For an academic institution, research serves as the lifeline for the generation and application of knowledge, innovations, and technologies that are meant to benefit the society and the people.
As a health university, UP Manila regards research
as a hallmark through which the University serves
Even during its early decades when organizational
as a major contributor to national health goals. The
structures for the conduct of systematic and
vision-mission and goals of UP Manila’s research
ethical research were not firmly in place, UP Manila
program are articulated through its central
had conducted several studies that served as basis
coordinating research body, the National Institutes
for the national government’s adoption of relevant
of Health.
policies and programs to improve the health of Filipinos.
The researches on medicinal plants conducted
Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Domingo. The groundbreaking
by the National Integrated Research Program
researches on Hepatitis B and other types of
on Medicinal Plants (NIRPROMP) starting in 1977
hepatitis led to a successful advocacy of neonatal
became one of the basis for contemporary herbal
hepatitis vaccination that has saved millions of
medicine use in the Philippines. Its researches
opened the doors to the production of more herbal medicines in the Philippines and enabled Filipinos
The studies also resulted in the development of
to buy cheaper alternatives, such as lagundi for
technologies on viral hepatitis. These included
asthma, cough and bronchitis; and sambong
the rapid epidemiologic assessment for Hepatitis
for diuresis and urolithiasis, tsaang gubat for
B positive individuals, production of diagnostic
abdominal colic and spasm, and yerba buena for
reagents for testing Hepatitis B virus carrier
body pain.
individuals, and microparticle agglutination test for Hepatitis C.
When the Philippines was hit by several disasters in the early 1990s, the studies conducted by the faculty and staff of the Department of Psychiatry of the Philippine General Hospital provided the basis for the establishment of a “Program for Psychosocial Intervention in Disaster Management.” From the research, a book entitled “From Victims to Survivors: Psychosocial Intervention in Disaster Management” was published. The book increased the recognition for this field of health science, and helped victims rise from traumatic experiences and rebuild their lives.
Another early contribution to national health is the program on preventive immunization of Filipino newborns for Hepatitis B that was spurred by a series of researches led by Ramon Magsaysay awardee, National Scientist and University Professor
RECENT BREAKTHROUGHS A big boost to the health of Filipinos, particularly
medical professions also extended support, not
newborns and children, are three screening and
just in terms of advocacy but in the improvement
intervention programs that are products of long
of the recall and treatment of patients. Various
years of research. The studies were aimed at
professional health and non-government
safeguarding the health of these vulnerable sectors
organizations helped ensure that more indigents
of the population against congenital genetic and
could avail of newborn screening services.
metabolic disorders, hearing disorders, and vision
Today, more than 6,000 health facilities provide
newborn screening to Filipino babies from Batanes down to Jolo, from the Polilio Islands to the tip of
The findings of the studies were used as basis in
Palawan in the hospitals, local birthing homes,
legislating the Newborn Screening Act of 2004
and rural health units. Six Newborn Screening
(Republic Act 9504). The law provides all Filipino
Centers were also established in strategic areas to
newborns, regardless of socio-economic status,
run samples from all over the country: Laoag City
with comprehensive, affordable, and accessible
(Northern Luzon) Angeles City, Pampanga (Central
newborn screening for congenital metabolic
Luzon); Metro Manila (NCR), Mindoro, Marinduque,
disorders and management of confirmed cases.
Romblon, Palawan (MIMAROPA), and Bicol regions; Tanauan City, Batangas (CALABARZON); Iloilo City
The law also empowered the Department of Health
(Visayas regions); and Davao (regions in Mindanao).
(DOH) to include newborn screening services in its licensing requirements. All DOH regional offices
Another major health policy undertaking of UP
participate in the total implementation of the
Manila-NIH through the Philippine National Ear
program: from advocacy, training to ensuring that
Institute was RA 9709 otherwise known as the
all babies are recalled and underwent confirmatory
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early
testing. Apart from DOH, newborn screening
Intervention Act. This provides for the prevention
advocates started to move. Program champions
of hearing loss, early screening, diagnosis and
within health facilities made newborn screening
intervention using hearing amplification devices
services part of the hospital policy.
with speech rehabilitation to promote optimum language development. Screening is best
Local government units passed ordinances
performed within one month of age, diagnosis
adopting the newborn screening program and
within three months and hearing aid amplification
providing support to its constituents. Allied
by six months of age.
