The Ripples: November 2022

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Lakewood PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATIONSmokin’ in Lakewood | Artist Group Exhibition Christmas Events | Poinsettia Sale New Deadline The official magazine of The Lakewood Community November 2022 A TIME TO BE GRATEFUL

Craig Kurth, Wealth Advisor, CFP®

Michael Garden, Wealth Advisor

Alexandra Kurth, Wealth Advisor, CFP®

5700 W. 112th St., Ste 120 1251 NW Briarcliff Pkwy, Ste 235 Overland Park, KS 66211 Kansas City, MO 64116 (913) 323 3113 Office (816) 452 4000 Office MKT 06070 0317 Tracking #1 05246486 (Exp. 02/25)

LPOA Committee Chairpersons


ARB/ARC // Judy Alyea

Appeals // Steve White

Election // Larry Pasquini

Executive // Dave Petet

Lakeshore Townhomes // Sheri Hartman & Jerry Baxter

Lakeshore Condos // Kevin Wiley

Lakewood Bay // Barb Mills

The Landings // Doug Allen

Water’s Edge // Kevin Ingram


Activities // Meg Young

Facilities Development // Emmett McClintock

Finance // Dave Stackelhouse

Food & Beverage // Jahala Kinser

Insurance // Cathy Pec

Lake Use // Kyle Kosovich Association Staff


General Manager Mark Reid //

Accounting Supervisor Machelle Seiler //

Staff Assistant Sherry McNamara //

Administrative Assistant Nichole Melvin //

Membership Accounting Cari Brown //

Receptionist Sharri Goodman //


Dir. of Comm. Relations Sean Bachtel //

Codes Enforcement Steve Hancock //


Art & Communication Director

Cariann Dureka //


Executive Chef Molly Myers //


Maintenance Manager John Thomas //

Board Members


President Terry White (At Large)

Liaison to Facilities Development Committee EMAIL

Vice-President Dave Petet (At Large) Liaison to Lake Use Committee EMAIL

Treasurer Kathleen Heydon (At Large) Liaison to Finance and Food & Beverage Committee EMAIL

Secretary Debbie Stalnaker (At Large) Liaison to ARB/ARC Committee EMAIL


Larry Fields (At Large) Liaison to Insurance Committee EMAIL

Brooke Beebe (At Large) Liaison to Activities Committee EMAIL

Joseph Pec (Multi Family) Liaison to Multi-family Parcels EMAIL

Tom Maloney (East Lake) Liaison to Appeals Committee EMAIL

Jon Snow (West Lake) Liaison to ARB/ARC Committee EMAIL

LPOA Office

651 NE St. Andrews Circle, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064

Monday through Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PHONE 816-373-4326 COMMUNITY SERVICES 816-373-1500 WEBSITE

4 The Ripples // November 2022

From the General Manager, Mark Reid

For the past several months, Staff, the Finance Committee and the Facilities Development Committee has been busy putting together a comprehensive budget recommendation for the 2023 budget. We are grateful to the members of these committees that have volunteered much time and we appreciate the fact that both committees have agreed on the Operating and Lakewood Improvements Program budget proposal that will be presented to the Board in their November 11, 2022 Board meeting. Prior to the Board meeting, the Chairpersons of the Finance and Faculties committees will host the Open Budget Meeting on November 3 at 7:00 pm in the Banquet Room of the Lakewood Oaks Country Club Clubhouse.

There are reasons to be concerned these days. Inflation is one of them. However, National financial policy and National energy policy is set in Washington D.C by our elected officials. The LPOA only has the ability and duty to react to the resultant effects of national policy. So when we have periods of high inflation as a result of national policy, then our covenants allow the Board of Directors to perform their fiduciary duty and raise dues by the current level of inflation, to simply maintain our operations at their prior year’s level, and then add an additional 50% of inflation in order to improve the community.

On a larger level, November is a month that reminds us to be thankful as well as grateful. For every reason to be concerned, there are thousands of other reasons to be joyful and thankful, and for that, we are truly grateful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

In This Issue

5 From the General Manager

6 From the Boardroom

6 Board Meeting Minutes

8 Calendar of Events

10 Welcome New Residents

12 Smokin’ in Lakewood Recap

14 Multi Artist Exhibition

15 Get Lit for the Holidays

18 Clubs

19 Resource Directory

20 Poinsettia Sale

22 October Maintenance Update

22 September Community

November Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 5

Lakewood Property Owners Association Board of Directors’ Meeting From the Boardroom Terry White, Board President

November finds us at the tail end of the budgeting process for next year in Lakewood. This began in July when staff, LPOA Department heads, and residents can submit budget requests based on experience and needs and wants. Staff meets with management. The Finance Committee meets numerous times to prepare an Operations Budget. The Facilities Development Committee meets numerous times to prepare a Capital Expenditures Budget, the Lakewood Improvement Plan.

