July 2011 Newsletter

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JULY 2011

Issue 7


Did you know? AUGUST 5 - 7 Leadership Academy Chicago, IL

AUGUST 24-28 FR/WCR Annual Convention & Trade Show, Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, Orlando

OCTOBER 31 Chapter Plan Report Due NOVEMBER 9-13 NAR/WCR Annual Governance Meetings, Conference & Expo Hyatt Regency Orange County Anaheim, CA

In 1998, WCR created an annual Leadership Academy for incoming local chapter presidents (adding state presidents-elect in 2006). With its in-depth chapter management training, the Academy was recognized with the prestigious Leadership Development Trophy in Chapter Relations from the American Society of Association Executives in its first year. With regular networking and educational programs delivered at the local chapter level, which are designed to keep members on top of an evolving market, it’s small wonder that WCR members collectively generate more than $100 million in commissions annually. Leadership Academy brings it all together, not only chapter President-Elects but the reason why we do what we do as a chapter, state and national organization.

DECEMBER 15 Chapter Plan Report Due Locate other WCR Events on the calendar www.wcrfl.org

**SEE FORM ON WCRFL.ORG** Add chapter events to the calendar send to Lynn@LynnMooney.com


Please submit articles by the 15 of each month, in a Word document (if possible) and Arial font

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. Dwight Eisenhower Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. George S. Patton The leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone. You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it. Elaine Agather

TECH SHARE Shared by Kimberlie Slade, Venice Chapter, District V DVP th This is one of the coolest things…I need to share with all my WCR friends. During the 4 of July weekend, I spent time with my friends 15 year old daughter and she introduced me to this iphone and android App called Heytell. HeyTell® is a cross-platform voice messenger that allows you to instantly talk with friends and family. No account needed—just start the app, choose a contact, and push the button to start talking! ✰ Send and receive voice messages with other HeyTell users with the press of a single button ✰ Voice messages are quicker than SMS—and free! ✰ Very low data usage, no more than sending an email ✰ Works on 3G, EDGE, 1X or WiFi ✰ Superior audio quality: At 16 kHz, HeyTell delivers twice the frequency range of a cell phone call ✰ Push notifications alert you whenever a voice message is received and the app is closed ✳ TIP: If you did not enable Pushes on initial install, open the Apple Settings app, select Notifications, ensure it's set to On, select HeyTell, and ensure that Badges and Alerts are both set to On. ✰ Favorites: Favorite and export messages you like to email or Facebook! ✰ Facebook integration: Connect your Facebook account on the Profile page and invite Facebook friends (Select a Contact > Facebook) or post voice messages to Facebook (expand the conversation, select the message, then tap the Actions button)! ✰ Extras: Use the in-app purchase function to send messages to groups, change your voice, automatically expire and batch-delete messages, and add emojis to your name! ✰ Quickly friend, unfriend, or block contacts. Adding contacts as friends ensures that you can always quickly find them by tapping the To: field and tapping "Friends." ✰ Choose from three different privacy levels to control how users can contact you without an invite: ✓ Low Privacy: Anyone who knows your contact information can connect with you without an invite. ✓ Medium Privacy: Anyone who knows your contact information and is friends with one of your HeyTell friends can connect with you. Otherwise, they must invite you to connect. ✓ High Privacy: No one can connect with you until you accept their invitation. NOTE: Carriers may charge you & your recipient for SMS invites, but email invites & Low privacy direct connections should be free. ✰ If you want to, share your location with selected contacts while you talk ✳ TIP: To send your location information to a contact, you must have the Maps page open (tap the Target button) when you send the HeyTell message. For privacy reasons, HeyTell does not send your location unless you approve and have Maps open. ✰ Conversations can be saved and replayed offline, or deleted on-demand ✳ TIP: Swipe left or right on the conversation and click the DELETE button to delete messages. ✰ All data and audio you transmit to HeyTell and your friends is encrypted in transit ✰ Earpiece and speakerphone functionality: Press the SPEAKER button to toggle earpiece vs. speakerphone mode (If you find earpiece sound is too low, enable the speaker) ✰ Supports iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices (2G and 3G iPod Touches require external microphone) ✰ You do not need to share personal information to connect with HeyTell contacts. See http://heytell.com/privacy and http://heytell.com/faq for more information about connecting without sharing phone numbers or email addresses! Use HeyTell as a walkie talkie, intercom, or instant voice messaging system to send quick voice messages to friends and family with iPhones or iPods. Use the integrated geolocation feature to find your friends when they've given you bad directions and you're just around the corner! iPhone Screenshot Problems or questions? ❐ Check out our FAQ at http://heytell.com/faq ❐ Email us at support@heytell.com! ❐ Follow us on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/heytell ❐ "Like" us on Facebook at https://facebook.com/heytell! ✳ TIP: IF YOU GET AN "INBOX FULL" message, there's no need to delete the app or messages: This just means that your friend has to listen or reply to the messages you sent before you can continue to send them messages. Once they listen or respond, you can keep on talking! Read more: http://iphoneapplicationlist.com/app/heytell/id352791835/#ixzz1RqZ2KAK6

