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Time Line* - Sri Lankan History: By M. R. Mohamed (Economist) Local Kingdoms; 3rd C – 16th C (1505)

*Time Line: Subject to difference of opinion

Table 1: Western Colonialists Era: 1505-1948 No. 01 02 03

Time Line 1505-1658 1658-1796 1769-1948

Western Colonialist Portuguese Dutch British Empire

Years 153 138 179

Total years of Western Colonialism in Ceylon


Remarkable Events 1638-Treaty was signed between Dutch & Ranasinghe II (King) 1815-United Ceylon, Kandy kingdom was eliminated. 1818-Uva Rebellion, 1848-Matale Rebellion, 1935-LSSP estd. 1948-1972: Country remained as dominion status (British) Summary: Western Colonialism - Nearly 5 Centuries in Sri Lanka

Table 2: Since independence, Heads of State of Sri Lanka / 1948-02-04 (70 years) No

Left Wing


02 03 04

05 06 07

Right Wing

Heads of State

Political party


Rt. Hon. DS Senanayaka (1st PM, Hero of Freedom Struggles) Dudley Senanayake (01st Time) Sir Johan Kotelawala (PM) SWRD Bandaranaike (PM) (Nationalistic Views)

UNP (1946-UNP

W. Dahanayake (PM) Dudley Senanayake (02nd Time) Mrs.Srimavo B. (PM) (1 Woman Leader in the world)

UNP UNP SLFP/ULF coalition

Dudley Senanauake (03rd Time)

UNP coalition SLFP

1952-1953 1953-1956 1956-59

1956-60 (3M)

1960-July 1960-1965








Mrs. Srimavo b. (2nd time PM) (1972-Status of Republic given by British) JR Jayawardana (President) (1st Executive President) (1978-New Constitution emerged) R. Premadasa (President)


(Both Lalith A.Mutdhali & Gamini Dissanayaka. were marginalized) DP Wijeythuge (Temp-President)


12 13



14 15 16

2001-2004 2005-2015 2015-2018 (Todate)

was estd.) UNP UNP SLFP+MEP coalition

1953-Hartal ‘Tug of war’ within 1955-SLFP estd. – then 1956 Sinhala only Act, Finally 1959-SWRDB was assassinated by a Buddhist Monk

Assimilated with the Left Wing (World)

1935 LSSP estd. 1965 JVP estd. 1971 April-JVP Uprising 1976-LTTE Estd.


1983-Black July 1987-89 JVP insurrection LTTE uprising


Lalith, Densil Kob, Vijey Kum., were killed

Mrs.Chandrika BK (President)


Ranil Wikramasinge (PM)


MahindhaRajapaksa (President)


Maithripala Sirisena (President)

Controversial Events

-Minor attack by LTTE -Lakshman Kadirkamar was killed by LTTE -Tug of war -LTTE power Up 2009-LTTE (26Y Civil war ended) ‘Yahapalanaya...?’

Advantages/Contribution of Western Colonialist impacts in Sri Lanka (Positive); 01. All local kingdoms were eliminated-system of Democracy was established, Election process and voting rights were given (Universal suffrage-1931). 02. West minister parliamentary system emerged. Freedom of thinking - political party operations opposition voices were recognized. 03. English education was introduced. Pace of Modernization took place. Western Europe education was introduced, Private education was empowered. 04. Intellectual Thoughts and changes took place. Transition of cultures towards modernization. 05. More open to Global institutions, Pace of Globalisation-internationalization process were emerged. 06. Modern tertiary sector and progressive industrialization were re-engineered. Primary sector was restructured. 07. Sri Lankans got Europe citizenships. More jobs were generated both locally and internationally. 08. Women sector was modernized. Women and Economic Development were recognized. 09. Privatisation process and Private sector role were initiated. 10. Radical changes took place; in culture, religion, local traditions, politics-political establishments, economics, entertainment industry, etc. (More will be updated...!) Consequences of Western Colonialist impacts in Sri Lanka (Negative); 01. Civil war and ethnic conflict were emerged, Arm struggle (1976-2009) was fuelled due to weak political system, poor democracy and establishments. 02. Sinhala Marxists took arms against Sri Lankan government in 1971, & 1987-89 (JVP uprising) 03. Poverty level increased, income inequality widened, Rich-poor gap has been expanding. 04. Deterioration of value based education-political thinking, economic activities in public affairs and personal lives of Sri Lankans. 05. Women’s values started diminishing, more women came went alone (Middle East) to earn money, hence, their children and families were isolated. 06. Controversial side of Open economy and Western ‘weak’ thoughts were not debated and not reshaped according to value-based Sri Lankan traditions. (More will be updated...!) 70th Independence Day talk/Presentation by: Mr. M. R. Mohamed (Economist) /// Appendix: Sri Lanka’s Religions and Ethnic ratios; Buddhism: 70.2%,

Hinduism: 12.6%,

Islam: 9.7%, Christianity: 7.4%

Others: 0.1%


Mr. M. R. Mohamed (MRM)

Sri Lanka Think Tank-UK Sri Lanka Muslim Economists-UK

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