1 minute read


• Eat a balanced diet to stay healthy, to function optimally and to ward off disease.

• Keep that body moving – never underestimate the power of exercise.


• Try stress management techniques, like breathing exercises and meditation.

• Use a journal to keep track of your emotions.

• Forgive yourself.

• Choose a career that gives you the opportunity to develop your skills.

• Embrace change.

• Be a life-long learner.

Social wellbeing

focuses on creating and maintaining meaningful relationships.

• Schedule regular times to meet with family and friends.

• Make a positive impact on other people’s lives, by doing volunteer work.

• Manage your relationship with technology.

Intellectual wellbeing

refers to the pursuit of activities that involve critical thinking, problem solving or creativity.

• Learn a new skill, take a class or read up on a topic you are interested in.

• Visit a gallery, museum or an exhibit to widen your horizon.

Spiritual wellbeing

is necessary for inner peace and harmony. Cultivate the following practices to give a feeling of meaning and purpose:

• Your core values should be the foundation from which you make decisions.

• Take time to reflect.

• Practise respect, honesty and tolerance towards other people.

Financial wellbeing

is being able to live within your means, make good financial decisions and set financial goals. If your financial situation feels chaotic then practice these skills:

• Draw up a budget according to your needs, income and goals.

• Seek professional help.

• Plan for your retirement.

Sources: SeekPNG: https://www.seekpng.com/ima/u2e6r5y3t4w7e6r5/

Discovery: https://www.discovery.co.za/corporate/personal-wellbeing Starjumpz: https://starjumpz.com/the-importance-of-well-being/ Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/za/blog/click-here-happiness/201901/what-is-well-being-definition-types-and-well-being-skills Workplace Wellness: https://www.seekpng.com/ima/u2e6r5y3t4w7e6r5/ University of Minnesota: https://hr.umn.edu/wellbeing-program/wellbeing-dimensions

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