The Organic Alternative to Paraffin Oils Naturoil provides high efficiency while protects the environment and your health
Naturoil Mineral oils which come from fossil sources leave harmful residues in fruits and increase risks in food contamination. In response to such problematic, MAFA has developed Naturoil, a vegetal oil which is made from special refinement olive oil. Naturoil provides higher security in treatments and reduces losses which occur normally because of hydrolysis, evaporation, drift and photolysis. Properties Reduces evaporation from applied products. Favors adhesion and reduces superficial tension. Facilitates absorption from active substances because of its similarity to waxen surface. Easy to emulsify in water. Contains 93% vegetal oil and 7% emulsifier.
Naturoil, The Organic Alternative to Paraffin Oils
Use Recommendation Blend in advance Naturoil with agrochemicals. Once there is a homogeneous blend, add it to sprayer tank while agitator is working. In case of using formulated products such as power wattery or water granules, the insecticide should be dissolved in water so it can make a plaster. Once the plaster is done, the recommended dosage of Naturoil should be added.
Active Ingredient Vegetal olive oil VEGETAL ECOBIOLOGY
Dosage Apply 0,5-1% (that means to use between 5-10 liters of Naturoil in 1000 liters of water.
Packaging 20 liters drum 5 liters bottle
Once the first blend is homogenized, it should be added to the sprayer tank. If the blend is made in the same sprayer tank, please check that it´s clean in advance.
Spraying Recommendations Although the quantity of product used by plant or by hectare will depend on the crop, it is recommended as general use the following dosage:
It´s not recommended to blend 2 or more products at the same time. In case of applying more than one product, it should be blended separately.
Volume of liquid: 2.000 liters/ha Volume of expenditure: 8-10 liters/ha Working pressure: 15-20 atm Drop density: 30 drops/cm2
IMPORTANT The results of a good agricultural application is conditioned by climatic conditions. The higher the temperature and the lower relative humidity, the higher losses by evaporation. GREAT ADVANTAGES The dosage required is half of the dosage required in conventional mineral oils. More than 90% biodegradable.
Paraffin Oil
Maximum dosage authorized
Minimum dosage authorized
Primary biodegradation
Final biodegradation