2012 Annual Fundraiser Magazine

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metropolitan asian family services


A Not-For-Profit Tax-Exempt 501Š (3) Multicultural Organization











Community Services


universal metro asian services









Mission Statement To Provide Comprehensive & Integrated Social Services to the Immigrant Population of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Middle East & European Countries. The Services Include but not Limited to Educate, Counsel, Assist & Empower Individuals & Families to become productive Members in Their New Home.




1992to2012 Board of Director Profiles State Official Letters Executive Director’s Annual Report Services & Grants

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Staff & Locations


Previous Fundraisers


20th Anniversary Section


Supporters & Remembrances


President’s Message Dear Friends and Guests: On behalf of Board of Directors I would like to congratulate Metropolitan Asian Family Services/ Universal Metro Asian service (MAFS/UMAS) members and staff in accomplishing 20 years of service and serenity to our community.

Dr. Firdaus Jafri

Since last 20 years MAFS/ UMAS has been serving and striving hard to meet commitments to these dynamic organizations and its noble mission. It gives me great pleasure to share that despite of tough economy and decreasing state funds we have managed to expand our services to new locations in Chicago, Naperville, Vernon hills and Algonquin to make our services more accessible to suburban communities. We will continue to build partnerships with local community groups and seek their support to meet our short term and long term goals and stretch dollars through community collaboration and expand our volunteer base. Our new members have brought and attracted additional linkages to achieve desired outcomes in our fund raising efforts. Our networking has helped to connect with young professionals who are pumping great energy and enthusiasm to the worthy mission of keeping our seniors safe and secure in their homes. We still need required matching funds to keep providing services. We have taken new initiatives of assisted Housing to meet ever increasing needs of our target population. We have successfully started medical assistance services at our Naperville and Chicago locations. I welcome you and ask you to contribute to help us meet our share in this uncertain economy. I thank you for joining us today and make this a successful and enjoyable event.

Sincerely, Firdaus Jafri President, MAFS


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Executive Director’s Message Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to welcome you all on the eve of the 20th anniversary celebration of our organization. Integration of Service to our community is a hallmark of our work. It allows us to make an extraordinary difference in the lives of our elderly. As befits an organization that started 20 years ago, with few people and resources, has grown-up to fully equipped eight facilities and dedicated force of trained staff and caregivers. We reach out to collaborate with State, counties, city and private funders to build the capacity to increase our service area and programs to serve our community better. We combine a mission orientation, funders guidance, law abiding, best practices at all levels. Today, with managed care may incorporate health and nutrition, home-chore and home-health, senior housing and other modes of assistance into tightly knitted fabric.

Mrs. Santosh Kumar

To support such a holistic approach, we are making our operations more efficient and effective:  We are strengthening and streamlining knowledge-awareness mechanism to incorporate best practices.  We are ensuring learning by providing quality pre-service and in-service trainings to caregivers, who can apply their knowledge & skills in taking care of elderly and their own families.  We are also incorporating health-clinics and assisted living housing program help retiring our elderly with peace of mind and dignity. We both humbled at the work before us and inspired by the potential of our board members, staff & supporters like you all, who are the focus of our work. We sincerely thank our supporters and patrons for their continued support at every milestone of our journey. I humbly request you to read the report to get acquainted with our programs & services and get involve in whatever capacity you can. Thanks for supporting us all these years…. Sincerely, Santosh Kumar Executive Director


20YEARS of Community Services


Trustee’s Message Dear Friends and Guests: It gives me a great pleasure to present 20 years of the perseverance and dedication of Metropolitan Asian Family Services. In all these years I participated in all Social Services activities organized by MAFS for targeted elderly population. I am happy to report that in spite of difficult times and bad economy MAFS has expanded its services in eight fully equipped senior centers that are strategically located in Chicago, Niles/Des Plaines, Roselle/Schaumburg, Carol Stream, Naperville, Algonquin, Vernon Hills and most recently opened in Orland Park centers . These centers are accessible to the targeted populaSri Shanker Prasad S. Bhatt tion, they are currently serving 91 cities and neighborhoods over eleven counties of Cook, Suburban Cook, Lake, DuPage, McHenry, Kane, Kendall and Will in the greater Chicagoland. MAFS has also opened a Medical clinic in Naperville and recently in Chicago to provide basic health care services to the community. MAFS’ staffs are recruited from the targeted population and they are highly dedicated and trained professionals. Our agency maintains confidentiality and respects the privacy of the participants and fully complies with rules and regulations, of the State of Illinois. MAFS accounts and records are audited by department of aging. In MAFS everyone believes in serving and thus it receives compliments and appreciations every year from department of aging for rendering its services as per government norms. Our board members are selected through the advisory board. They are treated as an ambassador during and after their tenure in MAFS. They abide decorum and stringent rules and regulation as provided by MAFS Bylaws & constitution. I salute Mrs. Santosh Kumar for giving her time and dime, in fact I want to say that she has given her life to serve the families in distress, seniors with special needs and thus we aptly call her “Mother Teresa of Chicago.” She is an epitome of love, passion and compassion and everyone should follow her simple mantra – “to serve humanity is to serve God.” MAFS is secular organization, where no one is discriminated and deprived on the basis of caste, creed and religion. Real credit for starting this esteem organization goes to Santosh Kumar, Pramod Kumar, dedicated Board members and staff. I want to convey my thanks and blessing to Santosh Kumar for recognizing me as a ‘FOUNDING MEMBER' of MAFS. I offer my best wishes and blessings to our community members for supporting us and attending our 20 Annual Fundraising Dinner Gala 2012. MY HERTY PAREYRS TO GOD TO HELP US MY BEST WISHES TO ALL MAY GOD BLESS US FOR SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF ELDERLY PERSONS PITRUDEVO BHAVA MATRUDEVO BHAVO TRULY YOURS SHANKERPRASAD S BHATT


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MAFS Board Member Profiles Dr. Firdaus Jafri is a dentist in Carol Stream. She serves as a member of the Research Committee of American Academy of Implant Dentistry, International Congress of Oral Implantologists and the American Dental Association. She is a great humanitarian and gives her time and talent generously to many Indo– American organizations. She has been tirelessly supporting different community organizations in a variety of ways which help them to achieve their goals. As President of MAFS, Dr. Jafri has brought many active members to the agency board and continues to provide great advocacy, leadership, and insight on issues impacting our target immigrant population.

Dr. Firdaus Jafri

Ms. Nalini Goyal, RPh., completed graduation from Oxford Cambridge University in 1964. She has Master’s Degree in Pharmacology in India and moved to Chicago in 1974 to graduate and practice pharmacy in the US. She was the founder president of Association of Indian Pharmacists in America, (AIPha). Many newly pharmacy graduates from India were benefited by AIPha. She was also awarded the Bowl of Hygenia Award by Illinois Pharmacist Association. Her late husband, Sri Ramesh Goyal, was president of MAFS and worked diligently with Santosh Kumar to add more community centers. She is continuing the legacy of her husband and providing her expertise for the growth of MAFS. Serving as a philanthropist to the Indian community and also as Vice-President, she is involved with preventive

Ms. Nalini Goyal

health care projects, especially for diabetes.

Mr. Nikunj Baxi has a professional degree and holds a managerial position for a pharmaceutical company here in Chicago. Social work and helping the community is his passion and he truly enjoys working with community groups. Nick Baxi is a young, energetic and active community leader. He served as a president of Gujarati Samaj of Chicago, which is one of the oldest, and very well organized associations. He also served as Director for the FIA and the Ribbon Foundation. He has a very close connection with the Gujarati community.

