CPARealtor News - October 2014

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PRESIDENT‐ELECT Lynn Mooney SouthShore Homes & Proper es

VICE PRESIDENT Dennis Derbes Berkshire Hathaway Home Services DJDerbes@BHHSFloridaProper

SECRETARY Gerald Collings SouthShore Homes & Proper es

TREASURER Vicki Derbes Berkshire Hathaway Home Services VDerbes@BHHSFloridaProper

PAST PRESIDENT Ed Anderson Ac on 100 Realty Ed@Ac

DIRECTOR Dwight McDonald Interna onal Realty Plus—Tampa Bay

DIRECTOR Pete Rundel Ac on 100 Realty

DIRECTOR Louise Richardson Pro‐Ac ve Realty

DIRECTOR Patsy Peterman Seagrass Realty

DIRECTOR David Chen Florida Capital Realty

Look for me! This skeleton key is hidden somewhere in this issue… and any CPAR members that find it will be entered in a drawing for a $25 gi card at the end of the month! When you find the key, send an email to with the key’s loca on. Last month’s winner: No submissions last month! Boooo!

27642 Cashford Circle, Ste. 110 ~ Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 ~ Phone 813-406-6081 ~ Fax 813-712-2865 ~

what’s happening...

October 2014 ~ September 2015

APRIL OCTOBER 16 Intro to Spanish for Real Estate Professionals 2 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 12:00—2:00 pm, Cheval Country Club 9 General Membership Mee ng 23 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Cheval Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Cheval Country Club MAY NOVEMBER 5 CPAR‐tee 6 New Member Orienta on 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 7 New Member Orienta on 5‐10 NAR Annual Conven on & Expo 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office New Orleans 11 CE Course with Kim Dickey 11‐16 NAR Mid‐Year Governance Mee ngs 11:00 am—2:00 pm, Cheval Country Club Washington, D.C. 18 CPAR Annual Installa on and Birthday Party 14 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA 5:00—8:00 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA DECEMBER JUNE 4 New Member Orienta on 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11 General Membership Mee ng 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA JANUARY 2015 JULY 6 CPAR‐tee 1 New Member Orienta on 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 7 New Member Orienta on 9 General Membership Mee ng 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA 8 General Membership Mee ng BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA AUGUST 21‐25 Florida Realtors® Mid‐Winter Business Mee ngs 6 New Member Orienta on Renaissance Orlando Resort, Orlando 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 10‐11 NAR Leadership Summit FEBRUARY Chicago, IL 5 New Member Orienta on 13 General Membership Mee ng 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA 12 General Membership Mee ng BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA 19‐23 Florida Realtors Annual Conference & Expo Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA SEPTEMBER MARCH 3 CPAR‐tee 3 New Member Orienta on 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 10 General Membership Mee ng 5 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA 12 General Membership Mee ng BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA

a word from the PREZ... Come to our October Meeting and wear your best Halloween mask! Where has the year gone? Here it is October, with only two more months le a er Halloween. Now that’s a scary thought! This month should bring us less rain and some cooler weather. I for one won’t miss the rain. I do, however, miss the changing of the leaves, having grown up in the Midwest. We had several things going on in the month of September, with one being the Toby Caroline possible merger of EPAR and CPAR. Those members a ending the September mee ng voted to not pursue it any further at this me, with several of our members volunteering to help us meet our Core Standard requirements. It was really nice to get the members involved and we look forward to working with each of you that volunteered and s ll would like to volunteer to serve on one of the Commi ees. October’s General Membership Mee ng will be full of fun and informa on. We will have updates on the Core Standards and more informa on on the November and December mee ngs, along with informa on on CE Courses that will be available. The theme for this month’s mee ng is Halloween, since our mee ng is so close to that holiday. A super Door Prize will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of the BEST HALLOWEEN MASK contest, which will be judged by our BOD. The BOD are not eligible, so be crea ve and come join our October Halloween Mee ng—it will be held at the Cheval Country Club star ng at 11:30 am. November brings the Installa on and Member Apprecia on Party plus the celebra on of CPAR’s 40th Birthday. Here are just some of the fun things for you to par cipate in: The famous Chinese Auc on, a live band (as opposed to a dead one), a Yummy Chocolate Fondue Fountain, loads of fun food and lots of Door Prizes, including the 50/50 Drawing plus games with prizes. A major surprise and one of the most fun things will be our “It’s All About You Photo Booth.” Be yourself, or show off in one of the many costumes that will be provided. ALL THIS AT ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO CPAR MEMBERS and ONLY $5.00 for non‐members. Please note: This mee ng will be held at the PEBBLE CREEK GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB. Sponsorships are available. We always look forward to seeing everyone at the monthly mee ngs. Come join us for some fun and have a voice in your Associa on, too. I hope to see a lot of pre y funny and scary masks in the audience!

