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Meet Peter & Cecilia Loeb

Cecilia Drew Loeb & Peter Loeb, M.D. have a multifaceted history with Maclay School. Cecilia is an alum, and has been a coach and supporter, while Dr. Peter Loeb served on the Board of Trustees, currently serves on the STEM Leadership Council, and has been the on-field physician for the Marauder Football Team since its inception. Cecilia and Peter are dedicated past parents of two graduates Alexander (’08) and Madeleine (’10). The Loeb’s dedication to the mission of Maclay School and spirit of generosity have played an instrumental part in recent advancements and additions on campus.


Question: Your family has a long history with the Maclay School community, with an alumni connection, as the parents of two graduates, and through service in a coaching capacity and on the Board of Trustees. Can you share a bit about your philosophy in your philanthropic support of the school and how your involvement has informed this legacy of support?

Education is a priority for our family. Maclay is a learning and nurturing environment. Both of us went to boarding school and have a strong relationship with those schools. We wanted the same quality of education we experienced. and it’s not about supporting the school financially, but just by being there for the school. It’s easy to support Maclay when the school is doing it right. It makes us love it even more. Question: How would you describe your children’s educational experience and opportunities they took advantage of at Maclay? As we expect from a strong school, the curriculum is diverse (and getting more so), the student-teacher relationships are fruitful, and that any student can find their place – whether it be in Academics, the Arts or Sports. Question: What do you think are the most important things that Maclay contributes to our Tallahassee community? Superior education. Cities need this type of school to be able to attract professionals with families. And, of course, the school’s involvement in Latin competition, Math meets and Best and Brightest bring awareness of the caliber of our students. Question: You have championed the need for updated facilities for our school programs. Can you share a bit about your feelings on the importance of new inspiring learning spaces for our students, faculty, and institution overall? Education is not stagnant. Students and schools can not advance without continuing to stay ahead of the curve. The addition of STEAM classes and facilities is necessary to have the best quality teachers. and in turn, these new educational spaces and courses equal the standard we expect. Question: Can you elaborate on your personal philosophy and approach to philanthropy? Your family has supported various initiatives over the years here at Maclay; what informs your approach to giving whether it be from the lens of the Annual Fund, Capital Projects, or from a Planned Giving perspective? Consistent giving to organizations we feel is important, especially to those that have been a part of our lives. Those that have been there for us locally and help nationally, for example the United Way and Tunnels to Towers. Question: What are you most excited about for the future of Maclay as an institution? With the support of parents, past-parents, alums, teachers, etc., Maclay will maintain support to continue to strive for excellence, and be the school of the next generation – shaping education for the future.

We believe in Milford’s vision and enthusiasm.

Advancement News


“The generosity of the donors is inspiring,” said Maclay School Board of Trustee Chair, Murray Moore (‘83). “This gift will open doors and enhance our ability to build on the Maclay experience. The impact will be felt immediately and in perpetuity, and the entire Maclay community is excited and grateful.”

This fall, Maclay School announced a $5 million anonymous gift to establish the Head of School Scholars Program complete with multiple full tuition scholarships for rising 9th grade students. The Head of School Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship that will provide tuition, technology, books, trips, and fees and will be renewed each year for up to four years to recipients who continue to meet the eligibility requirements. The first two scholarships will be awarded in March of 2022 for the 2022-23 school year. Each year following, two additional Head of School Scholars will be named, with the program supporting eight concurrent Upper School students at a given time. The Scholars’ program will also include academic competitions which will begin during the 2022-23 school year. “This generous gift will have a continual impact on students’ lives for generations to come,” said James Milford, Head of School. “I am personally inspired and honored to be leading Maclay School when such a transformational program is created.” This endowed scholarship will have a lasting impact on generations of future students. For more information on the program, visit www.maclay.org/Scholar.

Advancement News STEM Enhancements

The STEM Program will see a series of enhancements during the 2022 Spring and Fall Semesters. These enhancements will range from a new curriculum implemented for the Biomedical Concentration to new technology enhancements that our students will begin to use immediately as they explore the concepts taught in these courses. More information on the new additions are included below.

Biomedical Concertation Curriculum In the Fall of 2022, Upper School students interested in the Biomedical Sciences will have the opportunity to take new classes implemented from The Project Lead the Way Curriculum (PLTW). This curriculum is a nationally recognized set of courses and standards for students interested in the Biomedical sciences. At the conclusion of the program, students earn a certificate which is recognized widely at the collegiate level. The curriculum outline offers students real world applications to medical issues and provides dynamic courses for them to explore this field including: Principles of Biomedical Science, Human Body Principles, Medical Interventions, and Biomedical Innovations. For the 2022 School Year, the Principles of Biomedical Science course will be added with each subsequent course added each of the following years. The PLTW Curriculum will establish a new core framework of expectations and coursework for the Biomedical concentration. Students in the concentration will complete the classes and finish the concentration with a capstone project and sit for the Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE) with the potential to earn this certificate. The exam is administered in partnership with the University of Florida. Anatomage Table and 3D Printing In addition to the new curricular additions, the STEM program is also benefitting from new additions of equipment and technology. The Anatomage Table is a new resource that the Science Department has added for use in the Biology courses and for the students involved in the Biomedical Concentration. This tool will also be made available through enrichment activities to students in the Middle School or to those with an established interest in these courses and subject matter who are not yet in the Upper School. The Anatomage Table gives students the opportunity to experience human anatomy and systems within the body for virtual dissection on various specimens. The table also contains digital animal specimens for dissection purposes as well for students interested in the veterinary sciences. With the digital dissection capabilities that the table contains, students can explore many highly detailed aspects of the human body from the various specimens included while the table’s software gives the capability for students to isolate different body systems to examine more closely. The table can be connected to a 3D printer to print medical models as well. Through these enhancements, support was provided for the purchase of 3 new 3D printers for the Beck Family Research Center for use in the Middle and Upper School Science courses that take place in this facility. These enhancements are made possible through the generous support and leadership of the Beck and McDonald Families and the STEM Leadership Council.

Pictured at top is Cameron Barton (‘88), 6th grade teacher and sponsor of the Middle School Student Astronaut Challenge. Bottom picture: Upper School faculty member Coleman Mackie and Board of Trustees member, Dr. Chris Rumana explore the Anatomage table’s capabilities.

Maclay Sweethearts

As we look ahead to Giving Day 2022, on February 17th, we are celebrating all the ways that we Show Our Love for Maclay. These special connections are part of what makes this campus such a special place. We have many members of our community who come to work each day with their own Maclay “Sweethearts.” We hope you will enjoy hearing their sweet stories about their favorite memories with their sweethearts.