Mr. Nikunj Baxi


20YEARS of Community Services


MAFS Board Member Profiles Ms. Beena Patel was born and raised in Gujarat, India. She earned a master’s degree in Commerce. She married Dixit Patel 28 years ago and moved to the United States to begin a new adventure and life. Beena began her career with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Traffic Division in 1987. Beena is a dedicated and avid community organizer. She is a Board Member of the Indian American Medical Association Charitable Foundation “IAMACF” and Metropolitan Asian Family Services. She is also a Vice President with the Association of Indians in America “AIA” and is a Board Member of the Vishwa Gujarati Samaj USA, Brand Ambassador to India Abroad “Save the Child Girl” and is a Member of the Desi Divas Book Club.

Ms. Beena Patel

Mr. Naren Patel is the Owner, President, and CEO of Medstar Laboratory Inc., located in Hillside, IL. since 2001. Naren graduated in Pharmacy from Gujarat State University in 1969. He started his first Medical Center in 1977 and has acquired/opened many more to date. Naren is the President of Care & Share USA International. Under his leadership, Care & Share was able to contribute in building 25 houses for the Tsunami Victims in India. He is the National Vice President of the Association of Indians in America. Currently, Naren is serving on the Board of Directors of Indian American Medical Association Charitable Foundation. He joined

Mr. Naren Patel

MAFS and is a Director on our Board.

Sri Shanker Prasad S. Bhatt is a man with journalistic talents. He has acted as a correspondent for many of the Indian papers in the United States. His articles have been published in the India Journal of Chicago. Mr. Bhatt is an accomplished writer on spirituality and religion. His first three volume book “Prayers of all Faiths of the World” was published in 2007. His second book titled “Festivities of all Religions,” covers meditation, mantra, healing, etc., providing solutions for current society. He has devoted much of his time to humanitarian efforts helping the elderly in greater Chicagoland. He is one of the founding members and Trustee of MAFS. Sri Shanker Prasad S. Bhatt


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Dr. Rakesh Asthana is a veterinarian by education and is a retired Major of the Indian army. After having practiced for nearly 18 years as a veterinarian with the Indian Army, he was seconded to the Kuwaiti Army for two years. After having migrated to the US in 1993, Dr. Asthana has worked with various pharmaceutical companies like Parke-Davis, Pfizer, Glaxo, Novartis, and Astra Zeneca, for example. He tirelessly volunteers in various not-for-profit groups. He sits on the Board of Directors of Black Feet Volunteer Medical Corps (BVMC). Dr. Asthana also volunteers his time with “Young Hearts 4 Life”, a volunteer organization, screening young High School children in the US to avoid “Sudden Cardiac Death” syndrome. Rakesh firmly believes that the elderly and senior citizens in the US need our help

Dr. Rakesh Asthana

and that MAFS is doing commendable work, which should be whole-heartedly supported.

Mr. Noor Tejany has been involved in the Chicagoland business community for over 25 years. Mr. Tejany has a great experience with many facets of the local business community due to his involvement with quick service restaurants, petroleum and hospitality industries. He was also the Founder/President of the Midwest Business Alliance. In addition, He has worked in various capacities with many community services and charitable organizations. He provides advocacy and support to many organizations such as the Chitrahar Cultural Academy, and the Aga Khan Foundation. He is a firm believer in establishing a support network for the elderly.

Mr. Noor Tejany

Mr. Pramod Kumar is a mechanical engineer by profession and is an accomplished businessman with the knowledge and expertise to operate many business and entrepreneurial projects. He has been recognized by the National Register's









professional organizations. Mr. Kumar is an active member of the board and provided great support in our early years. He continues to bring new resources to expand our agencies programs and make them accessible to more and more suburban communities in greater Chicago.

Mr. Pramod Kumar


20YEARS of Community Services


MAFS Board Members 2012

Sitting (left to right): Ms. Beena Patel, Mrs. Santosh Kumar, Dr. Firdaus Jafri, Ms. Nalini Goyal Standing (left to right): Mr. Noor Tejany, Mr. Pramod Kumar, Mr. Rakesh Asthana, Mr. Naran Patel, Mr. Nikunj Baxi

President Dr. Firdaus Jafri Vice President Ms. Nalini Goyal Treasurer Mr. Pramod Kumar Secretary Mr. Nikunj Baxi Chairperson Mr. Naren Patel Trustee Mr. Shanker Prasad Bhatt


Members Dr. Rakesh Asthana Ms. Bina Patel Mr. Noor Tejany Advisory Board Dr. Namrata Kandula Dr. Swapna Dave Dr. Chandrika Shah Ms. Trupti Kuvadia Mr. Bharat Patel Dr. Kamala Mittal Senior Board Ms. Kanak Mehta Ms. Rashmikaben Shah

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Ms. Pushpaben Patel Ms. Krishna Mahajan Ms. Manjula Patel Mr. Chandravadan Lotwala Ms. Daksha Shah Ms. Leena Shah Ms Indumati Naik Mr. Suryakant Patel Mr. Nanalal Sheth Mr. Narainbhai Patel

Executive Director Mrs. Santosh Kumar

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Executive Director Profile Mrs. Santosh Kumar is a counselor, attorney, professor, community leader, and businesswoman: is the founder and the Executive Director of Metropolitan Asian Family Services, a non-profit agency working for the well being of the community. In 1969- Bachelor of Science, 1972-Bachelor of Law, 1974-Masters in Law from AMU. At the age of 22, Santosh became an attorney and now, she has been practicing law for 26 years in USA along with her community services. She also became Professor of Law at the age of 24 at Aligarh VS College of Law from 1974 to 1977. She joined university of Rajasthan, Jaipur from 1978 to 1986 and taught and practiced in the High Court of Rajasthan, before migrating to the US in 1985. She earned her Law Equivalence degree from USA in 1989 and computer Desktop Publishing degree in the year 1992.

Mrs. Santosh Kumar

Santosh’s versatility and her restless efforts to wipe out social injustice from the community were recognized by various organizations. She was honored by National Register WHO IS WHO as a VIP Professional in 2004-2005 edition for her continued leadership to enhance the community image. She was also honored by United Cultural Convention and bestowed 2005 International Peace Prize for her efforts to maintain harmony in the communities. In 2006 her own university recognized her achievement and gave her mementos, a “Resource person” a prestigious reward to any NRI: Certificate of appreciation in recognition of outstanding services as an ACTION volunteer in VISTA. Indian community of Niles Township honored her for her Leadership & Excellence in serving seniors, needy and disabled as truly doing God’s work. Her Dedication and continued leadership was recognized by the State of Illinois, as an award of “PILLAR OF SERVICE” in 2008 and by the State of New York who awarded her “EXELLENCE IN COMMUNITY SERVICE” She was featured as Professional of the year by American Registry of outstanding professionals in 2006 and 2008. National Registry of Who’s Who recognized her strength and leadership in keeping peace and harmony in various religious groups of different countries, and gave her the “WOMAN OF THE YEAR” award. Her passion to serve the needy and destitute is so deep and committed that she was given the title of “MOTHER TERRISA OF CHICAGO” by her Alma matter, AMU in 2010. MAFS, under her guidance, has traveled through a long path and earned great repute and excellence. In 1994 AARP awarded MAFS for health screening and education services. In 1997– MAFS received the community-Service award by the city of Chicago for its services to the elderly. 1999– Community award presented by the State of Illinois for eldercare services. 2000– Certificate of recognition by US Department of Commerce. 2003-Certificate of excellence was awarded to MAFS by Ms. Maria Pappas, Treasurer Cook County for outstanding dedication and lasting contribution to Asian American community. She defines Social Work as a passion and not just a profession. She derives satisfaction from helping people access resources, solving their problems and seeing them improve. Her extraordinary communication skills enabled her to connect to people and deal with the most difficult and deeply troubled clients. She thinks that there’s a great need to help with all that life throws at people and social workers like her can make a differences. She speaks for people who do not get heard and her advocacy efforts light a beacon in their distressed lives. She oversees the executive of all the programs carried out in all the centers of the agency.