Your Prez, Toby

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:00-8:00 pm Pebble Creek Golf Club 10550 Regents Park Drive Tampa, FL

Prizes and Giveaways Chinese Auction Drawings every 30 minutes 50/50 Drawing Food Chocolate Fountain Live Music Reservations Requested: or (813) 406-6081

August Board of Directors Meeting August 21 2014 ~ Cheval Golf & Country Club MOTION #1: Vanessa Frost to order 500 glossy bookmarks, as presented at the BOD mee ng, for recruitment purposes. PASSED. MOTION #2: CPAR to purchase $250 USF Seats for Soldiers sponsorship, which provides seats at an upcoming USF football game for 25 veterans. PASSED.

Next BOD Meeting: October 23, 2014 ~ Cheval Country Club

Mayor Bob Buckhorn predicts Tampa growth CPAR Directors joined the Kiwanis Club of Carrollwood on Wednesday, October 1 to hear Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn speak on the future and outlook of the Tampa Bay area. Not only does the West Florida region boast three major sports franchises, two major military combat commands, three major universi es, an interna onal airport, and every major Dwight McDonald financial ins tu on on Wall Street, but with the widening of the Panama Canal, we are the first and largest port with a major water freeway with no traffic lights from here to Maine. All in all, the message conveyed is that we have outstanding poten al for Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn further growth and economic strengthening.

CPAR Business Partner Trade Show “Swim with the big fish with CPAR” CPAR’s Annual Trade Show was a huge success! The Business Partners put on a great “Under the Sea” themed show with whales, dolphins, mermaids, sea shells, flying sea gulls and tons of décor upon their tables. Over 30 Realtors® a ended to learn more about their businesses and to meet those who can help them with their clients. Quail Hollow Golf and Country Club put on a beau ful lunch menu of herb‐roasted chicken and Lynne Tonte pork tenderloin. A large cake inscribed “Swim with the big fish with CPAR” rounded off the meal. Each Business Partner gave out a door prize to the Realtors® and $200 in gi cards were raffled off. George Cooper of Homeowners Mortgage won the prize for Best Decorated Table. The CPAR Business Partners want to thank everyone who came out and we look forward to working with each other more!

Trade Show Business Partners: 1st Na onal Bank of Pasco Brighthouse Networks Centennial Bank Eagle Home Mortgage Embrace Home Loans Hillsborough Title Homeowner’s Mortgage Ierna’s Hea ng & Cooling MidFlorida Credit Union Landy Insurance Na onal Property Inspec ons Prime Protec on Rainbow Interna onal Restora on The Real Estate Book Security Na onal Mortgage Company Universal Land Title

More photos available on our Facebook page at

Membership Drive Earn $$$! Last Month! We need you to help us recruit new members!

From August 1 through October 31, any CPAR member or business partner in good standing who recruits a new primary or secondary Realtor® member or business partner will receive a $25 gi card a er the new member is processed.

Visit our website at for a membership applica on and more informa on about CPAR. Contact Vanessa Frost at 813‐406‐6081 or with any ques ons.

