CPARealtor News July 2014

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PRESIDENT‐ELECT Lynn Mooney SouthShore Homes & Proper es

VICE PRESIDENT Dennis Derbes Berkshire Hathaway Home Services DJDerbes@bhhsfloridaproper

SECRETARY Gerald Collings SouthShore Homes & Proper es

TREASURER Vicki Derbes Berkshire Hathaway Home Services VDerbes@bhhsfloridaproper

PAST PRESIDENT Ed Anderson Ac on 100 Realty Ed@ac

DIRECTOR Dwight McDonald Interna onal Realty Plus—Tampa Bay

DIRECTOR Pete Rundel Ac on 100 Realty

DIRECTOR Louise Richardson Pro‐Ac ve Realty

DIRECTOR Patsy Peterman Seagrass Realty

DIRECTOR David Chen Florida Capital Realty

Look for me! This skeleton key is hidden somewhere in this issue… and any CPAR members that find it will be entered in a drawing for a $25 gas card at the end of the month! When you see the key, click on it and an email will open. Just put your name in the body of the email and click “Send.”

Volunteers Needed for Leadership The process of selec ng members to serve as the 2015 Officers and Directors is currently in progress. CPAR is looking for members who want to make a difference and take our associa on forward. We are accep ng “Consent to Serve” forms for President‐Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Directors. Members mee ng the qualifica ons who are interested in being considered for nomina on must submit a “Consent to Serve” form. Qualifica ons of Elected Officers and Directors are posted on the CPAR website at The members vo ng for directors will be instructed to vote for up to four directors from the slate submi ed. The three receiving the highest votes will be deemed elected. The next highest will become an alternate for any vacancies during the year. If you would like a posi on descrip on or “Consent to Serve” form, please send an email to If you have any ques ons, contact Ed Anderson, Nomina ng Commi ee Chair, at 813‐944‐3388 or Ed@ac The forms must be submi ed by July 30, 2014 to be considered for possible recommenda on by the Nomina ng Commi ee. The elec on of officers and directors will take place in September. Elec on will be by electronic ballot. Please spread the word and ask any qualified, interested members to consider taking CPAR to the next level by ge ng involved in leadership. What about YOU?

27642 Cashford Circle, Ste. 110 ~ Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 ~ Phone 813-406-6081 ~ Fax 813-712-2865 ~

what’s happening...

July 2014 ~ June 2015

JULY 2014 1 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club 4 Independence Day 9 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 10 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Cheval Country Club (email to make reserva on) BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Cheval Country Club AUGUST 6 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 14 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club 13‐17 Florida Realtors Annual Conven on & Trade Expo Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando 18‐19 NAR Leadership Summit Chicago SEPTEMBER 1 Labor Day 2 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, TBA BOD Mee ng 2 pm, TBA 24 Rosh Hashana @ Sunset OCTOBER 2 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 4 Yom Kippur @ Sunset 9 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club 31 Halloween NOVEMBER 2 Daylight Savings Time Ends 4 Elec on Day 4 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 6 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 5‐10 NAR Annual Conven on & Expo New Orleans 11 Veterans Day 13 CPAR Annual Installa on 27 Thanksgiving DECEMBER 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club 16 Hanukkah @ Sunset 24 Christmas Eve

JANUARY 2015 1 New Year’s Day 6 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 7 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 8 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club 19 Mar n Luther King, Jr. Day 21‐25 Florida Realtors Mid‐Winter Business Mee ngs Renaissance Orlando Resort, Orlando FEBRUARY 5 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 12 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club 14 Valen ne’s Day 16 President’s Day MARCH 3 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 5 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 12 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club 17 St. Patrick’s Day APRIL 2 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 3 Good Friday 5 Easter Sunday 9 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club MAY 5 CPAR‐tee 5:30—7:30 pm, TBA 7 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 10 Mother’s Day 11‐16 NAR Mid‐Year Governance Mee ngs Washington, D.C. 14 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club 25 Memorial Day JUNE 4 New Member Orienta on 10 am—1 pm, CPAR office 11 General Membership Mee ng 11:30 am—1:30 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club BOD Mee ng 2 pm, Pebble Creek Country Club 2 Father’s Day

