Summer School 2022 - Valle di Blenio - Reader

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2 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! Contacts Roi Carrera 076 693 86 61 // Daniel Fuchs 076 535 61 95 // Elena Lurati 079 761 39 86 // Mulan Sun 078 878 16 99 Accomodation and workspace Ostello Adula al Riale Strada Vecchia 6717 Dangio-Torre Bus Stop: Dangio, Paese // La Fabbrica del Cioccolato Stabili Cima Norma Strada Vecchia 100 6717 Torre +41 91 972 27 14 HSLUStudents / Mariana Mayumi Ab / Cristina Alen Mendes / Tamia Acacia Arias Solomon / Paul Balderas / Jannine Meier / Heroldind Elezi / Hannah Fotheringham / Dugald Gardner / Noah Hermann / Maximiliam Peter Kern / Joël Alexander Kessler / Sophie Kilian / Flavio Kluser / Lukas Kramer / Shane Alexander Lounibos / Jaron Matzinger / Yves Michel / Fabien Morgan / Muriel Müller / Pavla Nesvadbikova / Yuri Ovssenko / Sandro Flurin Raidt / Marielle Roth / Jacopo Ruggeri / Rinor Rushiti / Linus Schumberger / Ramon Olivier Stoffel / Selina Rea Widmer / Amir Zejnullahu CCU / Kevin / Yvonne / Thomson / Tom / Nicky / Sam / Lien / Omar kuo / Hui-Wen / Yu-Xuan / Ching-Yi Tutors and lectures Franco Bezzola / Roi Carrera / Wei-Bin Chen / Daniel Fuchs / Giulia & Hermes Killer / Elena Lurati / Alessandro Martinelli / Ludovica Molo / Hope Strode & Federico de Molfetta / Mulan Sun Buschor / Viviane Wang / Felix Wettstein / Alex Willener / Chung-Hsun Wu Insitiutional collaborators and sponsors Comune di Olivone / Associazione Incontro / Comune di Acquarossa / Comune di Malvaglia / Ente Regionale di sviluppo Bellinzonese e Valli / Ufficio dei Beni Culturai / Ufficio Natura e Paesaggio / Associazione Meraviglie sul Brenno / Fondazione la Fabbrica del Cioccolato Cima Norma / Scheitlin Syfrig Architekten / Impresa Milani / Garage Valsole / Sciaroni Carpenteria diInternazionaleIstitutoArchitettura Villa Saroli Viale S. Franscini 9 CH-6900 Lugano +41 91 996 13 87 Facebook / Instagram Hochschule Luzern Technik & Architektur Technikumstrasse 21 CH-6048 Horw +41 41 349 33 11 co-director Ludovica Molo co-director and tutor Franco Bezzola coordinator Roi Carrera collaborators Luca Crosta, Enza Bianchi tutors Roi Carrera, Daniel Fuchs, Elena Lurati, Mulan Sun Buschor Alessandro Martinelli, Wei-Bin Chen, Viviane Wang

3Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader SUMMER SCHOOL TICINO 2022 RE-BUILD COMMON SPACES! preface 04 val di Blenio 05 schedule 06 territory 08 projects overview 10 fontana di Sallo 12 percorso casa-scuola Olivone 16 piazza a Torre 20 Ex-ospedale Acquarossa 22 torchio Scarp Semione 24 annex 26

4 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! PREFACE

The Summer School Ticino is an annual seminar organized by HSLU in collaboration with the International Institute of Architecture that brings together students of different disciplines in the Blenio Valley for a week at the end of the summer. A place of interest and with a strong naturalistic charm, over the years it has had to face the consequences of depopulation, a problem common to various mountain regions. Aware of this, the goal of the seventh edition is the development of various projects located throughout the area aimed at reactivating common spaces for the local population and tourists. We want to work with the place, with the existing material, with the landscape, with our environment, to understand and integrate the multiple facets and realities with a global and coherent approach. The projects intervene at different scales and each one follows a different timeline of realization. The planning of sustainable regional development for this area must necessarily take into account a variety of aspects: an integrative and therefore interdisciplinary approach is essential to address not only the architectural aspects, but also the social and economic ones. DELLE VIEDocumentazione IVS Classificazione Nazionale DI COMUNICAZIONE STORICHECantone Ticino DELLA SVIZZERA pagina 3


