August 2014 CPARealtor News

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PRESIDENT‐ELECT Lynn Mooney SouthShore Homes & Proper es

VICE PRESIDENT Dennis Derbes Berkshire Hathaway Home Services DJDerbes@bhhsfloridaproper

SECRETARY Gerald Collings SouthShore Homes & Proper es

TREASURER Vicki Derbes Berkshire Hathaway Home Services VDerbes@bhhsfloridaproper

PAST PRESIDENT Ed Anderson Ac on 100 Realty Ed@ac

DIRECTOR Dwight McDonald Interna onal Realty Plus—Tampa Bay

DIRECTOR Pete Rundel Ac on 100 Realty

DIRECTOR Louise Richardson Pro‐Ac ve Realty

DIRECTOR Patsy Peterman Seagrass Realty

DIRECTOR David Chen Florida Capital Realty

Look for me! This skeleton key is hidden somewhere in this issue… and any CPAR members that find it will be entered in a drawing for a $25 gas card at the end of the month! When you see the key, click on it and an email will open. Just put your name in the body of the email and click “Send.” Last month’s winner: Lynne Tonte

27642 Cashford Circle, Ste. 110 ~ Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 ~ Phone 813-406-6081 ~ Fax 813-712-2865 ~

what’s happening...

August 2014 ~ July 2015

AUGUST 2014 13‐17 Florida Realtors® Annual Conven on & Trade Expo Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando 18‐19 NAR Leadership Summit Chicago 21 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Cheval Country Club (email to make reserva on) BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Cheval Country Club SEPTEMBER 2 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, TBA 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA OCTOBER 2 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 9 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA NOVEMBER 4 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 6 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 5‐10 NAR Annual Conven on & Expo New Orleans 13 CPAR Annual Installa on DECEMBER 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA JANUARY 2015 6 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 7 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 8 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA 21‐25 Florida Realtors® Mid‐Winter Business Mee ngs Renaissance Orlando Resort, Orlando

FEBRUARY 5 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 12 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA MARCH 3 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 5 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 12 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA APRIL 2 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 9 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA MAY 5 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 7 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11‐16 NAR Mid‐Year Governance Mee ngs Washington, D.C. 14 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA JUNE 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA JULY 1 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 9 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA

a word from the PREZ...

“You don’t want to miss this month’s general membership meeting…”

Here it is August and the summer heat and seasonal rains are s ll going strong. I will be happy to see a li le bit cooler and drier weather, as I am sure a lot of you probably will, too. We have a great line‐up of speakers for our monthly General Membership Mee ngs. August 21 is our next mee ng, which you certainly don’t want to miss. Join us and learn why and how websites like Zillow, Trulia and Hubzu are cashing in on your business. A knowledgeable panel of CPAR Realtors® will head the discussion on non‐MLS and pre‐MLS lis ngs sites. Be prepared to ask ques ons. Mee ng details are on the front page of this issue. Toby Caroline

August is also very important because of the Florida Realtors® Annual Conference and Trade Expo, running August 13—August 17 at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando. Visit to learn more about this year’s conference, and learn why you will be happy you a ended. You can also visit the conference travel page to register for a room at the Rosen Shingle Creek or a nearby hotel. This is one of the most fun and educa onal conferences you can a end, so please come join us. You won’t regret it. See you there...

Your Prez, Toby

June Board of Directors Meeting June 11, 2014 ~ Universal Land Title Conference Room 1. Board revised and accepted CPAR Mission Statement as below:

“The Central Pasco Associa on of REALTORS® is a trade associa on providing informa on, educa on and service to REALTORS® and affiliated members. We are pledged to a strict code of ethics and standards of prac ce in real estate transac ons.”

2. Board created and accepted Vision Statement as below:

“Educa on, Service, Integrity”

3. Board created and accepted Core Values as below:

A. Always do the ethical thing.

B. Value Rela onships.

C. Provide Quality Service.

MOTION #1: Reimburse Dwight McDonald for tui on for the NAR Leadership training course. PASSED.

