4 mar 2016

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4 Stretches for a Pain-Free Walk 今天中午在大統華門口發生的真實一幕,想想很害怕。 健康歌 法國販賣機 Micro wave tricks 見過新疆石頭畫嗎?

4 Stretches for a Pain-Free Walk From the list of things I enjoy doing, walking is at the top of my pile. And while I do love going for a stroll every so often, there are days when I cannot bear the common aches and pains that arise, as a result. However, I have found that completing a set of simple exercises, all of which I can do at home, naturally wards off the pain. Here are four simple, pain-free stretches suitable for those of us who love a pleasant stroll. To Avoid Knee Pain Do: Side-lying Hip Abduction

Here's How: Lie on your side, keep your hips and feet stacked and rest your head on your arms. Raise the top leg a couple of inches, and pulse your leg up and down for 30 seconds. Once you are done, turn over to the other side and repeat.

To Avoid Heel Pain Do: Towel Stretch

Here's How: Sit on the floor. Keep your spine straight and your legs extended forward. Wrap a towel under the balls of your feet and hold one end in each hand. Keep your feet flexed and slowly pull the towel closer to your torso. Hold this position for 30 seconds. To Avoid Hamstring Strains Do: Good-Morning Exercise

Here's How: Stand with your feet at hip-width distance. Keep your arms crossed in front of your chest. Fold your torso forward, from the hip joint, until it is parallel to the floor. Keep your glutes and the back of your thighs engaged. Then slowly return to a standing position. Do this exercise for 15 repetitions. To Avoid Shin Splints Do: Towel Crunch

Here's How: Sit on a chair and extend the right leg in front of you. Rest your foot flat on a hand towel. Scrunch the towel between your toes for 15 seconds then spread the towel out again. Repeat for another two times and when you're done, switch sides.

Now it happened in Canada! 【害怕】今天中午在大統華門口發生的真實一幕,想想很


100%真實 中午去大統華買東西,出來後上車,倒車,準備出來。突然在 右側反光鏡裡看到車的右後方有一隻鞋,我出於本能把車停住 看看。一看不要緊,看到車後直挺挺的躺著一個人,帶著帽子, 帽簷遮住臉看不清長什麼樣,但從膚色看應該是中東那邊的, 身形消瘦個子挺高,因為他的腳都伸出去好遠了(要不我也不 能從反光鏡裡看到他的鞋)。

我心裡快速回放了一下,不記得上車的時候車後有什麼人,更 不可能在不到幾秒鐘緩慢的倒車中撞到誰,所以我肯定這就是 碰瓷兒的。我往後面一看,果然在不遠處的柱子旁站著一個穿 帽衫的女的,容貌看不清,手中舉著一個手機應該是準備(或

者正在)記錄。我轉過來背對那個女的,在男的的肩膀旁蹲了 下來。 跟他說:get up and roll or ill call 911" 他說:「 Im so faking hurt. where's my wife? XXXX~~~(之 後他就喊他的」WIFE「的名字,我沒聽清是啥)」 我說:「that stupid bitch can’t help you. last warning, you leave youself or by the police? see that~(我用手指了指我 BUMPER 上面的倒車雷達,其實那只是個雷達連攝像頭都不 是)It recorded everything you did on the back of my car." 這時那個女的跑過來了,這個男的聽到我的話也坐起來了。我 朝地上吐了口痰,有一半吐到了他腿上,之後我說「get fk off」那個男的連看都沒看我,就爬起來和那個女的走了,那個 女的回頭看了我一眼罵了句什麼,我沒聽懂。

不過我也不想在糾纏,上車就走了。開到一半才想起來,我特 麼連手機都沒帶出來。。。。。。

很遺憾沒帶手機,本來想畫個圖給大家,但是手殘。。。。。。 就在大統華門口那個有許多柱子的停車場,那裡即使白天的時 候也挺暗,柱子很多,盲區也大,大家腦補一下吧。 我想說的就是,開車尤其是開 SUV 大車的要注意,多看看沒壞 處,除了事要冷靜確定自己無責之後千萬不要怕(女生尤其要 注意),記住幹壞事兒的永遠心虛。 還有倒車別那麼沖,多那幾秒鐘啥都幹不了。昨晚去吃飯在某 個停車場,看一輛 C63 拉著白煙兒就倒出來了,跟特麼拚命似 的,保重吧。。。。。。。

來源:Vanpeople 人在溫哥華

http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s__biz=MzAxNTAyOTA2NA==& mid=400758283&idx=1&sn=6f9b23864a1492e225351b5c 0a9cd13a&scene=1&srcid=1104sT0FoiUIw0PhG0mXqsol &from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0#rd


<健康歌> 遠看醫院像天堂, 近看醫院像銀行, 走進醫院是牢房, 不如提前去預防。 健康無形是資產, 保健銀行是存款, 疾病貸款要還款, 大病會傾家蕩產。 莫把此言當調侃, 待到真時悔已晚。 寧可站著自保健, 絕不躺著被人騙! 不養生就養醫生, 不保健就養醫院!

愛家人要愛自己, 愛自己才是遠見! 民以食為天, 命以睡為先, 長壽無神跡, 心身兩天然。 這個健康歌寫的很現實 逼真,轉發給各位兄弟姐妹們。 祝大家平安,快樂,健康!

法國販賣機 我們可以從日本的販賣機中買到各式各樣的東西,舉凡飲料到 零食、蔬菜到玩具,但在法國的販賣機中我們可以買到的是 “ 短篇小說”!在法國 Grenoble 中,有約莫 8 台的短篇小說專 屬販賣機被安裝在各個街頭角落中。 由出版社 Short Édition 所提供,該公司的負責人 Christophe Sibieude 表示,他是從 販售糖果巧克力等零食販賣機所發想而來的,他希望可以用這 些短篇小說填滿每位市民 … http://flip.it/2hz9I

Micro wave tricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWdVeP-2-wk 見過新疆石頭畫嗎? http://www.wenxuecity.com/blog/201509/62877/190217.html

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