It is this budget that takes into consideration requests from residents submitted on a Lakewood Improvements Proposal, due July 31 each year.

This year there were over 50 requests from over 25 residents. I serve as the liaison to the Facilities Development Committee which reviews those proposals and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. Your recommendations and comments are appreciated. Each request is added to the proposed budget and then prioritized by the committee. Each of these, if not funded this year, will be incorporated into future projects when possible and practical. While all ideas submitted are reviewed and prioritized, some may not be implemented due to a variety of factors, not limited to, but including, city codes and regulations, being cost prohibitive at this time, etc. Thank you to each of you who took the time to be part of the planning process for our community.

November also finds many of us being thankful for blessings throughout the year, and, for me, living in this beautiful community is one of them. I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Actions taken October 13, 2022


•No Fee Use List

•LPOA Master Insurance Policy Renewal

•Lakeshore Townhome 2023 Parcel Budget

•Lakeshore Condos 2023 Parcel Budget

•Landings 2023 Parcel Budget

•Waters Edge 2023 Parcel Budget

•Lakewood Shores 2023 Parcel Budget

•Forest 2023 Parcel Budget

•Birkdale 2023 Parcel Budget

•Orchards 2023 Parcel Budget

•Lakewood Pointe Villas 2023 Parcel Budget

•Villas at Lakewood (Clubhouse Cottages) 2023 Parcel Budget

•Lake Pointe 2023 Parcel Budget

•Falls at Lakewood 2023 Parcel Budget

•Woods of Chapel Ridge 2023 Parcel Budget

•Greens of Chapel Ridge 2023 Parcel Budget

•Chapel Ridge 2023 Parcel Budget


•2023 Boat Slip Lease Agreement

•Lakewood Bay Parcel Property Management

•Landings By-law and Covenant Revisions


6 The Ripples // November 2022
November 10 • December 8 Meetings take place at 6:30 p.m. at The Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse. LPOA/LHC BOARD MEETINGS

If you have not been receiving our weekly Eblasts to your inbox, and would like to, visit our website at and at the bottom of the Contact page, click “Subscribe” and enter your email. E-Blasts, which are sent out every Monday and as needed, contain all the need-to-know Lakewood Info and upcoming events.

Digital Ripples

Do you receive The Ripples both in print and digitally? Please help us save money and trees by letting us know to remove you from the printed copy. Simply email

ARB/ARC Information

ARB/ARC deadlines are the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month. The meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6:00 pm (3rd and 5th Tuesday of March and November 2022). All meetings will take place at the Community Service Office, 735 NE Lakewood Blvd.

Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 7

Lakewood Calendar of Events


2 Lakewood Artist’s Reception

7 Lakewood Bay Parcel Meeting

10 LPOA & LOCC Board Meeting

11 Garden Club Poinsettia Sale (Deadline to Order)

24 Thanksgiving (office closed)

25 (office closed)

8 LPOA & LOCC Board Meeting

9 Christmas Parade

10 Lighted House Contest

11 Pictures with Santa

25 Christmas

26 Christmas Observed (office closed)

Updates Lakewood Bay Owners:

2 New Year’s Observance (office closed)

12 LPOA & LOCC Board Meeting

The Lakewood Bay Parcel will hold its annual meeting on November 7, 2022 at 6:30 pm at the Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse. We hope to see you all there.

Sincerely, Lakewood Bay Parcel Committee

Want to "Go Green"?

The Ripples If you would like to stop receiving the Ripples by US Mail and would like to access it online ( or Lakewood’s official Facebook page), simply email Cariann at

Statements If you would like to stop receiving statements by US Mail, please contact Cari at or access the “Going Green” form on our website at Please be advised that our current accounting system does not have online access, so by not receiving a statement you will not be notified if you charge any additional items to your account (ie. Snack bar and Argyle meals, boat stickers, boat rentals, etc).

Events Calendar

Lakewood Activities Committee

Christmas Parade December 9

Lighted House Contest December 10 Pictures with Santa December 11

Home Watch

The Lee’s Summit Police Department offers a House Watch to be used when you are out of town. If you wish to be added to their House Watch List, please contact LSPD at 816-969-1700. Don’t forget to contact your LPOA Community Service Staff at 816-373-1500 so they can keep an extra eye on your property, as well.