Next BOD Meeting: August 21, 2014 ~ Cheval Country Club

Click here to SUBSCRIBE to the CPARealtor News

How to auto-respond to emails when “Out of the office” just won’t do

AE corner

When you head out for your vaca on this summer, try one of these cheeky lines for your email auto‐responder: 1. I am currently out at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the posi on.

Vanessa Frost

2. You are receiving this automa c no fica on because I am out of the office. If I was in, chances are you wouldn’t have received anything at all. 3. I will be unable to delete all the unread, worthless emails you send me un l I return from holiday on 11 June. Please be pa ent and your mail will be deleted in the order It was received. 4. Thank you for your email. Your credit card has been charged $5.99 for the first ten words and $1.99 for each addi onal word in your message. 5. Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queuing system… You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 13 weeks. 6. I’ve run away to join a different circus. 7. Sorry to have missed you, but I am at the doctor’s having my brain and heart removed so I can be promoted to our management team. 8. I’m sorry, I can’t reply right now. I’m not away—I’m just hiding from someone, pretending I’m away. If it’s not you I’m running away from, I’ll reply to your email. 9. I am currently out of the office. I have a cell phone, but I will not be giving the number out. If you can guess the number, however, I will take your call. 10. Hi. I’m thinking about what you’ve just sent me. Please wait by your PC for my response. Sources: h p:// ng/hilarious‐out‐of‐office‐email‐auto‐replies h p://‐email‐auto‐responders

Contacting your AE: 813‐406‐6081

Office Hours: Monday—Friday 10 am—2 pm (Please call for an appointment)

Are Real Estate Agents Becoming Irrelevant? Perhaps a strange ques on, but one I believe we should consider. Not because I’m a doomsday prophet, but rather so that we don’t let it happen. I think back on the many businesses that have gone that way in my life me. The pay phone, the telegram, the vinyl record, the VHS tape, film processing, appliance repair, video rentals and many more previously thriving businesses have become irrelevant. Dennis Derbes As I look at our industry and the role that we play in it, I’m concerned that much like these other businesses, we are at a point in our industry where we are threatened by the many online sites that seek to control the customer and insulate them from all but the real estate agents that they choose. Many of you are currently those agents, but only because you represent a revenue stream to these online services. Over 90% of buyers start their search on the internet. They seek informa on from the Realtor.coms of the industry, only now there is not one or two but many such businesses vying for that customer and each one will connect you with the one they control, for a price.

On the other hand, we s ll control the most important component of that transac on, the lis ng. We have freely provided it to these online businesses so that they might grow. When this started, they were just warehouses for informa on. Our customers were thrilled that they had their lis ngs out there on the web. As their influence has grown, the Zillow’s, Trulia’s,’s and all the rest have sought increasing control over that customer who finds your lis ng on their site. The stated goal of Zillow is to eventually control the en re transac on—to provide a loca on for sellers to list their own proper es, to find their own buyers and to provide the resources to help everyone through that transac on. This will help the seller save all the money that he previously paid that real estate agent. The big difference between this and the Buy Owner website is that buyers actually go to this site. At our August GMM, we will talk about this issue along with how online auc on sites have sought to exclude us and our control from the transac on. Make me to be there and join the discussion. We don’t have to become irrelevant, we just need to recognize how to deal with the issues. Don’t miss the August GMM! Thursday, Aug. 21 ~ 11:30 am—1:30 pm Prime 19 at Cheval Golf & Country Club RSVP:

welcome new CPAR members Charles Rutenberg Realty

Steven Warrener Interna onal Realty Plus—Tampa Bay

LaTahyana Hudson Sun Realty Estate Agents

Elaine Deval Broker, EXIT Prime Realty

Adam Shorts

Susan Morrison BHHS Florida Proper es Group

Cary Laughridge

Business Partners Eagle Home Mortgage

Karen Calhoun Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Arlene Allert Embrace Home Loans

