorn Maker makes it easy to enhance, remix and share web video. Use your web browser to combine video and audio with content from the rest of the web from text, links and maps to pictures and live feeds.’


What is it: Online Tool What is it for? Video Export format: HTML link, Source code This tool functions: Online This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

must log in to mozilla

online only


open source intuitive


combining media

What about the interface? The user interface is super easy to follow, and even the tutorials are highly interactive and helpful. The timeline and video setup is clear and similar to most other video making applications, with layers and adjustable zoom. The only thing is you can’t be very accurate and you only see the media that is playing at that exact moment. What notable things do other users say about this tool? Lots of tutorials by both Mozilla developers as well as other users. They are easy and even interactive. But there are not a lot of very interesting experiments to be seen. Popcorn has no forum or community, which makes it hard to find comments. On other sites you can see that most people are positive about the program, with some suggestions. ‘This is an important tool. But without allowing to embed webpages, it lacks the single most important feature.’ Testing the tool Remixing media is very simple and quick to do. Playback is not always smooth and making long/complex videos can mean a pretty confusing timeline. Also you have to log in to Mozilla to save your projects. What would/could a designer use this tool for? This tool is great for research projects and presentations, or short trailers and teasers. It’s too limited for complex videos but its great for bloggers, journalists etc. to make visual stories.


too simple

can’t embed webpages




live feeds

Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? It’s free, open source and works under a strict share-a-like license, where everyone’s projects are made open to everyone else. On the other hand you do have to use it online, and can only save and share projects under your Mozilla Persona account. Additional comment: It’s handy but the really interesting part is probably in the Popcorn.js downloadables, where you can really get into the web-rich features. It has a downloadable advanced version (Popcorn.js) aimed at developers who want to use the popcorn maker Javascript features to create more complex websites and other online experiences.

Rated with: Popcorn Maker

must log in to mozilla

online only


open source intuitive


combining media


too simple

can’t embed webpages





open source

debug mode


don’t know where to start

cpu consuming


shared libraries

possibilities possibilities

community community

Processing ‘Open source programming language’ The bottomline Once you understand the basics of the language, Processing is a very useful and exciting tool to generate vector images, patterns and animations using code. The good It has a big community, with a lot of free examples, and hundreds of libraries to extend the possibilities of your program. The bad For total beginners the interface is not helpful, and you need to know the language to get started.

no autofill





open source

debug mode

SPECIFICATIONS ‘Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions.’ Processing is an open source program that has seemingly infinite options. It can be used to show video’s, make games, animations, Kinect applications etc.


What is it: Application What is it for? Image processing | Animation Export format: .pde r and Application This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:


don’t know where to start

cpu consuming


shared libraries



What about the interface? The interface of processing is as simple as it can be (which is actually a nuisance to beginners who don’t know where to start). It’s a blank sheet for you to fill in with codes, with a small bar with helping tips about the code your are typing (colors, code syntax, examples). Next to the test/play button there is also a save, open, export, stop and java button. What notable things do other users say about this tool? ‘The language is exceptionally simple, taking care of many things for you by default, like animation functions and mouse interaction. This is in contrast to the full weight of Java, which tends to take many lines of code to achieve even the most basic task. However, for all its simplicity, there is a great deal that can be achieved with it – especially once you start pulling in some of the many libraries that have been written for Processing.’ Testing the tool At first it can be very confusing. Once you understand the language a bit you can create great images by editing existing codes (found online). More advanced users can create applications with live slider menus or other interactive elements. What would/could a designer use this tool for? This tool isn’t for everyone, and is most useful for designers who are good with codes and numbers. Then you can create visuals that implicate mathematic formulas even if they seem simple (fractals, patterns) which are really painful to do in Illustrator.

no autofill





open source

debug mode

You can also make data visualisations using online flux, control Arduino hardware, experiment with VJ-ing, sounds and web game applications. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? Processing is 100% free. There are no ads to be found and you don’t have to pay for anything. There is also no tracking of my surfing behaviour as far as I’ve noticed. Additional comment: Processing takes time and effort to fully understand. Most people will find the coding intimidating. Pros: While it uses programming language, the code syntax is simple and it provides a debug mode which makes it more accessible to beginners. Cons: There is no autofill syntax function to help you coding faster, you can compile programs only using Java, which means it’s not perfectly suited to creating applications, and it is really CPU consuming. On the processing website there are some tutorials that show you how to make certain simple things but in every tutorial the code is given to you to play with. It’s more about remixing than creating from scratch. Most of the tutorials are very well explained, even for beginners.