James (Head of School) & Angie (Head Coach, Cross Country, Track & Field) Milford

Angie: What do you love most about Maclay? I love Maclay because of how close everyone is to each other -- a family feel. I get to watch a student grow and can have a positive impact on their life - as well as them on mine. What is your favorite part about having your sweetheart on campus with you? My favorite part is just knowing he is there -- for anything I need. Just to say hi, stop in and have lunch. It’s just reassuring to me. We are in this together and feel the same about school and the kids. What is your favorite memory with your sweetheart at Maclay? Favorite memory with James is tough! My favorite is watching our boys play for Maclay and the fact that James and I are able to be with each other to watch. What brought you to Maclay? Definitely my husband! Cried for the first year - Now I wouldn’t leave!! I love Maclay and Tallahassee! James: What do you love most about Maclay? The sustained energy of this place and community. I’m in year 8 and I’m still invigorated by the unrelenting desire to do better today than we did yesterday. When we need to reach, we reach, when we need to support each other, we find support. There are challenges, sure...but, I haven’t found a challenge that this team is not willing to tackle...and with teammates like that, how could you not love being here! What is your favorite part about having your sweetheart on campus with you? I have become a better man due to my wife, my family, and my school...I consider myself blessed to be able to spend the bulk of my day on these 100 acres with my sweetheart...don’t tell her I called her that - she probably wouldn’t like it:-) This community and the work we do feeds my soul...having my partner for life as a daily part of that is spectacular! What is your favorite memory with your sweetheart at Maclay? Probably the various projects we have done together on campus. On random weekends or breaks, you can find us out painting a classroom, redoing a flower bed, or cutting a new trail for the cross-country team through some of the woods on the northside of campus...those are fun projects for us to do together. What brought you to Maclay? Simple, the word “each” in the mission statement. At Maclay we have the opportunity to focus, single-mindedly, on chasing an ideal...that ideal is making sure each of our students is valued and able to develop into the best version of themselves. We measure success differently here...the ability to make an impact in that way is what brought me to Maclay and it continues to be very rewarding.

Maclay Sweethearts

Debbie (Director of Alumni Relations), Patrick (‘35), & Ryland (‘35) Hurley

What do you love most about Maclay? The feeling of family. The Maclay community

is so caring and supportive of its members What is your favorite part about having your sweethearts on campus with you? Just knowing they are close by and can swing by my office after pick-up in the afternoon just to say “Hi!” I remember the day the boys first came by my office for a visit. They came in the front door, looked around, and said “I like this place!!” Me, too!! What is your favorite memory with your sweethearts at Maclay? It just makes my day when I happen to arrive on campus when one of their classes is on the PreK playground and I spot one of them. I can stop, get out of the car and go over to the fence to say and get a Good Morning kiss – how wonderful is that?!! What brought you to Maclay? My family has a long history with this wonderful school from the day the doors opened. I trust the strong educational foundation received by my sibling, my children, and now my grandchildren. And, I have always felt that the academics are backed up by teachers who genuinely care about the well-being and progress of their students.

Will (Upper School Physics Teacher) & Emma (Middle School Latin Teacher) Perry

Emma: What do you love most about Maclay? My co-workers and students. What is your favorite part about having your sweetheart on campus with you? During teacher planning days, we get to have “lunch dates”. I also love that we can carpool to work. and now that our daughter goes here, we all have the same schedules. What is your favorite memory with your sweetheart at Maclay? Starting and running the Pep Band together. What brought you to Maclay? Will and I were engaged. I had finished my master’s degree, but he was still finishing his PhD, so I needed to find a job in Tallahassee. Maclay sent out an email to FSU graduate students that they were looking for a part-time Latin teacher, so I applied. Will: What do you love most about Maclay? The community. I have some of the best colleagues around who can truly inspire their students to follow their passions and make a difference. My wife included. What is your favorite part about having your sweetheart on campus with you? Walking from the parking lot to class every morning. It is nice to have that moment of joking around with each other before the day actually begins. What is your favorite memory with your sweetheart at Maclay? For Valentine’s Day one year, the French club was selling valentine hearts with French messages written on them for a fundraiser. Emma bought like 10 of them and had them sent to my classroom as a surprise. To this day I still have them in my desk and put them up for decoration every February. What brought you to Maclay? Emma was working here first. The summer I graduated from FSU she frantically texted me saying the high school was desperate for a precalculus teacher. She assured me that it was a great place to work, and I would fit in well, and I have been here ever since.

Maclay Sweethearts

Justin (Upper School History Teacher) & Sara (Middle School Physical Education Teacher) VanTassel:

Stephanie (Upper School History Teacher) & Joseph (Upper School & Pre-K Spanish Teacher) McCann (‘17):

What do you love most about Maclay? I love the family feel of the school. Everyone has each other’s back and we are more than just a school. Maclay truly is one big family that cares about the needs of everyone within the school. On a more personal note, it is great to see our kids running around and having a chance to watch them learn and grow firsthand. Nothing is better than the wave or smile from one of our kids when we are walking around campus throughout the day. What is your favorite part about having your sweetheart on campus with you? It’s great to just be around each other. We both live hectic lives and are super busy with sports, so it is nice just to see each other and have passing conversations from time to time. Just being able to say “hi” goes a long way. What is your favorite memory with your sweetheart at Maclay? Definitely working the Maclay Auction together. That was a blast. We are both “all-in” Maclay and love to help and be a part of the community as best we can. Volunteering to work the auction was a great time and we love being involved at different events throughout the year. What brought you to Maclay? Lacrosse is what brought us here. That, along with wanting to move more North from South Florida. South Florida was great, but we missed having seasons. The weather is much better here, and we still don’t have to shovel snow. Best of both worlds. On the sports front, we saw a great opportunity to grow the sport we love and create something special in the Tallahassee community.

Stephanie: What do you love most about Maclay? I love coming to work every day! My colleagues and the students make my job so enjoyable; it’s definitely not work. What is your favorite part about having your sweetheart on campus with you? Starting each day with a cup of coffee in my room is by far my favorite part of having Joseph on campus. It’s a quiet time to share our days and bounce ideas off each other. I certainly enjoyed teaching him when he was a senior but having him as a colleague is a blessing and I’m so proud of him. What is your favorite memory with your sweetheart at Maclay? My most recent favorite memory is when Joseph was going through the interview process, and he asked to practice his lesson for me in my classroom. It was amazing to see him in a classroom sharing his passion. I knew right away this was a great fit for him. What brought you to Maclay? I came to Maclay eight years ago when Joseph and his twin sister, Molly were Freshmen. Maclay has been such a gift to our family. All three of my children received a great education, excelled in their chosen activities and I got to share my passions with amazing students. Joseph: What do you love most about Maclay? I love that I know most everybody. It’s nice to work somewhere where there are few strangers. What is your favorite part about having your sweetheart on campus with you? Having my mom on campus makes it easier to spend some time with her regularly. She also has a refrigerator, microwave, and coffee pot! What is your favorite memory with your sweetheart at Maclay? It would be as a student, storing snacks in her desk! What brought you back to Maclay? The wonderful people I work with brought me back.

