Skillful Brochure

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M A C M I LL A N Academic Skills


Please see Skillful Level 1 Student’s Books imprint pages for full photographic credits.

Developing essential skills for academic success


About Skillful

Academic success requires so much more than memorizing facts. It takes skills. This means that a successful student needs to both learn and think critically. Skillful helps teachers prepare their students for academic work in English by teaching not only language—vocabulary and grammar—but the necessary skills to engage with topics, texts, and discourse with classmates.

Skillful gives students: • Engaging texts on a wide variety of topics, each examined from two different academic disciplines • Skills for learning about a wide variety of topics from different angles and from different academic areas • Skills they need to succeed when reading and listening to these texts • Skills they need to succeed when writing for and speaking to different audiences • Skills for critically examining the issues presented by a speaker or a writer • Study skills for learning and remembering the English language and important information

Teachers using Skillful should: • Encourage students to question and interact. Learning a language is not passive. Many of the tasks and exercises involve pairwork, groupwork, and whole class discussion. Working with others helps students solidify their understanding and challenge and expand their ability to think critically. • Personalize the material. Help students make connections between the texts in their book and their own world—home, community, and country. Bring in outside material from local sources when it’s relevant, making sure it fits the unit topics and language. • Provide a lot of practice. Have students do each exercise several times, with different partners. Review exercises and material from previous units. Use the Skillful Digibook to develop the skills presented in the Student’s Book. Have students complete the additional activities on a computer outside of class to make even more progress. Assign frequent manageable review tasks for homework. • Provide many opportunities for review. Remind students of the skills, grammar, and vocabulary they learned in previous units. Have students study a little bit each day, not just before tests. • Show students how to be independent learners. Point out opportunities to study and practice English outside of class, such as reading for pleasure and using the Internet in English. Have them find and share information about the different unit topics with the class. The study skills page in every unit gives students valuable tips for successfully managing their own learning.

Learning skills, like learning a language, takes time and practice. Students must be patient with themselves as they put in the necessary time and effort. They should set and check goals. Periodic assessments the teacher can print, such as the unit tests, progress tests, and end test on the Digibook let students see their own progress and measure how much they’ve learned, so they can feel proud of their academic and linguistic development.

Dorothy E. Zemach Skillful Series Consultant



ABOUT THE COURSE Every student needs top class reading, writing, listening and speaking skills to succeed at an academic level. Skillful focuses on each of these skills to give presentation, instant practice and complete immersion in that language skill. It offers students the opportunity to develop language skills by presenting them with ideas from today’s world, while building critical thinking skills that are vital for academic success. Skillful is a brand new five-level course taking students from foundation to advanced. Each level includes both a Listening & Speaking and Reading & Writing coursebook that complement each other through parallel topics and features. Skillful not only provides the tools for academic success but creates an interactive learning environment which encapsulates student debate.

Skillful is an arena for intelligent thinking.


Skillful 3

There would be no surprise to find out that Skillful follows a skills-based approach. What is refreshing however, is that each unit has been carefully compiled to encourage students to think more laterally about the English language, their studies, and the world around them. The students are first exposed to the unit topic through a more familiar, or global passage with approachable vocabulary to ensure they’re composed and confident with their task. The second, and longer text has more detail so necessitates the student to think more, requiring them to engage fully with the associated tasks.

Unit 9

for tests

ying for a test?

t he is doing

Discuss each

ore the test. her than for

Skillful learners aren’t just engaged by the text, the striking images help store information and ideas Kei began lookinggenerating at his a springboard for lecture notes the evening class discussion. Teachers before a test. He remembered the information from recent can use these to introduce lectures, but not so much or Heclose from earlier lectures. read the topic, or just all his notes from beginning to aid class progression to end on his computer, then closed his computer and tried throughout the unit.


Listening to stories Listening for past and present time signals


Identifying word families


Asking for more information


What’s the approach?

Something a little bit different.

PronunCiaTion Pronouncing -ed


to remember everything. He did that three times, and each time he remembered a little more. However, he did not understand some main points and he had no idea what questions would be on the test. After a few hours, he got tired and went to bed. Unfortunately, Kei was not satisfied with his grade on the test.

night when keep them

m to study. indicate for the test. write

can share ons.

ter test grade?

Discussion point Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 Do you help others? Describe a helpful thing you did for someone else recently.

I do / don’t help others because … Recently, I helped … by … 2 Name some international aid organizations. How do they help improve people’s lives?

Some international aid organizations are … They help improve people’s lives by …

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach the man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

3 Look at the picture and read the saying. What do you think the saying means? Do you agree?

Chinese proverb

I think this saying means … . I agree / disagree because … LIFE

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Speaking Skills

Speaking skill aSkinG for iDeaS anD examPLeS We often have to ask for ideas and examples when we are brainstorming with other people about a topic. This is because the goal is to get as many ideas as possible. Therefore, it is very useful to ask our speaking partners to share their ideas and examples. Do you have any (more) ideas?


