CPARealtor News - September 2014

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PRESIDENT‐ELECT Lynn Mooney SouthShore Homes & Proper es

VICE PRESIDENT Dennis Derbes Berkshire Hathaway Home Services DJDerbes@bhhsfloridaproper

SECRETARY Gerald Collings SouthShore Homes & Proper es

TREASURER Vicki Derbes Berkshire Hathaway Home Services VDerbes@bhhsfloridaproper

PAST PRESIDENT Ed Anderson Ac on 100 Realty Ed@ac

DIRECTOR Dwight McDonald Interna onal Realty Plus—Tampa Bay

DIRECTOR Pete Rundel Ac on 100 Realty

DIRECTOR Louise Richardson Pro‐Ac ve Realty

DIRECTOR Patsy Peterman Seagrass Realty

DIRECTOR David Chen Florida Capital Realty

Look for me! This skeleton key is hidden somewhere in this issue… and any CPAR members that find it will be entered in a drawing for a $25 gi card at the end of the month! When you find the key, send an email to with the key’s loca on. Last month’s winner: Shelby Bortone

27642 Cashford Circle, Ste. 110 ~ Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 ~ Phone 813-406-6081 ~ Fax 813-712-2865 ~

what’s happening...

September 2014 ~ August 2015

SEPTEMBER 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR Office Conference Room 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—2:00 pm, Cheval Country Club (email to make reserva on) BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Cheval Country Club 19 CPAR Business Partner Trade Show 12 pm—2 pm, Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (email to RSVP) OCTOBER 2 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 9 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA NOVEMBER 6 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 5‐10 NAR Annual Conven on & Expo New Orleans 13 CPAR Annual Installa on, TBA DECEMBER 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA JANUARY 2015 6 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 7 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 8 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA 21‐25 Florida Realtors® Mid‐Winter Business Mee ngs Renaissance Orlando Resort, Orlando FEBRUARY 5 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 12 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA

MARCH 3 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 5 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 12 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA APRIL 2 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 9 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA MAY 5 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 7 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11‐16 NAR Mid‐Year Governance Mee ngs Washington, D.C. 14 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA JUNE 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA JULY 1 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 9 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA AUGUST 6 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 10‐11 NAR Leadership Summit Chicago, IL 13 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA 19‐23 Florida Realtors Annual Conference & Expo Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando

a word from the PREZ...

“Come to this month’s GMM to give your input on CPAR Board nominations and possibly merging with EPAR”

September – a month of changes for many of us. Kids going back to school, summer vaca ons coming to an end, and hopefully cooler and drier weather. September also brings us a long holiday weekend, which can some mes mean more buyers coming into the Tampa Bay area to visit. We can always hope that some of Toby Caroline them are taking this me to look around and seriously think about reloca ng to get away from the forthcoming freezing cold up north. I, along with some other CPAR Members, a ended the Florida Realtors Conven on and Trade Show in Orlando last month. Vanessa also a ended as CPAR’s AE and said she was impressed with how organized it was and that she was able to learn a lot about other associa ons and meet some of the AE’s. What a great fun and learning experience it was for all of us that a ended. It is never a disappointment, what with the tremendous amount of sessions they offer Realtors®, not to men on the fun and food! This is a conven on that you won’t want to miss next year if you weren’t able to make it last month. Over the past few months, the CPAR Board of Directors has been in discussion with the East Pasco Associa on of Realtors® about possibly merging. I touched on this a li le at the August 21st mee ng and said I would have more informa on to share with you at our September mee ng. We have scheduled mee ngs with EPAR to further discuss how, when and of course all the reasons why the two Boards should merge into one. All of this informa on will be shared with you at the next mee ng and we will ask for your input. Your voice counts! We also have the elec ons coming up. Nomina ons will be announced at the September mee ng, along with nomina ons from the floor for anyone wishing to join the Board as an Officer or Director for 2015. We had a great turnout at the August mee ng with CPAR’s Vice President Dennis Derbes enlightening us on the possible effects of Zillow and Trulia’s merger. Dennis was dynamic and captured our a en on with his vast knowledge of the pros and cons of this marriage. A great ques on and answer session followed. So please come out and support your Associa on and your Board at the September 11th mee ng at Cheval Golf & Country Club. We will have a 50/50 cash drawing as well as a couple of door prizes. I hope to see you there.