Maclay Sweethearts

Michael (Director of Admissions) & Julie (Upper School Math Teacher) (‘80) Obrecht:

Bentley Harris (Director of the Lower School) (‘00): Max Ramsey (’26), Brud Mackie (’35), Graham Mackie (’32), Eleanor Harris (’35), Thomas Harris (’32), Henry Harris (’29), Quinn Frazee (’29), Alice Frazee (’28), Wyatt Frazee (’22)

Michael: What do you love most about Maclay? The environment, coworkers, students and families. The connections. What is your favorite part about having your sweetheart on campus with you? There aren’t enough hours in the day. Even though we don’t drive together, we try and see each other every day while at work. What is your favorite memory with your sweetheart at Maclay? My favorite memory is when all 3 of our children were here with us. At the time there were 5 of us together I loved being able to all meet for plays, concerts, special days and sporting events together on campus. What brought you to Maclay? I originally taught English at a small school and coached two sports. We would compete against Maclay. When I started coming over to Maclay’s facilities, I said this is where I want to be! Julie: What do you love most about Maclay? The sense of family. What is your favorite part about having your sweetheart on campus with you? Michael is always there to help me if I need him. What is your favorite memory with your sweetheart at Maclay? We have lunch together every day unless one of us has a conflict. This tradition goes all the way back to when we were dating. What brought you back to Maclay? After working in the corporate world for a short while, I realized I might be happier in the classroom. Mr. Jablon (headmaster at that time) was willing to take a chance on me.

What do you love most about Maclay? The people. We have the best students, the greatest families, and the hardest working (and most fun to work with) faculty and staff on the planet. What is your favorite part about having your sweethearts on campus with you? I love getting a hug in the middle of the day while I’m walking across campus. I also love being able to celebrate happy moments and successes, whether it be an exam grade or a club election, and to be there to bust one of them when they’re faking sick in the clinic. What is your favorite memory with your sweethearts at Maclay? I have so many wonderful memories with my ten sweethearts (and my oldest niece and nephew who are now married adults). I love driving the ‘Bennie Bus’ to school each morning and hearing them talk to each other about the day ahead. I also love watching them root for each other. What is really interesting is to watch each of them navigate a unique path through the same school. What brought you back to Maclay? Every parent wants to provide their children with the best education possible. That’s why, even if I hadn’t chosen education as a profession, I would have enrolled my own children here. As it turns out, I was inspired to become a teacher because of the wonderful teachers I had during my time here. I really love this place and I believe in our mission. It’s been such a big part of my life.

We are so fortunate to have numerous sweethearts here on Maclay’s campus. Look for more from our many other Maclay sweethearts in next Winter’s issue of Virtu. The shared love for Maclay and special dedication to our community is a reminder of what draws us back to Maclay. We hope you will join us in celebrating Giving Day this year. For more information, please visit Maclay.org/givingday.

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021 CUMULATIVE GIVING

The list below recognizes cumulative gifts to the school over the period of August 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021 through various sources including the Maclay Fund, Capital Projects and other school initiatives. We are incredibly grateful for the tremendous generosity and remarkable commitment that the donors below have shown ensuring the best possible resources and educational experience for Maclay’s students.

Alfred B. Maclay, Jr. Circle Anonymous The Beck Family Maclay Oak Circle Dr. Robert A. Holton Cartee Circle Mr. & Mrs. Derek K. Bethke Dr. & Mrs. Robley J. Light The McMullian Family Rex Lumber Ms. Eleanore P. Rosenberg Drs. Laurence & Lori Rosenberg Sally & Mark Rosser Drs. Jeannine Silberman & Joseph Gray Mr. & Mrs. Jay Smith Tripp & Susie Transou 1968 Anonymous Chris & Susanne Dudley Firman Fund Chris & Amy Kise Dean & Lina Knox Matt & Lindsey Thompson Century Dr. & Mrs. Narlin Beaty Junious & Monesia Brown Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cherashore Dr. William & Mrs. Melissa Dobak Kelly & Hank Hutchinson Drs. Matthew & Janice Lawson John & Ellen Lewis Drs. Jerome & Susan McDonald Carl L. Owenby, Jr. & Helen G. Owenby The Usina Family Crest Emily Ashmore Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bascom Bascom Communications & Consulting, LLC Burnette Construction & Development, LLC Community Foundation of North Florida Mr. George W. Davis II Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Evert Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Ted & Haley Frazee Martin & Kara Hackney John & Nellie Bastien Memorial Foundation The Matheson Family Miller Glass Dr. & Mrs. Austin Jackson, Ph.D. G. Mark & Diana L. O’Bryant The Owenby Family Limited Partnership LLLP Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pichard Bill & Paula Smith Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic Mr. & Mrs. John B. Thomas III Cornerstone Brad & Jennifer Benners Benners Contracting, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thad Beshears Mr. Edward F. Blissard Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cashin Bonnie & Jamie Davenport Mr. & Mrs. John Dowdy III Dr. Timothy G. Grayson & Dr. Mary Anne Bullard The Gustafson Family Hill Spooner & Elliott Inc. John Ho John Hugill & Kiki Dunton Wes & Emillye James Mr. & Mrs. Chip Johnson Jennings & Cynthia Knox Dr. Daniel P. Mears & Dr. Emily A. Leventhal James & Angie Milford Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Price Redwire Dr. Gary & Katrina Rolle Ms. Elizabeth Rosario Shaffield Building Specialties, Inc. Ms. Hettie Spooner Dr. & Mrs. James A. Stephens Mr. Kevin R. Swartz & Mrs. Suzanne Stiles Ultimate Fencing, LLC Shirley J. Whitsitt Mr. Ronald G. Wilson Meridian Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Agramonte Bank of America Matching Gift Program Mr. & Mrs. Slater Bayliss Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. Jake Brown Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Brown Brown’s Refrigeration & Equipment Company Class of 2020 Cureton-Johnson & Associates Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Deison Driven Brands US Mr. & Mrs. Brecht Heuchan Robert & Laura Hosay Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Hughes Mr. Dan Koeppel & Dr. Anna Koeppel Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Marks Rick & Nancy McClure Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan, Jr. Corbin & Murray Moore Mr. & Mrs. Ananth K. Prasad Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Roberts Roberts Construction Services LLC Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. William G. Smith, III Mr. & Mrs. Brian Snow William & Meredith Snowden Mr. & Mrs. Brett Thompson Julie & Alexi Torres Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Ulrich Mr. & Mrs. David Walker Dr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Willis Mr. & Mrs. James L. Yearty Andalusian Advanced Business Systems Ajax Building Corporation Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Richard Bastien Mr. & Mrs. Benton R. Belcher Dr. & Mrs. Eric Berenson The Blackbaud Giving Fund Jeffery & Connie Boland Mr. & Mrs. Breck Brannen Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Brown Dr. Robert Brumberg & Mrs. Nicole Mackler Dr. & Mrs. Viet Bui Byron & Angela Burroughs Mr. & Mrs. Dean Cannon Chris & Mandy Clark