Figures from the situational analysis by the Philippine Eye Research Institute (PERI) and the World Health Organization show that of 237,070 premature births per year in the Philippines, 34,510 babies are at high risk for developing ROP. Only 9.2% of premature babies are screened for ROP, which leaves some 22,000 unscreened. At the Philippine General Hospital alone, 15% of deliveries or about 1,000 babies are born premature each year. One fourth of those screened would have ROP of which 90% are mild cases. The ROP situational showed that majority of premature infants were screened less than 32 weeks or those below 1500 grams birth weight. Other criteria used for screening include older babies or larger babies with prolonged oxygen therapy or those with stormy and unstable Studies at the PGH neonatal intensive care unit
course in the intensive care unit. The study
among the sickest newborn babies established the
enabled Filipino experts to develop guidelines
failed screening at 29% bilateral while very few babies
appropriate for the Philippines.
were brought back for follow-up. At the PGH Ear Unit, the average referral for diagnosis of hearing loss
The vision screening for schoolchildren aims to
was at three years of age and only 30 percent were
identify children with amblyopia and refractive
referred at less than one year of age.
errors or those at risk of having visual problems. After two years of extensive research, PERI has
Apart from newborn hearing screening, vision
developed a “Vision Screening Kit� for Filipino
screening is an ongoing research whose goal is to save more children from permanent blindness caused by the Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) and Amblyopia (lazy eye). Blindness from ROP and amblyopia are part of the causes of blindness of an estimated 480,000 Filipinos, of which a significant
Thus, early diagnosis and intervention provide for the best outcomes and greatest savings for the country of at least 1.4M Php per child.
number are preventable and treatable. PAGE 5
34,510 babies at high risk for developing Retinopathy of Prematurity
1 of 6
Of the 237,070 premature births per year in the Philippines
babies are delivered
premature at the Philippine General Hospital alone Source: Philippine Eye Research Institute (PERI), World Health Organization
pupils. The kit includes LEA symbols chart, a
fueled the government’s adoption of a deworming
transparent response key, eye occluders, and
program for this group; the program for the
training manual, among others.
prevention and control of leptospirosis in the Philippines, a joint program with the Japanese
Vision screening for children is a cost-effective
International Cooperation Agency and with
way of identifying those with visual impairment,
Kyushu University of Japan; the program for
especially amblyopia or lazy eye. Permanent
the establishment of child protection units in
blindness can be avoided if lazy eye (amblyopia)
concerned government institutions mandated
is diagnosed and treated before age 7. One
under an administrative order issued by the
out of 20 preschoolers and one out of every
Department of Health.
four school pupils in the Philippines has an eye problem. For early-age children, the condition
Other significant researches that are expected
often goes unnoticed. This makes vision screening
to contribute to health policy solutions include
an important tool to prevent and treat visual
those on universal health care, maternal health
impairment for this age group.
and nutrition, aging, oral health, and public health, particularly schistosomiasis, HIV/AIDS, dengue and
Other researches that have contributed to health
other infectious diseases, emergency preparedness
policy solutions were the studies on the parasitic
and disaster management, and issues on biorisks
infections among Filipino schoolchildren that
and biosafety in the Philippines.
National Institutes of Health
The establishment of the National Institutes of
improvement; contribute to the enhancement of
Health (NIH) in 1998 through Republic Act 8503 led
the knowledge and skills of health professionals;
to better direction and coordination of research
develop the capabilities of health researchers and
and provided an organizational framework to
research institutions; and lead in the formulation of
generate and receive research funds for more
national health research agenda.
relevant researches in health and biomedicine. Envisioned as the country’s home of health The NIH serves as the center and coordinating
research, the groundbreaking of the new 18-storey,
body for all research units at UP Manila and is
state-of-the-art NIH building was held on 20
composed of 10 institutes and three centers and
July 2016. With an allocation of one billion pesos
more than 40 study groups. It aims to be a major
from the national government’s 2012 budget for
resource center for health research and capacity
its construction, the new NIH building, which is
building through the framework “Partnerships
hoped to be finished in 2019, will house the cutting
for Better Health.” As the recognized authority in
edge research laboratories, such as the Biosafety
health research and development, the NIH seeks
Laboratory, Microbiology, Tissue Culture Facility,
to influence policy makers in enacting health laws,
Cytogenetics, Newborn Screening Microarray, and
policies, and guidelines for health care delivery
molecular laboratories. PAGE 7
Philippine Eye Research Institute philippine-eye-research-institute
The Philippine Eye Research Institute is the oldest research institute of NIH established under Republic
and develop innovative diagnostics, kits, and tools to advance the health of the Filipinos.
