The tradition of creating a memorable experience
For Carolyne Roehm, a zealous love for the holidays
through gatherings such as elaborate dinners, cocktail
began as child and was inherited from her mother, and
parties, or candlelit dinners are perhaps some of our
grandmother. Carolyne recalls, “I was the type of child
most beloved holiday rituals. There is so much antici-
who started to celebrate Christmas the day after Hal-
pation, energy, and elation that it’s inevitable to want to
loween. My mother and father had to hold me back from
share the joy with friends and family.
decorating the entire house prior to Thanksgiving.”
While this past year has taught us that even traditions
The magnetism for the holidays has remained with
need fluidity, collectively we seem to desire the oppor-
Carolyne throughout many yuletide celebrations. From
tunity to create a memorable soiree.
luxurious events complete with a choir, to (most recent-
The model holiday party may look seamless from the outside, but that seamless mess is only achieved from careful—and thoughtful—execution.
ly) a more subdued Christmas—Carolyne is an expert in blending fluidity with execution. “That feverish love of Christmas remains for me.
Meet the “ultimate taste maker” according to Bill
However, as I've gotten older, I've begun to pare down
Blass - Carolyne Roehm. She’s been part of American
a bit because my enthusiasm for the grand production
design culture for over four decades now with a career
has diminished a bit. I still adore the holiday itself but
spanning the fashion, gardening, entertaining, publish-
I'm trying to find more meaningful and subtler ways to
ing and decorative arts worlds.
celebrate, especially during COVID.”, says Carolyne.
Volume 5, Issue 6 | www. LuxLifestyle-magazine.com