Can you give another example? Can you think of something else? Can you add anything? What else can we say / come up with?

The skills boxes that appear throughout the coursebooks signal the topic focus to the teacher, while to the student it provides information on the skills, how to do the skill and the words and phrases that they need to look out for.

Are there any other ideas / examples we can add?

1 match the topics with the ideas and examples. 1 The uses for graphology 2 Reasons why graphology is not reliable 3 Important Japanese customs 4 Examples of swarm intelligence 5 Ways swarm intelligence can help us a To make sure a signature is real b Our mood changes the way we write c Bees work together to make honey d To control car traffic jams e Take off your shoes in the home

2 Work with a partner. Take turns asking for ideas and examples for the topics in exercise 1.

Pronunciation skill PronounCinG SyLLaBLe STreSS In multi-syllable words, the stress or emphasis falls on one of the syllables. In words with three-syllables the stress is often on the second syllable. examine conNECted However, there are many three syllable words that have the stress on a different syllable. HaNDwriting


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Listening Skills


Developing critical thinking 1 Discuss these questions in a group. 1 Do you think the animals in the picture follow the rules of flock behavior? How?

These animals do / don’t follow the rules of flock behavior, for example … 2 Is it useful to study the behavior of animals and insects?

I think it is / isn’t useful to study their behavior because … 2 Think about the ideas from Graphology and Flocks, schools, and swarms and discuss these16/05/2012 questions 09:37in a group.

“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” (Edward de Bono, author) 1 Do you think the quote is true or false? Why?

I think the quote is … because … 2 Describe some patterns in your life. Is it possible to change your patterns? Why or why not?

Some patterns in my life include … . It is / isn’t possible to change them because … Vocabulary skill

Critical Thinking

aDDinG THe SuffixeS -OlOGy anD -OlOGIST The suffix -ology means the study of (the subject). The suffix -ologist means the person who is an expert in a subject. For example, graph means writing, therefore:

To support the engagement with the texts and to encouragestudy of writing · graphology means the graphologist means an expert in graphology. · the students to think more widely around a subject area, Skillful In the pronunciation of words with the suffix -ology or -ologist, the stress is on the first o. provides regular opportunities for students to stop and think more 1 Complete this chart. critically about what they’re learning, through class or small suffix -ology group Root suffix –ologist subject life discussions. 1 bio a b 2 eco




3 geo



earth and rocks

Both coursebooks, within every level, have developing critical 4 socio a b 5 zoo a b thinking sections, positioned to aid reflection. Subtle changes to read the definitions and write the -ologist words. their approach of subsequent academic texts2 will prepare them for 1 Studies rocks to see how the earth was formed university life. 2 Studies the structure of all living organisms

society animals

3 Works in a zoo to study animal behavior 4 Studies how people behave in groups and society 5 Works to protect our planet’s forests and oceans

3 role play with a partner. ask and answer questions about the experts. 52

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Skillful provides a strong focus on study skills supplying students with practical guidance and support, touching on new life skills such as time management, organization and preparation, while building confidence for independent learning throughout their university career.

Study Skills

study sKiLLs making the most of your dictionary

Getting started

Dictionary /ˈdɪkʃəˌneri/ NouN [C]

Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 How many dictionaries do you own? 2 What kinds of dictionaries have you used? 3 What is the main thing you use a dictionary for? How often do you use one?

a book that gives an alphabetical list of words with their meanings or their translations

Scenario Read this scenario. Think about what kwame is doing right and what he is doing wrong.

Consider it Read these six tips for how to make the most of a dictionary. Discuss each one with a partner. Which ones do you do? 1 Choose carefully Not all dictionaries are the same. Decide which type would best serve your needs. For example, do you want a bilingual or English-only dictionary? There are specialist dictionaries to consider as well, such as learner’s dictionaries, academic vocabulary dictionaries, and idioms dictionaries. 2 Get familiar with your dictionary The best way to familiarize yourself with a dictionary is to read the introduction. This explains how entries are arranged. It also contains useful information on the key abbreviations and pronunciation symbols used in the dictionary. 3 Be efficient Try to look up works quickly. Be familiar with alphabetical order and use the guidewords at the top of the page to save time. If you cannot find a word, do not give up. You may need to check other possible spellings of the word. 4 locate the correct definition When you look up a new word, think about how the entries relate to the word. Look for the correct part of speech for the word and decide which definition is correct. The most common meaning is usually placed first. 5 Study the entry in detail Besides one or more definitions, a word’s entry may include the pronunciation, example sentences, synonyms and antonyms, and other words derived from the same word. 6 Use the dictionary for other things You may also find photos and illustrations, maps, lists of famous people, lists of countries and their capitals, flags of countries, and weights and measurements tables.

over to you Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 Which of the tips do you follow? 2 How else can you find the meaning of new words? 3 What is one advantage and one disadvantage of electronic dictionaries?