Institute of Clinical Epidemiology
Act 4593 on June 19, 1965. Through research, PERI continues to fulfill its mission towards preventing blindness among Filipinos.
The Institute of Clinical Epidemiology (ICE) aims to promote expertise and nurture leadership in the design and conduct of essential researches
PERI remains to be at the forefront and main steward in conducting programs for the prevention of blindness in the country. It implements relevant and meaningful health researches that exert an impact on health policy and practice.
in health care, utilizing the principles of clinical epidemiology and its related disciplines. Composed of multi-disciplinary researchers, ICE is envisioned to be a trans-disciplinary center of excellence in the conduct of relevant, quality researches; systematic and critical review of researches that will guide
National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology institute-molecular-biology-and-biotechnology
health policies, public health programs and clinical practice guidelines.
To fulfill its mission, ICE, in partnership with the
The NIMBB focuses its research efforts on the
Department of Clinical Epidemiology of the UP
prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment
College of Medicine, offers training workshops on
of diseases that are top causes of morbidity
a wide range of topics on clinical epidemiology.
and mortality in the Philippines. These include tuberculosis, diarrhea, viral hepatitis, dengue hemorrhagic fever, HIV, schistosomiasis, and filariasis. Through the application of cutting-edge
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
molecular tools and methods, NIMBB provides
The Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences was
insights into local molecular epidemiology and
created on October 29, 1998 during the 1125th
pathogenesis and a detailed picture beyond the
UP Board of Regents (BOR) meeting. The IPS
clinical and epidemiologic aspects of the diseases.
envisions itself to become a recognized and
Its research and extension services aim to increase
relevant institution in the pharmaceutical sciences
capacity for molecular biology and biotechnology
by providing the facilities, pertinent expertise and
comprehensive services, including human resource
child. Since its inception, the ICHHD has been
development to help ensure the provision of safe,
conducting researches on diverse topics that are
effective and quality drugs for the nation.
used to support local and international policies
National Telehealth Center
The National Telehealth Center introduces community-defined information and communications technology (ICT) solutions for health, using mobile phones, computers, medical devices and the internet. It innovates to
and guidelines. These include vaccine preventable diseases (rotavirus, hepatitis B, cholera, Japanese encephalitis, polio, influenza), childhood neurologic infections, tuberculosis, nutrition, and environmental toxicants.
Institute of Human Genetics institute-human-genetics
make health care more universally available, and specially accessible to isolated and disadvantaged
The Institute of Human Genetics is the largest
provider of medical and laboratory genetic services in the country. The staff is composed of
It builds the capacities in health information
geneticists, physicians, nurses, medical technicians,
management and governance; gets frontline health
biochemists, chemists, biologists and administrative
workers excited, and maximally uses available ICTs
people who are dedicated to bringing genomic
for health. Through community-engaged research, it
medicine closer to the Filipino people.
helps define what works and what does not in the use of information management tools and mainstreams
Seven units in the Institute provide world-class
these lessons by advocating concrete policies.
services: Biochemical Genetics Laboratory, Clinical Genetics and Research Unit, Cytogenetics
Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Laboratory, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Microarray Core Laboratory, Newborn Screening Center-NIH, Hemoglobinopathy Confirmatory Laboratory, and the Administrative Unit.
The Institute of Child Health and Human Development (ICHHD) was established in April 1999 to promote, develop and implement relevant research programs and activities that will improve the health and enhance the development of the
Through the various institutes, study groups, and network of researchers specializing in health and socio-biomedical concerns, NIH continues to generate outputs and technologies that guide and shape national policies and programs, particularly in health.
Institute of Health Policy and Development Studies
Newborn Screening Reference Center
The Newborn Screening Reference Center (NSRC)
The vision of the Institute is to become the leading
was created in 2005 under Republic Act 9288 or
partner in academe-based policy and development
the Newborn Screening Act of 2004 as part of
research in national and international health. Its
the National Comprehensive Newborn Screening
mission is to serve as the authority in applied health
System to provide technical assistance to the
systems research, health economic research, and
Department of Health (DOH) in screening Filipino
health policy analysis and advocacy; as a platform
newborns for common life-threatening heritable
for broad-based, multidisciplinary approaches in
disorders. It addresses the need for information and
improving health policy and development issues;
resources to benefit health professionals and the
and as a source of new learnings and actionable,
public. NSRC works closely with the DOH’s Health
robust, and validated solutions for the benefit and
Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau and
use of policy makers and stakeholders.