Tyler Caine Embrace Home Loans

Scott Sloan

CPAR Business Partner Spotlight Four years ago, Stacey Lane and her family were living the “American Dream.” She was ac ve in her community and church, home‐schooled her two sons, and she and her husband operated a successful coffee house in Lutz. Over the next couple of years, the challenges of balancing their family and business began to wear the couple down, and they stepped away from their coffee shop and later separated a er 18 years of marriage. Now a single mother, Stacey had difficulty maintaining her aging home. In late 2013, her hea ng and cooling system failed. She contacted IERNA’s Hea ng & Cooling and was devastated at the $2,000 es mate to repair her A/C system. She declined the repair and turned to prayer for help. Stacy and her boys spent the winter under layers of blankets to stay warm. “My oldest son came to me one night told me it was just too cold for him to sleep,” Stacey says. “It was the absolute worst thing a mom could hear.” A few weeks later, Charlene Ierna, Vice President of IERNA’s Hea ng & Cooling, followed up with Stacey on her repair es mate. They discussed the family’s situa on and Charlene assured Stacey that she would work with her to come up with a solu on. Soon a er, Charlene met with Stacey and told her that she had contacted Dawn Pennachie e of Carrier Enterprises (the parent company of Bryant Hea ng & Cooling Systems, of which IERNA’s is an authorized dealer), and Carrier Enterprises was offering to donate a top‐of‐the‐line Bryant Evolu on hea ng and cooling system. Charlene said she and her husband, Ron Ierna, President of IERNA’s, would donate all addi onal materials and labor. Refrigerant was being donated by David Winco of SouthEastern Equipment Recycling, a vendor of IERNA’s. This was a system and installa on worth over $13,000. “I just could not believe this was happening,” says Stacey. “I could see the happiness and compassion in Charlene’s eyes. She was my angel in disguise!” Stacey and her sons found their faith in God and their community renewed. “I am so grateful to Ron and Charlene Ierna, the amazing team of installers from IERNA’s, Mr. Winco , Dawn Pennachie e, and all the spectacular Charlene Ierna, Bradley Lane, Payton Lane, Stacey Lane, Dawn Pennachie e, David Winco people at Bryant and Carrier Enterprise for our wonderful new Bryant system,” says Stacey. “We are so comfortable in our home now! This truly has been an en rely overwhelming experience.” About IERNA’s Hea ng & Cooling As a leading supplier of HVAC Service & Equipment, IERNA’s Hea ng & Cooling, with a staff of over 40 full‐ me professionals, has been dedicated to customer comfort and sa sfac on since 2003. They offer excep onal reliability and energy savings through an extensive line of durable and efficient Bryant hea ng and cooling products. They can be reached at or 813‐948‐6355.

Membership Drive Earn $$$! We need you to help us recruit new members!

From August 1 through October 31, any CPAR member or business partner in good standing who recruits a new primary or secondary Realtor® member or business partner will receive a $25 gi card a er the new member is processed.

Visit our website at for a membership applica on and more informa on about CPAR. Contact Vanessa Frost at 813‐406‐6081 or with any ques ons.

Rules for Accurate Thinking By Napoleon Hill Now I will give you seven rules to follow which, if you memorize them and follow them as a daily habit, may bring you top‐ra ng as an ACCURATE THINKER. 1. Never accept the opinions of other people as being facts un l you have learned the source of those opinions and sa sfied yourself of their accuracy. 2. Remember that FREE ADVICE, no ma er from whom it is received, will bear the closest of examina on before it is acted upon as safe, and generally speaking this sort of advice is worth exactly what it costs. 3. Alert yourself immediately when you hear anyone speaking of others in a discourteous or slanderous spirit because this very fact should put you on no ce that what you are hearing is BIASED to say the least about it, and it may be out and out misstatements. 4. In asking others for informa on DO NOT DISCLOSE TO THEM WHAT YOU WISH THE INFORMATION TO BE, because most people have the bad habit of trying to please under such circumstances. Well measured, tac ul ques ons can be of great benefit to you in THINKING ACCURATELY. 5. Remember that ANYTHING WHICH EXISTS ANYWHERE THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE IS CAPABLE OF PROOF, and where no such proof is available it is safer to assume that NOTHING EXISTS! 6. One of the great inexplicable miracles consists in the fact that both truth and false‐hood, no ma er by what means they may be expressed, carry with them silent, invisible means of iden fying themselves as such. Therefore, remember this truth and begin developing the necessary intui ve faculty to enable you to “sense” what is false and what is true. 7. Follow the habit of asking “HOW DO YOU KNOW?” when anyone makes a statement you cannot iden fy as true. Follow this habit faithfully and you will see many persons squirm and turn red in the face when you insist upon a direct reply. The most ACCURATE THINKERS are the scien sts. They inves gate with open minds and never allow their WISHES TO BECOME THE FATHERS OF FACTS, but deal with each fact as it is – not as they would like it to be. Now, one final word of warning I feel I should leave with you: STUDY YOURSELF CAREFULLY AND YOU MAY DISCOVER THAT YOUR OWN EMOTIONS ARE YOUR GREATEST HANDICAP IN THE BUSINESS OF ACCURATE THINKING. It is easy to believe that which you wish to believe, and unfortunately that is precisely what most people do! Source: Master Key to Riches Video Series. Film: Accurate Thinking. The Napoleon Hill Founda on.