Kwame has been studying English for two years. He uses a bilingual dictionary when he does his homework. He only uses a dictionary to look up words he does not understand. When he looks up a word, he uses the guidewords at the top of the pages to help him find the word quickly. He reads every definition until he finds the correct one. He does not usually check the pronunciation because he is not familiar with the symbols his dictionary uses. He likes to check the example sentences to make sure the definition he chose is the right one. Kwame keeps his dictionary in his study space, but he also keeps a smaller pocket dictionary in his book bag.

Study Skills

A focus on study skills

The essence of academic life is study.

In order to successfully implement these skills, at the end of every unit in both the Listening & Speaking and Reading & Writing coursebooks there is a dedicated study skills task. In every other unit, the last page presents an example scenario about a student, and asks the reader to think critically about whether they demonstrated success or showed a need for improvement.

study sKiLLs Using computers for effective study

Getting started Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 What do you use computers for? 2 Do you enjoy using a computer? Why or why not? 3 What are some benefits of using a computer to write your assignments?

Scenario Read this scenario. Think about what ingrid is doing right and what she is doing wrong. What would be the advantages to ingrid of using a computer instead?


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Consider it


Read these seven tips for using a computer for studying. Discuss each one with a partner. What other tips can you name? 1 Formatting Learn how to format your work, and how to create charts, tables, and graphs. A typed document with an attractive font, neat margins, 16/05/2012 10:09 and page numbers can make a better impression than a handwritten one. 2 editing A computer allows you to revise your work easily. Add, rearrange, remove, or replace information. Do not rewrite the whole text for each draft. 3 Word count Learn to use the word count function to save time. 4 Grammar and spelling The grammar and spell check functions are helpful, but should not be relied on entirely. 5 Dictionary and thesaurus Use the dictionary and thesaurus functions to help you be more precise in what you are trying to communicate. 6 Researching Use the Internet for research purposes. The Internet can also help with fact checking. 7 Saving your work Back up your work regularly. When you finish, save your work for future reference.

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The stages of the task help Skillful students reflect constructively on their own performance.

over to you Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 What is something related to computers that you would like to learn more about? 2 Can you name any drawbacks to using a computer for studying? 3 Do you think computer literacy is important? Why or why not?


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Skillful Reading & Writing Student’s Book, Level 1



When Ingrid has a writing assignment, she always writes her first draft on a piece of paper. She then revises her draft on a different piece of paper. She often adds, rearranges, removes, or replaces text as she rewrites. After that she edits her work. She uses her dictionary to check her spelling and then checks to make sure her grammar is OK. She sometimes notices and corrects sentence fragments. When she is ready to create her final draft, she writes it carefully and neatly on a piece of paper and gives it to her teacher. Ingrid’s teacher has said her students are free to write their assignments like Ingrid does, or use a computer.

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Learning from the Expert

Study Skills

All of the other end-of-unit skills pages are taken directly from the bestselling author Stella Cottrell’s The Study Skills Handbook. Stella does what she knows best and provides students with essential tips, along with short, fun activities to drive them towards academic success.


Writing for the fearful by Stella Cottrell

STELLA COTTRELL is Director for Lifelong Learning at the University of Leeds, UK. She is author of the bestselling The Study Skills Handbook, The Palgrave Student Planner, The Exam Skills Handbook, Critical Thinking Skills and listening skills and Skills for Success, all published by Palgrave by Stella CottrellMacmillan. If you need to improve your writing skills, try some of the following short exercises.

cation is a two-way process. It Get the writing habit ening skills and participation in

Study Skills

Write out a Check story you your enjoyedmemory as a child. style Write to a friend saying what you hope to get out of being a student. by Stella Cottrell people, or at people, or with Write down ten English words you like the sound of.things? Write Here’s a short piece which What helps you remember a simple way includes all those words. Be as crazy as you like. talk at you are listening to findto out. Playon “Just a minute”: give yourself one minute Color in ten words the word chart below. They leave no space for to write about of the following: Read through the chart for two one minutes, then cover it completely.

(a) The worst thing I ate … talk with you are keenWrite for down you to all the words you can remember.