Disease Prevention and Control Bureau to ensure provision of quality services to the screened babies.
Philippine National Ear Institute philippine-national-ear-institute
Institute of Herbal Medicine institute-herbal-medicine
The Philippine National Ear Institute was created in
The Institute of Herbal Medicine has been the
2004 through Republic Act No 9245 to undertake
recognized leading authority on herbal medicine
research, training and delivery of extension services
research and development in the Philippines
on hearing and balance that are geared towards the
since its creation on March 29, 2007. It undertakes
vision, “No Filipino shall be deprived of a functioning
scientific, ethical and culturally sensitive researches
sense of hearing and balance.� It takes pride in the
on Philippine medicinal plants in an integrated,
development of the universal newborn hearing
multidisciplinary approach enhancing their rational
screening program, a school ear health program for
use in the community and promoting the growth
grade one pupils in Metro Manila, and the promotion
of the national pharmaceutical industry. It imparts
of quality audiological through the Master of Clinical
a working knowledge of the different research
Audiology Program.
methodologies that transform a medicinal plant into a quality health product that is both safe and effective.
Newborn Hearing Screening Reference Center newborn-hearing-screening-reference-center
The Newborn Hearing Screening Reference Center is the central NIH unit which certifies Newborn Hearing Screening facilities and prepares defined testing protocols and quality assurance programs.
A task force created in 2007 led to the enactment of a bill to prevent the repercussions of hearing impairment through early identification and intervention. Republic Act 9709, authored by Senator Loren Legarda, was signed into law on June 2009.
The law mandates all newborns to undergo hearing screening prior to hospital discharge or within three months after birth.
Institute on Aging
The Institute’s vision is “The Filipino elderly enjoying a healthy body, mind and spirit, being treated with dignity, and valued as a productive member of society, in a dynamic process unique to him/herself, and beginning a life of unlimited possibilities.
Its mission is to create with the aging Filipino, unlimited possibilities for their value added life through scientific research, training and education, and specialized services.
Technology Transfer and Business Development Office The Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (TTBDO) was created on August 27, 2015 to facilitate the transfer and translation of technologies and innovations generated by the University to benefit more Filipinos. The TTBDO takes over the former Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and expands it to include business development services.
UPM-TTBDO has taken the slogan “SEEK. SECURE. SCALE TO SERVE.� which represents the three key result areas of the office. SEEK aims to promote the concepts of intellectual property in the university and emphasize how the Filipino people
to be more effective in delivering these solutions to as many
can benefit from the new products
Filipinos as possible. SCALE TO SERVE is the process by which
and technologies developed by the UP
TTBDO collaborates with various sectors of society to enable
Manila community. SECURE refers to
the products and technologies to reach underserved Filipinos.
the technical services TTBDO can offer to assist UP Manila constituents with
Following this three-pronged approach, TTBDO enables
protecting their intellectual properties
Filipinos all around the country to benefit from UP Manila
following international protocols
products and technologies. Ranging from licenses to research
(copyright, patent, trademark, etc).
agreements, these resources are plowed back to developing
This protection enables the university
and refining the technologies for greater access to all.
Research Grants
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs-funded grants The Research Dissemination Grant (RDG) and
more for international conferences and at least one
Faculty Development Grant (FDG) are given to
year for local and foreign conferences held in the
faculty and research staff for producing quality
Philippines. It is open to faculty who are working
researches and as incentives for oral or poster
full time or part time with or without tenure; clinical
presentation of such reseearches in international
faculty without compensation; or lecturers who
and national conferences.
have been teaching for the last five years, carrying six units per semester. The affiliation with UP
Both the RD and FDG are open to individuals who
Manila should be reflected in the communication,
have served UP Manila as faculty for two years or
invitation, and abstract for presentation. The faculty
can avail of any of the grants only once a year
The research/study should be registered with the
subject to availability of funds.
Research Grants Administration Office (RGAO). It should also have an approval from the OVCR.