Postlets Pro Now Free for Everyone!

News from Zillow What changes have taken place since Zillow acquired Postlets in April? For one, last month we developed the ability for real estate agents, sellers, property managers, and landlords to post for-sale and for-rent listings directly from Zillow to Craigslist — for free! Today, we're thrilled to announce that the Postlets Pro program is now free. That's right — we are opening up this program, which was previously a paid, subscription-only program, to everyone, for free! That means that starting today, all new for-rent and for-sale listings on Postlets are free and will include:    

up to 18 large photos a rich listings template with multiple tabs the ability to embed community information (i.e. Walk Score, school data) video capabilities Previously, these enhanced listing features were only available to paying Postlets Pro subscribers. And, of course, Postlets is still committed to listing syndication, which distributes your listings across 13 real estate and social media websites.

What is the best way to drive traffic to my website? I am often asked ―what is the best way to drive traffic to my website‖. There are so many ways to market your website and get results some take a lot of time to cultivate and some can produce traffic right off the bat. In order to drive traffic you need to know the options available – and then plan your strategy. There are free ways – you don’t have to pay money but you do have to spend time to get where you want to go. Those of you on a shoe string budget may not have the cash to advertise or use Pay-PerClick methods. Remember even the best designed websites will not produce income unless there is traffic directed to it... Free traffic, as the term suggests, implies that you drive traffic to your website free of charge. The most common method of obtaining this involves usingSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. When you optimize your website, search engines view your site as being useful and relevant. This in turn, leads to increase in rankings for your keywords, key phrases. One thing you must be aware of SEO methods are great for obtaining free traffic in the long term, but it might take as long as six months to a year to see full results.

SAFETY TIPS By Andre Wooten

1. Showing Your Listings When a client calls from one of the houses you have listed, please do not go over to the house. Have that client meet you somewhere public, like Starbucks, McDonald's or a gas station parking lot. Meeting the client at the property is simply dangerous and has been proven to be life ending. 2. Driving with Clients in Your Car This service should have disappeared with the horse and buggy. However, if it is absolutely necessary, please have someone else ride with you. 3. Listing Appointments Going over to someone's home alone who you do not know and have only spoken to over the phone is not a good choice. Just because all the information they gave you checked out, doesn't mean it's safe. You going over to a listing appointment by yourself is like playing Russian roulette with a gun. Please take someone with you. 4. Social Media Social media is a wonderful thing. However, you are in the people business, so please be mindful of the images you project to the world. Pictures of you relaxing with family and friends at your pool is not the professional image you want to present. Neither is posting messages about the wonderful vacation you're on or that you're bored, sitting at an open house by yourself. I realize my tone may be a bit harsh, but your safety is important to me and I want you to just be safe!

Stay-in-Touch Tip: Closing Day Anniversaries Closing dates are great milestones for client calls. By Scott Levitt, Oakley Signs & Graphics, Inc

People typically remember birthdays and anniversaries, but it's surprising how many home owners forget the date they closed on their house. While it's not something people typically celebrate a year or two later, it is a perfect opportunity for you to check in with clients. You don't have to bake them a cake or rent a pony for the occasion, but it can mean a lot to a client if you show you remember (and therefore: value) your relationship with them. A call is a nice way to touch base, but an email message or handwritten note will do as well. Here's a short script to get you thinking: "Hi, [CLIENT NAME], this is [YOUR NAME] with [YOUR OFFICE]. I don't know if you remember what you were doing a year ago today, but I do. We were closing on your house! Can you believe it's been a year?" After the first year, you can use the date internally on your calendar to remind you to check in with clients. It's also a good time to extend an offer for a "free annual review." As you approach the 4 - 6 year anniversary range with clients, they may just be thinking of relocating again.

