July 2011 Newsletter

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JULY 2011

Issue 7


Did you know? AUGUST 5 - 7 Leadership Academy Chicago, IL

AUGUST 24-28 FR/WCR Annual Convention & Trade Show, Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, Orlando

OCTOBER 31 Chapter Plan Report Due NOVEMBER 9-13 NAR/WCR Annual Governance Meetings, Conference & Expo Hyatt Regency Orange County Anaheim, CA

In 1998, WCR created an annual Leadership Academy for incoming local chapter presidents (adding state presidents-elect in 2006). With its in-depth chapter management training, the Academy was recognized with the prestigious Leadership Development Trophy in Chapter Relations from the American Society of Association Executives in its first year. With regular networking and educational programs delivered at the local chapter level, which are designed to keep members on top of an evolving market, it’s small wonder that WCR members collectively generate more than $100 million in commissions annually. Leadership Academy brings it all together, not only chapter President-Elects but the reason why we do what we do as a chapter, state and national organization.

DECEMBER 15 Chapter Plan Report Due Locate other WCR Events on the calendar www.wcrfl.org

**SEE FORM ON WCRFL.ORG** Add chapter events to the calendar send to Lynn@LynnMooney.com


Please submit articles by the 15 of each month, in a Word document (if possible) and Arial font

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. Dwight Eisenhower Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. George S. Patton The leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone. You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it. Elaine Agather

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