Make a life chart

Include important events in your childhood, family, education, interests, work, and so on. Write a few lines about each item. talk to you consider you, and your happened … Choose one item and write about this in more efully. (c) I’m lucky because … sea cog kitchen LOG PINK chair detail. Describe what happened, how you felt (d) What annoys me is … you listen? How well do about it at the time, how it affected you in car glink green Spain hobby butter the long term, whether what happened was (e) Anything you like. Ask someone to watch you while you are unusual, and so on. cheese






listening in a group. Write for five minutes windy Fred pong doctor Gandhi plate Ask for comments about your non-verbal 1 Choose any subject. ople how well we signals to group members. happy sadthink. maybe 2 Do sneeze not stop to The idea holiday is to get through our verbal sick Are you surprisedwhatever at this feedback? used to writing continuously, the nd also through non-verbal JAM lost tutor INDIA hand bandage Dowrite you come across others in the way you content. Just as much as youtocan. ion, such as: imagined? fog bread tableyou can book see five minutes, room 3 When write for extend not, what and would you the time toIften minutes build up like to change?

l communication


1980– born

your limit.

1985 – started school – & cried all day

What helps you remember? Write from prompts In your notebook, consider how well Look at the words you you listen to others. Do you: Place Semantic association 1989 – came to England, remembered. Did you use any by plane You have linkedpeople a word say? You may remember words with inmay what other of the strategies below? If so, take 1990 – we such as meaningful associations, with a place you know. you can see how to arrange ng nods and gestures give other people time to speak? a telly! pictures photographs bread, butter, got sandwich. the information you want to let other people finish before you start? Real names remember. Being unusual encouraging non-verbal signals? may have a particularly Any or all of the following may useYou – who has to “look up to” good memory for names. You dislike may notice strange things, Feb. 2010 – help your memory. “switch off” when bored or if you omeone to listen? became an such as the words “pong” and dreams things you see in the street theVisual person? features “glink”, which stand out. (If youambulance driver Recency effect


Skillful Listening & Speaking Student’s Book, Level 1

eye contact

did, you find it helpful to youmay donotice anything differently to put the look of LIFEmay CHART You may remember best theCould You conversations with friends link ordinary things with strange a word (such as the words in others more at ease when they areimages speaking? words you learned last. or sounds.) ng, snorting or fidgeting capitals those with shapes Write about what you see,orhear, think, or dream. around them). Which non-verbal communication Stories do Primacy effect

encouraging? What You may theyou find 26remember uniT 2 best TIME Visual association words you learned first. discouraging? You may link words with pictures or mental images. Sound

ay we nd


You may remember rhyming Better Visual listening arrangement DUAL SKILLS PREINT RW_final.indd 26

do you find

You may link unrelated items so that they make a story. (This can help with the letters of a difficult spelling.) Color and activity

words, strange-sounding the way we sit You may remember where items words, or words that you heard these techniques may help:You may notice color, or perhaps on the page. (If so, you together in your head. Some ofare you benefit from doing things may find it easy to remember consider the speakers’ feelings with information you are flowcharts or pattern notes, or find ways of encouraging them learning. find visual spacing or making a picture helpful.) focuslinks on with the content – think of some way this could help you


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Skillful Listening & Speaking Student’s Book, Level 1

Skillful Listening & Speaking Student’s Book, Level 1

(b) The most Read the following section as embarrassing you check your thing results.that ever

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In order to maximize student output, the listening sections provide regular opportunities for discussion and interaction. Before you listen sections introduce the topic area by creating interest and capturing initial reactions whilst Developing critical thinking sections require students to examine the issues presented in the texts.

y because …

their meanings.

1 In an average week, I spend around ten hours watching TV. 2 I often lie awake at night worrying about things. 3 Blind people often develop a very strong sense of hearing. 4 Learning English is a very complex task, so it will take a long time. a b c d

(adj) not sleeping (adj) usual or ordinary (adj) has many small parts or details, so it is difficult to understand (adj) not able to see

6 Coffee is one of my favorite flavors. 7 My sense of sight is not very strong. I have to wear glasses. 8 I do not like food with a creamy texture. e f g h

(n) the particular taste that food or drink has (n) the way something feels when you touch or eat it (n) natural physical abilities: to see, hear, smell, taste, or feel (n) something that happens to you / a situation you are involved in

LISTENING 1 Our world, our senses Before you listen 1 Look at the pictures. Which of the animals do you think has the best eyesight? Why? Which do you think has the worst eyesight? Why? Discuss with a partner.

I think … has the best eyesight because … … probably has the worst eyesight, because … 2 Predict if these sentences are true or false. Write T (true) or F (false). 1 The human eye has six parts. 2 Our eye muscles are less active than other muscles in our body. 3 Women blink their eyes more than men. 4 Eagles have much better eyesight than humans. 5 Owls have poor night vision. 6 Bats cannot see. uSefuL WorDS











ments uSefuL WorDS

hese places because …

1 Read these sentences. In each set of four, match the words in bold with

5 Seeing the Egyptian pyramids was the best experience of my life.

The global and close approach is mirrored across both listening texts in every unit.

cause …

ds in the box on Why or why not?

Vocabulary preview

2 Work with a partner. Which of the sentences are true for you?

THink aBouT:

ome better?

Listening Skills

Listening & Speaking – key features

why not? Think








Close listening 54

Listen again and complete these notes.