WCR Tampa – June BRM – “Feng Shui” By Cindy Maxie

Kathy Mann, Abundant Feng Shui

Kathy stayed after the meeting to answer questions

Our June BRM speaker, Kathy Mann, spoke on Feng Shui – what a fascinating topic! Kathy is the founder and owner of Abundant Feng Shui Creations in Tampa. She specializes in Feng Shui consulting and education. Did you know that having a red front door is very good? If a red door doesn’t work with your home, you should at least have some colorful blooming flowers on or around the entrance to your home. If you enter your home from your garage, de-clutter the area that you see when walking into your home – or, at the very least, put something there that will bring happy memories or thoughts when you see it. Here are some other tips from our speaker:     

Be aware of clutter – it can be outdoors, as well as inside your home. Clear overhanging plants from walkways. Crystals are used in Feng Shui for energy – hang from ceiling fans or in windows. Windchimes can also attract energy. Plants are good to have in your home – either live plants (which also provide oxygen) or quality silk plants. Your bedroom is the most important room of your home, because you spend more hours there than in any other room – make sure you love the interior design! Avoid having exercise machines, desks, computers, etc. in your bedroom.

Kathy has published a book Chi, Feng Shui & You which contains many helpful suggestions. Visit her website at: www.fengshui108.com. We have entered into the second half of 2011 and my CONGRATULATIONS to all of you for not only making it this far, but for sticking to your commitment and believing in the WCR model; to have raised yourself above the adversity, the reputation of the past and the overwhelm, and to have to emerged successful and victorious! Some of you have slogged since January to bring this Chapter to where it is now, while other 'innocents' have just come aboard, full of vigor and with fresh ideas, so very much needed to carry us to the next level and to inspire us, who are weary. To all of you, I say 'THANK YOU'! It is not unusual for the 'Team' to become weary at this time of the year. We might become complacent, or lethargic in our exhaustion, but this is the time to spur each other on - to lift each other up and carry our fellow leaders, if necessary, to the finish line.

DON'T GIVE UP! I repeat..... DON'T GIVE UP! YOU CAN DO IT....... You're almost there! I have spent time with each and every one of you, recently, going over the responsibilities of your voluntary position (and yes, we know only too well that this IS a voluntary position) and for some of you who are in the same office, I was able to hold a group meeting. While, when you accepted the position, the expectations of you were as clear as mud, but by now, the veil should be lifting. You know what is required of you... you know what the goal is and you know how to achieve the goal. What I need of you all now, is for you to reiterate to me, what your voluntary job description is and what as you see it - is the expectation of your voluntary position? This need not be time consuming and if you don't have time to produce a pristine computer-generated document (LOL!), it's OK. Chicken scratch just before you fall into bed, or while you are waiting for a client is OK, by me! Here are the questions to guide you: 1) Do you understand what is required of your position? 2) What is your main goal within this position, as you see it? 3) What are your major challenges in achieving your goal? 4) What is getting in the way of you achieving the perceived success in your position (whether you perceive that success or not)? 5) What is the most important aspect of your position (eg. Mine would be: President's role is to lead and carry responsibility of the Chapter) 6) Name five things that you perceive to be required of your position every month (Line Officers only)? 7) Are you able to realize these requirements and if not, why? 8) Of your challenges, where can we assign help to you? (Which parts of your role should we assign to another member, in order to assist you?) 9) Can you think of anyone who might be a likely candidate to assume this/these role/s? 10) What do you like least about your role? (This is a military question..... Typical response: I am a motor mechanic. Why have I been assigned as a Medic?) So, over to you..Feel free to simply type your responses under the questions in the Reply window or just write them out on a legal pad and send them back to me. Please understand that this is intended to help you realize the success you so deserve as we enter into the second part of the year and for WCR St Lucie County to assign help to you in order to have you reach the heights you anticipated when you elected to take on the position. Again, THANK YOU for your valuable input into Women's Council of REALTORS(R) - your effort and your commitment has been noticed and is very much acknowledged. Althea Garner, Get Me A Home, Inc (Florida and California), President - 2011 (Saint Lucie County) VP Membership - 2010 (South Orange County)