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021

Mr. & Mrs. Josh Cooper Mr. Drew Corbett & Ms. Melissa Kiniyalocts Jeff & Janine Couch Mr. & Mrs. Angelo D. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Brian Crumbaker Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Culliton Drs. Christopher & Shanna Daniels Danimer Scientific Mr. & Mrs. R. Chase Dickson Dr. David Durden & Dr. Aimee S. Durden Elliott Marshall Innes PA Mr. John Evers & Dr. Tanya Evers Ms. Candi Fisher Will & Sarah Fixel Mr. & Mrs. C. David Fonvielle The Fonvielle Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Frazee, Jr. Sarah & Mike Grant Bettie Jane Grant Mr. & Mrs. James Gross Mr. & Mrs. Odell Haggins Mr. & Mrs. Matthew R. Hansard Bentley & Tyler Harris Dr. Shayibu Harruna & Mrs. Jamilatu Futa Ms. Barbara Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Heron Mr. & Mrs. Nathan L. Higdon Scott & Mary Hilton Alex & Jane Hinson Mr. Stewart Hinson Dr. & Mrs. Alex Ho Hollywood Nails Dr. & Mrs. Brett Howard Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Hurley Jeff Naylor Remax Professionals Realty Dr. Joseph E. Judge & Mr. Joonho Yu Julie Torres Art Drs. David & Krista Kahn Mr. John Kennedy & Dr. Pamela Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kerr Joe & Amy Kupiszewski Hon. & Mrs. Bruce D. Landrum Mr. & Mrs. Ryan LaPete Mr. & Mrs. Will Lawler Trilly Lester Bradford & Morgan Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Travis Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo S. Lombard Judge & Mrs. Robert Luck Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Manuele Mr. & Mrs. John Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Amos R. McMullian Mr. & Mrs. Robert McVety Shannon & Kim McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Jeff T. Naylor Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Nguyen Ms. Pamela Noble North Florida Pediatric Associates Mr. & Mrs. Travis Oaks Dr. & Mrs. Alfredo Paredes Mrs. Georgene A. Perlman Ms. Evana Peters Mrs. Joyce Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Marc Reichelderfer Riley Palmer Construction Co. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Romero Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Ruff Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Rumana Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scheer Ms. Clarice M. Secreast Mr. & Mrs. Malone D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sniffen Ms. Dena Sokolow Mr. & Mrs. David Strange The Benevity Community Impact Fund Thomas County Federal Thomson Reuters Total Quality Roofing, Inc. Vascular Surgerical Associates Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Wagnon Mr. & Mrs. Russell Warren Ben & Joy Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Screven Watson Dr. & Mrs. Dean Watson Mr. & Mrs. Sutton Webb Ms. Katherine A. Webb Drs. Leslie & Vicari Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wise Mr. Daniel Woodring & Mrs. Jean Hartman Dr. & Mrs. Pat M. Woodward Virtu Aegis Business Technologies Mr. & Mrs. Chris Amrhein Mr. & Mrs. Ely Banks Stan & Tenley Toole Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Brian Barton Bastien Dental Care Dr. Nicholas Belletto Mr. Halsey Beshears Ms. Cristi Beshears William H. Black Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bodiford Mr. & Mrs. John D. Boland Mr. & Mrs. Tony Boulos Shelton S. Bridges, IV Mr. Robert Bryson Capital City Bank Group Mr. Richard Carmichael Bill & Traci Carnes Richard & Lauren Cassedy Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Clark Gregory & Dianne Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Kraig A. Conn Caleb Connor Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Marshall M. Criser III Douglas & Dianne Croley Dance Fusion Studios Mr. & Mrs. Duane Daunt Gloria Deison Mr. & Mrs. Sammie Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Donahue Dr. Carey C. Dozier Mr. & Mrs. Jere Earlywine Mr. Tyler Easom Mr. & Mrs. Corey Evans Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Farber Pat & Kathy Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fehl Mr. Charles A. & Dr. Raina M. Ferenchick Joe & Janet Fixel Mr. & Mrs. Juan Flores Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio J. Fontela Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Ford Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Gainey Mrs. Mary Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Gassett Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gerrish Bill & Debbie Giudice Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. LaFace, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Gonzalez Loumiet Rear Admiral & Mrs. Rick Grant Michel & Brian Gregory Tom & Mary Heinz Heinz Brothers Outdoor Services Inc. Karen Herron Honeywell International PAC Charitable Gift Program Mrs. Yvette Hugli Patrick & Angela Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Nick Iarossi Dr. Elena Istomina Bill & Ellen Jablon Mr. & Mrs. Patrick James Jersey Mike’s Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jusevitch Keith Lawson Company, Inc. Keith McNeill Plumbing Cont. Inc. Mr. Robert H. Kirby & Mrs. Kelly Boyd Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Patrick LaPine Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lawson Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Leger Catherine Benton Lerner Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lewis Tiffany Little Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Chris Lyon Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Maclay Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McAbee