20YEARS of Community Services



Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

family • advocacy • service • support 1992-2012



Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

family • advocacy • service • support 1992-2012



Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

family • advocacy • service • support 1992-2012



Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

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Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

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Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

family • advocacy • service • support 1992-2012



Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

family • advocacy • service • support 1992-2012



Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

Executive Director’s MAFS Annual Report It gives me immense pleasure to present MAFS’s annual report for 2011-12. Formally, MAFS owes its existence to Universal Industries, a Chicago based business, which supports and fulfills about 35% MAFS’ financial requirements. MAFS was formed to deliver social services programs other than home and community based services, and it has come a long way in serving the community in various well established programs. It was incorporated as a not-for-profit Tax-Exempt 501 © (3) multicultural organization in 1993 with a mission to provide comprehensive and integrated services to the immigrant population of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lankan and East European communities facing linguistic and cultural barriers. MAFS is a multicultural and multi ethnic organization and has, at its core, a commitment to educate, counsel, assist and empower immigrants to become productive member of American Society. Starting from the Des Plaines office in 1992, our agency has now expanded its services to eight fully equipped senior centers strategically located in Chicago, Niles/Des Plaines, Roselle/Schaumburg, Carol Stream, Naperville, and to more recently opened centers in Algonquin, Vernon Hills and Orland Park. These centers are accessible to the targeted population currently serving 91 cities and neighborhoods in over eight counties which

include Cook, Suburban Cook, Lake, DuPage, McHenry, Kane, Kendall and Will in greater Chicagoland.

PUBLIC BENEFITS ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS: SOCIAL SERVICES AND OUTREACH: TITLE III -B, C, D and SOS - funded by Age Options With linguistic barriers many Indian seniors were disgruntled from the services provided by state and federal agencies. MAFS has started this social outreach services for seniors in Suburban Cook County and in other counties even though these services were not funded. The demands for these services are consistently increasing each year at targeted communities. The MAFS staff assist clients to fill out applications for the appropriate services and escort them to public benefit offices such as the Social Security Administration, Immigration and Naturalization, and the Department of Human Services. Interpretation services for limited English speaking seniors are also provided as needed. Social workers link clients with various service networks and help them receive benefits available to them. The daily callers and visitors also get assistance on a daily basis. Official forms in Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati and Bosnian languages are also available to facilitate the process of applying for benefits.

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To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art,” MAFS senior and staff members strongly believe in this adage.

This program provides 50% of a senior’s daily nutritional requirement. Meals are prepared daily at a MAFS/UMAS facility by a trained staff who have passed the State Food and Sanitation licensing exam. The purpose of the congregate meal program is to provide nutritionally balanced ethnic hot meals in a group setting to break the isolation and to increase socialization. These meals are hygienically prepared and served at MAFS centers. This program has been very successful, seniors are able to enjoy meals in a home like environment and develop new friendships. The meals are served from 12 pm to 2:30 pm. GOLDEN DINERS PROGRAM (CHICAGO) The Golden Diners program was started on October 1, 2001 in the main office of MAFS with a fully equipped kitchen. Hot meals are prepared by trained cooks in strictly hygienic conditions. This program is in its 13th year of successful operation and is funded by the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services. MAFS/UMAS has also added a BoxDinner program for the last four years to fulfill the need of seniors who live alone and are unable to cook for themselves. These programs are an effort to break the isolation


seniors feel and to solve the malnutrition problem faced by ethnic seniors. Over 161,000 meals were served at this location. Suburban Hot Meal Program In 2003, MAFS/UMAS opened its second congregate meal program at the Niles/Des Plaines center, with the funding from Age Options (Suburban Area Agency on Aging). A specially-equipped commercial kitchen was added to the senior center to prepare meals on-site and has served over 111,000 meals over these years and have given 10,000 lunch-boxes for ARRA program in the last fiscal year. This program is funded by AgeOptions. DUPAGE SENIOR COUNCIL HOT MEAL PROGRAM In 2006, MAFS/UMAS opened its third congregate meal program at the Roselle, Lombard and later in Carol Stream centers with funding from Northeast Area Agency on Aging/DuPage Senior Citizen Council. These meals were provided three days a week to fulfill the need of seniors. Currently the food is being prepared at the newly constructed kitchen in Naperville. Recently the Lombard center was merged with Naperville. Health Care programs Title III D: Heath Promotion & Disease Prevention Program The purpose of these programs is to educate

Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

 Happy aging is not adding years to life but adding Life to years  and encourage seniors and their families to adopt healthy lifestyles to stay healthy. This goal was achieved in 1999. This program is provides information and the necessary tools to the elderly and their family members who learn preventive health care strategies through educational seminars and screenings. HEALTH PROMOTION & DISEASE PREVENTION SEMINARS MAFS conducts health screenings and health education seminars in Chicago, Niles, Schaumburg, Arlington Heights, Hoffman Estates and the Village of Palatine. Health seminars are made possible by funding from Age Options. MAFS is working with various healthcare organizations to promote health awareness among the South Asian Community. Free seminars and screenings cover topics such as: Healing with Nutrition, Bone Density, Cholesterol check-ups, chronic disease prevention, Cancer, Aging Eyes, Kidney & Diabetes, Loss Matters, Depression, Fall Prevention and Medication Management. Flu Shots are administered in the fall by networking and collaborating with existing community Health Care providers. The following organizations collaborate with us in these programs: 

White Crane Wellness Center

UIC Collage of Pharmacy

Coalition of Limited English Speaking Elderly (CLESE)

Arthritis Foundation

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Educational programs are designed to improve the knowledge, communication and technical skills of targeted population and community members to become productive members of our community. MAFS has been providing ESL classes since its inception 20 years ago as a tool to prepare immigrants for citizenship examination. Following programs have been developed & implemented over the years. ENGLISH AS SECOND LANGUAGE – Bright Ideas (CLESE) Bright Ideas is a program offered by CLESE to low-literate seniors since 2004. The curriculum focuses on practical speaking and listening skills. The class meets at MAFS’ Roselle and Niles Senior Centers two days a week. In the past year, we have trained new seniors in English speaking skills for daily life, thus, making them more functional in American society. We also provide citizenship classes to seniors in Chicago, Niles, Roselle and Naperville to help seniors pass the US citizenship test.

