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Italian Innovation in the Spotlight
Machines Italia takes “Turning innovation in productivity” on the road to major North American events. Over the course of 2018/19, Machines Italia, together with its partner associations, is proud to be a featured participant and/or sponsor of major industry events here in North America. We highlight some of the major ones here.
If you If you make the purchasing decisions for your company, you have an enormous responsibility. You must know the ins and outs of production in a way no one else does.
Italian machinery can make your decision easier. That’s why Machines Italia, together with its partner associations, is proud to be a featured participant and/or sponsor of major industry events. Over the course of 2018/19, Machines Italia will appear at the events listed at the end of this article. Italian Night at IMTS 2018
At IMTS 2018 edition here in in Chicago, IL, Sept. 10–15, 2018 (www.imts.com), Italy will have more than 100 companies exhibiting. To mark this occasion, the Italian Trade Agency, via its Office in Chicago, together with Italy’s UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE (www.ucimu. it), will be hosting an evening networking event on September 12, 2018. Amongst the guests, there will be representatives from leading Italian institutions and local partners. Machines Italia Mexico @ Fundiexpo 2018
Guadalajara will host this year’s edition of Fundiexpo (www.fundiexpo2018.com), the main Mexican exhibition for the foundry industry, October 24 - 26, 2018. The trade show will showcase technology and innovation from Mexican and international providers. Given the importance of the foundry industry for the Mexican economy, Machines Italia, via its Mexico City Office, will be taking part in the show with 216 square meters exhibition area, hosting 13 leading Italian machinery and technology suppliers.
Machines Italia Canada @ Ontario Export Awards
The Ontario Export Awards (www.ontarioexportawards.com), part of the national Canada Export Awards running in BC, Alberta and Ontario, recognize Canadian manufacturers who distinguish themselves in their success in reaching international markets.
The 2018 edition of the Ontario Export Awards will be held November 20, 2018 at the International Centre in Mississauga. Machines Italia, via its office in Toronto, will be participating both as an official sponsor and as the sponsor of the “Machines Italia Global Reach” award.
The award is in a special category that recognizes Ontario industrial companies who have forged trade and export partnerships beyond North America. The goal of this sponsorship is to stress how Italian machinery and technology support Canadian manufacturing companies by identifying awards recipients who use Italian equipment.
To the right are some of the major events starting now and going into 2019. Machines Italia frequently adds events and conferences to its roster. For a complete up-to-date list of events, visit www.machinesitalia.org/events.
Calendar of North American Events
IMTS 2018 September 10–15, 2018 Chicago, Illinois www.imts.com
GlassBuild America 2018 September 12–14, 2018 Las Vegas, Nevada www.glassbuildamerica.com
Pack Expo International 2018 October 14–17, 2018 Chicago, Illinois www.packexpointernational.com
Fundiexpo 2018 October 24–26, 2018 Guadalajara, Mexico www.fundiexpo2018.com
Fabtech 2018 November 6–8, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia www.fabtechexpo.com
Ontario Export Awards 2018 November 20, 2018 Mississauga, Canada www.ontarioexportawards.com
World Of Concrete 2019 January 22–25, 2019 Las Vegas, Nevada https://www.worldofconcrete.com/ en/attendee.html
World AG Expo 2019 February 12–14, 2019 Tulare, California www.worldagexpo.com
Expo Pack Guadalajara 2019 June 11–13, 2019 Guadalajara, Mexico www.expopackguadalajara.com.mx
Pack Expo Las Vegas 2019 September 23–25, 2019 Las Vegas, Nevada www.packexpolasvegas.com