Le Tre Valli ambrosiane in un disegno topografico delle chiese di Leventina, Blenio e Riviera del 16.-17. secolo conservato all'Archivio arcivescovile di Milano (BIUCCHI 1982: 82). Nello schizzo sono indicate le due strade della Riviera.Fig.1 Collegamenti trasversali. In questo periodo abbiamo le prime sicure menzioni di collegamenti trasversali, che però si possono presumere anche per i periodi precedenti. Le due strade erano collegate almeno in tre punti: con un traghetto tra Gorduno e Molinazzo (SCHINZ 1783-87: 131); con un altro traghetto (chiamato navetto o barchetto) tra Lodrino e Cresciano (dove resta il toponimo "Nave" nella CN 1293 Osogna)

Prosperity, poverty and migration are all issues related to the history of alp transit. Migration is a important part of history of the Val di Blenio. People like Carlo Gatti or like Ernesto and Alfonso Cima were born in the Val di Blenio, emigrated because of poverty and came back to the valley as rich people. Nowadays the valley is located in between two major North-South connection through the alps, the Gotthard connection to the west and the San Bernardino connection to the east. For the Valle di Blenio, crossing the alps is not so important anymore as the train line and the car highway follow the other valleys. Without large transport infrastructure and powerful industrial companies, the Val di Blenio today feels almost idyllic. But still the Lukmanier Pass leads from the Val di Blenio to Disentis/Sedrun in Graubueünden’s Vorderrhein Valley (Lower Rhine Valley). The pass is open all year, winter and summer.

The Val di Blenio has an old history of alp transit. The valley with its roads over the Passo del Sole, Greina and Diesrut Pass, is among the Alpine routes that have been used for centuries. This part of history can still be experienced, because there is many archaeological sites and many monuments from different times. Already in Roman times the valley served as an important transit axis through the alps.

5Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader VAL DI BLENIO

6 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! SCHEDULE Summer School Ticino 2022 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 27.8 28.8. 29.8. 30.8. 31.8. 1.9. Breakfast at Capanna Breakfast at Ostello 8:00 Breakfast at Ostello 8:00 Breakfast at Ostello 8:00 Breakfast Hike back to Dangio, ca. 5h Work 9:00 Work 9:00 Work 9:00 Work 9:00 Tutors 9-11h WORK SPACE - Wall project - Tables - Material - pin-up tutors Arrival at 11:30 in Dangio, Paese Individual lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch - facultative program OFFICIAL ARRIVAL 14:00 Work Work Midterm review 13:00 - 16:30 Work - Possibility to deposit the luggage - organize rooms, food, mobility ... > Alessandro Martinelli Hike Adula start at 12:00 (ca.5h) WORKSPACE 15:00 > Federico de Molfetta & Hope Strode Equipment to bring - welcome session weekly program with Ludovica Molo - Hiking shoes - goals, outcomes and learnings - Sleeping bag - introduction HSLU + CCU Feedback 16:00 - 18:00 tutors - Food and beverage for one day Visit Fabbrica exhibition 16:00 30min by project with all tutors - Dinner and breakfast in capanna Elio Schinini and Giovanni Casella - WEATHER confirmation 24.08.22 If there is NO HIKE the students Presentation Fabbrica 17:00 Lecture at 16:30 (60min) Lecture at 20:30 Lecture at 16:30 (15+15+45) Lecture should arrive on SUNDAY 28.08.22 arch. D. Macullo Franco Bezzola + Alex Willener i2a event at Cinema Blenio Dani Fuchs and Elena Lurati Roi Carrera Facultative lecture (Italian) Federico de Molfetta & Hope Strode Hermes Dinner at Capanna Welcome Apero 18:00 Dinner at Ostello 18:30 Apero 19:30 Dinner at Ostello 18:30 Dinner at Fondazione Fabbrica Cioccolato Asociazione Meraviglie sul Brenno with Ludovica Molo Sleeping in Capanna Adula-Utoe

7Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1.9. 2.9. 3.9. 4.9. Breakfast at Ostello 8:00 Breakfast at Ostello 8:00 Breakfast at Ostello 8:00 Breakfast at Ostello 8:00 Work 9:00 Work 9:00 Work 9:00 Work 9:00 - Important: Drawing - Cleaning the Ostello and the design preparing luggage - Important: Preparing - Preparing Vernissage the presentation - USB Material WORK - Important: Preparing the next day (food, etc.) Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 16:30 Work Work Work Vernissage on site 15:00 > Ludovica Molo Strode > Franco Bezzola > Felix Wettstein > Giovanni Casella Pin-up 20:00 workspace > Sindaci comuni + UTC > Concept > Locals > Design > Associazioni > Representation > Ente Regionale (15+15+45) Lecture at 16:30 (15+45) Lecture at 16:30 (15+15+45) Tutors Vernissage Lurati Roi Carrera Alessandro Martinelli + Mulan Sun - exhibition Strode Hermes & Gulia Killer Davision Landscape Architects - final print Dinner at Ostello 18:30 Dinner at Ostello 18:30 Dinner at Ostello 18:30 Apero 17:00 Piazza Torre o cinema Norma Agnese Zgraggen Departure at 21:00

8 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! TERRITORY

9Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader 3km210 Aquarossa Serravalle Blenio Greina Lucomagno Adula Biasca Dangio Gottardo BellinzonaLuzzone 3km210 Aquarossa Serravalle Blenio Greina Adula BiascaBellinzonaDangioLuzzone 3km210 Adula



00. Sallo - A small public space with a fountain, that the last year’s Summer School designed and got realized over the year in collaboration with the municipality of Blenio. Today the new fountain creates a beautiful spot and will be officially inaugurated on the 15th September 2022.

04. Malvaglia - A large to small scale project. Make a territorial proposal for the valorisation of the historical Torchi path between Ludiano and Semione. The small scale focus will be tackled through a hands-on conservation project on one of those vernacular typologies.

02. Olivone - A large to small scale project which include an analysis of the sourroundings of the school area in order to propose appropriated small scale interventions that will be carried out in the future with the local authorities.

This years task is to reflect on the specific conditions of the valley and to design a proposal for four different sites. Each proposal should act on many levels and include various facettes. The focus lies on understanding typologies of spaces for the community, how they were used in the past, how they are used now and what we could contribute with our designs how the people can live together in the future. We aim for a critical understanding of the transformation of historical places in order to tackle the question: What is common space nowadays? The interaction and exchange of knowledge between the groups working on the different sites should create a fragmentary, but connected vision for the Blenio valley and its future. The four sites work on different scales and each of them follow a different time-line of realization:

10 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! PROJECTS

- What makes your design proposal specific to the location, what is the strong identity, what are the characteristics given by the site and created by the design?

- Is your scenario integrating the idea of social exchange, mixed use, alternative way of uses? How do you combine public and private? - Can your scenario stay within the borders of the existing building regulation, is it possible to densify on the plot?

01. Torre - A medium scale open space in between protected buildings of high patrimonial value such as the church of Santo Stefano, Villa Lina and the Pagani tomb. We already worked last year on the design and will develop the design more detailed in this year’s edition.

- Longterm development (there is no economic pressure for short-term development), make phasing possible, step by step development.

- For whom are you designing/not designing? (We don’t want to think of housing for commuters and don’t want to go in to the direction of leisure and tourism)

There are many different aspects to design. The large group of students will divide into different small groups for a specialization. The ideas and results of the small groups will later be exchanged and brought together to one design project. It is important that the vision for the whole doesn’t get lost on the way. Try to think the small scale intervention in a creative way as a big scale urban development and vice versa. Social sustainability should be achieved through spatial design and program. Ideally each proposal creates new meaning not only for itself, but for the community comming together in these spaces

3. Acquarossa - A medium scale proposal for the reuse of the old Hospital building and its immediate surroundings. Thoughts about program change, the building should be transformed into co-housing, will need to be justified by a reflection on a territorial scale as well as on the evaluation of other community needs. A special attention goes to the idea of sustainability that works on different levels.

- How does your scenario change over time (day to night, seasons, years)? - Is the project self-sufficient or is there additional infrastructure needed to make the scenario work well?

11Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader 3km210 0001FontanaPiazza 03 Ospedale04 Torchi 02 Scuola 3km210 Aquarossa Serravalle Blenio Greina Adula BiascaBellinzonaDangioLuzzone 3km210 Adula

/ Sybille

12 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! 00 FONTANA SALLO

/ Ivo

/ Pavla

Burn Tutors:


CREDITS Students:

/ Nathan

/ Sarina

TheINFOarea of intervention is located on a pedestrian path connecting Olivone village to Oratorio San Bartolomeo. The historical fountain rise in the middle of a small agglomeration of vernacular buildings, a location with a great potential for a public space. The students of last year’s edition of the Summer School suggested to add to the two remaining basins out of stone a third one. This makes reference to the past, where the fountain also consisted of 3 basins. The contemporary interpretation of a fountain our of concrete also stabilizes the heavy other basins. Small refined metal details complete the fountain. Around the fountain a new stone pavement was realized to connect the area to the also restructured paths connecting the site. Sandra Nill Wielander Boder Artur Caflisch Sarah Roth Nesvadbikova Natascha Roi Carrera Olivone, LS

/ Elena Lurati / Mulan Sun Buschor / Daniel Fuchs Comune di

/ Hanne Gabriels / Dea

tecnico municipale Mattia Menegalli / Dita di costruzione Casada /

13Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader

14 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces!

15Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader Long CrossSectionSection 1:20 1:20

The project follows a participative approach for the design. Through an inquiry, opinions and feedback about the design proposal were collected in last year’s edition. Combining the inputs of the locals and the technical office, the definite brief is constituted (elements and requirements of each of them). The students shall work with local references and situations, that can root the project in the context, work with local materials and craft. Throughout the workshop, the exchange with local stakeholders is an important aspect of finding design solutions. Through sketches, illustrations, plans and models, the students will communicate their ideas and collect their feedback.

16 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! 01 PIAZZA TORRE // OLIVONE

The design of the elements (terraces, parking, program, fountain, pergola, pavement, vegetation, lighting, adaptation casa communale) will be represented at the vernissage in plans and models. The approximative costs have to be taken into account to find design solutions that are in the financial range. After the workshop, the documents will be collected and synchronised, to form a consistent and detailed architectural project for the municipality and their communication.

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FINAL REVIEW - Plans in scale 1:500, 1:50 and 1:5 - develop the elements in detail - Site model and intervention - Images of the new square - Sociological inquiry

TASK The municipality of Olivone wants to redefine the Piazza Torre, which is nowadays mainly used as a parking lot. In the last year’s edition of the Summer School, students conceived new elements and an adaptation of the topography to create a common space that would meet the needs of the local people. After the workshop, the project was adapted in collaboration with the technical office of Olivone, Canton department of Heritage UBC and Landscape UNP. Now it is in the stage of a conceptual design with approximative cost. The project will be realised (Ex-casa comunale and Square) over the coming years, with eventual participation of students in the next workshops.

17Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader© CNES, Spot Image, swisstopo, NPOC is a portal provided by the Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation to gain insight on publicly accessible geographical information, data and services Limitation of liability. Although every care has been taken by the Federal Authorities to ensure the accuracy of the information published, no warranty can be given in respect of the accuracy, reliability, up-to-dateness or completeness of this information. Copyright, Swiss federal authorities. 30m2010Printed0 on 28.07.2022 14:56

18 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces!

19Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader

20 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! 02 SCHOOL PATH // OLIVONE

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FINAL REVIEW - Plans in scale 1:5000, 1:500, 1:50 - Mapping of the interactions / paths - Sociological inquiry

The project will follow a participative approach for the design. Small workshop with kids coordinated with the social science team will help gather information required in developing a storyline and find the crucial points of intervention. The produced documentation is intended to be a guideline for the Municipality to reflect on the further planning of the area. It is therefore important to focus on the possibilities of valorisation of the spaces that might have been neglected as well as engaging in a reflection on the local resources and craftsmanship of Blenio Valley in order to deliver a project that correspond to the needs of the community.

Situated on the north east side of the Olivone village the area acquired additional importance as ‘centro scolastico’ after the agglomeration of the villages into 3 main Municipalities occured.

TheTASKmunicipality asked for an evaluation and design of the north path leading to the Elementary School of Blenio from the Piazza d’Armi. An interdisciplinary analysis at different scales is required in order to contextualize the task as well as opening up the chance to offer a broader vision for the whole area around the school which comprehensive of the museum, the library, the church and cemetery could be defined as a socio-cultural relevant Heart of the Blenio Municipality.

Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader© CNES, Spot Image, swisstopo, NPOC is a portal provided by the Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation to gain insight on publicly accessible geographical information, data and services Limitation of liability. Although every care has been taken by the Federal Authorities to ensure the accuracy of the information published, no warranty can be given in respect of the accuracy, reliability, up-to-dateness or completeness of this information. Copyright, Swiss federal authorities. 30m2010Printed0 on 28.07.2022 15:14

22 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! 03 EX-OSPEDALE // ACQUAROSSA

- A Cross-Site Section, which presents the characteristics of your site.


In order to think about the future of this object and its immediate surroundings it is of primary importance to study its evolution through time. An appropriated proposal for a program that could complement the one of Co-Housing can be imagined. The contribution of landscape architects knowledge will be capital for the definition of the exterior spaces and their future relationship to the building. Reuse and energy sustainable processes are key to complete a successful REQUIREMENTSproposal.

- Site Analysis and Plan: show your research of the existing building and your proposal on an appropriate scale, analyse the relationship with the context, show pictures of the existing surrounding, which might help to illustrate your proposal.

- A Ground Floor Plan with surroundings is required. And other necessary Plans: e.g. Floor plans, Sections, Facades etc.

An extensive research following the main cantonal road from Biasca to Campo will allow us to familiarize with the context and understand the delicate demografical situation of the Blenio Valley which will give precise guidelines for an appropriate proposal.

- Concept/Idea/Essence: sketches, diagrams, collages, axonometries, reference pictures etc.

- Territorial Mapping: e.g. 1:5000

TheTASKmunicipality of Acquarossa asks, following last year’s research, to deepen the thought on the possibility of an housing project around the Hospital area. In the near future the area will undergo an important transformation due to the architectural competiton for a new Hospital complex on a parcel located West to the actual site. The old Ospedale building will than lose its original function and will present a great chance, in a sustanable perspective, to be eventually adapted and reshaped to accomodate the contemporary needs of the community.

- One Key image, which best represents your project concept. Additional images as applicable.

(You may adapt the requirements above to explain your project concept-specific and individually.)

Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader© CNES, Spot Image, swisstopo, NPOC is a portal provided by the Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation to gain insight on publicly accessible geographical information, data and services Limitation of liability. Although every care has been taken by the Federal Authorities to ensure the accuracy of the information published, no warranty can be given in respect of the accuracy, reliability, up-to-dateness or completeness of this information. Copyright, Swiss federal authorities. 30m2010Printed0 on 24.08.2022 17:44

- Plans in

TheTASKmunicipality of Serravalle and the association Meraviglie sul Brenno proposed to us to carry out a project of restoration for the Scarp wine press. This object is protected as a local vernacular typology and is included in a path that networks a total of 13 presses between the municipalities of Acquarossa and Serravalle. An intensive collaboration with the cantonal department of Heritage UBC and Landscape UNP allowed us to define a work plan to deepen the quality of the conservation project. The collaboration with a local construction company, Ditta Milani, which already started in the preliminary phase and would continue during the Summer School, will enable students to acquire a very detailed knowledge of stone and wood work as well as an historical and cultural understanding of the area.

The first three days of on-site work will allow us to gather very accurate information for the realisation of the conservation project proposal. The Atlas of Rural Building in Ticino will serve us as a reference of how to concisely organise the work, texts, images, details. The hands on participatory workshop will consist partially in dismantling the flagstone roof and an analysis of the roof structure. After the Summer School, the documents will be collected and synchronised, to form a consistent and detailed architectural project for the municipality and their communication. of heritage and “torchio” buildings in Semione e Ludiano 1:5000 scale 1:500, 1:50 and 1:5 with “Atlante dell’edilizia rurale Ticino” as a reference impressions of the 3 days work in site work: stone, wood & wine

- Images, record,

- Documentation

- Material


24 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! 04 TORCHIO SCARP // MALVAGLIA

Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader© CNES, Spot Image, swisstopo, NPOC is a portal provided by the Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation to gain insight on publicly accessible geographical information, data and services Limitation of liability. Although every care has been taken by the Federal Authorities to ensure the accuracy of the information published, no warranty can be given in respect of the accuracy, reliability, up-to-dateness or completeness of this information. Copyright, Swiss federal authorities. 30m2010Printed0 on 28.07.2022 14:47

26 Reader Re-Build Common Spaces! 2016 2017 2018 2020 20192021 RE-ACTIVATE VALLENEIGHBORHOOD!THEDIBLENIO288–5.9.2021 LAST EDITIONS

27Re-Build Common Spaces! Reader Thanks to the support of: ANNEX


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