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Dear Bookseller

Dear Bookseller

The five pillars of our transformation journey

Macmillan Education South Africa strives to build a transformed, inclusive and diverse organisation.

It’s time to say Goodbye!

On 31 May the Macmillan Education team will say goodbye to a dear colleague, Magda Scheepers.

Magda is retiring after twenty-one years in the publishing industry, with the last eleven years at Macmillan Education as the sales manager in Gauteng.

The booksellers who know Magda will agree that she is a true professional who gave her customers her all.

Let’s celebrate World Environment Day - 5 June Macmillan goes green!

As we embrace our time on this Earth, we also have to pay attention to the environment and do our part to help reduce global warming. There is now so much attention to this: corporates world wide are allocating time and resources to contribute accordingly.

Here at Macmillan South Africa, and globally through the different divisions of SpringerNature, significant effort has been given to the green elements whilst going about our everyday business.

A lot of the effort has been in the back-end but in time customers are also going to see some of these changes in motion.

We have already successfully installed solar panels in one of our offices in the region which has already contributed to the reduction in fossil fuel consumption and thus helped contribute to carbon emission reduction.

As we replace equipment used in warehouses, consideration has been given to lithium ion battery technology as opposed to gas and diesel forklifts. These have 0% carbon emission. Other contributions include light sensors in offices and warehouses to reduce unnecessary power consumption, as well as specialised translucent perspex roof panels that allow natural light in and avoids the use of energy consuming bulbs in warehouses.

Another area of concern is the amount of plastic that is overpowering our oceans. As a start, we are replacing plastic packaging tape with paper gum tape that you will soon start to see on the boxes with your deliveries.

Lastly, in order to allow each one of us to contribute in our own ways there is an app that has been made available to any individual that wants to make a difference. It’s called the GikiZero app and is available to you. The link is below and you are most welcome to visit the site and register. Thereafter, there are hundreds of ways to help save the Earth and each of your contributions can be measured and compared to other users out there. Thousands are already competing on different elements with some as simple as making small changes with plastic items that we use. The link to the GikiZero app is https://zero. giki.earth.

So, give consideration to saving our Earth as we go about our everyday business and let’s each make a contribution to help reduce global warming.

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