最新文章 14 Sep 2018

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安慰喪親的朋友,好難?除了「你要保重」...諮商心理師: 說「這一句」就夠了 【紅酒與白酒】 What makes a Chinese CHINESE?

Netcheporenko - Russian Dolls - The world greatest Cabaret 史上最全穴位合集 住進棉花糖 Barcelona,由西班牙銀行轉型的柔雅情調

安慰喪親的朋友,好難?除了「你要保重」...諮商心理師: 說「這一句」就夠了 文章來源 : 商周.com 作者 : 許皓宜

親愛的許老師您好: 我剛滿四十,步入中年了,父母親年事也高。最近發現周圍朋 友家中,紛紛有家人或長輩生重病或過世,常常聽到這種消息 的時候,大家各自嘆一口氣,除了「節哀」「你要保重」之外, 好像什麼話也說不出來。就像昨天,才有一個朋友告訴我「我 爸只剩一年的生命了。」我想請問老師,遇到這種狀況時,我 們可以怎麼安慰朋友才好? 因為不知道該說什麼而焦慮的老四留 親愛的老四: 關於你的問題,我最近也有所體會。家族裡有個年紀尚輕的長 輩,突然間身體劇烈不舒服去醫院做檢查,照出惡性腫瘤。我 和家人到醫院去看他,見到的是他消瘦到令我幾乎認不出的身 影。我心裡對疾病帶給人的折磨給震撼到了,那一瞬間,確實 我也不知要對他白髮的父母說些什麼。我想,是因為這種場景 牽動了我們心底對於死亡的印象與恐懼,所以關於你問到的 「怎麼安慰朋友」這事兒,有幾點想法給你參考: 1.要說些話去安慰朋友,是朋友真的需要?還是你需要? 偶然間,我在網路上看到一篇文章,記載著「如何安慰失去親 人的話語」,彷彿摘錄名言佳句一樣,列出完整的教戰手冊, 譬如說「人生都要經歷這一刻,我為你所愛的離去感到悲痛 …」。我心裡有個感受,原來華人的繁文縟節,真是貫穿生、 老、病、死,永不止息的。但身為一個學習心理學的人,我想

問的是:到底是說的人有說的需要(非得做點什麼的焦慮)? 還是聽的人真有聽到這些話的需要? 我想,這是要發聲去安慰別人之前,我們得要先問問自己的。 2.你和這位朋友的關係是什麼?親近度如何? 好吧,如果我們真的願意承認,非要說些什麼安慰別人,可能 是我們心裡的焦慮(或難過),那麼該說些什麼,或許就在於 我與那人關係程度的評估了。我聽過許多「交淺言深」的狀況, 有些人會對家人重病或過世的朋友說:「如果需要什麼幫忙, 儘管開口!」有時這可能只是場面話而已,但聽在家有變故、 心靈較為脆弱的人耳裡,卻可能當真,等到對方真的開口求助 時,說話的人才發現自己有心無力,沒辦法幫上「儘管開口」 的忙。因此我認為面對這種狀況的表達,可以把握幾個原則: .對於家有變故的人,說話不要亂開支票。 .對於家有變故的人,說話不要語帶責備或教訓。 .聆聽一個人面對家庭變故的衝擊和心情,往往就是最好的安 慰與陪伴。

坦白說,身為諮商師的我,也會遇到不知該說什麼的狀況,但 我發現,大部分時候,光問一句「你還好嗎?」就夠那個人哭 (或說)的了。哭完、說完之後,人自然會知道怎麼去面對生 命中難熬的時刻。 是的,有時字數越少、越笨拙樸實的話,可能才有我們意想不 到的力量。換句話說,老四,有時面對朋友,我們真的不用表

現得太過「聰慧」。 3.聽到周遭發生了和死亡有關的事,你心中浮現了哪些人?哪 些事? 人生有許多醒悟,是在遭遇某些生活日常時,突然被激發出來 的。親愛的老四,我認為你會突然想起這個問題,或許就是因 為心頭漾起了某些感觸。在談論怎麼安慰朋友之際,我也想問 問你:聽到朋友這麼說,你心裡想起了哪些人?哪些事呢? 有時,與死亡相關的話題連結的,就是你生命中想要珍惜的人、 想要放手去做的事,以及還沒完成的遺憾。 這些,你發現了嗎?

