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design concept
The Liddell serves as a vessel for e s c a p i s m escapism. Encapsulating moments of contentment, freezing them in time in a place far removed from reality. Drawing inspiration from the beloved Lewis Carroll series Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland, this boutique hotel reflects the p e c u l i a r peculiar s t o r y l i n e storyline, r i c h c h a ra c t e r p ro f i l e s rich character profiles, and i m a g i n a t i ve s e t t i n g s imaginative settings as a driving force behind the design of the interior spaces. Wholly unique, The Liddell transports guests to a s u r re a l i s t i c surrealistic place, both physically and in their minds.
The Liddell is situated in the b e a u t i f u l beautiful and h i s t o r i c historic Warehouse and Arts district of New Orleans, Louisiana. The proximity to the numerous points of interest makes this location prime for walking.

Age: 34
While in the Crescent City on business, Andy is eagerly anticipating his stay at The Liddell. Hoping to find both a quiet area quiet area to conduct important work, as well as a more casual spot casual spot to conduct simple business, he is likely to stay at the hotel most of the day and night. All work and no play would make for a forgettable stay, so Andy will be making wise use of the hotel’s bustling café lounge café lounge and adjacent conferencing room room.

Age: 25

In hopes of having one last trip as a single woman, Sophia and her Maid of Honor are looking forward to staying at The Liddell. They are longing to have a relaxing stay stay that allows not only for some social interaction interaction, but also tranquil alone time alone time. A full day of pampering that includes massages, manicures, and champagne, is exactly what these two friends will find at the hotel’s salon and spa salon and spa.
Age: 41
In charge of planning his brother’s birthday getaway, Michael is excited about their stay at The Liddell. They are hoping to let loose loose and have some classic Big Easy fun. By making full use of the rooftop bar bar, private private lounge lounge, and outdoor games outdoor games, the boys will make sure to make this trip one for the books.
Age: 53
Zoe, her husband, and their three young children are eagerly awaiting their stay at The Liddell. She is seeking to have a leisure-based vacation vacation that is stress-free and family-friendly family-friendly. The hotel’s in-house restaurant and bar will provide the parents with the relaxed nightlife they desire, while the children are engaged by the tableside games tableside games and exciting atmosphere exciting atmosphere.

The lobby is an intersection between outdoors, reality, and indoors. The spaces serves as a rabbit hole into the fantastical spaces spaces within a mixture of classical and traditional architectural details details that harken back to the time 1865, when the novel was published. Juxtaposed with a look of sleek timelessness while reflecting the peculiarity of the novel’s characters, this space serves as a gathering point gathering where the various spaces collide.

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”

Influenced by the Mad Hatter ’ s characteristics Mad Hatter’s characteristics, the in-house restaurant, 10/6 10/6, offers each guest the opportunity to get in touch with his eccentric inner self eccentric inner self. Whimsical material patterns Whimsical material patterns and expressive art expressive art overlay to serve as a foundation for serving culinary delicacies delicacies and cocktails cocktails. With opportunities for board game play game play, informal conversation informal conversation, and witty banter witty banter, 10/6 invites guests to the lively table of the Mad Hatter.

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t.“ bar perspective 22 the liddell

Inspired by daydreaming and the Mad Hatter ’ s Tea Party Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, White Glove Tea Room Glove Tea Room offers guests a perfect place to be imaginative and come up with some of their best ideas. The whimsical combination of finishes and refreshing colors colors provides a playful playful, rejuvenating rejuvenating space perfect for an afternoon pick-me-up.

“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast”

Apropos to Alice’s whimsical and curious character

Alice’s whimsical and curious character, Bird & & Bloom (Salon & Spa) Bloom (Salon & promotes serene solitude serene solitude by providing an outlet for users to escape to a world of their own escape to a world of their own. Shades of blue blue and elevated architectural details enhance elegance while also paying homage to paying to Alice’s simplified beauty Alice’s beauty.

“All the flowers would have very extra special powers, they would sit and talk to me for hours, when I’m lonely in a world of my own. There’d be new birds... everyone would have a dozen bluebirds, within that world of my own.”

Wellness Room Perspective

In reflectance of the overall idea of imagination overall idea of imagination, the guest rooms rooms at The Liddell allow guests to escape escape through imagination imagination. Rich, Rich, dark tones tones and bold graphics bold transport guests into a world of fantasy. Custom wall detailing Custom wall and built-in storage built-in storage provide a sense of comfort sense of comfort for guests. Much like Alice was transported down the rabbit hole to a world that was not her own, the guest rooms at The Liddell encourage a journey into imagination and inspiration inspiration.

“Imagination is the only weapon in the world against reality” bird’s

The Residences at The Liddell at The Liddell are inspired by the timeless elegance of the illustrations found in the original book book “Alice Alice Through the Looking Glass the Glass””. The elements found in the space enhance the alternate realities that minds can create when reading a book. Neutral tones Neutral tones along with traditional architectural details details provide better social competence better social competence while also offering a “blank canvas blank canvas” for occupants to express themselves for occupants to express themselves.

“And what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversation?”

In reflection of the Queen of Hearts Queen of Hearts, the enigmatic monarch enigmatic monarch and antagonist in the novel, guests are encouraged to get in-touch with their guilty pleasures at Duchess Rooftop Duchess Lounge Lounge. Whether endulging for a moment or settling in for a time, the rooftop carves out a labyrinth of spaces of spaces, much like a hedge maze with its passages and destinations, in which guests can lose track of time lose track of time. Spaces meant for community will provide guests the opportunity to let loose let loose. Along the journey, more intimate nooks comfortably envelope guests, encouraging the slow passage of time. Contrasting tones Contrasting tones of red and black of red and black weave throughout the spaces, battling for dominance in “a blind fury”.
“Alice: How long is forever? White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.”