8 The Ripples // November 2022




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10 The Ripples // November 2022 New Lakewood Residents
Rene Nelson 254 NE Bayview Drive Isaiah Peel 604 NE Burning Tree Michael & Joy Leon 4216 NE Tremont Circle Richard & Cynthia Crocker 4601 NE Dick Howser Circle Matthew & Jennifer McGehee 604 NE Dick Howser Court Todd & Dana Gerstner 605 NE Pinehurst Julie & Payman Rezai 4517 NE Fairway Homes Drive Donald & Anne Hill 200 NW Bramble Trail Court Tim & Jodi Fleenor 601 NE Burning Tree James & Teresa Leacock 606 NE La Costa Bradley Schmitt & Kelly Connor 3919 NW Ponderosa Brian & Sarah Wilke 301 NE Brockton Drive
a b e t t e r w a y t o p l a y about us we offer : Youth Officiated AGames dult officiated Pgames ersonal (Training basketball or Ffitness) ull-service Fitness area 1. 2. 3. 4. From PickUp games with refs, to tbasketball raining, to court rentals, to full afitness rea, PickUp USA is your one-stop shop ffor itness and all things basketball! PickUp USA Ftiness 2724 NE McBaine Dr, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 pickupusafitness com 816-766-2336
12 The Ripples // November 2022



We hope you will stop into the Clubhouse for the group exhibition of Lakewood Artists through the months of November and December! Lakewood’s artistic community has had another successful year of creating and we feel lucky to be able to host such a talented group of people. As per usual, some works will be available for purchase—with the holiday season approaching it is both a great opportunity to support a local artist and find a unique gift for your loved ones.

14 The Ripples // November 2022
Alexander Janet Beebe Sheila Borne-Bundy Twila Endicott Nick Erker Ron Fornelli Andrew Gilliland Jennylynne Gragg Carole Gray Tanya Jana-Ford Dick Lacy Mike Lewis Julie Phillips Grace Rottinghaus Kathy Scaletty Rick Scaletty Bruno Zwerenz ARTISTS TO BE FEATURED
Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 15
Window Washing * Gutter Cleaning * Power/Soft Washing * Custom Christmas Lights We’re here to get you ready for fall with sparkling clean windows, gutters that are clear and not over flowing, and your home and surfaces shiny clean with our washing services. Free quote: 816 728 6252 call/text

Lakewood Clubs

Bass Fishing Club

Lakewood Lakes Bass Fishing Club: Join our Facebook group or contact our president, Walter Hammond, at waltfish13@ or 816-699-1091 to get involved!

Bridge Club

If you have an interest in playing in a bridge card group either regularly or on an occasional basis as a substitute, please email Joe Casebolt using the email address

Garden Club

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Refreshments: 9:00 to 9:30 am Program: 9:30 followed by the Business Meeting

Lakewood Oaks Country Club, Banquet Room

The Butchart Gardens

We will hear from Dawn Kaysoe about the story of the origins of Butchart—a 118-year-old, internatially renowed 55-acre display garden located in Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada—and see the flowers and landscape as if we were there. We are fortunate to be the guests of this beautiful garden for a virtual, personal guided tour conducted by Dawn via Zoom.

Moms Club

New to Lakewood or lived here for years? Lakewood Moms Club is the way to connect with our amazing community. We have events for moms, kids and families. There is always something happening. Come join the fun!

Membership information: Want to hear quickly from someone? Text Lizzie Johns at 816-547-5538.

Pilates Club

Pilates Club meets in The Augusta Room: Tuesdays 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Barre Pilates/mat Pilates Wednesdays 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. Barre Pilates/mat Pilates Fridays 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. PIYO/mat Pilates

Barre class size and space is limited because we use chairs for stability which take up a lot of room so check with Cathy prior to attending to confirm availability. While Barre requires reservations, spots are often open but please first check by calling or texting 816-305-0632 or email Friday PIYO does not use chairs and is walk in. For all classes multiple modifications are cued so everybody from beginners to advanced benefit. Signed waivers are required prior to attending first session.

Sail & Paddle Club

The Lakewood Sail & Paddle Club is celebrating its 21st year of providing “On The Water” access for Lakewood residents.

Family – $75/yr includes personal use for your family and your guests with you.