Rated with: Processing confusing

don’t know where to start

cpu consuming


shared libraries

possibilities possibilities

community community

no autofill


FREE SPEECH InDesign alternative


not ergonomic slow



layout design

open source


‘It is like a free Adobe InDesign’

The bottomline Scribus is a free publishing software for making brochures, newspaper, posters, cards, books, magazines, pdf presentations, etc. A good free alternative for InDesign.

The good Brings more possibilities for a decent design than Microsoft Word. You have a large field of editing creation. The bad The interface is not very ergonomic. It is possible to switch from one tool to another, but if you want to modify something you always have to go through the menu.

no real-time preview

more for photographers not designers


FREE SPEECH InDesign alternative


SPECIFICATIONS Scribus is an Open Source program that brings professional page layout to Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, Haiku and Windows desktops with a combination of press-足ready output and new approaches to page design. Underneath a modern and user-足friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as color separations, CMYK and spot colors, ICC color management, and versatile PDF creation.


What is it: Application What is it for? Writing | Editing | Export format: PDF, SVG, EPS, TIFF, This tool functions: After download This tool is available for: Linux | OS2 This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Lay-out JPEG, PNG and install Windows | Mac |

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

not ergonomic slow



layout design

open source

What about the interface? The user interface is quite complete, and you can find most of the functionalities you are used to with InDesign. However, it is not very intuitive because of the lack of accessibility of the different options (no icons etc). You have to search through the menus to access to the option/effect you want, and if you don’t know the keyboard shortcuts, it can take you a lot of time to make modifications on your document. The typography menu for example is not very clear or intuitive, and you can’t see the changes you make in real time (you have to validate and then you can see the result). What notable things do other users say about this tool? I’ll kill the suspense by answering the title question right now. Yes, Scribus is the open-­source InDesign. They mostly confirm the story that it’s an easy, accessible tool. Testing the tool This software is made to create poster, brochure, newspaper, magazine, book, visit cards, presentation and a lot of other possibilities. It is useful for making layouts but not to draw or edit pictures. What would/could a designer use this tool for? It’s calculating is quite precise and with that it makes neat transitions. You could use this tool if you want your pretty vacation pictures on the wall but for artistic purposes I wouldn’t recommend it. I don’t know what a designer could do with this tool actually.

no real-time preview

more for photographers not designers


FREE SPEECH InDesign alternative


Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free� is this tool really? The software is Open Source. It is distributed under the General Public License, which makes it free and legal for use in any setting, including commercial and governmental organizations. The license also permits anyone to modify the publicly available source code without having to ask for permission. Additional comment: In the end, after watching 2 tutorials and making 2 screenshots, I as a designer give up on Scribus. I know I should actually post 5 screenshots, but I decided that I rather make more screenshots of the tools I like better. Yes, the tool can be useful, but not to designers.

Rated with:

notScribus ergonomic slow



open source

no real-time preview

layout design

more for photographers not designers



nice examples


write own code

needs some time bugs


very clear plugin


‘Broadens the possibilities of Illustrator’ The bottomline It’s a free plug-in for Illustrator which gives you a lot more possibilities in this program. The good There are nice examples included and lots of example codes are to be found on the internet. You can write your own code and upload them. Endless possibilities. The bad It’s about writing codes, so when not advanced in codingprogram it restricts you to the example scripts. The need another script is only editable in another program.




nice examples


write own code

SPECIFICATIONS It needs a bit of work and time to get into it, but when you get it, everything is possible.


What is it: Script | Plugin What is it for? Image processing Export format: PDF, JPEG, PNG, EPS This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Speech Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions needs some time

Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:



very clear plugin

What about the interface? Interface is very clear, just an extra window in Illustrator which is very simple and you will find all the usefull information within that window as wel ( such as tutorials etc.) Easy to graps, just follow some basic instructions on how to install the plugin and where to drop the downloaded scripts within the file folder of Illustrator itself, and voila, it works. What notable things do other users say about this tool? Most you see is good comments. Sometimes you see people saying a script isnt working well or has a bug but that is because everybody makes them and it’s normal and just very helpfull people comment on each other and try to improve it. “It helps you to produce certain kinds of artwork quickly and easily. I’m no programmer either, but there are some wonderful scripts publicly available. What would/could a designer use this tool for? You can make posters with it, backgrounds, typography. Atmosphere images. Bookcovers etc. You can use this plugin for personalized stuff as well if you put a script over an already existing image of yourself for example. If you have to repeat a certain action, you can write your own script for it. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? It is free, but you need Adobe Illustrator which is a paid program.

need another program




nice examples


write own code

Rated with: needs some time




very clear plugin

need another program





3D models models 3D

google earth earth integration integration google instant learning learning curve curve instant

no coordinates expensive pro pro version version expensive

linked to to google google linked

3D RENDERING import other user’s models

fast sketching

3D printing

Sketch Up

‘The easiest way to draw in 3D’

The bottomline Google Sketch Up is an easy to use program that is perfect for designers or architects who need sketches or prototypes of 3D objects. The good It’s a free 3D program with an instant learning curve. The availability of the Google 3D Warehouse is a huge plus, because it allows you to download all kinds of 3D-models from other users, which you can then edit to your liking. The bad The possibilities within the 3D tools are limited and you can’t see or fill in any coordinates, so you can’t make detailed works. not for complex work

bugs and errors




3D models models 3D

google earth earth integration integration google instant learning learning curve curve instant

SPECIFICATIONS ‘Google Sketchup: you love what you do. Now love how you do it.’