CPAR Business Partner Spotlight

Continuing Education

Tuesday, November 11 ~ 11:00 am-2:00 pm

Register today for this informative CE Course:

The Art of Controlling the Sale with Kim Dickey This 3‐hour Con nuing Educa on Couse is about controlling the “sales process.” You will learn the language that makes a prospect right, smart and want to take ac on by doing business with you. You will learn how to create urgency, seamlessly embed powerful nego a ng ground rules and techniques and understand what goes on in the head of a for sale by owner. Realtors don’t just help people buy and sell property, they absolutely help change their lives and with that comes responsibility and the necessity to control the sales process. This training will further build upon the Power of Rela onship Selling and will transform an informa on giver into a leader. Course Outline: • Defining Urgency • Building & Maintaining Urgency for Buyers • Building & Maintaining Urgency for Sellers • The technical side of nego a ng • 9 Ground rules to nego a ng • Deliberate nego a ng techniques • Nego a ng using the en re sales contract • Nego a ng role‐play • In the Head of a For Sale by Owner • What is a For Sale by Owner thinking? • Educa ng past the seller’s Real Estate ignorance • Communica ng and demonstra ng value • Ques ons and answers Kim Dickey has been a sales trainer and mo va onal speaker for over 25 years with 12 years experience in the “For Sale By Owner” field. She is now the Eastern Division Marke ng Director for First American Title and Director/Creator of Elis ngservice, a very powerful For Sale by Owner program that was featured in the Florida Realtor® Magazine as “One of the 10 Most Radical Business Changes for Realtors®.”

This course is being held in support of Metropolitan Ministries, a charity serving poor and homeless families in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco and Polk coun es. Please bring canned foods for donaƟon.

Cost: $10.00 (proceeds to be donated to Metropolitan Ministries) ~ Register and pay online at h p:// ons.html~ Prime 19 at Cheval Golf & Country Club 4312 Cheval Blvd., Lutz, FL 33558 ~Tell the guard you are a ending the CPAR mee ng at Cheval Country Club~ Cost: Order lunch from open menu (prices range from $4.50 to $10.50) Click for direc ons ~ Click for Cheval menu

REALTORS® Federal Credit Union to Offer Exclusive REALTOR® Credit Card Options Through NAR’s REALTOR Benefits® partnership with REALTORS® Federal Credit Union, a Division of Northwest Federal Credit Union, NAR members, Associa on staff, and family members will soon have a new choice for credit: the REALTOR® Credit Card. Available to exis ng and new Credit Union members, this card program will include customized real estate‐themed designs, exclusive REALTOR®‐branding and op ons as well as important features such as no annual fee, a comprehensive rewards program, and compe ve interest rates that you have come to expect from your Credit Union. The REALTOR® Credit Card, the official credit card of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, will offer a selec on of designs that represent Members, both as real estate prac oners and advocates for homeownership. Designs were selected to appeal to both residen al and commercial prac oners, associa on execu ves and management, as well as family members. This card program also offers the op on to select a message to be imprinted beneath the cardholder’s name (such as “REALTOR®”, “Commercial Real Estate”, “Associa on Management”, and “Home Ownership Ma ers”). Be among the first to apply for the card! Plas c cards will be ready for release this coming November, however applica ons will be available soon. To receive no ce when the applica on is live, request to be added to the announcement list. Follow the instruc ons posted at ‐Bob Goldberg, Senior Vice President of Sales & Marke ng, Business Development & Strategic Investments, Professional Development and Conven ons for NAR

welcome new CPAR members


The Agency, LLC

Christina Sosa

Pro‐Ac ve Realty

Jaime Lyn Moore Referred by Louise Richardson

Business Partners Emerald Inspec on Service, LLC

George Swatzbaugh Referred by Mary Turner

Class Act Inspec ons

Jason Roux Referred by James Ward

The Real Estate Book

Michael Martin Referred by Lynne Tonte

Are You Letting Hurtful Words Sabotage Your Success? We all know our words are powerful. We can slice someone to pieces with just a few syllables. That’s bad enough, but what happens when we turn that power on ourselves? As a young man, the writer Peter Leonard showed a short story to his famous Michael Hyatt father, novelist Elmore Leonard. Instead of encouraging his son, Elmore Leonard wrote a lengthy cri que saying his characters were flat and lifeless. “I didn’t write another word of fic on for 27 years,” Peter recalled. But as sad as that story is, we do the same thing to ourselves, don’t we? How many poten al writers, ar sts, athletes, speakers, and performers have chopped themselves off at the knees with self‐cri cism? Not long ago, I was playing golf with a friend. Every me he hit a bad shot, he berated himself. “Ugh,” he said when he really duffed one. “I’m such an idiot. I never hit it straight.” What do you think that did for his game? Exactly! It got worse the longer we played. It got so bad in fact, I started paying more a en on to his words than the game. They were:  Accusatory: “You can’t hit anything!”  Abusive: “You idiot!”