Single – $50/yr includes personal use for you and your guest with you

Contact Steve Bertken at to fill out the 2022 Membership form. The 2022 Members Welcome and access passcode will be emailed after signup. Online Payment options: PayPals, Venmo, Check or Cash.

Stitchers Club

The Lakewood Stitchers Club meets the second Thursday of each month in a residential home, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Feel free to bring your knitting, crocheting, needlework, or other portable craft. Join us in a neighborly chat, while seeing all the creative ideas. If you would like to learn to knit, crochet, or learn any other needleart, we are happy to provide personal instruction as well. Contact Wendy at for more information.

Tennis Club

The Lakewood Tennis Club has concluded this year’s activities. Occasionally we will play on Thursday evenings at the main courts weather permitting. (50 degrees or warmer). If you would like to receive regular e-mails from the Tennis Club, send an e-mail to Jack McLaren at That way you can keep up with all the tennis news in Lakewood.

Any questions about Lakewood Tennis call either: Jack McLaren (816) 868-4933 or Steve Winship (816) 809-2924

Water Aerobics Club

We will start back up with Memorial Day of 2023! For any questions, contact Sylvia Gaitan, 816.223.8080,, or Tam Asplund, 816.805.6247,

Yoga Club

Yoga will meet live in the Augusta Room in the Lakewood Clubhouse. Please bring your own mat and props. You will be asked to sign a waiver on the first visit. Consult your health care provider for approval before starting a new activity such as yoga and follow any restrictions recommended. All levels of experience including beginners are welcome.

Monday 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. medium level class

Wednesday 5:30-6:30 p.m. all levels

Saturday 9:00 -10:15 a.m. active level class


18 The Ripples // November 2022
Activities Committee
on Facebook: @LakewoodActivitiesCommittee

Lakewood Resource Directory


The Horn Law Firm - 816-795-7500

Douglas Horn


Lakewood Chiropractic - 816.373.3373 Sara Horn D.C.

COMPUTER SERVICESONSITE & REMOTE KC Computer Staff - 816-708-8822

COSMETICS Mary Kay Cosmetics - 816-686-3388


Sun Deck & Home - 816-522-DECK (3325)

LW Residents 25 years in the business Winter discount through May Snow Removal Services


Newhouse Periodontics - 816.373.6800 Dr. Nancy Newhouse | Implant Dentistry • Periodontics • Regeneration


Atlantis Drainage Solutions - 816-960-1552 We correct the cause, not just the symptoms.


Lee’s Summit Electric, Lamar Smith. 816-695-8548

EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Vest Professional Placement - 816-282-6288


Drew Reynolds - Edward Jones - 816-795-7529

FOUNDATION REPAIR, WATERPROOFING & DRAINAGE Arrow Foundation Repair - 913-722-9011


Epoxy Garage Floors - 816-506-0477 Robin Fisher


AFC Heating & Cooling - 816-347-8388

Sharp-Long 72 Degrees – 816-524-4308

50+ years of friendly service!


ATM Home Inspection - 816-886-0186

Home, Radon, Termite, Mold & Sewer Scoping insp. Evenings and weekends available.

Judgements Awarded

Thomas Crowley II (5328 NE Northgate Crossing)

Darin & Dilcia Crull (209 NW Redwood Ct.)

Joseph Gingrich IV (160 NE Bayview)


Newhouse Periodontics - 816-373-6800

Dr. Nancy Newhouse |

Implant Dentistry • Periodontics • Regeneration


Kimberly Downey Noble (State Farm)816.833.1180

Epic Insurance - 816-795-6600

Independent Agency: Auto*Home*Business We shop multiple companies for you! Bev McFee - 816-525-8558

The Insurance Group Chris McNair - 816-352-2364

Farmers Insurance


KC Bathtub Refinishing Tub & tile refinishing-any color. 816-606-9770


Keller’s Landscaping, Inc - 816-373-6223

Servicing Lakewood residents since 1988!


Gabby, Pet sitting/dog walking - 816-885-2579


Angi’s Art - 816.853.4491 | 816-822-9100

Established 1978 | Master Photog | Lori Hahn


Summit Strength Physical Therapy 816-524-7040


Golden’s Plumbing - 816-350-2927 Regal Plumbing - 816-368-1550


Kim Glaser - 816-282-4461

KW – Kim Connects HOME Team Bev Fowler Spencer - 816-289-4654 Chartwell Marcia Wallace - 816-251-1550 (office) Reece & Nichols


Mr C’s Vac & Sewing Machine Center 816-833-2300 11808 E. 23rd Street, Independence, 64050 Sells Most Brands. Free estimates on repairs.