Your Prez, Toby

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Are you being served, or are you serving? I frequently hear agents ask, “What does the board really do for me?” Perhaps you should be thinking about what you're doing for the board. Many agents and brokers who have been members of their associa on for years have never taken part in any of the associa on ac vi es. They don't a end educa onal seminars or associa on mee ngs. Many of these agents are the same ones who complain that they don't have enough business. I have been a member of various boards of Realtors® since I received my license in 1993. I immediately became involved in the associa on ac vi es. I've served on mul ple CPAR Ed Anderson commi ees, as a member of the Board of Directors, and as President of our Associa on. It is true that as it is a commitment of me and effort, but it is one that is well worth the me that you commit to it. Has it made a difference in my overall business? I have to answer that it has made a huge difference. The only way you will know how it's going to benefit you, is if you actually get out and take part in the various associa on‐sponsored ac vi es. You will likely be very surprised at how much sa sfac on you will experience from it. Our elec ons are coming up in September. We will be elec ng 2015 officers and directors at this mee ng (Sept. 11). The slate of officers is as follows:

President Lynn Mooney

President Elect Dwight McDonald

Treasurer Vicki Derbes

Director Pete Rundel

Vice President Dennis Derbes

Secretary Gerald Collings

Director Jack Buckley

Director Deborah Catterton

Nomina ons will also be taken from the floor. Even though you may not be running for a posi on, that does not mean you cannot serve your associa on. The new officers will be looking for people to serve on the various com‐ mi ees. Serving on a commi ee is generally the first step to becoming a director or officer. I urge everyone to make an effort to come to the mee ngs and volunteer for a commi ee. To borrow a phrase from John F. Kennedy... “Ask not what your associa on can do for you, ask what you do for your associa on.”

‐Ed Anderson Immediate Past President, CPAR

July Board of Directors Meeting July 21, 2014 ~ Universal Land Title Conference Room MOTION #1: Any CPAR member or business partner in good standing who recruits a new member from August 1, 2014 through October 31, 2014 will receive a $25 gi card a er the new member is processed. PASSED. MOTION #2: All real estate agents working under a broker must be a member of a board represented by the broker, and penal es will be enforced upon the brokerage within 72 business hours of no fica on. PASSED. MOTION #3: August GMM moved from August 14th to August 21st to avoid conflict with FR conven on. PASSED. MOTION #4: Acquire QuickBooks training for AE, either through a class or a consultant. PASSED.

Next BOD Meeting: September 11, 2014 ~ Cheval Country Club

AE corner “Supra ActiveKEY 2014-2015 fees are due!” If you have a Supra Ac veKEY, you should have received an invoice for your 2014‐2015 fees. If you have not seen an invoice, please log in (or register for an account) at Ac veKEY fees for this year are $173.40 plus tax. Ac va on for new Ac ve Keys is $60.00. Ac va on for new eKey users is $50.00 and eKeys are billed at $14.45 per month for 2014‐2015. There is no fee charged for upgrading from an Ac veKEY to an eKey. Supra iBox BT lockboxes are also available at the CPAR office for $115.00 plus tax. If you have any ques ons about your Supra key, or you would like to upgrade from an Ac veKEY to an eKey, call the AE during office hours or send an email to

Contacting your AE: 813‐406‐6081

Office Hours: Monday—Friday 10 am—2 pm (Please call for an appointment)

welcome new CPAR members

Ac on 100 Realty

Debra Benoit Referred by Ed Anderson

BHHS Florida Proper es

Bill Starcevic Referred by Robert Eaton

Pro‐Ac ve Realty

Terry Dysert Referred by Louise Richardson

Business Partners Centennial Bank

Nancy Pupello Market Prime Mortgage

John Farris Referred by Ed Anderson

Easy-to-use remote desktop software helps me run my business

TeamViewer and Join.Me are two free programs I use o en when on the road. (located in Tampa, FL) Control any computer remotely as if you were si ng right in front of it. Simple and easy to use. FREE for personal use. This is the easiest remote desktop so ware that I have ever used. The installa on took less than 5 minutes. Now, instead of “hauling” around my Lynn Mooney laptop, I only have to carry my tablet. This is screen sharing so ware that is easy to set up and use. It is also free for personal use. For years, I used LogMeIn un l they took away the free usage for individuals. From the site: “Built by LogMeIn, shares the parent company’s vision that technology should ‘just work.’ We believe the focus should be on your pitch or presenta on, and nothing should get in the way. Which is why tens of millions of people have used to make mee ngs more effec ve, close more deals and transform how they do business.”

Membership Drive Earn $$$! We need you to help us recruit new members!

From August 1 through October 31, any CPAR member or business partner in good standing who recruits a new primary or secondary Realtor® member or business partner will receive a $25 gi card a er the new member is processed.

Visit our website at for a membership applica on and more informa on about CPAR. Contact Vanessa Frost at 813‐406‐6081 or with any ques ons.

