Exhibition Julian Schnabel

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Object: Exhibition “Approaching the new century”. Works by Julian Schnabel. Duration: to be negotiated. Location: to be negotiated.

Is born in NY, USA, in 1951. Gets his diploma in the University of Houston, Texas in 1973 and has his specialization in the Whitney Museum of American Arts during years 1973-74. His first personal exhibition is held in the same museum in year 1976. Schnabel presents his first “plate-paintings” are presented at the Mary Boone Gallery of NY in the year 1979. In the 1983 he starts to sculpt. During the LIII International Show of Cinematographic Arts a movie “Basquiat”, directed by Schnabel, is presented in Venice. His work as a director is also very successful, in the year 2007 he gets awarded at the Cannes festival as a best director for his movie “Le Scafandre et le papillon”. In february of 1979, says Mary Jane Jacob, something extraordinary happens, something that takes the world of art by surprise: a young, 29ish painter has his first show at the Mary Boon Gallery and has instant success. All his paintings, prized at 25003000 euros are sold out, some even before the opening of the exhibition. Starting from that moment, says Julian, it becomes possible for a young artist to make his way from complete anonymity to stardom in a very short time, put extremely high prizes on their works and hold big personal exhibitions and retrospectives already a few years from stepping to the art scene. The type of work that provokes this economic explosion in arts is painting, it’s popularity is revived again mainly for their collectability. But the most important part of all is that Julian Schnabel is simply a genius of the reviving beauty. And his works are masterpieces of beauty.

Description of the preparation of the show The exhibition contains 30 works by Julian Schnabel, creator of artistic Neo-Expressionism movement in America. The show itself represents an exciting and unique voyage, of great reputation in the world, where the viewer can admire the greatest works of Julian Schnabel, an american artist considered one of the most important and controvertial with his generous and prince- like way of life. Technically the show is divided as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ideation, general coordination and realization of the event, included all relations with museums and private collectors. Vision and choosing the paintings with a scientific committee Transportation of the paintings from museums and private collections to the location of the event and vice-versa. Insurance of the paintings from nail to nail during the whole time of the show. Preparation of the show Ideation of the invitations, big and small posters, postcards, bookmarks, catalogues and all other materials needed for the promotion. Inauguration evening: to be negotiated Printing office: to be negotiated Airplane tickets and his assistance from NY. Additional items in correlation to the primary project Ideation and realization of 3000 small posters printed in 5 colors Ideation and realization of 3000 manifests printed in 5 colors Ideation and realization of 5000 postcards and bookmarks plus 2000 invitations

with envelopes

Ideation and realization of panels of the show Ideation and realization of 200 printing paper Ideation and realization of 3000 copies of catalogue of 64 pages in glossy paper of 200 gr + frontpage inverkote of 300 gr laminated opaque + U.V. serigraphated lucid format closed cm. 16,5 x 29, bound in paperback in big thread with captions and referral to the Committee. Realization of a Totem style stand- up, with a base of iron and waterproof PVC Striscioni. Printing and communication services: to be negotiated Inauguration evening: to be negotiated Maximal hypothetical price: Euro 332.864,00 Import intends IVA included. For the exhibition a contribution is asked. The Ministero della Bellezza has exclusive rights on this show. The rest of the big and small posters that is left after attaching in the city and postcards and bookmarks and catalogues will be put up for sale with the prize decided by the Committee.

Ephemeris: During the show a theme- party could be organized, style hollywodiano. On the other hand a rendez- vous performance on the theme of the exhibition could be organized. Association Ministero della Bellezza holds all co-marketing rights of the events.

Plan of Communications Communication, promotion and publicity. To be considered a san absolutely strategic activity of adequate communication that would result in a global image of the initiative and its promoters at a national and local level. The privileged objective would be to give a right resonance in media on the whole initiative in total and on its promoters. The communications projects on the total and in particular the work on the predisposed printing office will propose which functional instruments to use for a continuous and capillary promotion of event. Printing office An activity developed by an ad hoc office, which is occupied with the start- up of communication with the media for the entire duration of the art exhibition and that individualizes and plans, in tight collaboration with prev. referred partner, the guidelines of the communication to guarantee a better review of the exhibition/event. Promotional Materials Having reviewed and studied the graphic design, art director in charge will realize the executives of all materials with particular care to the coordinated image of the show. As a result the following promotional instruments will be realized and produced: ∼ Catalogue of the event ∼ Colophon volume ∼ Invitations ∼ Envelopes ∼ Writing paper ∼ Printing paper ∼ Pamphlets ∼ Coupons ∼ Posters in various formats ∼ Postcards and bookmarks in different format Publicity The evaluation of communication can be quantified in a precise mode first of all for the aspects of classic advertisement. In the end some media channels that together with available economical resources and the strategies of the partners will make sure the right resonance of the event in a national and local level. Posting up It is necessary to hypothesize a consistent number of turns of posting up, at least three in 15 days- posters 140X200 in the city and small posters 35X70 inside shops, cinemas, theatres ecc. Public transport The safe return will give a campaign in the middle of public places, before the eyes of people. Evaluating foresees a mix of criteria to cover the entire gamma of public transport.

Campaign in popular radio stations Could be useful to hypothesize a campaign of radio-phonic spot where during journalistic appointments give general coverage of the event.

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