Extreme environments Examples of extreme environments: °C; Atacama (Chile) mm rain per yr Sahara, Death Valley up to Mt. Everest (Nepal) = above sea level (little O2); Antarctica = °C 68 UNIT 7 VISION Grt Salt Lake, Dead Sea, Assal times > ocean % salt = Marianas Trench: ≈ kms deep & dark: little sunlight 0425323_SB1_U1_pp001-112.indd 68 Types of extreme environs. w/ low O2 • hot & dry • • cold • deep & dark • More extreme environs °C; in solid rock kms undergrnd; frozen lake edge of volcano Can life survive there? Extremophiles = organisms can survive where other life can’t ) = called water bears Eg: Tardigrades (means mm long; can survive cold °C & hot °C; & no water for yrs. Developing critical thinking 1 Discuss these questions in a group. 1 Which of the extreme environments described would you like to visit? Think about the things in the box on the right.

I’d prefer to visit … because …







I think environments are / aren’t becoming more extreme because … 2 Think about the ideas from Ultimate memory and Exploring environments and discuss these questions in a group. 1 Why do you think scientists study extremes? Is it useful? Think about the things in the box on the right.

I think scientists study extreme environments because … It is / isn’t useful because … 2 Which extremes would you like to be at: hot—cold, clever—stupid, rich—poor? Or would you rather be in the middle? Why?

I would like to be very … because … I would like to be in the middle because …


THink aBouT:


personal interest



There are activities to practice global listening skills and close listening skills, as well as opportunities to critically examine the ideas in the texts.


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07/06/2012 15:04

Skillful Listening & Speaking Student’s Book, Level 1

THink aBouT:

2 Do you think environments on Earth are becoming more extreme? Why or why not?


Listening Skills

most? Why? Use the

For each level of Skillful there is a Listening & Speaking Student’s Book, carefully structured to comprehensively practice each of these skills.


16/05/2012 09:38

Listen and notice the stressed syllables. Then listen again and repeat. ADjective 6 conNECted 11 inCLUding aNOther 7 DOCument 12 introDUCE arRANGEment 8 exAmine 13 PERfectly auTHENtic 9 eXAMple 14 SCIentist comPUter 10 HANDwriting


1 2 3 4 5


Speaking Skills


34 underline the stressed syllables. Check your answers in a dictionary. Then listen and repeat. 1 together 5 following 9 manager 2 behavior 6 direction 10 stadium 3 perfectly 7 production 11 efficient 4 factory 8 discover 12 evidence

speaking task read this podcast. notice the expressions used for giving advice. underline multi-syllable words and circle the stressed syllables. Welcome to Custom Consultant. Today I’m going to tell you about three customs in Spain that you should know when you visit. First, it’s polite to shake hands when you greet people. And when you’re invited to someone’s home for dinner, it’s OK to arrive a few minutes late. Finally, it’s a good idea to bring a gift of chocolates or cake when you visit someone’s home.


Work with a partner. You are anthropologists. Add one more type of Greetings custom to the word map. then choose a country and brainstorm ideas and examples for the customs. Use expressions for asking for ideas and examples.






Look back at your brainstorm and choose three customs. Plan a podcast giving advice to an overseas visitor. Use expressions for giving advice. SPeAK

Practice your podcast. Pay attention to your pronunciation of multi-syllable words.



Form a group. take turns presenting your podcast and give feedback. tell the class something you learned from the podcasts.

Skillful Listening & Speaking Student’s Book, Level 1

Speaking is split into three main parts; grammar, punctuation skills and speaking skills. This PATTERNS uniT 5 55 progressive order culminates in a final, realistic, productive task that gives students the opportunity to use their new skills in a meaningful exercise.


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Reading Skills

Reading Mirrored in the Before you read section and followed by global and close analysis, the students find the parallel structure from the Listening & Speaking books familiar so allowing them to grow in confidence. The reading section also offers similar opportunities to examine ideas through the Developing critical thinking passages within class or individual discussion groups.

Reading 2 Super Sherpa Before you read look at the picture. What do you see? Where do you think the picture was taken? Why do you think the trash is there? Discuss with a partner.

In the picture I see … I think the picture was taken … Perhaps the trash is there because … Global reading iDenTifyinG The SouRCe Texts can come from a variety of sources, each with its own writing style. Identifying the source gives you important information about the writer and his or her message. Possible sources include …

· · ·

scientific journals: texts have academic vocabulary and long sentences newspapers: texts have simpler language opinion columns and blogs: texts have an informal writing style.

The layout of a text can also help you quickly identify the source.