COMPUTER TRAINING My strong technical background has enabled me to start computer training to immigrants in 1997. Initially I started this program by investing My time and resources in the Chicago, Niles and Roselle locations. Later I received funding from the Retirement Research Foundation which enabled us to upgrade computers and improve training from 1997 –1999. family • advocacy • service • support 1992-2012


MAFS Report (continued) Currently MAFS have no grant to support this program but we are continuing to offer the program due to the community’s need for education. IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP ASSISTANCE This program was started in 1992 to ensure that clients fully understand the US immigration process and are able to utilize the immigration services and existing benefits available to them. It provides accurate information, counseling, referrals and full assistance in completing the immigration forms for citizenship and family petitions. MAFS provides assistance to telephone callers and “walk-in” clients that require assistance with applications. MAFS also helps community members in obtaining OCI Cards & VISAs from the Indian Consulate and is now working for cancellation of an Indian Passport for those who have attained US citizenship. People are expected to call for their OCI card application. INTERPRETATION & TRANSLATION SERVICES These services were started in all MAFS facilities. I strongly felt the need for interpretation and translation services to the elderly who were facing various problems with an alien language. MAFS provides seniors in Public benefit offices, such as the Department of Human Services and the Social Security office with immigration and naturaliza-


tion services in Chicago and its suburbs. Our staff speak more than 15 languages and they assist the community/seniors with their applications for citizenship and any interpretation services whenever required. Staff translates English forms into Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu and Bosnian languages for the State of Illinois and other Agencies. Funding comes from the Coalition of Limited English Speaking Elderly (“CLESE”) for translation services. CANCER STUDY (BREAST AND CERVICAL) IN MUSLIM AND SOUTH ASIAN WOMEN Metropolitan Asian Family Service (MAFS) in association with the Asian Health Coalition has implemented the “Pink Pashmina Project,” that reduces disparities in breast and cervical cancer screening rates and increases cancer mortality affecting Muslims and South Asian women in Chicago and Cook County. MAFS is a lead agency in this project which shall be in effect for the period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. The main objectives of this project are: I. To raise community awareness of breast and cervical cancer in Asian women through culturally and linguistically appropriate education. II. To promote early detection through routine breast and cervical screening III. To identify and address barriers to screening and care

Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

IV. To facilitate access to preventive care services for the uninsured. THE SOUTH ASIAN HEART LIFESTYLE INTERVENTION PROJECT: PREVENTION OF HEART DISEASES Metropolitan Asian Family Service is partnering in this project with Northwestern University and the Feinberg School of Medicine. Together they are conducting various healthy lifestyle workshops at various MAFS locations. The goal of the study is to educate the Indian and Pakistani community about how to reduce their chances of a heart attack by adopting a healthy lifestyle. The study is funded by the United States National Institutes of Health and emphasizes knowledge on how to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol through a healthier and balanced lifestyle.

FUTURE PLANS MAFS has served the community with or without funding sources due to our commitment to go wherever the need is. It is becoming harder and harder to continue in recent years especially when State and Federal budgets are reduced for social services so drastically. We still plan to keep current programs up and running in every center and look for more opportunities for expanding programs and funding resources for them. At the end I request you to understand and continue your support in these trying times and donate generously. I hope you enjoy our 20th Anniversary Celebration Sincerely, Santosh Kumar Executive Director MAFS

The study also helps our staff learn new ways to incorporate healthy living in their daily lives like healthy eating, physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight. They are also certified on how to conduct blood pressure, weight, and body mass index measurements. We hope to make these studies a success so our community can achieve optimal health in the future.

family • advocacy • service • support 1992-2012


Executive Director’s UMAS Annual Report COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAM IN HOME CARE SERVICES The Community Care Program is an intrinsic program of Universal Industries, a business entity funded by IDOA in 1993. Its operation was given to Universal Metro Asian Services (UMAS) in 1999. This program provides services to the elderly in their home, which allows them to stay in their own home rather than being institutionalized in a nursing facility. These services are provided by our homecare aides who are recruited from the ethnic communities reflecting the client’s cultural background. These services are available at all of our locations. Homecare aides assist the elderly with dailychores, such as cleaning, cooking, shopping, personal grooming and escorting them to medical appointments, when necessary. They assist the elderly in their homes anywhere from one to seven days a week, depending upon the needs of the seniors. Their needs are determined by an independent Case Management Agency who assesses the seniors’ disability to do their daily tasks. These services are offered with the full dignity and confidentiality of the participant. An intensive pre-service and in-service training are mandatory requirements of the Illinois Department on Aging. UMAS Supervisors have to complete Certificate of Achievement training offered by the Illinois Department on Aging and they also attend mandatory workshops every year. Our homecare aides receive quality training from train-


ers who have expertise in their field. Examples of topics covered include Alzheimer’s, Depression, Safety, Nutrition, Hygiene, Physical and Mental Health. Topics related to health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, healthy diet and stress management are also covered in trainings. The Home Care program is an anchor program for the UMAS agency which is a recognized leader in the community. We provide job training to over a thousand Home Care Aides to support elderly care. Our Home Care program offers an opportunity for career development to persons who may not be suitable for mainstream jobs due to their language and cultural barriers. The unique feature of this program is mandatory pre-service and in-service trainings which assist Home Care Aides in all aspects of preventive eldercare and the code of conduct ensuring client’s health, safety, and well being. IMPACT OF THIS PROGRAM This program has an amazing impact on the wellbeing of the families served. The home care services result in fewer trips to hospitals and emergency rooms saving thousands of dollars to the State Illinois. The additional benefit is that elderly can stay in their own homes with their families instead of being placed in nursing homes, which is a tremendous financial burden to the State and the Federal government. Moreover there are no culturally specific nursing homes available for the ethnic populations to accommodate their cultural food and linguistic needs. Most of the immigrant seniors are lonely, depressed and suffering from

Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

aging complications and are also culturally isolated while their family members are at work. UMAS employment and training services have created an army of multilingual home care workers who provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to the elderly population they serve. This has a tremendous ripple effect on the economy and future work force that is required to take care of an aging Indian population in America. ADULT DAY SERVICE [ADS] This is another important program of Universal Metro Asian Services since 2006. UMAS Adult Day Care centers are well designed spaces which include a 10,000 sq. ft. facility in Chicago, 5,500 sq. ft. in Niles; 3,500 sq. ft.in Carol Stream, 15,00 sq. ft. in Naperville, 3000 sq. ft. in Vernon Hills. ADS is funded by the Illinois Department on Aging which provides an opportunity for the elderly to get involved in structured and fun-filled activities. Its purpose is to assist elderly clients who need care in a safe, secure and home-like environment outside of their home. This program provides breakfast, hot lunch and snacks to the participants, on-site medical monitoring is available by trained nurses, yoga & fitness sessions, health education and screening seminars, re-creational activities and round trip transportation services from their home to the centers by experienced drivers. This program is currently available at our Chicago, Niles, Carol Stream, Naperville and Vernon Hills centers. IMPACT OF THIS PROGRAM This program is very helpful to family members who have to go to work and therefore are unable to look after their aging parents or in-laws. It promotes a healthy lifestyle and allows the seniors to socialize with similar age group seniors to break their isolation in a home-like environ-

ment. This program also offers opportunities for physical and mental health well being. It promotes new friendships and reduces depression and social isolation in many cases. These centers also provide an open door policy for seniors as ‘DROP-IN’ facilities for those who want to enjoy the various services offered at the day care center but do not qualify for services under the state guidelines. The Adult Day Care programs keep seniors happy and healthy through preventive health education seminars and screening services, so that seniors are mentally, physically and socially stimulated in a home-like environment. FUTURE PLAN Managed care is coming to the state in the near future, which will change the traditional way of services provided to seniors. New rules and regulations have to be learned and some changes in the operations of programs are inevitable. We are also still working on our Assisted Living Project for seniors and we are completing construction of the building. We have accomplished our goal for developing an Adult Day service center in Vernon Hills and we are still working in McHenry County to promote these services. We are planning to open Adult Day service center and medical care in Schaumburg and Orland Park facilities in the near future.