 Self‐defea ng: “I knew I was going to miss that.” Thinking about the game now, I’m stuck on this ques on, and I wish I had stopped things long enough to ask my friend: “Would you ever talk like that to one of your children?” Maybe some, like Peter Leonard’s father, would. But we usually strive to protect our kids. We recognize that words like that are harmful. So why don’t we protect ourselves the same way? Some self‐cri cism is useful. But accusatory, abusive, and self‐defea ng cri cism is useless and destruc ve. If we wouldn’t say it to our kids, it’s best to steer clear of saying it to ourselves. Proverbs says that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Our language reveals our thinking, and if it’s the deadly kind, we need to change the way we address ourselves. There are some pre y deep psychological and spiritual reasons for this, but it also affects prac cal ques ons of accomplishing our goals. Our words can set us up to fail if we’re not careful. Here are three steps I’ve found helpful in my own life for controlling my words: 1. I record disempowering words and sentences I catch myself using. Awareness is crucial to controlling our words. Whenever I catch myself saying something nega ve, I make a note of it. If there’s a pa ern, I can address it. 2. I cra words and sentences to use in place of nega ve ones. We all know the best way to eliminate a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. It’s the same here. When I default to a nega ve thought, I now have phrases and affirma ons I can use instead. It makes a huge difference. 3. I ask an accountability partner to call me on it. I felt odd calling my friend on his words when we were playing. I wasn’t invited to. Instead of le ng that stop someone in my life, I’ve let certain people know I want them to hold me accountable for my words. Some mes it hurts, but it’s worth it. Our success is too important to allow hur ul words—especially our own—to derail us. We have to learn how to do for ourselves what Elmore Leonard was unable in that instance to do for his son: Use the power of words to encourage and give life. Source: MichaelHya .com

The Central Pasco Association of Realtors® is celebrating its 40th Birthday, plus the 2015 Installation of Officers and Directors

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:00-8:00 pm Pebble Creek Golf Club 10550 Regents Park Drive Tampa, FL 33647

2015 Sponsorship Levels: Cupcake—$500.00 (20 free guest tickets) Icing—$200.00 (10 free guest tickets) Cake—$100.00 (5 free guest tickets) Included in the Sponsorship: Recognition at all CPAR events, Website, Communications, Print media, Banner and more. This is a unique opportunity for our sponsors—it will also be a Membership Appreciation Event. You will have the opportunity to network with all the Realtor® members and their guests (no charge to members and $5.00 for guests) Please send sponsorship check to the CPAR Office: 27642 Cashford Circle, Suite 110, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544

For Additional Information: Ruth Peeples—813-240-4277 or Vanessa Frost—813-406-6081