WCR’s Scheduled Events & Meeting Rooms Orlando August 24-26, 2011 Wednesday, August 24 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. WCR Nominating Committee – Suwannee 20 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PMN Course – Suwannee 16 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. WCR Events Committee – WCR Suite 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. WCR Bylaws Committee – Wekiwa 2 WCR Strategic Planning Committee – Wekiwa 5 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. WCR Audit Committee – WCR Suite 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. WCR State Focus Committee – Wekiwa 2 5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. WCR Orientation for First Time Attendees – Panzacola H 1&2 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. WCR State Officers, Governors, District Vice-Presidents, Committee Chairmen & Local Presidents Briefing – Panzacola H 1&2 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. WCR Past Presidents Dinner – Wekiwa 5 Thursday, August 25 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. WCR National Update Session – Panzacola F3 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. WCR Governor Forum – WCR Suite 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. WCR Local Chapter Presidents & Presidents-Elect Forum – Panzacola F3 WCR Vice President of Membership Forum/Membership Committee – Panzacola F4 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. WCR District Vice Presidents Forum – Wekiwa 3 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. WCR Education Committee/PMN Task Force/Leadership Development Task Force/Speakers & Programs Task Force – Panzacola F4 WCR Awards Committee – Wekiwa 7 WCR Marketing Committee – Panzacola F3 WCR National Focus Committee – WCR Suite 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. WCR Technology Committee/E-mail Task Force/Newsletter Task Force – Wekiwa 8 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. WCR YPN Group – Suwannee 21 WCR Ways & Means Forum – Panzacola F4 WCR International Committee – Wekiwa 7 WCR Credentials Committee – Suwannee 15 WCR Outreach & Influence Forum – Suwannee 19/20 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. WCR Budget & Finance Committee – Wekiwa 7 6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. WCR Reception – Sebastian Foyer 6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. WCR Sponsor Reception – Sebastian 1 2 7:00 p.m. WCR Awards Banquet – Sebastian 1 3/4 Friday, August 26 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. WCR State Officers & Committee Chairmen – Wekiwa 5 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon WCR Governing Board & General Membership Meeting - Panzacola F1

Donald Trump and Naked Cowboy – What Do They Have in Common? By Tim Denbo, President/CEO of VirtualTourCafé, LLC RISMEDIA, July 11, 2011—What exactly is branding and why should you care? If you have ever been to New York’s Times Square, you have probably seen Naked Cowboy. If you have watched any television or read the paper, you have heard of Donald ―The Don‖ Trump. Both of these people have worked hard at developing a brand for themselves and it works! On a ranch, cattle are branded to identify the owner of the animal, especially on open range land when cattle can become mixed with other cattle. The cattle rancher learned a long time ago that there needed to be an easy way to identify his herd and to prevent poachers, but how far back does this practice go—1800s, 1600s? Yes, we are all familiar with brands such as General Mills and Proctor and Gamble, but forms of branding, including cattle branding, can be traced back to the Babylonians in 3000 BC. So is branding new? Not by a long shot. In a similar way that social networking is not new, but the way we use it today in the real estate industry may be new to many of us. Companies brand their image, people and products, so these assets are not confused with other companies or products of similar size and shape. In the same fashion, you may want to consider how you brand yourself in order to stand out from the crowd. Picture a herd of cattle in the distance and all of the cattle are brown—except one. The one cow in the field is purple, yes a purple cow! Now imagine if you are a home buyer or seller looking at all the real estate agents in the ―field.‖ Do you choose from among the brown cows who all look the same, or do you choose the one purple cow that stands out from the rest? Be the purple cow and you will set yourself apart from the rest! Here are five ways you can brand yourself and stand out from the crowd: 1. Identify what makes you unique. Ask yourself the question, ―Why choose me?‖ Once you can pinpoint your key strengths, experience and skills, write them down and use this as your base line for all your marketing. 2. Create a memorable slogan. Use your name, your skills, talents or even your area of expertise and develop a memorable slogan to help people remember you. 3. Develop your marketing brand. Include colors, logos, banners, and a slogan that represent you and your image and brand. Create marketing materials to match, including a website, business cards, and even social networking sites such as a blog, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube channel with the same unique look and feel. 4. Elevator speech. Write and memorize a 30 second ―elevator speech‖ that includes your slogan and tells people who you are and why they should use you. Use this every time you meet someone at an open house, in the grocery store and around town. 5. Let it shine! Don’t hide your brand, show it to the world. When you get a listing, don’t just put the required pictures online and send the standard ―Just Listed‖ postcards. Instead, create a virtual tour with personal narration and include your agent banner, your logo and your brand colors. Use a virtual tour provider that includes a YouTube video uploaded to your personal YouTube channel and connects to your social networking sites. Branding is simple, but it’s not easy! It requires thoughtful self-evaluation and a determination to stand out from the crowd. It requires dedication to being the best and not just one of the rest! And last but not least, it requires consistency. Use your brand in everything you do and with everyone you meet. Remember, the most recent National Association of REALTORS® statistics show over 90% of home buyers say they looked online for their home before purchasing! In the field of real estate professionals online, are you standing out as the Purple Cow or blending in with the herd?