The Publication Award is open to process original,
Moreover, there should be an ethics approval of
review, case reports, full text of oral presentations,
research protocol from the UPM-REB for researches
and advocacy articles published during the last
involving human participants.
two years (e.g., years 2016 to 2017 for those who will apply for 2017). It requires a copy of the
The Publication Fee Grant requires a letter of
journal article reflecting affiliation with UP Manila
acceptance by a reputable journal and publication
and a page which indicates that the journal is
requires a fee. The research/study should be
international/national and peer-reviewed. There
registered with the Research Grants Administration
is no limit as to number of articles submitted for
Office (RGAO). It should also have an approval from
the Publication Award per year, yet subject to
the OVCR. Moreover, there should be an ethics
availability of funds.
approval of research protocol from the UPM-REB for researches involving human participants.
UP Manila National Institutes of Health-managed grants The UPM Student Researcher Grant is open to
and submission of requirements and will be
all undergraduate, medical, and master’s students
responsible for financial disbursements and
without any scholarship, who will be conducting
liquidation of funds.
their thesis/research. This grant serves as thesis subsidy amounting up to Php 40,000 each to
The UPM Regular Research Grant is open to
subsidize maintenance and other operating
all UP Manila tenured faculty and REPS who will
expenses (MOOE). A scientific publication is
implement research consistent with the UP Manila
highly encouraged for thesis/research subsidy
research priorities that have potential impact on
grantees, but not required. Proposals shall be
evaluated based on relevance and scientific merit subject to appropriate ethical clearance. The
The grant amounts up to Php 300,000 each
thesis or research adviser will endorse application
to cover for maintenance and other operating
expenses (MOOE) and personnel honoraria. A
based on relevance and scientific merit subject to
scientific publication one year after completion of
appropriate ethical clearance.
the study is required. Proposals shall be evaluated
UP System Grants The Office of International Linkages (OIL) Travel
respective fields/discipline by publishing in
Grant is open to faculty pursuing MS or PhD,
internationally respected journals that
UP researchers, and UP graduate students. The
are peer-reviewed and adhere to high standards of
grant aims to provide financial support to enable
UP artists/scientists/researchers/scholars (REPS
and students) to present their research/creative outputs in international conferences/seminars/
The Research Dissemination Grant (OVPAA) is
workshops/fora; provide opportunities for them to
intended as additional support to outstanding
exchange ideas and learn from peers and experts;
faculty and REPS who receive invitations or gain
and encourage and nurture their development and
acceptance to present their papers for oral or
contribute to the nation’s pool of expertise and
poster presentation in prestigious international
knowledge in higher education.
conferences. For junior faculty (instructors,
assistant professors) / REPS (university researchers/ associates 1 and 2), the paper for oral or poster
The International Publication Award (OVPAA)
presentation should be related to a completed
is open to all regular faculty, including those on
or ongoing research with publishable results. For
sabbatical and secondment to other agencies,
senior faculty (associate and full professors) /
REPS in active service, clinical faculty, emeritus
and senior REPS (university researchers 3 and 4),
professors, and students. A UP unit (institute,
the paper for oral or poster presentation should
department, center, etc.) indicated as the affiliate
include results from the applicant’s research
institution of the author(s) shall receive an IPA
recently published in an ISI-listed journal or
apart from the IPA for authors. The award aims
to encourage faculty, REPS, and students to
contribute to the body of knowledge in their
Restructured Research Grants and Administration Office (RGAO) Effective Sept. 15, 2015, the restructured Research Grants and Administration Office (RGAO) was implemented, with three units namely the Grant Application and Protocol Development Unit (GAPDU), Fund Administrations and Management Unit (FAMU), and Research Implementation Support Unit (RISU).
The GAPDU facilitates protocol development;
oversees the process of research funding
assists the investigator in preparing and
administration, including fund acceptance,
completing all requirements for protocol review/
disbursement, liquidation and financial report
grant application submission; oversees and
generation; liaises with funding agency on
facilitates the process of research protocol
transfer of funds, advises the investigator on
review and approval; oversees and facilitate
grant policies regarding fund utilization, interprets
ethics approval from UPM Reserach Ethics Board;
grants policies as they relate to the grand award
and oversees and facilitates the processing
process, monitors and updates the investigator
of research collaboration requirements
on availability of funds, oversees post award fiscal
for agreements, whether Memorandum of
and administrative issues (e.g. Financial report,
Understanding, Memorandum of Agreement, or
etc.), and maintains a repository of all official
Material Transfer Agreement.
grants received.