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021

Susan Everhart McAlister MidSouth Bank Frank & Midge Mercer Jeffrey & Sara Knox Merrill Bobby & Robin Miles Ms. Darlene Miller Mr. Adam & Dr. Tricia Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Morris Mr. Jack Mozley National Christian Foundation Orlando Mr. & Mrs. William C. Nijem Jr. Mrs. Evette O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. B. O’Kelley Orangetheory Fitness Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Osiecki Ms. Rikki Overstreet Prime Meridian Bank Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Brian Reeder Ryan Salvo Mr. & Mrs. Rex Shiver Mr. Richard H. Smith Drs. Caulley & Joseph Soto Peter Stejskal Jon & Cristy Stout Strategic Digital Services Superior Realty Group, LLC Terracon Consultants, Inc. Terry’s Pool Service The Gem Collection Mr. Benjamin T. Thon Uptown Insurance LLC Mr. & Mrs. Van Asten Mr. Murray M. Wadsworth, Jr. & Mrs. Britt Whitson Wadsworth Dr. Jing Wang & Dr. Chengdong Li Mr. & Mrs. Byron Wells Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gifts Program Dr. & Mrs. Brett Wenleder Mr. James C. Williams Mr. Thomas & Dr. Michelle Winokur Mr. & Mrs. Mayo Woodward Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wyly Marauder Mr. & Mrs. Greg Albritton Albritton Electrical Service, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Avella Jann & Ray Bellamy Benson’s Heating & Air Conditioning Sarah & Ben Bowersox Ms. Tiffany Boyer Mr. David Browning & Mrs. Brooke Browning Mrs. Rosemary S. Bunn Mr. & Mrs. John Burns Hugh & Melinda Butler Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Calvert Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Carroll Dr. Elizabeth & Dr. Tarik Dickens Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Ereckson Dr. & Mrs. Younes Errahali Ms. Tammy Eubanks Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ferraro Mr. & Mrs. James F. Foos GFA Realty Services, Inc. Mrs. Alicia D. Godina Bruce L. & Elizabeth Palmer Gould Mr. & Mrs. James A. Graganella Mr. & Mrs. Eric Grant Mr. & Mrs. Benson Green Mr. Nickolas Groll & Dr. Stacia E. Groll Mr. Wesley Haber Mr. & Mrs. Brady Harrison Mrs. Anne Lee Heaton Mr. & Mrs. John Hurst Michael & Katy Jablon Jim Smith Insurance Agency, LLC Felicia Coleman & Christopher Koenig Charles A. Lee Mr. Rinat & Dr. Mariya Letdin May Nursery Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin J. Mayer Ms. Stephanie A. McCann Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mistry Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Mnookin Moore Bass Consulting, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Danny E. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Nation, Jr. NAI Talcor National Christian Foundation South Florida Oliver Sperry Renovation & Construction Lesley Nan Proctor Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rentz Mr. Dylan Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rodrigue Mr. & Mrs. Allen Romano Lamar & Anne Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Jon Sewell Mr. & Mrs. Chad Smith Mr. & Mrs. Rich Smith Mr. & Mrs. James H. Smith Sorenson VanLeuven, PLLC Structure Commercial Real Estate LLC Abirami Subramanian Mr. & Mrs. Tim Templeton Mrs. Taylor Thomsen Up All Night Security Services, LLC Dr. & Mrs. Jake VanLandingham Mr. & Mrs. D. Tyler VanLeuven Rick & Julie Weidner Mr. & Mrs. Pat M. Woodward, Jr. John & Tricia Wurst Blue & White Mr. & Mrs. Toyin B. Adeshina Mrs. Fran Aenchbacher & Mr. Gary Bowers Ms. Jayme Agee Mr. & Mrs. Manoj B. Agravat Matt & Ellen Agrella Mr. & Mrs. Gary Allamon Tony Allen Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Amos Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Amrhein Ms. Lori Angerer Mr. & Mrs. Nat Applewhite Ms. Laura D. Armstrong Mr. David A. Avant III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Bailey III Dr. C. Ryan Bartruff & Dr. Connie A. Bartruff Mr. & Mrs. Manny Bas Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beamer Mr. Michael L. T. Belitzky Niki Cotton Bishop Jim Brewster Mr. Joshua Bridgeman Mr. & Mrs. Lee Briix Ms. Parelee Budd Mr. Dale Evans & Mrs. Erica Bunch-Evans Mr. David Burday Mr. & Mrs. Byron Burroughs Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cady Ms. Cristina Carter Dr. Kathryn Karrh Cashin Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Cashin Mrs. Jane Chambers Mrs. Karen M. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chaney Ms. Chrystal Charles Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Cheesman Mr. & Mrs. Chip Cicchetti Mr. David L. Combs & Dr. Lauren DiMartino-Combs Tom & Terese Combs Lynn & John T. Conley Mark Conley & Allison Conley Sean Griffiths Conley Mr. & Mrs. Spence Conrad Conrad Design & Landscape, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James O. Cooke IV Jennifer Corzine Russell & Tammy Cotton Mrs. Edwin D. Crane, III Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Croston Ms. Jennifer Crusoe Ms. Bethany D. Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Daniels Linda Davey Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn T. Davis III