VETERINARIAN Lakewood Animal Health Center 816-373-1098

Lakewood Resource Directory

• Lakewood Resource Directory listings are $10 a line, per month, and available by contacting

• Open to Lakewood residents only.

• All charges will be made to your member’s account, on a monthly basis.

• New listings need to be emailed to by the 15th of the month prior to when you want it to appear in the magazine.

• Your listing will run until you notify us to discontinue publishing.

• Should you decide to discontinue your listing, contact by the 15th of the month prior to when you want it to stop. (Example: If you ran a November listing and don’t want it to run in December, notify us by November 15.) If notified after the 15th, your listing will run one more month and your account will be charged.


• Lakewood Classified Ads will be $7.50 a line, per month, and available by contacting

• Open to Lakewood residents only.

• All charges will be made to your member’s account.

• New ads should be submitted to cariann@lpoa by the 15th of the month prior to when you want it to appear.

• Your ad will run for one month unless you notify us to continue.

Joshua & Sheliece Knox (411 NE Medford Dr.)

Brooke Dayley & Zachary Lacy (223 NE Bayview Dr.)

Blake Berwald (5477 NE Wedgewood Ln.)

Newsletter design by Ampersand.

Lakewood Property Owners Association // Serving Our Members Since 1973 19

Poinsettia Sale

Lakewood Garden Club Delivery/Pick-up Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Cost: $17 for 6.5 inch pot (Red, White or Jingle Bell) $30 for 8.5 inch pot (Red, White or Jingle Bell) Colors Available: Red, White or Jingle Bell (Red with White Specks) • Make checks out to “Lakewood Garden Club” • Please mail or drop off your order with payment to Lakewood Oaks Country Club 651 NE St. Andrews Cir., Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 • Questions may be directed to Vicki Vest— Deb Morgan— Caroyln Hall-Evans— o I will pick up my order at the Augusta Room in the LOCC clubhouse on Tuesday November 29, 2022, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. o I am a business and have made arrangements and understand my order will be delivered free to me on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. Pot SizePot Size 6.5” or 8.5” Color Color Red, White or Jingle Bell Quantity Cost $17 or $30 TOTAL • Deadline for ordering is November 11th. Lakewood Garden Club Annual Poinsettia Sale proceeds benefit community beautifcation programs and local teachers' gardening or agriculture programming ORDER FORM NAME: ________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________ EMAIL: _________________________________PHONE How did you hear about the Poinsettia sale? Ripples_______E-Blasts________Name__________________________________________ Delivery/Pickup Option: To order online, scan or click the QR code below: *please write your total below
NOW OPEN IN LAKEWOOD! All Major Insurances Accepted! Including Medicare! 721 NE Lakewood Blvd Lees Summit MO 64064 816-607-7180 (Located behind Mr. Goodcents and Lakewood Local, Across from the Fountain) Most 5-Star Reviews in Lee's Summit Thinking about your next big event? Party/Gala Wedding CorporateEvent Unity Village Let our events team help you create a memorable experience for you and your guests! Now booking 2023 & 2024 events. To learn more or schedule a tour, visit is the ideal location for your...

OCTOBER Maintenance Update

John Thomas, Maintenance Manager

Fall means football, family and fun. The changing of the seasons is truly is one of the greatest times of the year. Here’s what is going on in the LPOA Maintenance Department.

Maintenance Department Activity

• East and West Lake Marina dock electrical service maintenance

• Dead tree and limb removal

• Trash and pet waste station servicing

• Playground maintenance and repair

• Sports field maintenance and repair

• Clubhouse maintenance and repair

• Pleasure dock maintenance and repair

• Tennis court and wind screen maintenance

• Monument and landscaping bed maintenance

• Common area lighting maintenance

• Common area and shoreline trash collection

• Marina and pleasure dock goose poop removal

• Resident work request completion

• 23 acre walking trail maintenance

• LPOA pond water treatment

• Pond aerator maintenance

• East and West Lake Marina dock repairs

• Common area spot seeding

• Common area core aeration

• Service and maintenance of snow removal equipment

• Snow removal and deicing salt test run

• Leaf mulching

• Stump grinding Lakewood Improvement Projects

• Common area tree planting (weather pending)

• Common area soil leveling

SEPTEMBER Community Service Report

22 The Ripples // November 2022





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