Great article to share with your customers that are on the fence‌

To Buy or Rent - Now's the Time to Follow the American Dream With home prices dropping, minimal interest rates and the cost of rental properties on the rise, now may be the time for renters to seriously consider buying a house. When the housing bubble burst in 2006, the cost of buying a house was considerably higher than renting that same house in most areas. Today, the opposite is true in many states, particularly those hit hardest in the housing crash-namely Arizona, California, Florida and Nevada and right behind them, Illinois, New York and New Jersey. Rental cost has remained on the high side in many communities within these states, making it more monetarily advantageous for renters to buy a home that has dropped in value from the highs of five years ago, to the tune of the national average of 30%. Combine the decrease in home prices, high rental costs and historically low interest rates, and the time may be ideal for renters to consider buying. To further underscore the advantages to buying, consider a recent study by Deutsche Bank that reported the share of income Americans are now paying to own their homes is 9.8% after mortgage, taxes and insurance payments-down from 17.2% at the housing bubble's peak. Conversely, the study further says that in 28 out of the country's 54 major markets, it's now less expensive to pay a mortgage and other major housing costs than to rent the same house. For those on the fence when it comes to buying or renting, conducting an analysis is not difficult. Start with the total cost to rent a home or apartment-"total" means not only the rent, but any related cost such as tenant's insurance, and maintenance and/or association dues. Use that number as a starting point or base for comparison. The next step is to determine the cost of buying comparable housing; for this a little research is necessary. Look at the houses for sale in your price range and find out the price similar homes have been selling for recently. Once the price of the home has been determined, ask your REALTORÂŽ what you can expect in the way of real estate taxes, utilities and insurance cost for a home at this price. Lastly, talk to a local bank or mortgage broker to ascertain the availability and cost of the mortgage needed to buy the home. Ultimately, real estate is local in nature. National, regional and municipal markets are all "macro markets" comprised of thousands of micro markets specifically made up of communities, neighborhoods and price ranges, where market conditions can vary significantly from the macro markets in which they exist. Even in distressed market areas, healthy micro markets do exist.

This article share by Missi Howell, CIPS, GRI, REALTOR, TRC, Jacksonville Chapter

Are You Planning on Attending The Anaheim Convention? To Register for NAR & WCR (less expensive if you register before August 15: http://www.realtor.org/convention.nsf/pages/registration?opendocument&cid=ce018&cid=WR06222011:21779&ed_ri d=541474

Special thanks to our Strategic Business Affiliates for their generous support OUR 2011 FLORIDA STATE CHAPTER WOMEN'S COUNCIL OF REALTORS SPONSORS:

Refer to them often! PLATINUM: HomeTeam Inspection Service, North American Title Company & Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Two Men and a Truck GOLD: REALTOR Association of Greater Fort Myers and the Beach, Inc SILVER: Audrey Lackie - Watson Realty, Bristol Properties International/Bristol Auctions, Naples on the Gulf Women's Council of Realtors, Paul Homes of Florida, LLC

Mission of Women’s Council of Realtors We are a network of successful REALTORS® empowering women to exercise their potential as entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

Vision of Women’s Council of Realtors Through our influence as successful business professionals, women will effect positive change in the profession and in the broader community.

2011 Women’s Council of Realtors Line Officers

PRESIDENT Robin McKeever


Amy Worth Paul



Penny Ericksen

Pamela Banks

REMINDER: Check to make sure your information is correct on the www.WCR.org website Log onto www.WCRFL.org often to stay updated on what is going on in other Chapters in Florida. Add to the Blog – send to Lynn@LynnMooney.com Do you have an article or useful information about our industry that you would like to share with others th throughout Women’s Council in the state of Florida? Send to Kim@KimSlade.com by the 15 of each month.

Newsletter compiled, edited and formatted by Kimberlie Slade, Venice Chapter & District V Vice President

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