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021

Mr. & Mrs. Rami C. Deeb Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dickson Ms. Diane Dodson Frank & Jodee Dorsey Mr. Oak Duke IV Mrs. Elizabeth Dunton Mr. & Mrs. Carl Eldred Mrs. Whitney (Smith) & Mr. David Ellis Ms. Ariel Evans Brad & Lauren Fantle Mr. & Mrs. James Fasig Mr. & Mrs. James Fillmore Mr. Christian M. Fisher Mr. Benjamin H. J. Fittje Dr. Timothy Fitzpatrick & Dr. Jill Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fitzpatrick Mott & Mary Call Proctor Ford Ms. Jill Foster Four Seasons Florist of Waynesville, Inc. Samantha R. Fulton Jake Garner & Kelley Cox Garner Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Garrett Elizabeth Geveden Ms. Kathryn W. Gimbel Jeannette T. Goldsmith Dr. Carlos Gomez & Mrs. Barbara Rubio-Gomez Graduway Inc Mr. Billy D. Grant Ms. Christi Gray Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Griffith Mr. & Mrs. James N. Guy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Guzman Bob & Libba Harris Mr. & Mrs. Tyler & Frances Harris Mr. & Mrs. Troy T. Hartmann Mr. Tommy G. Hendricks Ms. Marsha M. Henson Ms. Jocelyne Hess Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hilliard John C. Hinson II Mr. & Mrs. Hans Holland Mr. & Mrs. Scott Houston Mr. & Mrs. John Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ivarson J. Mclaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Tor Jensen-Friedman Wayne & Pam Johnson Bill & Susan Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Chad S. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Kelly Ms. Anais R. Kirk Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Kline Kevin A. Kolka Lakeshore Realty Ms. Hannah B. Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Cal Lauder Thomas C. & Regina N. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Bradford C. Lewis Ms. Norma Libert Mr. & Mrs. Walter Liebrich Little Switzerland Book Exchange LLC Mr. & Mrs. Darren Lucas Ms. Christa Lumpp Leslie Grant Lundberg Tucker & Coleman Mackie John G. & Judi Corn Mahorner ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Rob Marcinowski Charles Marschall & Elizabeth Hinson Marschall Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Masferrer The Mazziotta Family Mr. Joseph S. McCann II Shana McComb Mr. & Mrs. Richard McFarlain Dr. & Mrs. Hunter McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Chase McNeill Mr. & Mrs. John McTyeire Ms. Kolby Ann McWilliams Mr. Malcolm Means & Ms. Simmons-Means Mr. Hiren Mehta & Dr. Nisha P. Mehta Mr. & Mrs. Jason Merritt Brianne Jablon Miller Rollins & Sarah Ball Miller Mr. Pedro Morgado & Mrs. Maria T. Ferreira Ms. Maria Teresa F. Morgado Carol & Chip Morrison Dr. & Mrs. C. Patrick Murrah Mr. & Mrs. Alex Nakis Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Nalls Mr. & Mrs. John Nettles Mrs. Josephine Nwokeji OneBlood, Inc. Dr. Juan Ordonez & Mrs. Kassiana Ribeiro Dos Santos Mr. Gerald O’Rourke Scott & Rachel Paul Dr. Will M. Perry & Mrs. Emma Perry Mr. Dimitrios A. Peteves Jason & Rebecca Pustejovsky Mr. & Mrs. Ian J. Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Nick Piepmeier Ms. Heather Pitts Plantation Outfitters Philip Pomeroy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quiggins Mr. & Mrs. John Ray Rebecca Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Jared B. Robinson Charles & Roxanne Robinton Mrs. Nancy Ross Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ruthstrom John & Lisa Rutledge Philip & Fran Visconti Sandon Maria & Michael Santoro Ms. Elizabeth K. Santoro Ken Sauls Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Sechler, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Sechler Jamie & Patrick Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Travis Sherman Ms. Katie Shiver Mr. & Mrs. Ramsay H. Sims Mr. & Mrs. Darin Singleton Michael & Prudence Sloderbeck Mr. & Mrs. Chesterfield H. Smith, III Mr. & Mrs. Russ Sobczak Ms. Eldonna Steffen Ms. Crystal Stejskal Mrs. Katherine S. Stephenson Eric & Cindy Stockstill Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Strange Mrs. Maria L. Streety Mr. & Mrs. Brent Sutton Mrs. Christen Sloderbeck Swope Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Szortyka Ms. Michelle Tanenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Steven Tanton Mrs. Sandra Taylor Ms. Nancy Anne Teems Mrs. Mary Thomas Ms. Isabel A. Thompson Tim Kelly Real Estate Ms. Donna Tischler Mr. & Mrs. James Tull Mr. & Mrs. Justin VanTassel Mrs. Valerie Vreeland Jim & Lisa Waddell Mr. Robert Warren Mr. & Mrs. Jason Webster Mr. & Mrs. William Welge Bob & Bertha Williams Leslie Williamson Dr. Katherine L. Woodward Mr. & Mrs. R. Davidson Woodward IV Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Yaeger Mr. Shawn Youngblood & Ms. Kristen Youngblood Phil & Loraine Zaidan

*All gifts received after December 31, 2022 will be reported in the 2021-2022 Annual Giving Report. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If you find an error or omission, please accept our apologies and inform the Advancement Office at 850.893.8465 or eagrella@maclay.org.

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021


The loyalty and support of this group of donors remains central to the success of Maclay School. The Live Oak Society includes individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cumulative giving to the school in a fiscal year.

Advanced Business Systems Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Agramonte Ajax Building Corporation Anonymous Emily Ashmore Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bascom Bascom Communications & Consulting, LLC Dr. & Mrs. Richard Bastien Mr. & Mrs. Slater Bayliss Dr. & Mrs. Narlin Beaty The Beck Family Mr. & Mrs. Benton R. Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Brad Benners Benners Contracting, Inc Dr. & Mrs. Eric Berenson Mr. & Mrs. Thad Beshears Mr. & Mrs. Derek K. Bethke Mr. Edward F. Blissard Jeffery & Connie Boland Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. Breck Brannen Junious & Monesia Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jake Brown Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Brown Brown’s Refrigeration & Equipment Company Dr. Robert Brumberg & Mrs. Nicole Mackler Dr. & Mrs. Viet Bui Byron & Angela Burroughs Burnette Construction & Development, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Dean Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cashin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cherashore Chris & Mandy Clark Class of 2020 Ms. Hettie Spooner Community Foundation of North Florida Mr. & Mrs. Josh Cooper Mr. Drew Corbett & Ms. Melissa Kiniyalocts Jeff & Janine Couch Mr. & Mrs. Angelo D. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Brian Crumbaker Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Culliton Cureton-Johnson & Associates Drs. Christopher & Shanna Daniels Danimer Scientific Bonnie & Jamie Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Davenport Mr. George W. Davis II Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Deison Mr. & Mrs. R. Chase Dickson Dr. William & Mrs. Melissa Dobak Mr. & Mrs. John Dowdy III Driven Brands US Chris & Susanne Dudley Dr. David Durden & Dr. Aimee S. Durden Elliott Marshall Innes PA Mr. John Evers & Dr. Tanya Evers Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Evert Firman Fund Ms. Candi Fisher Will & Sarah Fixel Mr. & Mrs. C. David Fonvielle Ted & Haley Frazee Mr. & Mrs. John P. Frazee, Jr. Sarah & Mike Grant Bettie Jane Grant Drs. Jeannine Silberman & Joseph Gray Dr. Timothy G. Grayson & Dr. Mary Anne Bullard Mr. & Mrs. James Gross The Gustafson Family Martin & Kara Hackney Mr. & Mrs. Odell Haggins Mr. & Mrs. Matthew R. Hansard Bentley & Tyler Harris Dr. Shayibu Harruna & Mrs. Jamilatu Futa Ms. Barbara Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Heron Mr. & Mrs. Brecht Heuchan Mr. & Mrs. Nathan L. Higdon Hill Spooner & Elliott Inc. Scott & Mary Hilton Alex & Jane Hinson