Its key result areas/matrixes are number of
Its key result areas/metrics are number of
research protocols developed, number of
researches with external funding, amount of
research protocols approved, turn-around time
external funding received/generated, turn-around
(from protocol submission to approval), number
time (fund receipt to first disbursement), on-
of research collaborations implemented, and
time submission of financial reports to funding
number of research grant awards received.
agencies, turn-around time from purchase request to purchase order, zero-accounts payable
The FAMU identifies funding sources and
rate, rate of salary disbursement delay, and rate
facilitates the processing of external grants;
of bridging fund request.
negotiates with fund sources on final budget;
Key Result Areas of the Restructured Research Grants and Administration Office (RGAO)
The RISU monitors and facilitates research
and external), and maintains an inventory of
implementation (from initiation to closure)
ongoing and completed researches.
through processing of administrative requirements, monitors and facilitates study
Its key result areas/metrics are number of
report submissions (to ethics, institution,
researches completed on time, number of
sponsor) except financial report, monitors and
completed researches, number of suspended/
facilitates research dissemination (publication
pre-terminated researches, number of
and presentation) through coordination with
publications, number of presentations, and
the Research Dissemination Office; coordinates
number of research productivity-related reports
research productivity-related reporting (internal
National Scientists The Order of National Scientist is the highest honor conferred by the Philippine government to Filipino scientists who have made consequential, groundbreaking contributions in one of the fields of science and technology. Among the country’s 41 National Scientists, eight are alumni of UP Manila.
Her outstanding scientific
During her term as UP Manila
achievements in diarrheal
Chancellor, she led the
diseases research resulted in the
establishment of the National
development of an oral dehydration
Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1998
solution and provided the basis
through the enactment of Republic
for diarrhea-related policies of
Act 8503, the National Graduate
the Department of Health. Her
School for the Health Sciences, and
researches on malnutrition’s effects
the National Telehealth Center.
on the growth and development of children led to the rational
Dr. Santos Ocampo’s dynamic and
management of nutritional
charismatic leadership qualities
problems among Filipino children.
extended to several local and health organizations. The citation also
Perla D. Santos Ocampo
These researches were published in
included her untiring commitment
over 100 articles in peer-reviewed
to innovate and organize academic
local and international journals.
and civic programs and implement
In medical education, she
community health and advocacy
developed academic programs to
projects that are beneficial to the
A University Professor Emeritus
enhance the quality and number
Filipino people, especially children.
and former UP Manila Chancellor,
of experts, among which are the
Dr. Perla Santos Ocampo was
first pediatric fellowship program
Her invaluable contributions in
conferred the title and rank of
in UP Manila that trained trainers in
advancing science and technology,
National Scientist on 25 June 2010.
various subspecialties in pediatric
particularly the field of pediatrics,
centers abroad.
earned for her numerous local and
The top pediatrician was recognized
international awards, including five
for her excellent contributions as
The trainers formed the core of
honorary fellowship or membership
scientist in the field of pediatrics,
trainers for the bulk of child care
awards from five national pediatric
as medical educator-leader and
specialists in the country and
societies and for which the country
mentor, institution builder, and
the institution of distance study
takes pride.
advocate for better health of the
courses, especially for health
Filipinos, particularly children.
professionals in remote areas.
A 1961 graduate of the UP Manila
His contributions to society have
College of Medicine (UPCM) who
earned him numerous awards
ranked eighth in a class of 100 and
and recognitions: Distinguished
third in the physicians’ licensure
Teacher Award in 1983 and the Most
examination with a record of 98%
Distinguished Physician Award,
in internal medicine, Dr. Domingo
which is the highest award, in 1994;
specialized in internal medicine at
Dangal ng Bayan Award from the
the Philippine General Hospital and
Civil Service Commission, Saint
in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Brother Miguel Febres Cordero
at the Case Western Reserve
Award from the De La Salle
University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
University, Outstanding Professional in Medicine from the University of
Ernesto O. Domingo
In 1967, he joined the faculty of the
the Philippines Alumni Association,
Department of Medicine of the
and Most Distinguished Alumnus
UPCM. He organized and led the
from the UP College of Medicine,
Liver Study Group (LSG), which
among others.
conducted major studies on viral A University Professor Emeritus
hepatitis, including hepatitis A, B,
In August 2013, Dr. Domingo was
and former UP Manila Chancellor,
C, D, E, and G. He and his LSG co-
conferred the prestigious Ramon
Dr. Domingo was awarded the title
workers, with the Research Institute
Magsaysay Award for “his exemplary
and rank of National Scientist on 15
for Tropical Medicine (RITM) of
embrace of the social mission of
February 2010.
the DOH, developed technologies
medical science and profession,
associated with viral hepatitis.