a word from the PREZ... “A 4th of July theme can bring fun to ho-hum showings by staging the outside as well as the inside of homes with red, white and blue!” Here it is July already, and we’re into the hot, humid summer months of Florida. A lot of our fellow Realtors, poten al buyers and even some of our sellers have migrated to the cooler climates for a break from the rainy season. Our office is busy even with the absence of the snowbirds. July will be a crazy, busy month for so many of us with the 4th of July celebra on, which is a prime opportunity to host Open Houses. The 4th of July theme can bring fun to ho‐hum showings by staging the outside as well as the inside of homes with red, white and blue! Throw in a drawing for a gas card or two, which always seems to a ract buyers. CPAR will have a CPAR‐tee on July 1st at the Quail Hollow Country Club. Come join the fun of “meet ‘n greet,” taste the many fun finger foods, and take advantage of happy hour drink prices. There are always lots of door prizes offered by the CPAR‐tee sponsors. It’s a great way to get your name out there. Don’t forget the CPAR General Membership Mee ng on July 10th at the Cheval Country Club, with Paula O’Neil as our guest speaker. Paula always delights us with her fun wisdom and updates. You don’t want to miss her. The loca on is first class, the food inexpensive and the informa on “priceless.” So mark your calendars and be sure to call Vanessa at CPAR or go online at to make your reserva on. I don’t know how many of you read the Florida Realtor Magazine, but they offer a lot of informa on. I par cularly like the Q&A Legal Hotline. This month’s ques ons deal with transac on brokers, opera ng a brokerage company from a residence, the dangers of Pocket Lis ngs and even a scenario dealing with when the Seller is also the Lis ng Agent. There are great ar cles and advice with each issue. This month’s issue also has a removable “Florida Realtors 2014 Conference & Trade Expo Carn‐a‐val” sec on outlining the schedule. The conference will be held at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando from August 13th – August 17th. This is always a great Conference and Trade Show and not one to be missed. I look forward to seeing you at the CPAR‐tee on July 1st at the Quail Hollow Country Club star ng at 5:30, and again at the General Membership Mee ng on July 10th star ng at 11:30!

We love seeing you, so come join the fun while learning…..

Your Prez,


AE corner You may be wondering why you are receiving the July issue of CPARealtor News so shortly a er receiving the June issue. From this point forward, CPAR will be sending the newsle er at the beginning of the month, rather than the end, so that we can all look forward to the events coming up. There also have been a few forma ng changes this month. Please think about the kind of news and informa on you would like to receive in the newsle er and let me know, so that we can cater these issues to YOU and your needs. Email me at I had the great privilege of a ending the Florida Realtors Associa on Execu ve Educa on Workshop in Sarasota at the end of June. I met many AE’s from all over Florida and a ended sessions on everything from NAR news to working more smoothly with others, all with a view of beau ful Sarasota Beach. Most importantly, I was taught how to be er serve CPAR’s members.

One of my favorite sessions was led by Barbara Fairfield of Dynamic Direc ons. She helped us learn how to work with people from different genera ons using some general personality traits of the people born during each me period. There were AE’s at the workshop who had Realtor members from the youngest genera on (the “Millenials,” aged 19 and under) all the way up to the oldest group (the “G.I. Genera on,” who are over 90 years old)! Happy Independence Day and have a great month!

Barbara Fairfield gets a ques on during her “Comingling Genera ons” session

Your AE,


The view from our dining room at the Lido Beach Resort, Sarasota

welcome new CPAR members Broker, Berkshire Hathaway Florida Proper es

Robert Hilliker Tampa Realty, Inc.

Melissa Albano

Monte Real Estate

Helman Cortes

CPAR Business Partner Spotlight

disclose, disclose, disclose By Matey Viessi

Just the other day, I heard a REALTOR say that when they list a short sale, the Seller doesn't need to fill out a Seller's disclosure. HUH? I am sure that they forgot about Johnson vs Davis wherein the Seller of a home ‐ that knows facts that materially affect the value of the property which are not observable and are not known to the Buyer ‐ that Seller is under a duty to disclose them to the Buyer, even in an AS‐IS contract. Interes ng that Florida law says the seller disclosure need not be in wri ng. However, to protect your Buyer and/or your Seller, in wri ng is always best. Also remember that the Seller fills out the disclosure form… not the REALTOR. Many mes I have heard the other side in a transac on say: My REALTOR filled it out for me! So my Fellow REALTORS, stay out of trouble and take care of your Buyers and Sellers. If you bring the Buyer to the transac on, make SURE your customer gets a Seller's disclosure. If you bring the Seller to the transac on, have them fill out a disclosure. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run!

Text originally published on Monday Mornings with Matey at

Is your smartphone ready for an update? Call the CPAR office at 813-406-6081 to upgrade your Active Key to an eKey.

MFRMLS Matrix frequently asked questions How can I log in to Matrix? You can access Matrix by visi ng the Login Portal or naviga ng to h p:// Why did MFR decide to go with Matrix? We listened to the concerns and feedback from MFR members wan ng one MLS system that was quick, fully mobile, performed seamlessly on any pla orm and on any device, and we concluded that Matrix is that sys‐ tem. Ul mately, the decision was made by the MFR Board of Directors to proceed with the implementa on of Matrix. Hear for yourself why our leadership is excited about the prospec ve launch of Matrix. Click here for a short video. Where can I find how‐to guides for using Matrix? The best place to obtain how‐to guides and tutorials for using Matrix is the training page of this web‐ site: Where can I find informa on about a ending a Matrix training class or webinar? The GoPher It Portal has all of the latest class and webinar offerings so that you can become a master of Ma‐ trix. For updated informa on on Matrix training visit the Matrix training page on this website.


in the monthly CPARealtor News ~ Ads are Full Color ~ 3 1/2” wide x 2” high ~ Your ad is also a hyperlink to your website ~ Issued in an eMagazine format ~ Sent out monthly ~ Distributed to all CPAR and WCR Members

Cost is only $30 per ad or $200 for one year All artwork due by the 20th of the month Contact Vanessa Frost for Ad Placement

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