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021

Mr. Stewart Hinson John Ho Dr. & Mrs. Alex Ho Hollywood Nails Dr. Robert A. Holton Robert & Laura Hosay Dr. & Mrs. Brett Howard Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Hughes John Hugill & Kiki Dunton Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Hurley Kelly & Hank Hutchinson Dr. & Mrs. Austin Jackson, Ph.D. Wes & Emillye James Jeff Naylor Remax Professionals Realty John & Nellie Bastien Memorial Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Chip Johnson Dr. Joseph E. Judge & Mr. Joonho Yu Julie Torres Art Drs. David & Krista Kahn Mr. John Kennedy & Dr. Pamela Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kerr Chris & Amy Kise Dean & Lina Knox Jennings & Cynthia Knox Mr. Dan Koeppel & Dr. Anna Koeppel Joe & Amy Kupiszewski Hon. & Mrs. Bruce D. Landrum Mr. & Mrs. Ryan LaPete Mr. & Mrs. Will Lawler Drs. Matthew & Janice Lawson Trilly Lester John & Ellen Lewis Bradford & Morgan Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Robley J. Light Mr. & Mrs. Travis Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo S. Lombard Judge & Mrs. Robert Luck Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Manuele Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Marks The Matheson Family Mr. & Mrs. John Matthews Rick & Nancy McClure Anonymous Drs. Jerome & Susan McDonald The McMullian Family Mr. & Mrs. Amos R. McMullian Mr. & Mrs. Robert McVety Shannon & Kim McWilliams Dr. Daniel P. Mears & Dr. Emily A. Leventhal Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan, Jr. James & Angie Milford Miller Glass Corbin & Murray Moore Mr. & Mrs. Jeff T. Naylor Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Nguyen Ms. Pamela Noble North Florida Pediatric Associates Mr. & Mrs. Travis Oaks G. Mark & Diana L. O’Bryant Carl L. Owenby, Jr. & Helen G. Owenby Dr. & Mrs. Alfredo Paredes Mrs. Georgene A. Perlman Ms. Evana Peters Mrs. Joyce Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pichard Mr. & Mrs. Ananth K. Prasad Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Price Redwire Mr. & Mrs. Marc Reichelderfer Rex Lumber Riley Palmer Construction Co. Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Roberts Roberts Construction Services LLC Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Robinson Dr. Gary & Katrina Rolle Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan C. Romero Ms. Elizabeth Rosario Ms. Eleanore P. Rosenberg Drs. Laurence & Lori Rosenberg Sally & Mark Rosser Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Ruff Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Rumana Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scheer Ms. Clarice M. Secreast Shaffield Building Specialties, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Smith Bill & Paula Smith Mr. & Mrs. William G. Smith, III Mr. & Mrs. Malone D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sniffen Mr. & Mrs. Brian Snow William & Meredith Snowden Ms. Dena Sokolow Dr. & Mrs. James A. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. David Strange Mr. Kevin R. Swartz & Mrs. Suzanne Stiles Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic The Beck Family The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Blackbaud Giving Fund The Burton Foundation The Fonvielle Foundation Inc. Anonymous The Owenby Family Limited Partnership LLLP Mr. & Mrs. John B. Thomas III Thomas County Federal Matt & Lindsey Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Brett Thompson Thomson Reuters Julie & Alexi Torres Total Quality Roofing, Inc. Tripp & Susie Transou Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Ulrich Ultimate Fencing, LLC The Usina Family Vascular Surgerical Associates Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Wagnon Mr. & Mrs. David Walker Mr. & Mrs. Russell Warren Ben & Joy Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Screven Watson Dr. & Mrs. Dean Watson Mr. & Mrs. Sutton Webb Ms. Katherine A. Webb Shirley J. Whitsitt Dr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Willis Mr. Ronald G. Wilson Drs. Leslie & Vicari Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wise Mr. Daniel Woodring & Mrs. Jean Hartman Dr. & Mrs. Pat M. Woodward Mr. & Mrs. James L. Yearty

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021

The George Evans “G.E.” Light Valedictorian Scholarship

The George Evans “G.E.” Light Valedictorian Scholarship was created through the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Robley and Jeanne Light and many other individuals who came together to create this award. This endowed scholarship is awarded to the valedictorian of each graduating class in memory of Dr. George Evans “G.E.” Light, a treasured Maclay alumnus and valedictorian of the class of 1981. Dr. Light’s remarkable academic accomplishments and longstanding service to his community are remembered by many in our Maclay community. On campus, his memory continues in the Light College Conference and Collaboration Suite, dedicated in his memory in the Beck Family Innovation Center. For more information or to support the Scholarship, please contact the Maclay Advancement Office (850)893-8465.

With gratitude and thanks to the 2020-21 donors to this special award:

Dr. & Mrs. Robley J. Light Ms. Bethany D. Cullen Four Seasons Florist of Waynesville, Inc. Mrs. Mary Gallagher Ms. Marsha M. Henson Karen Herron Lakeshore Realty Little Switzerland Book Exchange LLC Rebecca Roberts Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Sechler, Jr.

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021 Alumni Giving

We are grateful to our alumni community for the many ways they support the school each year and extend our gratitude to the below alumni donors who made a financial contribution during this year’s giving cycle.

1972 Dr. William H. Black LM’18 1975 Mr. A. Lawton Langford, DA Mr. Jarvis Benjamin Watkins III Dr. Katherine L. Woodward 1976 Mrs. Kelly Kuersteiner Beck 1977 Mrs. Tenley Toole Barnes Ms. Susan Everhart McAlister Mr. John L. Ho Mrs. Georgene Anderson Perlman 1978 Hon. Bruce D. Landrum 1979 Mrs. Leslie Grant Lundberg Mr. Robert A. Miles Mr. Charles A. Lee Mr. Kraig A. Conn Mr. R. Davidson Woodward IV 1980 Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer Gould Mr. Russell L. Cotton Mrs. Tina Crowder Oaks Mr. Pat M. Woodward, Jr. 1981 Mrs. Judi Corn Mahorner Mr. David A. Avant III 1982 Dr. Joe Sechler 1983 Mrs. Mary Call Proctor Ford Mr. E. Murray Moore, Jr. Mr. Matthew R. Hansard Mr. James H. Smith Mr. George W. Davis II 1984 Mr. Sean P. Culliton Mr. Philip A. Sandon Mrs. Niki Cotton Bishop LM ‘19 Mrs. Kelly Boyd Kirby Ms. Leslie Williamson Mr. Manoj B. Agravat 1985 Mrs. Lisa Dart Waddell Mrs. Elizabeth Hinson Marschall Mrs. Fran Visconti Sandon LM ‘18 Mr. Richard H. Smith Mr. Charles M. Robinton III Ms. Michelle Tanenbaum 1986 Mrs. Mary Byrd Lewis Sims LM ‘19 Ms. Dena H. Sokolow Mr. William B. Carnes 1987 Mr. Joseph A. Kupiszewski LM ‘19 Mr. Murray M. Wadsworth, Jr. 1988 Mr. Mayo M. Woodward LM ‘18 Mrs. Cecilia Cola McMullian LM’19 Mrs. Katherine Moore Reed Mrs. Loraine Loraine Zaidan Mr. Brooks O’Kelley Mrs. Lesley Nan Proctor Mrs. Katherine Sechler Stephenson 1989 Dr. Joseph Judge Mrs. Jeannette Tunnicliff Goldsmith 1990 Mrs. Sara Knox Merrill Mrs. Kathleen Wilson Kelly Mr. Robert Bryson 1991 Mr. Peter Fehl Mr. D. Tyler VanLeuven Mr. Michael O. Jablon LM ‘19 Mr. Thomas H. Deison Mr. Shelton S. Bridges, IV Mr. Drew Corbett Dr. Connie Alford Bartruff Mr. Sean G. Conley 1992 Mr. Nat Higdon LM’19 Mr. Jay Smith Mrs. Ginny Boggs Yearty Dr. Caulley Fonvielle Soto Dr. Emily Ashmore