his steadfast leadership in pursuing
Among his outstanding scientific
‘health for all’ as a shared moral
contributions are elucidation of the
These include the rapid
responsibility of all sectors, and his
nature of schistosome granuloma
epidemiologic assessment for
groundbreaking and successful
and its role in hepatosplenic
Hepatitis B positive individuals,
advocacy for neonatal hepatitis
disease, the pathophysiology of
production of diagnostic reagents
vaccination, thereby saving millions
hepatosplemic Schistosomiasis
for the testing of Hepatitis B virus
of lives in the Philippines.”
japonica in humans, the
carrier individuals and mircoparticle
Dr. Domingo’s scientific and
epidemiology and control of
agglutination test for Hepatitis
technological publications total 122
Hepatitis B and the pathophysiology,
C. Findings from these studies
original research papers published
clinical behavior, and treatment of
were utilized by the DOH in
locally and abroad. Dr. Domingo
hepatocellular carcinoma in Filipinos.
developing the policy on Hepatitis B
continues his research and service
The results of his hepatitis research
to the nation by acting as adviser
were utilized in the formulation
and consultant to major research
and implementation of policies
Dr. Domingo developed and helped
projects. He is founding member
and programs of the Department
implement the clinical felllowship
of the Universal Clinical Health
of Health and private sector on
program in the clinical departments
Care Advocacy Group, which is
Hepatitis B immunization and routine
of PGH. He established the Clinical
conducting studies on the reforms
hepatitis B and C screening of blood
Epidemiology Unit (CEU), now a
needed to achieve universal health
for transfusion.
Department, which served both
care for Filipinos. (NAST Secretariat)
government and private institutions.
Dr. Alfredo C. Santos
studies at the UST Research Center
Dr. Alfredo Santos is known for his
and Technology (NAST).
studies in the chemistry of natural harvest. He has completed a lot of work in the segregation and elucidation of the phaeantharine and other alkaloids from Philippine medical plants. His goal was to alleviate the high prices of drugs through reducing the use of costly
and the National Institute of Science
In appreciation of his innovative experimental researches in various alkaloids isolated from Philippine medicinal plants, he acknowledged Pres. Magsaysay’s Distinguished Service Star in 1954. In 1953, he is also a receiver of the Outstanding
import materials.
Pharmacist Researcher of the
Dr. Santos served in different
and Philippine Outstanding Scientist
capacities at the University of the Philippines for 45 years. He was a professor of industrial pharmacy later on becoming Dean of the College of Pharmacy. After his UP
PhilAAS Pharmaceutical Association Award in 1973. He was elected as Academician in 1978 and conferred as National Scientist in 1978.
stint, Dr. Santos proceeded to do
Dr. Paulo C. Campos
Tagged Red Cell Studies and the
Dr. Paulo C. Campos was a Filipino
Insulin Action.
physician and educator noted for his promotion of wider community health care and his achievements in the field of nuclear medicine for which he was dubbed as “The Father of Nuclear Medicine in the
He was also credited for founding the first and best-known Radioisotope Laboratory in the country, the initial Research Laboratory in the Department
of Medicine, University of the
He authored / co-authored 75
the UP-PGH Medical Center.
scientific journals a few of which reaped awards. His researches include The Genetic Factor in Endemic Goiter that won First Prize in Research Award; Cr-51
Observation on some Parameter of
Philippines and the Thyroid Clinic of
The first president of the National Academy of Science and Technology, he was conferred the rank and title of National Scientist of the Philippines in 1988.
Dr. Hilario D. G. Lara
cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery,
Dr. Hilario Lara is best noted for
the prevention of these diseases in
his work in healthcare and disease prevention by having played a key role in the establishment of the National Research Council of the Philippines. He was the founder and first dean of the University of the Philippines Institute of Public Health
measles and diphtheria, resulting in the country. He also set medical standards for the prevention as well as control of disease; promotion and conservation of health as well as environmental sanitation. He also
(now College of Public Health).
organized the first medical library
Known as the “Father of the Modern
community health demonstration
Public Health Movement” in the country, he was acclaimed for his pioneering work in epidemiology. He devoted over five decades of
in the country and established centers nationwide. He received numerous awards and recognition, including the National
his life to the study of the spread of
Scientist Award in 1985.