Skim super sherpa. Check (✓) the source. 1

Scientific journal on climate change


Newspaper article in travel section


Environmental newsmagazine

Close reading 1 Read super sherpa. Write M (main idea) or s (supporting detail). Paragraph 1: He campaigns against climate change and helps to improve the lives of many people in his native Nepal. Paragraph 2: Apa is from a village in Nepal called Thame, which is also the hometown of another famous Sherpa—Tenzing Norgay. Paragraph 3: Apa never planned on becoming a famous mountain climber.

Reading Skills

Reading & Writing – key features

To complement the Listening & Speaking Student’s Books from Skillful, the Reading & Writing coursebooks have a parallel structure.

Paragraph 4: That year the team displayed a sign that said “Stop Climate Change” at the top of Everest.

Developing critical thinking

Paragraph 5: As Apa became more well-known for his environmental work, he started to turn more attention to the people of his native Nepal.

1 Discuss these questions in a group. 1 Why are superhero comics, movies, and video games so popular?

I think they’re popular because …

Paragraph 6: Melting ice clearly makes climbing more dangerous.

2 Do you agree with the article’s definition? How would you define a superhero?

Paragraph 7: Above all, he wants to convince everyone to change the way we treat the Earth.

I do / don’t agree. I would define a superhero as … 2 Think about the ideas from Are you a natural leader? and The hero within and

2 Write the answers to these questions.

discuss these questions in a group. 1 Can an everyday hero be a superhero? Think about the things in the box on the right.

1 What are Sherpas known for? 2 What year did Apa climb Mount Everest for the first time? 3 What did the Eco Everest Exhibition sign say? intelligence strength 4 What did Apa found in 2009? money 5 Whyvillains is Apa known as the “Super Sherpa”? Think aBouT:

I believe that an everyday hero can / can’t be a superhero because … 2 Do you think superheroes are natural leaders? Why or why not?


In my opinion, superheroes are / aren’t natural leaders because …


Vocabulary skill uSinG examPleS To finD meaninG

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Skillful Reading & Writing Student’s Book, Level 1 DUAL SKILLS PREINT RW_final.indd 80

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When you fi nd a new word, context clues such as examples help you discover the word’s meaning. Sometimes the text will give an example that helps you to understand a word’s meaning. Words that signal examples: for example, for instance, such as, like

1 Read these sentences from The hero within. Circle the correct meaning of the words in bold. 1 Nearly all fictional superheroes have super-human powers. For example, Superman can fly and Wonder Woman can talk with animals. a something all humans have b beyond what humans have 2 Some superheroes also have secret headquarters, like Batman’s Batcave. a the leader of an organization b administrative center of an organization 3 Some costumes also have an emblem, such as Superman’s S or the 4 for members of the Fantastic Four. a a sign that represents something else b any costume decoration

vocabulary Key academic vocabulary is presented on the page so students can view the essential words they will need to learn within the unit, while the Think About boxes lend support to discussion questions.

2 Read these sentences about superheroes. Circle the correct meaning

of the words in bold. 1 There have been several sequels to the original 1989 Batman film, such as Batman Returns, Batman and Robin, and The Dark Knight Rises. a movies that continue a previous story b movies that are better than the original 2 Sometimes a superhero’s senses are enhanced. For instance, a superhero may be able to hear noise from a great distance. a weakened b strengthened 3 Superheroes are popular in several genres, like comic books and movies. a things that young people enjoy b literary categories


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Vocabulary skills also give you the chance to develop the ways in which you learn and remember vocabulary from the listening texts.

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you are going to learn about using parallel structure and using future forms. you are then going to use these to write a paragraph describing where you see yourself in five years.

Writing skill uSinG PaRallel STRuCTuRe Parallel structures have the same patterns of words in a sentence to show that two or more ideas have equal importance. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level. The usual way to join parallel structures is with and or or.

Writing Skills

WRiting Describing your future

Tomorrow i think i’ll take a long nap, go fishing, or swim in the river. Paolo spent the next month staying out late, sleeping until noon, and spending time at the river with his lazy friends. These sentences do not have parallel structure: Tomorrow i think i’ll take a long nap, go fishing, or swimming in the river. Paolo spent the next month staying out late, sleeping until noon, and spent time at the river with his lazy friends.

1 Read these incorrect sentences about robots. each has three structures that should be parallel. underline them in each sentence. 1 In 1939, a robot named Elektro was able to walk, count on its fingers and spoke words. 2 Most robots today are used to doing jobs that are repetitive, mundane, or danger. 3 Robots are also used in factories to build things like cars, appliances, and make electronics. 4 Some robots are designed to explore underwater, go down into volcanoes, and traveling to other planets. 5 Robots have been sent to Mars to collect soil, rock and atmosphere samples, analyze them, and then will send the data back to Earth. 6 Another reason we use robots is because they never get sick, take a day off, or complained! 7 Most robots usually have at least three main parts—the “brain” that is run by a computer program, mechanical parts that make the robot move, and sensors to tell the robot about its surroundings. 8 Unlike in TV programs, robots are unable to think, feel, or makes decisions.