【紅酒與白酒】 辜先生當年富甲四方,娶了小老婆。 娶進門的那晚, 大老婆雖然不爽, 但還是很禮貌地問辜先生說:

晚上你想跟誰睡覺? 辜先生說: 我們是書香門第, 這樣問多難聽啊! 以後我想跟妳睡覺, 我就說我想喝紅酒, 想跟小老婆睡覺, 我就說我想喝白酒, 今天白酒剛買進門, 當然是試喝白酒。 一個晚上沒事, 第二晚大老婆問: 辜先生今晚想喝什麼酒啊? 辜先生說: 昨晚第一次喝白酒, 難免有點辛辣, 今晚再喝一次, 看看會不會順暢些, 喝白酒! 一個晚上又過去, 第三晚大老婆又問: 辜先生今晚想喝什麼酒啊? 辜先生說: 昨天再喝白酒已覺得很順暢,

今晚還是喝白酒, 試看看會不會回甘… 接連三天都喝白酒, 大老婆忍氣吞聲地說: 辜先生, 那紅酒我就拿來招待客人囉?

What makes a Chinese CHINESE? 1. You unwrap gifts very carefully, so you can save and reuse the wrapping and especially those ribbons. 2. When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out. 3. You keep a thermos flask of hot water available at all times. 4. You save grocery bags, tin foil and tin containers. You use the grocery bags to hold garbage. 5. You hate to waste food: (a) Even if you're totally full, if someone says they're going to throw away the leftovers on the table, you'll finish them. (Your mom will give a lecture about starving kids in Africa ).

(b) You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing. 6. You don't own any real Tupperware - only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs, take out containers, and jam jars. 7. You have a collection of miniature shampoo bottles that you take every time you stay in a hotel. 8. You wipe your plate and utensils before you eat every time you go to a restaurant. 9 . You own a rice cooker and a slow cooker. 10. You wash your rice at least 2-3 times before cooking it. 11. You fight (literally) over who pays the dinner bill. 12. You have a teacup with a cover on it. 13. If you're under age 20, you own a really expensive iPod and if you're over 20, you own a really expensive digital camera or a laptop. 14. You're a wok user. 15. You only make long distance calls after 7pm.

16. You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached. It means they're fresh. 17. You never call your parents just to say, 'Hi.' 18. If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they'll ask if you've eaten, even if it's midnight. 19. Your parents tell you to boil herbs and stay indoors when you get sick. They also tell you not to eat fried foods or baked foods because such food are 'heaty'. 20. You e-mail your Chinese friends at work, even though you only sit 10 feet apart. 21. You always cook too much. 22. You eat every last grain of rice in your bowl but you don't eat the last piece of food on the table. 23. You starve yourself before going to 'All You Can Eat' buffet. 24. You know someone who can get you a good deal on jewelry, electronics or computers. 25 . You own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it.

26. Your toothpaste tubes are all squeezed paper-thin. 27. You call a sausage a hotdog. 28. You wrap with napkins all the knives, spoons and forks of the airline that you fly on and put in your travel-bag as souvenirs. 29. You never forget to take with you all the unused bath soap and facial tissues when you check out from the hotel because you believe that you have paid its all.

Now that you have read the lot, are they mostly true? Will you take this message and forward it to all your Chinese friends, because you will always be proud that you're indeed a great Chinese....

Netcheporenko - Russian Dolls - The world greatest Cabaret https://youtu.be/VezPcS4r5Ws

史上最全穴位合集 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Mhn4Q1tCj4_JpUpMMQ J9FA 住進棉花糖 Barcelona,由西班牙銀行轉型的柔雅情調 https://www.travelerluxe.com/article/desc/180000977

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