Dr. Geminiano T. de Ocampo
A graduate of the University of
Born in Malolos, Bulacan, Dr.
an ophthalmological instrument
Geminiano T. de Ocampo was a Filipino ophthalmologist distinguished as the “Father of Modern Philippine Ophthalmology. He was the founder of the Philippine Eye Bank, held numerous yet important positions during his time, and set up the first eye hospital in the Philippines. He also helped establish the Philippine Eye Research Institute and the Philippine
the Philippines in 1932, he was the first Filipino to design, in 1956, known as the De Ocampo Corneal Dissector, manufactured later by a US firm. As a surgeon, he introduced corneal transplantation in the Philippines. As a civic leader, he worked for the passage and amendment of Republic Act No. 343 concerning donation of eyeballs for corneal transplantation. He was named National Scientist in 1982.
Ophthalmological Society.
Dr. Fe V. Del Mundo
She formulated strategies to
Dr. Fe Del Mundo’s most significant
midwives to the family planning
researches were on viral diseases, particularly polio-myelitis, rubeola, rubella, and varicella. These served as reference in the use of vaccines
incorporate the ways of traditional and birth attending framework of health services in rural communities. She pioneered the building up of indigenous health workers and
and immunizations in the country.
organized rural extension teams to
In 1954, she helped characterize
and child care.
dengue fever at the clinical and laboratory levels, which contributed to a better understanding of the
advise mothers on breastfeeding
She promoted the idea of linking hospitals to the community through
the public immersion of physicians
Dr. del Mundo also invented two
greater coordination among
devices for people in the rural communities: a simple inexpensive incubator made of bamboo and an improvised bamboo radiant warmer and photo therapy device that could cure babies with jaundice.
and other health personnel for health workers and the public for common health programs such as immunization and nutrition. In 1980, she was conferred the rank and title of National Scientist.
Dr. Juan Salcedo, Jr.
Dr. Juan Salcedo contributed
Dr. Juan Salcedo Jr. was a former
biochemistry, nutrition, and
Secretary of the Department of Health, Chairman of the National Science Development Board from 1963-1970 and Chairman of the National Research Council of the
immeasurably to the areas of physiology as a scientist. He has published 265 works and studies in the Philippine and foreign science journals. And as science administrator, he helps execute
Philippines from 1961-1976.
science policy improvement,
He was also one of the original board
manpower improvement.
of trustees and incorporators of the Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement. He was named National Scientist in 1978 for his contributions to Nutrition and Public Health.
science endorsement and scientific
He received several honors including the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Outstanding Public Health Nutritionist in 1957; Republic Cultural Heritage award in science, 1966; and the Presidential Pro Patria award, 1969.
UP Manila Journals Philippine Journal of Health Research and
Acta Medica Philippina is the official medical
Development (PJHRD), formerly the UP Manila
journal of the University of the Philippines College
Journal, is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to
of Medicine and College of Public Health. It was
publish researches with a broad scope covering
conceptualized and first published in 1939. Years
all aspects of environmental and human health.
after its relaunch, Acta is now The National Health
This international journal aims to reach broader
Science Journal, chosen by the Department of
readership and provide easy access to high-quality
Science and Technology and the Philippine Council
articles from multiple disciplines that include,
for Health Research and Development. The Acta
but are not limited to, the allied health sciences,
has also been included in the WPRIM (Western
such as rehabilitation sciences, dental medicine,
Pacific Regional Index Medicus) and the abstracts
nursing and health care, pharmacy and natural
of its articles are uploaded into the WPRIM website,
products, food science and nutrition, health
an initiative of the World Health Organization
informatics, as well as public and environmental
(WHO) of which its editor is a temporary adviser
health, ecotoxicology, health social sciences,
and member of the WPRIM editorial board. It has
health professions education, health policy and
also been accredited by the Commission on Higher
governance. Systematic reviews, original research,
Education (CHED) as among the few refereed
and case reports will be accepted. Special focus
journals (Category A-2) since October 2010. As of
will be given to research that reflects collaboration
October 2011, the Acta has been accepted into,
among different disciplines and that addresses
and officially being indexed in SciVerse Scopus, the
areas in the National Unified Health Research
world’s largest abstract and citation database of
Agenda (NUHRA) 2011-2016. The Editorial Board
peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources.
will endeavor to consistently publish work that is of
All content of the Acta has been uploaded to
cogent methodology and that makes an important
Scopus since 2012. It is being widely distributed
contribution to scientific knowledge.
throughout the Philippines through medical libraries and hospitals and its articles have assumed national importance.
Permission for the publication of photos of all children in this material has been secured.