Macmillan Study Dictionary Prospectus

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Study Skills pages

Reference Section

The Macmillan Study Dictionary CD-ROM

The dictionary contains a 24-page Study Skills section, designed to help students with their coursework and communication skills:

The 13-page Reference Section contains:

A CD-ROM accompanies the Macmillan Study Dictionary. It contains the full text of the dictionary with recorded pronunciations of headwords in both British and American English. Advanced search functionality means that users can search for words in a particular topic area. All illustrations from the book are included and are supplemented by technical animations. The content of the Reference Section is also included.

Dealing with Data: information on preparing and interpreting tables, pie charts, bar charts, histograms and line graphs ● Taking Notes: tips on note-taking strategies and useful abbreviations ● Writing up Experiments and Project Work: how to carry out research and write up work ● Essay Writing: outlines of different types of composition and useful tools for varying types of writing ● Preparing for Exams: revision tips and advice on how to do well on different kinds of questions in examinations ● Writing Letters: useful phrases for different styles of letters and tips on structure ● Writing Emails: conventions for formal and informal email writing ● CVs and Interviews: how to make CVs stand out, and advice on preparing for job interviews ● Capital Letters and Punctuation: a summary of basic language skills ● Information and Communication Technology (ICT): an explanation of terms related to computer hardware and software, the Internet and text messaging ● Literary Terms: a description of different literary genres and figures of speech

The Periodic Table ● Chemical Elements ● Using Numbers ● SI Units and Conversions ● Geographical Names and Nationalities ● Irregular Verbs ● Pronunciation Guide

The complete reference source for students learning their subjects in English.

Students can: Listen to correct English ● Hear the correct pronunciation of every word in British and American English Find the word more quickly ● Get to the meaning they want – instantly – by pointing at any word they see, while reading documents and emails or while surfing the Internet ● Search to find out the meaning of a subject-specific word ● Double-click on any word in a definition to see the appropriate dictionary entry Learn with new interactive features ● Increase their knowledge of a particular subject they are studying by searching for all the words within that topic ● Improve their vocabulary within specific subject areas with the interactive illustrations, photographs and technical animations ● Print out quick wordlists for revision ● Explore the Reference Section topics to broaden their knowledge ● Navigate around the world in the atlas pages

Macmillan Dictionaries Marketing Department Macmillan Oxford Between Towns Road Oxford OX4 3PP UK

The Macmillan English Dictionary, first published in January 2002, was written for advanced-level learners of English. Within a year, it had become the bestselling advanced learner’s dictionary, and went on to win two prestigious awards. A range of other dictionaries, suitable for students at various levels, has been widely acclaimed.

The same team of lexicographers now brings you the Macmillan Study Dictionary, specially written for upper secondary and university students.

Orders: Please order from your local bookseller. For enquiries, contact:


Paperback with CD-ROM: 9780230401969 896 pages 234 x 156mm


For over 150 years, Macmillan has established a reputation as one of the world’s leading reference publishers, with an internationally acclaimed range of titles from encyclopedias and dictionaries on art and music to the Australian Macquarie English dictionaries.

In creating the Macmillan Study Dictionary, the team has benefited from two sets of corpus data:

Features of the

The Macmillan Study Dictionary retains the award-winning features of the Macmillan English Dictionary in the language help it provides students:


The World English Corpus: a unique modern corpus of over 200 million words created from written and spoken texts, including material from learners of English, and from English coursebooks.

200 usage notes help users develop their vocabulary, avoid common errors in English and speak and write more naturally.

Detailed two-colour technical illustrations relating to school and college subjects

Information about collocation and syntax – how words combine and which structures they can be used with – is shown in bold type in examples

All the definitions are written using a carefully selected vocabulary of 3,000 words so that they are easy to understand. They are technically accurate and use appropriate terminology.

The Macmillan Curriculum Corpus: a 22 million-word corpus specially developed by Macmillan, including texts from hundreds of textbooks used for teaching the school and college curricula.

Perfect for study

Language help

Phrases, phrasal verbs and idioms are given at the end of an entry Special help boxes on vocabulary building, word families and avoiding common errors

Example sentences in italics show students how a word is used in context and are based on real-life English.

‘Menus’ for entries with five or more meanings make it easier to find the specific meaning students are looking for.

Grammar boxes give extra information to help students learn more about how a word is used.

Extensive analysis of these two corpora has allowed the dictionary writers to reveal fresh information about how and when words are used, and how ideas and terms are explained in the textbooks which students actually use in the classroom. We can therefore be sure that the Macmillan Study Dictionary is the most up-to-date and reliable study companion.

Clear layout for ease of use, with all headwords printed in red

Helpful example sentences, based on real-life spoken and written English, show how and when the word is used

Full coverage of up-to-date pronunciation, spelling and meaning

Subject labels (in red) show whether a word belongs to a specialised subject

Word family boxes bring together groups of words that are formed from the same base word.

Entries also provide information on collocation and syntax, pronunciation, stress marks, inflections, idioms, synonyms, style and British English/American English differences.

General word selection based on the 200 million-word World English Corpus, supplemented with specialist subject vocabulary from a 22 million-word corpus specially developed by Macmillan, including texts from hundreds of school and college textbooks used throughout the world.

10,000 subject-specific words are highlighted using one of the 29 subject labels

Each meaning is numbered, with the most common meaning shown first Curriculum subjects covered: Hundreds of synonyms and opposites

Stress marks tell students which part of a compound to stress when they are saying it

Style and usage information for when a word is used, e.g. formal, informal, impolite, old-fashioned, spoken, showing approval etc

Study Skills pages provide extra tips for coursework and preparing for exams

At every stage, experienced teachers, textbook writers and syllabus designers have contributed their expertise. In addition, we have used software to analyse the corpora, so that we have a reliable scientific basis for selecting the words to include in the dictionary and for deciding how much information is needed about each word.

Menus in longer entries help students find the meaning they need quickly

Information on spelling with inflections for irregular and semi-regular verbs, adjectives and nouns

‘Build your vocabulary’ boxes bring together words that are related to a particular subject, or suggest more specific alternatives for very common words.

Simple, clear definitions, using a carefully selected defining vocabulary of 3,000 words

The Macmillan Study Dictionary is directly relevant to the needs of young people who are studying in English and preparing for examinations. It explains – clearly and accurately – the vocabulary needed for successful study in any of the key school or college subjects.

agriculture anatomy arts astronomy biology business chemistry computing construction economics education engineering environment geography geology

health language law literature maths music physics politics religion science social studies sports technology tourism

Over 150 pictures and diagrams throughout the dictionary explain complex topics at a glance. The pictures are composite, so over 1,280 terms have a relevant illustration.

Over 20 full-page illustrations, many in two colour, present and reinforce topic vocabulary

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