3 minute read
The price of a product is, in short, its manufacturing cost and the net amount that the manufacturer would like to obtain from sales, i.e. its margin. In the block of articles devoted to the production department, we will omit the question of margin, although it often has a greater impact on the final price than production costs and is an individual strategy of each manufacturer. We will certainly raise this issue on another occasion. In return, we will show what can be achieved when the efforts of the employees involved are supported by the supplier for whom customer care does not end with the delivery of the ordered products.
Writing about modernity and progress in the context of the MAEM production department, I am happy to once again
mention Seco and its local distributor, Dasa (our first joint project with Seco, you can read in the fifth issue of the M Magazine). Our organisations share a common approach to customers and their needs. At MAEM we also work with our customers to find the best solutions for them. We are able to do so thanks to modern technical facilities, experienced specialists and, above all, an appropriate approach to partnership in business. We know how important it is to support the client in partnership. This time we also have the pleasure to see it for ourselves.
Our technologists, together with a representative of the supplier of machining tools, spent two days studying the impact of the use of various types of cutting inserts on the speed and correctness of roughing processes.
The turning process of one of the shafts, which is a spare part of the desalinator was tested.
Mass production is the most appropriate method to illustrate how an apparently insignificant factor affects its costs. Thanks to research, which allowed for the selection of optimal cutting tools, the unit production time of one piece was reduced by eight minutes. Eight minutes is not much when producing a complex workpiece. However, the eight minutes of CNC machine work saving in two-shift annual production gives over 3500 pieces more. The result of joint actions is an increase in production efficiency by as much as 35%! Research, tests, cooperation with a trusted supplier brings an effect in the form of a significant reduction in
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production costs and, consequently, in the prices of offered goods.
A detailed report prepared after the above mentioned tests contains comparative parameters tested in the cutting inserts process. It clearly indicates the specific type of inserts, the use of which gives an optimal result of their wear in relation to the number of elements machined in a given time. Time and tool wear savings will certainly be reflected in lower production costs. This will allow us to offer the highest quality products at even more competitive prices. This is how we build our competitive advantage without compromising quality and without lowering margins.
Cost per component Total cost
Tools cost Machining cost
Existing process New grade TM3501 WAVEFORM TURNING
Existing process New grade TM3501 WAVEFORM TURNING
Existing process New grade TM3501 WAVEFORM TURNING
Output / hour 2,53 3,55 4,01
Cut time [hh:mm:ss] 00:20:24 00:14:25 00:12:29
Total time [hh:mm:ss] 4590:00:00 3243:45:00 2808:45:00
Saved time [hh:mm:ss] 1346:15:00 1781:15:00
Total cost savings 27% 35%
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