2 now correct the sentences in exercise 1 to make them parallel in structure.


Skillful Reading & Writing Student’s Book, Level 1

The writing section has two main parts:elektro grammar and writing skills. Essential information is given on these WORK uniT 10 103 skills in boxes on the page. At the end of this section is a writing task for students to put ideas from the texts and the skills from the writing section into practice.

DUAL SKILLS PREINT RW_final.indd 103

16/05/2012 10:09



Skillful digital

Both student and teacher facing, the Skillful Digibook provides the course with an additional, digital resource, which can be accessed through a code found in either the Student’s Book or the Teacher’s Book. What’s included? The student Digibook contains: · A digital version of the Student’s Book, complete with hotspots that contain embedded audio · Audio files for all of the listening activties and reading texts · Useful language to support discussion activities · Dictionary definitions for the academic vocabulary · Checklists so you can monitor how well you are progressing through the course ·

killful Practice, with extra interactive activities for you to review S what you have learned, including video-based activities. A markbook is also included to track progress.

Skillful Welcome to Skillful Digital Interactive practice for users of Skillful. Enter your token or login below to access your Skillful Digibook and Skillful practice.

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Skillful Practice For those students who want to get ahead, having a digital resource encourages practice away from the classroom. You can either complete the extra activities as you go through the student’s Digibook via the interactive icons, or you can find them all in one place in the Skillful Practice area. Here you will find a variety of activities to practice all the new skills and language you have learned in the Student’s Book, including vocabulary, grammar and skills-based activities.

Main menu

Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012

Whether online or offline, in the classroom or on the move, the Skillful Digibook allows you to access and use its content while encouraging interactive learning and effortless self-study.

Skillful Level 1 Reading & Writing

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Screenshot from Skillful Digibook

There are also additional productive tasks and video activities linked to the unit topics. If you complete any of the extra activities while you are online, your score will be recorded in your markbook so that your teacher can track your progress. If you work offline your scores will be stored and transferred to your markbook the next time you connect.



Teacher’s resources

While students get to manipulate their coursebook digitally and utilize their extra activities, the teachers get a plethora of extra information and worksheets to make their teaching life a breeze. Approachable digital The digital student’s book and interactive features provide the teacher with an engaging presentation and teaching tool. The embedded features mean a class full of students can learn from just one screen. Concurrently, the Skillful teacher can use the Digibook to monitor student progress. In the Skillful Practice area there is a markbook for easy grading and a group functionality to cluster their class students together. For those teachers who are new to the course, they are also provided with a Skillful methodology overview which allows them to understand the great features, benefits and flexibility of the Skillful series. Screenshot from Skillful Video


Video Worksheet

LeveL 1


VideoSkillful Worksheet Unit 10: Work LeveL 1

LeveL 1

Unit 9: Life

Work and motivation Unit 6: Speed

Saving the beeS

Before you watch

a need for sPeed

Video Worksheet

video worksheets

Work with a partner. answer the questions. 1 What is your dream job? What job do you never want to do? Why? Before you watch 2 Why do people work? What motivates them? Work with a partner. look at the words in the box. how do you think these Work with a partner. look at the forms of transportation in the box. can words relate to the life of a bee? you put them in order of slowest to fastest? how fast do you think each one While you watch usually travels in kilometers per hour? beekeeper cereals disappear flowers Watch the film about why people work. complete the blanks in the diagram bike bus car horse kayak on foot honey pollinate research seeds with the words you hear. plane skateboard speedboat train

Before you watch

Maslow’s HierarcHy of Needs

While you watch

Watch the film about saving the bees. complete the notes with the words you hear.

Bees species of bee. There are 1 Bees eat 2 and nectar which they move from the 3 part part = fruit and seeds grow. of a flower to the 4 5 Honeybees — dying because of viruses; pesticides, building of . and 6 7 % of what we eat is pollinated by bees. For example, oranges, 8 plants. nuts, Governments – doing research. People – growing 9 plants and becoming 10


After you watch


Work with a partner. answer the questions. 1 If bees die out, how will the world change? 2 What do you think governments should do to help bees? 3 What other animals or insects do you think governments should protect? After you watch Why?

While you watch

In addition to the Digibook videos that the students have access to, the teachers are provided with video worksheets, which can aid lesson planning around topics.