CPAR Business Partner Spotlight

NAR announces .REALTOR® domains

NAR is pleased to announce that on October 23, 2014, REALTORS® can begin to claim a .REALTOR top‐level domain. With the new .REALTOR domain, members instantly communicate to consumers their status as a REALTOR® in their website address, strengthening their connec on to the REALTOR® brand, and iden fying themselves as a trusted source for real estate informa on. NAR will provide a FREE .REALTOR domain for one year to the first 500,000 members who register on a first‐come, first‐served basis. Ini ally, the new domain will only be available to real estate professionals who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (NAR) or the Canadian Real Estate Associa on (CREA). In the next phase, the .REALTOR domain will also be made available to state and local REALTOR® associa ons, associa on owned mul ple lis ng services, affiliated ins tutes, socie es and councils, and NAR strategic business partners. A er the first free domain, pricing for addi onal domains will start at $39.95, with mul ple domains and mul ple year discounts available. Domain names will be available on a first‐come, first‐served basis, so mark your calendars to visit www.claim.REALTOR on Oct. 23 to claim your .REALTOR domain. ‐Bob Goldberg, Senior Vice President of Sales & Marke ng, Business Development & Strategic Investments, Professional Development and Conven ons for NAR

Use Cool Tools to Make Transactions Smoother

Help Them Remember What They Loved OK, so you had just a few hours to show a couple from out of town all the lis ngs in your area that met their criteria. But then Mrs. Househunter got called away on business at the last minute. How do you help the Mister iden fy and recall what he likes about each property and make it easier for him to communicate that to his wife when he gets back home? Use the free Speaking Photo app (iOS/Android) to snap shots of each lis ng and record him talking about the features that he likes about each one. You’ll reinforce the best features of each house in his mind while helping his spouse see (and hear) the evidence for herself. The informa on you capture can be sent via text message, e‐mail, Twi er, Facebook, and YouTube, which means you can also use your own notes on the fly to highlight what’s special about your lis ngs. Free. MD Design, Mill Valley, Calif. [] Count the Green It’s tough to sell a green roof when you don’t have the numbers to back up its energy‐savings performance. This free online calculator allows you to compare the costs associated with tradi onal roofs with those of a green roof. Developed jointly by researchers at Portland State University, the University of Toronto, and Green Roofs for Healthy Ci es, the tool takes into account whether you’re looking at new construc on or old and commercial versus residen al property. Since you’re providing the building’s loca on, it also calculates average temperature and rainfall to get a more accurate picture. The calculator even allows you to enter your most up‐to‐date u lity rates, in case your bills have changed a significant amount since their 2010 baseline. The results include electrical and gas savings by volume and dollar. Free. Green Roofs for Healthy Ci es, Toronto [] Soothe Li le Ones’ Moves Moving homes can be especially hard on kids. It’s scary and sad to leave friends, school, and a house they have loved. A kids’ gi called the “Moving to a New Home” kit can help you demonstrate your sensi vity to the stresses families face. This easy‐to‐carry “transi on box” enables kids to keep their most dear possessions close to them. The kit is produced by Ra o Industries Inc., a nonprofit packaging company that employs people with disabili es to create retail packaging from eco‐friendly materials. You can make the kit part of your marke ng; the boxes have a frame to fit your business card, and they can be double‐ branded for real estate pros who forge a business rela onship with, say, a reloca on service or moving company. Kits start at $3.95. Ra o Industries Inc. [] Meg White is the mul media web producer for REALTOR® Magazine. You can reach her at This ar cle was originally published in July 2014 issue of REALTOR® Magazine.

Business Partners Thank you for your support!

Affordable Home Inspec on of Tampa Bay Steve Whallen 813‐948‐4176

Darren Anderson 813‐996‐0604

Chris Black 813‐782‐1777

Alberta Bland 813‐875‐1200

James Ward 813‐770‐8459 Joellyn Robles 813‐287‐2130

Doug Drozd 813‐949‐5131 George Cooper 813‐340‐8363

Sara Allen 727‐526‐5338

Karen Calhoun 813‐966‐3081 Brian Arrighi 813‐251‐2921

Mitchell Rothenberg 813‐632‐0550 Tyler Caine, 813‐380‐8487 Sco Slone, 813‐295‐4660

Helen Schwetz 727‐329‐2000 Cindy Maxie 813‐961‐3391 Julie Rinaldi 813‐948‐6355

Nancy Pupello 904‐477‐7011

Angela Miller 352‐521‐0141

Joseph Flynn 352‐350‐2477

Business Partners Thank you for your support!

Law Offices of Mercedes Gonzalez Hale Mercedes Gonzalez Hale 813‐973‐8900

Tampa Home Inspec on Joed Hassani 813‐704‐0493

Bobb Courtman 813‐909‐9516

John Farris 813‐867‐4820 Steve Dumas 813‐907‐0503

Ruth Peeples 813‐968‐5170

Mary Turner 813‐264‐6110 Randy Mabry 727‐942‐9363

Debbie Edwards, 813‐928‐2465 Shelly Grover, 727‐519‐4710 Jodie Wilson 863‐602‐3845 Ray Williams Nathaniel Bi man 727‐724‐5438 Arlene Allert 515‐213‐6500

Lynne Tonte 813‐973‐2004

Tony Hedayat 813‐960‐7378

Sco Goldsborough 813‐363‐6745

Brian Finucane 813‐362‐8453 Wendy Bechtelheimer 813‐839‐4250

Lauria Grant III 813‐994‐1471

Harold Sample 352‐458‐4635

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