What is it: Application | Platform What is it for? 3D Rendering | 3D Model Building Export format: KMZ, DAE, 2D-Graphic, JPEG, PNG, TIFF This tool functions: After download and install This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac | iOS This tool is: Free Beer Paid version available? Yes

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

no coordinates expensive pro pro version version expensive

linked to to google google linked

3D RENDERING import other user’s models

fast sketching

3D printing

What about the interface? The interface is very clear, and intuitive. You don’t have to watch tutorials to get started, though some icons are not 100% clear. What notable things do other users say about this tool? As a 3D animator and graphic designer I am truly impressed with the quality, and ease of use of this software. The pro version is better but not $499 better. It lacks the features that come in expensive packages, but it works well for creating models to use in Google Earth. Testing the tool Within a few steps anyone can make a simple 3D object, like a house. It’s also very easy to import other people’s models in your google Sketch Up, through the 3D Warehouse. But there’s a bug that means you get strange errors from time to time. What would/could a designer use this tool for? Besides 3D modelling, Sketchup is tightly integrated with Google Earth which is an interesting feature. An amazing plus of Google Sketchup is that it works with 3D printers, which makes it fit in with Free Culture nicely. Unfortunately the export quality isn’t that great. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? It is very free in terms of no charge and no advertisements but you do have to log in with a Google-ID, and it regularly asks

not for complex work

bugs and errors




3D models models 3D

google earth earth integration integration google instant learning learning curve curve instant

you to upgrade to the Pro version. As with all google applications, it probably is tracking your behavior. Additional comment: This is a really fun and easy program to experiment with, and will definitely come in handy in the future. Cons: It’s irritating that you can’t push/pull curved surfaces, and there are still some bugs in the program. Furthermore you have to log in to a Google account to use all the features.

Rated with:

no coordinates

Sketch Up

expensive pro pro version version expensive

linked to to google google linked

3D RENDERING import other user’s models

fast sketching

3D printing

not for complex work

bugs and errors


good good guidance guidance


interesting interesting

can’t get get base base stylesheet stylesheet can’t

very very easy easy

sim sim

cs cs


mple mple tutorials tutorials

basics basics of of coding coding

intuitive intuitive interface interface



‘HTML for dummies’ The bottomline Thimble is a very usefull tool for a beginner to work with HTML and CSS and learn the basics. The good A positive point is that when you are writing your code. It says to you when it’s wrong, or when it’s not well written.

The bad limited limited options options It is made to start easily in code, customization is ss ss isis not not really really explained explained very limited.



interesting interesting

good good guidance guidance

very very easy easy

sim sim

SPECIFICATIONS A good tool to understand and learn how to use HTML for first time. There is a wide choice for different types of websites, and a good guidance to learn step by step.


What is it: Script | Online tool What is it for? Webmaking & Posting Export format: Webpage formats, JPEG, TIFF This tool functions: After download and install and online This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac This tool is: Free Beer Paid version available? No

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

can’t get get base base stylesheet stylesheet can’t

cs cs


basics basics of of coding coding

mple mple tutorials tutorials

intuitive intuitive interface interface

What about the interface? Very nice interface. Really quick to understand. I would just say that the preview window for the website is too small. It’s very intuitive. What notable things do other users say about this tool? Thimble webmaker is a good start for beginners with no coding experience atall. It explains very clear and well how to make simple but effective and usefull things. The standard free tutorials avaiable on the site give you the right amount of information to get to know your basics of coding. While these tutorials and explanations are very usefull for beginners it might be very limited and frustrating for a little more expierenced ones. Testing the tool Thimble gives you the basics but that’s all if you want to go a step further you have to search for your own solutions/ tutorials. Once you have chosen the kind of site you want, you have access to a ready-made code page in which each step is explained. What would/could a designer use this tool for? This tool is clearly to begin with HTML, it is not very useful for a designer because you can’t realy customize it. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? This tool is totaly free and doesn’t impose advertisements. limited limited options options

ss ss isis not not really really explained explained



interesting interesting

good good guidance guidance

very very easy easy

sim sim

Additional comment: Definitely worth to practicing coding with Thimble when you are bad at coding. This tutorial was understandable, and that is why you easily learn more about coding. The most usefull thing about Thimble is that it is more of a school for coding than an actual program which is brilliant for people who need to learn.