Watch the film about the speed records for different types of transport. circle the correct answer to complete each sentence: a, b, or c. 1 The fastest runner ran the 100 meters in a 9.58 seconds b 9.68 seconds c 9.78 seconds best: speed of a Tour de France cyclist is 2 Be Thethe average , solve problems be 8 a 25 kph b 40 kph c 51 kph 3 The fastest downhill cyclist reached 6 a : 121 kph b 133 kph c 222 kph achievement, 1 cars race at around from others get4 7 Formula a 222 kph b 350 kph c 1,223 kph 5 High-speed trains travel at 4 ______ needs: friendship, a 300 kph b 380 kph c 575 kph 5 relationships 6 The fastest world speed record on water is a 511 kph b 512 kph c 513 kph 7 Space shuttles have a speed of Safety needs: health, employment, 3 a 19,690 kph b 28,000 kph c 40,000 kph




After you watch

Physical needs: air, 1 , water, 2 Work with a partner. answer the questions. 1 How fast do you think a human will run in future? Why? 2 Why do you think people try to break speed records? 3 Do you think transportation will get faster or slower in future?

Work with a partner. answer the questions. 1 How does your dream job motivate you, according to Maslow’s theory above? 2 If Maslow’s theory is correct, what should companies do to motivate their workers? 3 What companies do you know that are good at motivating their workers? How?



Skillful Level 1 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012.

Skillful Level 1 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. PhotocoPiable Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012.

Skillful Video Worksheets, Level 1




Skillful Level 1 Digibook. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. 1 Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012.


Skillful Level 1 Listening & Speaking

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Guide to using the tests

Placement tests

Unit tests

Quick test

Progress tests

Unit tests 1–10

Progress tests 1 and 2

Unit tests 1–10 (editable)

Progress tests 1 and 2 (editable)

Full test

Unit tests 1–10 audio

Progress tests audio

Full test answer key

Unit tests answer key

Progress tests answer key

Quick test answer key

End test End test

Tests are also provided for the teacher and include:

End test audio End test answer key

· Two placement tests · Two progress tests · Unit tests · End test.

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Screenshot from Skillful Digital

Teacher’s Books


Skillful Reading&Writing

As well as online, Skillful offers the traditional paper option teacher resources too, but with more than just the traditional content.

Teacher’s Book


Author: Stacey H. Hughes Series Consultant: Dorothy E. Zemach Essays The Skillful blend by Dorothy E. Zemach Teaching study skills by Stella Cottrell

The Skillful Teacher’s Books give presentation ideas, notes on each language skill and equip teachers with explanations on how to develop language skills through texts by presenting ideas from today’s world, while building critical thinking skills that are vital for academic success.

Teaching academic vocabulary by Pete Sharma Educational culture by Stacey H. Hughes Connecting reading and writing by David Bohlke


Skillful Listening&Speaking Teacher’s Book


With Digibook access

Skillful_TB Level 1 Cover_samples_2p.indd 2

10/09/2012 12:41

Author: Pete Sharma Series Consultant: Dorothy E. Zemach Essays The Skillful blend by Dorothy E. Zemach Teaching study skills by Stella Cottrell Teaching academic vocabulary by Pete Sharma Critical thinking by Dr Sara Hannam

Along with access to the Digibook which has tests, video resources and methodology notes, the Teacher’s Books also include:

Teaching listening skills by Lida Baker

With Digibook access

Skillful_TB Level 1 Cover_samples_2p.indd 1

• • • • •

10/09/2012 12:41

Specialist essays on key issues surrounding the teaching of study skills Additional ideas and support for busy or inexperienced teachers Photocopiable task sheets to help with grading of assignments At-a-glance reference to the answer key and audio scripts for exercises Background information boxes and ‘Supporting critical thinking’ features to help teachers feel more comfortable with the content areas.





David Bohlke

David Bohlke

David Bohlke

Lida Baker & Steven Gershon

Student’s Book Pack 9780230443440 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230443860

Student’s Book Pack 9780230443433 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230443853

Student’s Book Pack 9780230431928 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230429819

Student’s Book Pack 9780230431911 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230429802



Louis Rogers & Jennifer Wilkin

David Bohlke & Robyn Brinks Lockwood

Jennifer Bixby & Jaimie Scanlon

Mike Boyle & Ellen Kisslinger

Student’s Book Pack 9780230431942 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230429925

Student’s Book Pack 9780230431935 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230429918

Student’s Book Pack 9780230431966 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230430037

Student’s Book Pack 9780230431959 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230430020

LEVEL 4 * Listening and Speaking Student’s Book Pack contains: Student’s Book + Digibook + Audio CD * Listening and Speaking Teacher’s Book Pack contains: Teacher’s Book + Digibook + Audio CD * Reading and Writing Student’s Book Pack contains: Student’s Book + Digibook * Reading and Writing Teacher’s Book Pack contains: Teacher’s Book + Digibook

Mike Boyle & Lindsay Warwick

Lindsay Clandfield & Mark McKinnon

Student’s Book Pack 9780230431980 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230430143

Student’s Book Pack 9780230431973 Teacher’s Book Pack 9780230430136


This brochure has been produced by Nicola Wood, Marketing Executive for Exams, Skills, Grammar and the Middle East. If you need any further information on the products mentioned here, you can contact Nicola through


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