Squeeze the Most Out of Your Day from Stuck on Stop by Vicki Hitzges About one hundred years ago, a man named Ivy Lee went to the president of Bethlehem Steel, Charles Schwab, and made a deal with him. Lee told Schwab he could increase Schwab’s produc vity as well as the workload of all his managers. What’s more, Lee told Schwab he could help Schwab’s execu ves produce a significant amount more if he could just spend fi een minutes with each of them. To make the offer especially en cing, Lee told Schwab he wouldn’t charge anything at all unless his advice worked. “Then, a er three months,” Lee told Schwab, “if my advice proves profitable, send me a check for whatever you think it’s worth.” They struck a deal. Here’s how produc ve he was—Lee actually spent only ten minutes with each execu ve. Here’s what he told them: “I want you to promise that for the next ninety days, before leaving your office at the end of each day, you’ll make a list of the six most important things you have to do the next day and number them in their order of importance.” The execu ves were shocked that that was all they were asked to do. “That’s it,” Lee said. “Scratch off each item a er you finish it. Then go on to the next item on your list. If something doesn’t get done, put it on the following day’s list.” Each Bethlehem execu ve agreed to follow Lee’s instruc ons. Three months later, Schwab studied the results. He was so pleased, he sent Lee a check for $35,000! (That may or may not seem like a lot of money to you, but this was one hundred years ago. At the me, the average United States worker made $2.00 a day or $4,000 a year. Thirty‐five thousand dollars was a LOT of money! Even today, imagine if you spent a few minutes with a group of execu ves and gave each one the same, simple p and got $35,000 for it. You’d be thrilled!) Many people follow Lee’s advice today. The founder of the $2.2 billion direct sales cosme cs company Mary Kay praised Lee’s idea when she wrote the book You Can Have It All: Life me Wisdom from America’s Foremost Woman Entrepreneur. Mary Kay Ash boasted that she herself followed Lee’s advice. A er all, she reasoned, Schwab was one of the smartest business professionals of his day. If he felt that bit of advice was worth paying $35,000, she ought to try it, too. So, each night she made a list of things to do the following day. But, she added a twist to it. She didn’t just number the tasks in order of importance. She always put the hardest or most unappealing task at the top. “This way,” she wrote, “I tackle the most difficult item first, and once it’s out of the way, I feel my day is off to a good start.” Follow Lee’s advice! Before you go to sleep tonight, figure out what you need to do tomorrow. Write down the six most important things you need to accomplish. Not only will you start tomorrow ready to go, but subconsciously, you’ll also be working on those six projects while you sleep. Then, follow Mary Kay’s advice and knock those tasks out from hardest to easiest. Don’t let your me get snuffed out by what appears to be an innocent killer! Stand guard. When you guard your me, you guard your life. For me is the stuff that life is made of.

Business Partners Thank you for your support!

Affordable Home Inspec on of Tampa Bay Steve Whallen 813‐948‐4176

Darren Anderson 813‐996‐0604

James Ward, 813‐770‐8459 Jason Roux, 813‐787‐9590

Alberta Bland 813‐875‐1200

Doug Drozd 813‐949‐5131 Joellyn Robles 813‐287‐2130

Sara Allen 727‐526‐5338

Karen Calhoun 813‐966‐3081 George Cooper 813‐340‐8363

Emerald Inspec on Service, LLC Brian Arrighi 813‐251‐2921

Helen Schwetz 727‐329‐2000

George Swatzbaugh III 352‐322‐2700

Mitchell Rothenberg 813‐632‐0550 Tyler Caine, 813‐380‐8487 Sco Slone, 813‐295‐4660

Cindy Maxie 813‐961‐3391 Nancy Pupello 904‐477‐7011

Chris Black 813‐782‐1777

Julie Rinaldi 813‐948‐6355

Angela Miller 352‐521‐0141

Joseph Flynn 352‐350‐2477

Business Partners Thank you for your support!

Law Offices of Mercedes Gonzalez Hale Mercedes Gonzalez Hale 813‐973‐8900

Joed Hassani 813‐704‐0493

Lauria Grant III 813‐994‐1471

Tampa Home Inspec on

John Farris 813‐867‐4820 Steve Dumas 813‐907‐0503

Bobb Courtman 813‐909‐9516

Mary Turner 813‐264‐6110 Randy Mabry 727‐942‐9363

Ruth Peeples 813‐968‐5170

Jodie Wilson 863‐602‐3845

Debbie Edwards, 813‐928‐2465 Shelly Grover, 727‐519‐4710

Lynne Tonte 813‐973‐2004

Michael Mar n 407‐878‐1238 Arlene Allert 515‐213‐6500

Tony Hedayat 813‐960‐7378

Ray Williams Nathaniel Bi man 727‐724‐5438 Wendy Bechtelheimer 813‐839‐4250

Sco Goldsborough 813‐363‐6745

Brian Finucane 813‐362‐8453

Harold Sample 352‐458‐4635

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