July CPAR-tee We had a blast at Quail Hollow Golf and Country Club! Your generous CPAR Business Partners hosted another CPAR‐tee on July 1 at Quail Hollow Golf and Country Club. Approximately 25 people came out to enjoy great appe zers and awesome drinks while discussing Lynne Tonte and sharing business. These events are not to be missed, as networking is so important in the Real Estate profession and you will always learn something or meet someone new that can help you in your business. We encourage everyone to come out to the mixers and have fun with fellow CPAR members.

Thanks to our July Business Partners sponsors: Sun ‘n Fun Realty – Toby Caroline D&D Pressure Washing – Doug and Dina Na onal Property Inspec ons – Fred and Lynne Tonte Sierra Pacific Mortgage – Brian Finucane MidFlorida Credit Union – Jodie Wilson Tampa Home Inspec on – Bobb Courtman First Na onal Bank of Pasco – Angela Miller Homeowners Mortgage – George Cooper Security Na onal Mortgage – Ray Williams Rainbow Interna onal – Steve Dumas Verizon Florida – Debbie Edwards Next CPAR‐tee will be Sept. 2 at 5:30 pm, loca on to be announced. Watch for flyers!

Business Partners Thank you for your support!

Affordable Home Inspec on of Tampa Bay

Steve Whallen 813‐948‐4176

Law Offices of Mercedes Gonzalez Hale

Tyler Caine, 813‐380‐8487 Sco Slone, 813‐295‐4660

Mercedes Gonzalez Hale, 813‐973‐8900

Ray Williams Nathaniel Bi man 727‐724‐5438

Cindy Maxie 813‐961‐3391 Darren Anderson 813‐996‐0604

Mary Turner 813‐264‐6110

Brian Finucane 813‐362‐8453

Angela Miller 352‐521‐0141 Jodie Wilson 863‐602‐3845

Sara Allen 727‐526‐5338

Tampa Home Inspec on

Alberta Bland 813‐875‐1200

Lynne Tonte 813‐973‐2004

Brian Arrighi 813‐251‐2921

Helen Schwetz 727‐329‐2000

Lauria Grant III 813‐994‐1471

Bobb Courtman 813‐909‐9516

Tony Hedayat 813‐960‐7378

Joellyn Robles 813‐287‐2130

Ruth Peeples 813‐968‐5170

George Cooper 813‐340‐8363

Sco Goldsborough 813‐363‐6745 Debbie Edwards, 813‐928‐2465 Shelly Grover, 727‐519‐4710

Chris Black 813‐782‐1777

James Ward Mitchell Rothenberg 813‐770‐8459 813‐632‐0550

Doug Drozd 813‐949‐5131

Karen Calhoun 813‐966‐3081

Joed Hassani 813‐704‐0493

Arlene Allert 515‐213‐6500

Julie Rinaldi 813‐948‐6355

Steve Dumas 813‐907‐0503 Wendy Bechtelheimer 813‐839‐4250

Joseph Flynn 352‐350‐2477

Randy Mabry 727‐942‐9363

Harold Sample 352‐458‐4635

Is your smartphone ready for an update? Call CPAR at 813-406-6081 to upgrade your Active Key to an eKey.

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