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Welcome New Golf Members
from ClubLife: June 2021
by mac-lpoa
We are gearing up for another exciting year of golf at Lakewood Oaks Country Club. Again this year, we are able to give you a login for the member-only side of our website so you can make tee times. I’ll set up a member number and have it linked to the master account for those family members you wish to use it. Please email me at kem@logc.org if you would like to have a separate login for tee times. We also have a feature for profile photo that syncs with our point-of-sale software, and we ask that members add a profile photo to their account. We appreciate you taking the time to do this, as it will help staff recognize members. As always, if you have any questions about your account, would like to sign up for automatic ACH payments or would like your statement emailed to you, contact me at kem@logc.org.
Please Welcome Our New Members!
Michael Hatfield Don Houk Scott Frerking Kevin & Laura Wilson John Trimble Mark Cooper Thomas Williams Nicholas & Allison Walker Andy & Hillarie Wright Tom & Jennie Alderman Jack & Vickie Figg Richard & Karan Johnson