無限能源毋須再充電!PowerWatch 智能手錶將人體熱 能轉化成電力 5 Things Never to Post Online 高空绝技惊险揪心,美女翩翩舞姿动人,优美音乐悦耳动听, 大片竹林随风起舞,仿佛“卧虎藏龙”竹林之战的美丽画面重 现眼前……
Tai Chi Meets Basketball 太極 籃球 超創意的咖喱店 大美黄山 40 幅!美醉了!
無限能源毋須再充電!PowerWatch 智能手錶將人體熱 能轉化成電力 十一月 15, 2016 • 潮流手錶 • 雖然智能手錶這種產品已面世多
年,但直到目前為止各大廠商都無法解決續航力不高的問題, 基本上大部份每日都需要充電,使用起來不太方便。不過 PowerWatch 出現之後卻改變了這種情況,因為它不但無需充 電,而且更可以將身體的熱能轉化成電力,只需戴在手上,即 可有源源不絕的電力運作。 其實現時市面上已有不少透過熱能 發電的產品出現,不過要確保電力轉換效能夠高 … http://flip.it/X6bg2V
5 Things Never to Post Online
Here are five tips on what to avoid posting on social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter:
Never post personal information, including your Social Security number (not even the last four digits), birthday,
place of birth, home address, phone numbers, or personal account information. Any of these can be used to open bank or credit card accounts – or even loans – in your name. Avoid posting a full frontal picture of yourself on social media sites. A con artist can copy the image and use it to create a photo ID that can be used to steal your identity. Review and set privacy options for each of your social media accounts. Go to privacy settings and restrict your information so it can only be viewed by people you select. Check your privacy settings regularly. Fraud Watch Network Don’t post things you may want to delete later. Nothing you post online is every truly gone if you delete it. So think twice about the pictures or comments you share before you share them. View your profile as others see it at least once a month. On Twitter, log on, click your picture, and select “View Profile.” On Facebook, simply click on your name to view your profile as others see it.
高空绝技惊险揪心,美女翩翩舞姿动人,优美音乐悦耳动听, 大片竹林随风起舞,仿佛“卧虎藏龙”竹林之战的美丽画面重 现眼前…… http://video.colorv.cn/play/70516642? u=704d4862ac664f61&p=message&c=6&cat=&from=sin glemessage&isappinstalled=0
Tai Chi Meets Basketball 太極 籃球 http://winnieandeugene-china.blogspot.ca/2016/11/taichi-meets-basketball.html
超創意的咖喱店 http://www.damanwoo.com/node/89086
大美黄山 40 幅!美醉了! http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s? __biz=MjM5Njg2MDM1Mg==&mid=2650254868&idx=1 &sn=5cf78a2b9c4db94cf141f3f361cc67e7&mpshare=1&s cene=1&srcid=1009ZIKX58v71ZoZ7bqWfNad&from=sing lemessage&isappinstalled=0#wechat_redirect