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CIDER Hit the fruit-flavoured jackpot
Over six million pints of cider are sold each week in the UK. Do you have the right offer for your customers?
With so many varieties available, which types are the best to stock?
“Generating more sales in outlets lies within the premium and flavoured categories while also supporting the high volume, mainstream cider stalwarts on the bar.”
Who are my cider customers?
“Cider has the advantage of engaging a younger drinker base, who are more likely to prioritise going out in the current climate and look to experiment or try something new.”
Stephen Watt, On-Trade Director at Heineken UK
Apple, the original and still the big seller on draught, taking 62% of sales by volume compared to 38% for flavoured cider. Mainstream brands such as Strongbow remain the favourites, however premium apple brands such as Inch’s are growing in popularity and are one to watch. Look at your customer base to determine which brands are likely to perform best. A strong positive for apple cider which is often overlooked is its sustainability credentials. The majority are made exclusively from British apples. You should share this with customers as sustainability becomes more important.
41% of cider drinkers NOW CHOOSE FLAVOURED CIDER
Source: July 2021 & CGA Distillr-August 2021