We are also planning to start a home health agency to complete the full circle of senior care. At the end, we need your whole hearted support and understanding for our work. Our staff and Board members work hard to continue to deliver services to your parents and loved ones. Sincerely,

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MAFS & UMAS Services at a Glance


Year Established

No. of Individuals Served



Source of Funding

CCP- Homecare Aide





CCP - Adult Daycare





Golden Dinners Program

Chicago Dept of Family & Support Service




Congregate Meal Program

Age Options




Hot Lunch Program (Roselle)

NE Area Agency on Aging




Senior Hot Lunch (Naperville)

NE Area Agency on Aging




Immigration / Citizenship Assistance

No Funding




Title (B & E) TClip Public Benefit Social Service

Age Options




Computer Training

No Funding









Outreach & Interpretation

No Funding




Public Health Education

White Crane Wellness Center




Senior Drop- n Center

No Funding




Title III D Health Promotion & Disease Prevention

Age Options




Bright Idea/Translation





Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

UMAS Funding Sources Homecare Funded by UI/IDOA

Misc. Expenses 0%

Utilities 1% Admin Expenses 10%

Training 0%

Homecare Expenses 82%

Transportation 5% Rent Publications 2% 0% Stationary 0%

Adult Day Care Funded by UI/IDOA Utilities 5%

Admin Expenses 10%

Groceries 25%

Transportation 20% Equipment 18%

Stationary 1% Rent 5%

Training 13%

Misc. Expenses 1%

Publications 2%

family • advocacy • service • support 1992-2012


MAFS Funding Sources Golden Diners

Bright Idea & ESL

Funded by Chicago Family and Support Services

Funded by CLESE Printing Travel 6% 3%

Equipment 5% Salary 9%

Local Cash (UI) 25%

Grocery Expenses 61%

Salary 91%

Nutrition Program Title lll-C

Title lll - B,E,D TCLIP

Funded by Age Options

Funded by Age Options

Local Cash (UI) 20%

Local Cash (UI) 20% Salary 46%

Age Options Contribution 32%


Misc 1%

Printing/Adv 1%

Salary 46%

Age Options Contribution 32%

Metropolitan Asian Family Services | Universal Metro Asian Services 20th Anniversary Edition

Misc 1%

Printing/Adv 1%

Congregate Meal Program

South Asian Heart Lifestyle Study

Funded by DSSC/NE Area Agency on Aging

Funded by Northwestern University

Local Cash (UI) 11%

Salary 14% Equipment 1% Utilities 2%

Agency 41%

Project Cost 19%

Salary 81%

Grocery Expenses 31%

Cancer Study of Muslim and South Asian Women

Light and Heat Program

Funded by Asian Health Coalition

Funded by CEDA

Local Cash (UI) 11%

Project income 31% Rent Printing/AdvIn-kind 3% 2% 3%

Printing 13%

Salary 25%

Educational Material 13%

Travel 3% Age Options Contribution 21%

Salary 34%

Misc 1% Consulting 32%

Travel 8%

family • advocacy • service • support 1992-2012


MAFS/UMAS Staff Chicago Office


EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Santosh Kumar CFO Pramod Kumar BILLING & PAYMENTS Harivadan Patel Balkrishna Dholakia HOMECARE Promila Mehta Khyati Shah Saba Kazi Smitesh Shah Meena Jairam Gita Mistry Fatima Borjanovic Hamida Porcic Amela Bicic ADULT DAY CARE Himali Bharucha Beena Georgkutty - RN GOLDEN DINNER PROGRAM Dahyabhai Patel Vidyaben Patel Tayyaba Bokhari Sonal Patel Anier Youkhanna LEGAL-IMMIGRATIONCITIZENSHIP Santosh Kumar Hasina Khandker Harish Mahajan Kiran Patel

HEALTH PROMOTION & DISEASE PREVENTION Himali Bharucha Meena Jairam Saba Kazi DRIVERS Kiran Patel Nishar Ghogha Girish Shah Roselle Office MANAGER Prem Jalota HOMECARE Sonal Raval Hiral Thaker Bhumi Patel Amita Patel Bhavi Parekh ESL - BRIGHT IDEA Hiral Thaker TITLE V EMPLOYEE Vithalbhai Thakkar DRIVERS Sanjay Patel Hitendra Luhar Bharat Patel Mafat Patel Rajendra Patel Pratap Rangani Niles Office

ESL-CITIZENSHIP CLASSES Himali Bharucha COMPUTER Hasina Khandekar ACCOUNTS Zareen Ahemad Julie Sun IT Imran Muhammad Afaan Muhammad


MANAGER Jahnavi Bavisi

T-Clip Santosh Kumar Shree Gurusamy Hasina Khandekar

ADULT DAY CARE Hina Mehta Mukesh Panchal- RN Aishwarya Bhatnagar

HOT LUNCH PROGRAM TITLE III C Jahnavi Bavisi Raman bhai Patel Balvinder Kaur Jaya Bhavsar Sumitra Patel Siria Atilano

HOT LUNCH PROGRAM Hemkumar Thakkar Jayshree Thakkar Pratibha Purohit Ramila Gandhi

COMPUTER TRAINING Hasina Khandekar DRIVERS Ramesh Surti Ashwin Soni Imran Salim TITLE V EMPLOYEE Suresh Shah

ADULT DAY CARE Pankaj Patel Shefali Kulshrestha Gulzar Khemani- RN

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Algonquin Office

Carol Stream Office

HOMECARE Sejal Adhyapak

MANAGER Avni Thakkar

DRIVERS Mohammed Malkani

HOME CARE Kamini Dholakia Nehal Thakkar

Vernon Hills Office

ADULT DAY CARE Bhavna Vora Mukesh Panchal- RN DRIVERS Jagdish Z. Patel Shaik Liquaitullah Vina Patel Zubair Akhoon Naperville Office

HOMECARE Pinesh Sheth Annie Gandhi Arti Vyas

DRIVERS Sudhir Muhammad Aijaz Rajper Cassim Akhoon Rafik Sheikh Narendra Solanki Iqbal Waseem Alpesh Patel Jagdish S. Patel

MANAGER Gira Ethindra HOMECARE Neelam Desai Mona Patel Shilpa Doshi Seema Kashif

OUTREACH SPECIALIST Kanak Kumar HOMECARE Bhavnamati Patel Harminder Grewal ADULT DAY CARE Surendra Shah Gulzar Khemani - RN DRIVER Chandrakant Soni Orland Park Office MANAGER Afaan Muhammad HOMECARE Najwa Saleh

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Orland Park




Vernon Hills

Carol Stream




20YEARS of Community Services


MAFS/UMAS Locations

Chicago Office

Niles Office

Roselle Office

Naperville Office

Carol Stream Office

Algonquin Office

Vernon Hills Office

Orland Park Office


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8 Convenient Chicagoland Locations CHICAGO



7541 N Western Ave.

1032 E Ogden Ave.

266 Hawthorn Village

Chicago, IL. 60645

Naperville, IL. 60563




Vernon Hills, IL. 60061 224.207.5075

NILES 9015 N Milwaukee Ave.