1993 Mrs. Britt Whitson Wadsworth Mr. Mark G. Conley Mrs. Jacqueline Webster Mr. John C. Hinson II Mr. Ronald C. LaFace, Jr. Mr. Ian Phipps 1994 Mrs. Brianne Davis Smith Mrs. Pamela Webster Murphy Mr. Daniel Koeppel Mr. & Mrs. William C. Nijem Jr. Mr. Jared Robinson Mrs. Tia Hunt Smith LM ‘18 1995 Mrs. Sarah Ball Proctor Miller Mrs. Danya Wilson Evans LM ‘19 Mr. Brian Barton Mrs. Jamie Harper Sheehan Mrs. Garrett Kuersteiner Robinson Mr. Sutton Webb Mrs. Catherine Benton Lerner Mrs. Courtney Baldock Jordan 1996 Dr. Anna Thomas Koeppel Mrs. Andrea Roberts Morris Mr. Rami C. Deeb Mr. Dylan Rivers Mrs. Ali Davis Wagnon 1997 Mr. Benton Belcher Mr. Brian M. Cashin Mr. Jake Garner Mr. Jason D. Gassett LM ‘19 Mrs. Michel Lester Gregory 1998 Mrs. Bonnie Johnson Davenport LM’19 Mr. Jamie Davenport Mr. Ted Frazee Mrs. Julie Miller Torres LM ‘18 Mrs. Holly Palmer Webb

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021

Alumni Giving - (continued)

Mr. John D. Boland Mr. Michael L. T. Belitzky Mrs. Katie Copeland Smith LM ‘19 Dr. Carey C. Dozier Mrs. Kelley Cox Garner Mrs. Mary Katharine Croley Lawler LM ‘19 Mr. William A. Fixel LM ‘19 Mrs. Molly Garvin Griffith Mrs. Rebecca Edwards Pustejovsky Mr. Adam M. Montgomery Dr. Nisha Panjwani Mehta 1999 Mrs. Kim Austin Crowell LM ‘19 Mr. Edward F. Blissard Mr. Caleb Connor Mrs. Tucker Frazee Mackie Mrs. Sarah Hinkle Bowersox Mr. Patrick E. Hurley Mr. Chase McNeill Mrs. Sarah Barnett Deeb 2000 Mrs. Brianne Jablon Miller Mr. Charles A. Ferenchick Mrs. Bentley Frazee Harris Mr. Kenny Heron Dr. Stacy Kutter Groll 2001 Ms. Katy W. Gimbel Mr. Benjamin T. Thon Mrs. Christen Sloderbeck Swope Mrs. Sara Burgess McTyeire Mrs. Caroline Hood Scheer 2002 Mrs. Alicia Mangelsdorf Godina Mr. William G. Smith, III Mr. Benjamin H. J. Fittje 2003 Mrs. Helen Owenby Errahali 2004 Mr. J. Richardson Cassedy Mr. Kevin C. Strange 2005 Dr. Lauren DiMartino-Combs Mr. David L. Combs Mrs. Kristin Leach Kline 2006 Mrs. Whitney Smith Ellis Mr. Chesterfield H. Smith, III Mrs. Lauren Warren Applewhite 2007 Mrs. Elizabeth Beasley Smith Ms. Laura D. Armstrong 2008 Mrs. Elizabeth Morales Hunter 2010 Mrs. Christine Piepmeier Mrs. Jennifer Armstrong Dickson Mr. Jonathan C. Romero LM ‘19 2013 Mr. Bruce W. Foster Ms. Elizabeth K. Santoro 2014 Ms. Kolby A. McWilliams 2016 Mr. Billy D. Grant 2017 Mr. Joseph S. McCann II 2020 Ms. Isabel A. Thompson

LM - Leadership Maclay DA - Distinguished Alumni

Strength & Conditioning

The Strength & Conditioning program recently benefited from several equipment and programming upgrades thanks to the generosity of the individuals listed below:

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Snow Advanced Business Systems Mr. & Mrs. Sutton Webb Mr. & Mrs. Brett Thompson Ms. Candi Fisher Mr. & Mrs. John Dowdy III Jon & Cristy Stout Mr. Ronald G. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gerrish

Annual Giving Report 2020-2021

Gifts in Honor

Hal ’18 & Ellie ’22 Vanlandingham Mr. Stewart Hinson Hannah Nalls Mr. & Mrs. Robert McVety Kanenechukwu Nwokeji ‘22 Mrs. Josephine Nwokeji Duff ‘80, David ‘84, Carlisle ‘88 Crane Mrs. Edwin D. Crane, III Hayes ‘21 & Shelby ‘22 Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Lee Briix Colton Fillmore ‘32 Ms. Parelee Budd Lincoln Lewis ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. Bradford C. Lewis Patrick ‘35 & Ryland ‘35 Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Hurley Bentley ‘00, Henry ‘29, Thomas ‘32, & Eleanor ‘35 Harris Mr. & Mrs. Tyler & Frances Harris Lauren Hilton ‘26 Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lowe Dylan ’96 & Andrew ’28 Rivers Ms. Lucile S. Palmer

In Memoriam

Russell J. Camarda Joe & Janet Fixel Ms. Elizabeth K. Santoro Jim Brewster Dean & Lina Knox Maria & Michael Santoro Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Johnson ‘ Adelaide Suber Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Hurley Dean & Lina Knox Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Ruff Matilde H. Landrum Hon. & Mrs. Bruce D. Landrum Keith Whitsitt ‘02 Shirley J. Whitsitt Robert Hugli Mrs. Yvette Hugli Jerry Gluesenkamp Ms. Diane Dodson

Maclay School 3737 N. Meridian Road Tallahassee, FL 32312 850.893.2138 www.maclay.org



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