Rated with: can’t get get base stylesheet stylesheet can’t base Thimble Webmaker

cs cs


mple mple tutorials tutorials

basics basics of of coding coding

intuitive intuitive interface interface

ss ss isis not not really really explained explained

limited limited options options



start blog or website online

too many options

free version not complete


quick & easy

obtaining original code clear interface

Wordpress ‘For a simple start of a blog or website’ The bottomline An interesting CMS, for which it is possible to obtain the original code by downloading it. The good Easy and fast to use, enough templates to get started with. The bad The free online version is not enough complete. You have to pay or download Wordpress to be able to customize your website efficiently.

lot of html/css



start blog or website online

SPECIFICATIONS Wordpress is a very useful and interesting tool to make a blog or website for people who already know HTML code.


What is it: Application | Script | Online tool What is it for? Writing | Website making & posting Export format: HTML, CSS This tool functions: After download and install and online This tool is available for: Linux | Windows | Mac | iOS | Android This tool is: Free Beer Paid version available? Yes

Tutorials / Instructions Useful / helpful: Clear: Quick and easy to understand:

too many options

free version not complete


quick & easy

obtaining original code clear interface

What about the interface? The interface is rather well made, but it’s easy to get lost in it. There are too many options that appear several times under different aspects. It gives the appearance of a lot of choice when it’s not the case. What notable things do other users say about this tool? Er zijn veel mensen die in een Wordpress ‘bubbel’ zitten. Het is de gemakkelijkheid toegangbaarheid die mensen aantrekt. Je kan altijd en overal inloggen, en dingen aanpassen. En er kunnen mooie sites uitkomen. What would/could a designer use this tool for? The online version of WordPress can be useful to create quickly a website for any client without having to think about the hosting and domain name issues. The websites are then easy to refresh, complete with other articles etc. Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really? Wordpress is free to use. You can also download it and then access to the original code and change it the way you want. Additional comment: Graag had ik een website neergezet maar dit is mij niet gelukt, daar had ik wat meer tijd/hulp bij nodig gehad. Wel wil ik het nog proberen dit werkelijkheid te maken.

lot of html/css



start blog or website online

Rated with: too many options Wordpress

free version not complete


quick & easy

obtaining original code clear interface

lot of html/css

Reviewed Tools * Sketch Up

* Hotglue

* Scriptographer

* Wordpress

* Drawscript

* Inkscape

* Evernote

* Paper.js

* Fontstruct

* Thimble webmaker

* Freefont


* Blender

* Freemind

* Scribus

* Hugin


* Media wiki

* Processing

* Leaflet

* Al.chemy

* Google fonts

* Popcorn Maker

Colofon Title: Free tool galaxy: ‘A review book of free tools’ 1st edition, 1st print: 01-07-2013

Text redaction, image redaction, graphic design: Janelle Aarts, Natasha Berting, Loes Claessens Dylan Haanappel & Lotte van der Ploeg Star used for the ratings : designed by Molly Bramlet from The Noun Project

Author: All the second year graphic design students of 2013 from the Willem de Kooning Academy

Fonts used: Font Library and Font Squirrel

Project leaders: Jannetje in ‘t Veld & Gabriëlle Marks


Collaborating classes V2A



Nedjida Nassy

Janelle Aarts

Dennis Wuisman

Kinga Pawlowska

Eefje Auer

Ilja van Vlaardingen

Justien Beijn

Joeri Booms

Jeroen Stout

Natasha Berting

Sjoerd Bos

Bor Smulders

Lizette Blok

Bas van der Burgh

Hans Schuttenbeld

Dylan Haanappel

Colin Develing

Ilona Rullens

Marcel van Leeuwen

Britt Duppen

Joost Roelen

Anna Sinnige

Gulsen Emre

Lotte van der Ploeg

Kirsten Spruit

Dario Goldbach

Luc Nagel

Lysanne de Water

Martijn Hartwig

Robert Lopik

Thibault Savignac

Ewout kuypers

Leroy Kok

Guillaume Zwaan

Mitchel Ouwens

Anjalika Kallasihgn

Tristan Bagot

Sofia Sanchez Suarez

Valerie van Gerven

Sophie De Chassey

Marina Simunovic

Loes Claessens

Kalinka Janowski

Roman Strijbos

Rebecca Camphens

Doris Schakenbos

Niels Vrijdag

Esther de Bruijn Wessel vam den Berge

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