Lake Michigan

2779 Algonquin Rd Unit 2713

Vernon Hills

Niles, IL. 60714 847.824.9414

Algonquin, IL. 60102

Niles Algonquin



Roselle Chicago



127 E Main St.


Carol Stream


Roselle, IL. 60172 630.307.6277


11225 W 159th Street Cook

Orland Park, IL. 60467 708.675.1980



Orland Park

954 W Army Trail Rd. Carol Stream, IL. 60188



support@mafsinc.com | mafsinc.com


20YEARS of Community Services


New Location - Orland Park

MAFS REACHES OUT TO WILL COUNTY AT ORLAND PARK Metropolitan Asian Family Services opened a new location in Orland Park on June 18 2012 at 11225 W 159th Street, Orland Park, IL. 60467. MAFS serves the elderly with home maker services, free of charge, referral services, public benefit programs and other social services needed for our immigrant population of Indian Sub-continent and all other needy European communities. We are serving the following cities from this location:

Orland Park  Lagrange 

Tinley Park

Oak Forest


Oak Lawn


Goodings Groove

PLEASE CONTACT Mr. Afaan Muhammad at TEL: 708-675-1980


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Mini Fundraiser 2012 Naperville, IL: Over three hundred community members gathered to celebrate the Asian Heritage Month, on May 12, 2012 at 1032 E. Ogden Ave., Naperville, IL. The celebration started with a traditional lamp lighting ceremony by Swami Vidyananda Maharaj of Bharat Sevshram Sangh. Prominent dignitaries who joined in the ceremony were Dr. Gopal Lamalani, MD, Oakbrook Village President, Rodney Craig, Mayor Hanover Park, A. George Pradel, Mayor Naperville, Dr. Firdaus Jafri, President MAFS, Santosh |Kumar, Executive Director MAFS, Pramod Kumar, MAFS CFO, Board of Directors, Nalini Goyal, and Noor Tejani. The Appreciation award was presented to Dr. Gopal Lamalani, Leadership Award was given to A. George Pradel, and Public Service Award was presented to Rodney Craig. Token of Appreciation certificates were given to the dance artists of Soorya Acadamy. The event was compered by Nilam Desai. Dr. Manohar Jethani, and Padmini Rao enthralled everyone with gazals and popular Bollywood numbers.

Lamp ceremony by Swami Vidyananda Maharaj

President of MAFS, Dr. Firdaus Jafri


Mr. Rodney Craig, Village President, Hanover Park, Mr. A. George Pradel, Mayor, Naperville, Dr. Gopal Lamalani, MD, Oakbrook, Santosh Kumar, the Executive Director of MAFS, Mr. and Mrs. Noor Tejani, a Board of Director, MAFS, Mr. Pramod Kumar, MAFS CFO

Dr. Manohar Jethani, Ms. Padmini Rao giving a Tribute to late Mr. Jagjit Singh

20YEARS of Community Services


Annual Fundraiser 2011 Schaumburg, IL: Excitement and joy was all over the place as people in large numbers turned up at the 19th fundraising dinner of Metropolitan Asian Family Services (MAFS) at the Indian House Banquet Hall, Schaumburg, on October 15. The program, hosted by MAFS, has shown the fine juxtaposition of unity and brotherhood among various South Asian countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and East Europe. With the title of “Finding Solution in Challenging Time” the night started with the lamp lightening ceremony by Shri Vimal Vyas and Swami Devapriyananda and was followed by bhajan by Indira Naik from Mumbai. Opening the forum, Dr. Firdaus Jafri, president MAFS profusely thanked dignitaries, invited guests and the audience for attending this event. Mr. Michael Gelder, Acting Director, Illinois Department on Aging was the keynote speaker and addressed the audience with praise for MAFS’ staff for its excellent community service in-spite of budget constraints due to the delay in state payment. Other dignitaries present were Ms. Mary Killough, CCP Program Manager, IDOA, Ms. Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of CookCounty, Mr. Ranjeet Deshmuk, Ex-congress president Maharashtra and Mr. Amrish Singh Gautam, Deputy Speaker of Delhi Vidhan Sabha. Message from Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago was presented by Chris Zala, Liaison for Asian Affairs in the Mayor’s Office. The other prominent speakers of the event were Mayor, Al Larson, Schaumburg, Village President, Rodney Craig, Hanover Park, Village President, William McLeod, Hoffman Estates, State Rep. 56th District Ms. Michelle Mussman, John Levin, CEO of Age Options, Ms. Marta Pereyra, Executive Director, CLESE, and Mr. Naren Patel, CEO, Medstar Laboratory. The event was emceed by Ms. Beena Patel, Ms. Indra Naik, Bollywood singer entertained the audience. Vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Rakesh Asthana, Chairperson of the event.


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From left, Neil Khot, Rep. Michelle Mussman’s office, Dr. Firdaus Jafri, president, MAFS, Mayor William McLeod, Hoffman Estates, Mayor Rodney Craig, Hanover Park, Mr. Promod Kumar, CFO, MAFS, Mr. Sunil Shah, President, FIA

Lamp lightening ceremony performed by Shri Vimal Vyas and Swami Devapriyananda of Bharat Sevashram Sangh other dignitaries are look on

From Left: Rodney Craig, Mayor Hanover Park, William McLeod, Mayor Hoffman Estates, , Santosh Kumar, Executive Director MAFS, Vimal Vyas, spiritual Advisor, Amrish Singh Gautam, Deputy Speaker Delhi Vidhan Sabha with his wife.

Dr. Namratha Kandula, NWU, Mayor Mayor Gale Smolinski, Roselle, Ms. Mary Killough

Prominent dignitaries from India and State of Illinois at MAFS 2011 Annual Gala

The audience at the MAFS 2011 Annual Dinner

Dazzling dance performance by Surya Dance Academy

Surya Academy dance group


20YEARS of Community Services


our story... Start our computer training program. 200 students enroll this year to learn computer literacy

MAFS receives contract from the CEDA to assist low-income families with utility costs

Mrs. Kumar opens a legal office in a Des Plaines commercial building

MAFS is recognized by the Chicago Department of Human Services for its continued good work

MAFS receives first contract from Department on Aging under the Universal Industries name

First Title V employee was given by CASL via CLESE

CCP and Homecare services expand to serve 44 elderly individuals

Collaborated with CLESE to implement health screening projects

Moved from Des Plaines to Chicago’s Indian neighborhood, Devon


1994 2003

1995 2004

1996 2005

Lombard Office is opened

1997 2006


Adult Day Care Services are launched in Chicago and Niles

Yoga and meditation workshops are given

Hot Meal Program begins at Roselle in August Staff grows to 60, Homecare program now serves 1100 clients and has 900 workers

Homecare program now serves 600 clients and has 450 workers

Staff grows to 25

Attain permit to open a Congregate Meal Program at Roselle/Schaumburg facility

Initiate the “meal to carry out” program with the help of Private Corporations and individual donations.

