,,Divide altd mle" policy and its irnpact on economic development in Sri
MM Jayawardenar j Lanka is a country with a well recognized history of morc than 2500.This island nation is welllorits historicalhydraulic civilization. Even duringthe colonial period Ceylonhadbeenpopular ffade partner among other cor.rntries. Ceylone became popular in the world for tea during British
riod. Yet, after 60 years of independence. Sri Lanka is still struggling for the take olf of her velopment. This paper will focused on frictional syndrome as one of the non economic factors that ve affected on econonlic development of Sri Lanka through mimpathical contexhral review ofthe logical paradigrns of development ofthe post independent period. djvided nation that is rooted to the period of colonial administration has been the major among factors that prevent in creating the necessaly conditions to mobilize the prospects ofthe economy. factor utilization including technology has been inhibited by the frictional syndrome as one ofthe ,economic factors which in essence is an out come of contextual rcasons rather than general factors. 'irically these non economic factors are crucial in the detemrination economic developmentjust as I factors like capital, labour and teclrnology explain in economic development. democratic system in the country after the independence has also failed to recognize the factors aligned with a vision and n-rake check and balance in the socioeconomic and political economy ing to the necessary conditions for development. Instead the country has been happed firstly with L!$cally nrotivatedwelfure syndrome and secondly with socio economic political and racial divisions are the out comes of colonial exploitation. Because of the former the economic growth rate was {lbited and because of the latter the racial issue has been developed to the current North and F.ast Ftliat cost to the nation with unrecoverable socio economic and political loss. More than that the ierrtminorityissuewithrespect to theMuslim communitywould also become a critical issue ifthere address is made. to get rid ofthe welfare syndrome and the racially cultmed characteristics ofthe nation and to
condition for development there is a need of eliminati on of the Frictional chronicle fromthehistorical roots ofthe colonialperiod andneedto cultivate ahomogeneouslythinking in which individuals mutually respect each other in the society. In this purpose there is a need of vision for a Sri Lankan identity and working mechanisms to get rid ofthe frictional chronicle up the Sri Lankan identity that lead to necessary conditions for development. Economic development, Econonric growth, Hydraulic civilization, Take offofdevelopment,
,,$jrJohn Kotelawala Defence University ,Sri Lanka
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The challenges of national defense in Sri Lanka with special reference the on going LTTE threat on national security of the country MMJayawardenar National defence is the first priorily ofthe govemment. However extending it unlimitedly will cause for a trade off belween national defence and other govemment services that are imporlant in economic l development. Therefore there is a need of effective and efficient functioning ofnational defence .In Sri Lanka, the intemal conflict has been the rnajor determinant ofnational defence . The defence expenditure which was just over 1-2o/o has been increasing trp to 6-70/o of GDP in peak war tone period3., (1987 &1996) after the conflict escalation.Despite the expansion of the national defence, the LfTE: :
threat has not been under control over the years in the last few decades. Accordingly the efficiency and , the effectiveness ofnational defence have been the major critics over the performance ofnational' defence in the past. tt,
The critical analysis proves that the globalization ofdomestic threats, economi
globaltzatron, govemment
budgetary problems, 'Indian factor'along with the geopolitical location of the country, lack of , understanding ofthe stake holders, lack of conceptLral stability ofnational defence , psychological, . socio economic and political factors and finally non availability of other necessary conditions for '.., effective functioning ofnational defence have resulted in circumstances flrat have made the effectiveness andefficiencyofnationaldefenceofSriLankahighlydependent.Thereforeithasbeenhardforthe nationa1defenceofSriLankatop1ayitsro1eandde1iverthecontribrrtiontowardsnationa1secuntyof the counhy as a public good unless the necessary conditions are prevailed. Under these circumstances in order maintain the effectiveness and efficiency of national defence the complimentary conditions , , that are identified above are become necessary conditions.
National defense, National secrnify, Public good, Econom ic globaluation, Psychological factors, Economic and politicai factors
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University,sri Lanka