Our number of vans increases to 21 to accommodate more need Governor of Illinois declares October 17th to be Metropolitan Asian Family Services Day

The addition of Mayor Daley’s Youth Program expands out target population to include all generations

Chicago Department on Aging provides MAFS with congregate dining (Golden Dinners) for seniors

Schaumburg Location is opened

Conduct exercise and health education programs sponsored by White Crane Wellness Center, Asian Human Services, University of Chicago and Northwestern University

Vans are purchased to transport seniors to and from citizenship tests, benefit offices and other appointments

Move to a new 1200 square foot facility on Fairfield Ave. at Devon Community Care Program expands to include Bosnian elderly. MAFS’ first Bosnian Supervisor is hired

Receive contract from Illinois Department of Human Services to provide citizenship assistance, escort, and interpretation of public benefits We are one of three agencies selected for participation in a demonstration project with the City of Chicago to Chicago location is moved to a spacious use local restaurants for seniors to 9000 square foot building on the 7500 dine at reduced cost block of Western Avenue in Chicago

Senior “drop-in” center is started to help break the social isolation seniors feel spending much of their days alone

This three year grant is the first private foundation money MAFS receives

SOS Social Services started under Title lll B & E

Homecare program grows to serve nearly 400 clients

1999 2008

Niles receives grant to provide a meal program similar to Chicago’s from the Suburban Area Agency on Aging

Congregate Dining Program is started

Receive the capacity building grant from the Retirement Research Foundation to expand into the lower level of the building


Niles facility is opened

2000 2009

Health Promotions & Disease Prevention Seminars started underTitle lll-D

2001 2010

2002 2011

2012 Adult Day Care begins at Vernon Hills Home assisted living program is underway and under construction

Staff grows to 90

Hot Meal Program is launched at Lombard facility Senior nutrition program is launched with the help of the DuPage Senior Citizen Council The Niles facility is moved to a larger location at N. Milwaukee Avenue

Carol Stream Office is opened in June and serves hot meals on site

Senior nutrition program is launched with the help of the DuPage Senior Citizen Council of Naperville

Immigration, information and interpretation, Health, Computer, ESL Bright Idea and LIHEAP services are continuing at all locations Orland Park facility is launched

Naperville Office opened Staff grows to 110, Homecare workers grow to 1800, Homecare clients increase to 2100 and we purchase our 28th van

Adult Day Care Services are established in Naperville and Carol Stream

We celebrate our 20th Anniversary with the support of people like you. Thanks! And we look forward to 20 more!

Vernon Hills and Algonquin Facilities are opened expanding services in Lake, McHenry, Kane and DuPage Counties

so far...

12 years of Fundraisers













Thanks to Our Supporters 2012 We could not have achieve our mission without your support...

GOLDEN Sponsors

Other Supporters: Century 21 Chairmax USA Light Point Nations Best Towels Inc New York Live (Amit & Dharmesh) Super 8 (Willowbrook) Swagat Foods Zoom Auto Repairs IncKamdar Plaza Naperville Pharmacy Expert Medical Group Cold Well Banker Medicare Pay for Diabetic Shoes Cancer Treatment Center of America Gardi & Haught Ltd Northwest Medical Care Big Suchir Lakeshore Health Care Super 8 (Chicago / Rogers Park) Farmers (Anil Sharma) Vista Health System Northwest Physical Therapy


Silver Sponsors

Lodaat Trinity Ins Group Professional Mortgage Solutions Inc Ideal Auto Repair Ashutosh Sales, Inc Farmers (Sanjay Desai) Meineke (Desplains) New York Live (Sunil Shah) Bharat Grocers Willow Lake Pharmacy Prudential (Sunita) New York Live (Mayur) Peckens TV & Electronic Zoom Autos Sistar Mortgage (Quarter) Vonage Subway (Schaumburg) Moned Construction Schaumburg Honda Freeway Travel Desi Full & RaniSalon Reza Baniassadi Law Office Zezan Real Estate Meadows Club

20YEARS of Community Services


Remebering Mrs. Bhatt Ranajan S Bhatt (1926- June 6th 2000) She was embodiment of compassion and passion. She was one who extends her help to all those who were in need and she was Ranajan S Bhatt, wife of Shankerprasad Bhatt, a prominent community member and board member of MAFS.

Ranajan S Bhatt

She was born in the city of Surendranagar in Gujarat in the year 1926. After completing higher secondary, she was married to Shankerprasad Bhatt in the year 1947. She worked as a social worker in the health Department in India and thus this induced in her unfathomable feeling for destitute and disgruntle community. After migrating to USA in 1980 and she joined MAFS 1992 with her husband SS Bhatt. Within very short span of time she become an active member of MAFS and participated in all MAFS activities great zest and zeal. She was the role model for many seniors. Mrs. Bhatt exemplifies that nothing would deter anyone if they have strong will, she completed her Masters from SNDT University Bombay after the birth of her sixth child. She was great devotee of Goddess Bhakti and this gave her Shakti to raise her six children and twelve grandchildren. She left us on June 6th 2000. Chicago’s Golden Diners program was dedicated in her memory.


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We Will Always Remember... Tejinderji was a mentor for all of us including our seniors. She was also a good advisor and inspiration. She was always first in line during any festivals or volunteer work. MAFS and her family will miss her deeply. God bless her soul.

Tejinder Sekhon

Slinic Hasija Habibovic Sulejman Cabak Kata Bengis Khava Rodovic Ibrahim Alihodzic Timka Panchigar Chandanben Raja Mahendra Ali Syed Desai, Urmila Sakhon Tejinder Nezir Fejzic Beck Donna Rashid Amtulla Zubaida Fazalullah Ganghi Ramesh Qureshi Akhtar Mecintosh Margret Khan Hamid Kaur Charanjit Kaur Pritam Jani Jasuben Patel Ramila Patel Kamalaben Patel Kamla Quader Shariff Bashir Kureshi


Kureshi Bashir was truly loved by everyone. His patience and kindness will be missed. May his soul rest in peace.

Kureshi Bashir

Bhalla Sita Sabri Zakia Patel Manjula Mohammed Mohammed Shah Jaya Ebriham Rasheed Magbanu Felicisima Patel Hasmukh Patel Govindbhai Sheth Vinodchandra Naz Fatima Ajit Chauhan George Thakkama Patel Kalidas Ahemed Shoukat Ramchandani Savitri Vasa Devila Icho Somo Patel Manubhai Gandhi Vinod Gulbanno Haider Sushila Patel Ramesh Patel Begum Noorunnisa Soghra Madani Saifuddin Hiptullah

Sharif Unnisa Lilaben Patel Natubhai Patel Bimla Khanna Shahbano Saiduddin Omprakash Bhalla Syed Haq Ahmed Sayeed Syed Azeem Kantaben Sheth Ratanlal Shah Mary Allen Vyas Shakuntala (ADS/ Home care) Patel Niranjana R Haqeem Mohammad Khan Mohammad Desai Gajraben Qureshi Fatima Tailor Manilal (ADS/ Homecare) Thakkar Madhuben (ADS) Bilquees Bukhari Dalpat Bharucha Anusaya Walvekar Shantaben Parikh Lachmi Balani

20YEARS of Community Services


eª!r m;' isnIyr s j mj; is s * iv ns e KUb Ubj n aesiy bQ; s;q me!M;ep;elI!r vk* kru' %u'. mne ;ee s;q ane p>em Ke. ame n % Iy e n e ! r b k Iª er 'kj v;el en bhuj k Iy; ihm;lI, p a;ve %e. e#m, ane p>emIl;b n ane penis§ven e* ! m ;. g ' . e y x k % i ;e e d ' v L m u' ane a;n mihn; m;' bQ; jun úy;' ame G['u j;ey ;. gy; ht

a; isnIyr siv*sIs se idvs jWae %Iae. a ª!rm;' am;e 5 m; sgv# %e. he§QI jmv;ne ne lev; mukv;nI am;rI tbIyt m;' G[ u' p[ a;pe %e. ;e j suQ;r;e %e. b;buB;w p!el

en x;h


you. vided by ro p n o ti a e enjoy sport re by tran ch and outings…w friends e h g in m n We are co , breakfast and lu ur own home with o als Good me feels like we are at it d n a here y. , and famil Sincerely ch. u very mu o y k n a h T dya Dilip Pan

#m ane bQ;e ÷!;f jy XI k&±[ s;te s'÷q; m;' me c ane bekf;÷! lª ;nu K;v s;ru' Öy;n a;pe %e. h;elI, ÷v;t'Æ;idn, a;pe %e ane úyvh;r idv;lI, p[ rm;#e %e. t;e rm . %e bq*#e vgere ojv;y amne ivX;m mLe %e. pu±p;ben p!el

I still remember when my father passed away and my mother really needed to be with people of Indian community with ethnic cultural and linguistic background. Like a typical Asian immigrant family, our days are pretty busy with kids’ activities, jobs, daily chores, and so, there was no way we could have given her all the tools that needed to stitch her life back together. The MAFS family has given her the avenue to independently get her footing back, interact with same age group, and form her own special social circle. I clearly see, she is back and is ready to continue her golden years. I am truly grateful to the MAFS family for being a pillar to lean on. Thank you. Tapan Nagori

My name is Taj Chagani. I have been registered with the Metropolitan Asian Family Services recently. The staff at MAFS is wonderful, friendly and helpful for seniors. There are different types of activities occurring every week. E.g. Religious Exercises, music, indoor games etc. Once a month, we go for outings and to different branches of Metropolitan Asian Family Services. I came there twice a week. I meet with all casts of people and I am enjoying. People are cooperative and friendly. I will attend the center for the rest of the life. I am a participant of MAFS’ senior services for Hot Lunch and Homecare program. MAFS provides compassionate service to our ethnic elderly. I am very thankful to Mrs. Santosh Kumar for opening such a great institution which provides great help to all of us in need. MAFS has a very dedicated staff like Mr. Prem Jalota. Thank you, C.L. Shastri Former Priest of MSM, Current Priest of Jalaram Mandir

Worth to Remember Age is in itself a reason to celebrate, Fruits get sweet as they ripen, Wine gets tastier as it gets old, Flowers get prettier as they bloom, m;rI s'÷q;ne sl;m ane a;B;r nI l;g[I- nv jIvn a;pv; m;!e a; m;e!I om'rnu b;Lp[ k;e[ s'B;Le, h;l# #;*lk qtI n;vnu', smt;eln nI b;L smj a; mn ane v;! j;etI a;'K;e, x;eQe a; jgtm; a;Q;r k;eWkn;e, p>em, shk;r, smt; n; B;v;e n;e, ¼y;' nv; s;qI p[ j;[e jUn; a;n'dn;e sús'g, ane kev;e a^But a;vk;r. vEku'@m';. lI. x;eBn; n;g;erI

jy XI k&±[ s lª c ane bek ;te s'÷q; m;' me#m ane bQ;e f vgere ojv;y ;÷! a;pe %e ane úyvh;r id ÷!;f s;ru' Öy;n a;pe %e. K;v v %e. rmt;e p[ rm;#e %e. amn ;lI, h;elI, ÷v;t'Æ;idn, bq ;nu *#e e ivX;m mLe % e. pu±p;ben p!el

e UMAS is an excellent servic y nit mu com the for s ior for sen for home care services. Norjehan Kasam

ª!rm;' jWae %e me!M;ep;elI!n isnIyr se ; mLI h;ey aev;e g Be I Il m úy;re p;et;nI fe s G[Ij s;rI %e. a;n'd krIye %e. si*vsI m'juben p!el

r seª!r sIniy qe s i s * v s; si esiyn u' %u'. mne bQ; , p'kjben a n ! I I r me!M;ep;el Iª!Iyr vk* k me#m, ihm;l KUbj mLe % m;' v;el mj; a;ve %e. ;q ane p>em !n ane KUbj Il;ben n;e s n; m;' v;eix'ge G['u j;eyu' ane p>embQ; jun mih t;. úy;' am k;ben x;h e. ame venIy; gy; h.........riµim penis§ ;n'd ky;.e* ... ane a

There are not too many people in this world who are great human beings, even if their job or career says so. A worker of yours, Fatima Borjanovic saved my mother’s life. She took my mom to Masonic Hospital where my mother almost died. Fatima came to visit her at the hospital on Saturday and Sunday, her off days. When my mother came from the hospital, Fatima brought food, nuts, fruits and other things to my mother’s home. My mother loves her so many times, she tried to give her presents and Fatima refused. Fatima told my mother that the biggest wish she has is her mother to be healthy and happy. Thank God this service has great humans like Fatima Borjanovic. I love her and Universal Metro Asian Services. Thank you for everything you’ve done.

Matic Natalija

isnIyr;e MAFS m;!e %e an e MAFS isnIyr;e m;!e %e. a;n'd p>m;ed rmt gmt m;! en p>emIl; jI nu' v;ús§y By*u menej u' ivx;L med;n %e. meª!, #hy;B;w nu' ÷v;dI±! jm[ ane ihm;lIjI n;e h;÷y qI BrpUr Exercise Program. jyr;m/ lIl;vtI b's;lI

in their own words...

A glimpse of our 20 year journey

Manmohan Sharma giving semi-annual training in Chicago

Ms. Himali Bharucha teaching an English class through our Bright Ideas grant in Niles

Health promotion and Disease prevention Seminar in Niles

Ms. Hasina Khandker teaching a computer class in Niles

Navratri celebration in Carol Stream

Chicago Seniors enjoy hot lunch as part of the Golden Diners program

Kitchen Staff under the leadership of Dahyabhai Patel preparing hot meals for seniors in Chicago


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Celebrating our senior’s, Jairam Bhansali, birthday

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Tulsi Vivah celebration in Chicago

Seniors and Staff enjoy lunch together at our Vernon Hills site

Fatima assisting her client to fill out referral form in Chicago, 2004

Seniors and Staff celebrating a Hindu religious ceremony, Jainmashtmi, in Chicago

Seniors and Staff celebrate Christmas by singing Christmas carols in Chicago

Seniors enjoy Seniors Fest at Chicago’s Millennium Park

Celebrating Mothers Day at out Roselle location

Seniors act out a play on Independence day at our Naperville facility


20YEARS of Community Services


With Best Compliments from Vitha Jewelers

To Metropolitan Asian Family Services


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20YEARS of Community Services



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20YEARS of Community Services



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20YEARS of Community Services


Offer expires December 24th 2012. Excludes the Big Philly Cheesesteak, Turkey Avacado, and all other Premium subs. Additional charge for Extras or substitution of sides or drinks. Plus tax, where applicable. No cash value. One coupon, per customer, per visit. May not be combined with other offers, coupons or discount cards. Coupon must be surrendered with purchase. ©2011 Doctor’s Associates Inc. SUBWAY® is a registered trademark of Doctor’s Associates Inc. All rights reserved. (Market #003) OFFER ONLY VALID AT: 1708 W. WISE RD. SCHAUMBURG ILL,60193

PHONE: (847) 891-8200 FAX: (847) 891-8241


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20YEARS of Community Services



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20YEARS of Community Services



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20YEARS of Community Services



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20YEARS of Community Services



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20YEARS of Community Services



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20YEARS of Community Services



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20YEARS of Community Services



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20YEARS of Community Services


Ltd AUDIT AND CONSULTING SERVICES, LTD. Certified Public Accountants and Consultants

155 N. Michigan Ave, 7th Floor Chicago, IL 60601 Ph: (312) 527-9100 Fax: (312) 527-9115 (Specialized in Not for Profit Organization’s Audits) * MEMBERSHIPS OF PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS * AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) * ICPAS (Illinois CPA Society)



metr opoli tan asi an famil y ser vi ces

uni ver sal metro asi an ser vi ces


20YEARS of Community Services



metr opoli tan asi an famil y ser vi ces

uni ver sal metro asi an ser vi ces

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