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Where We Are With The MACUHO Strategic Plan - Year 1

Where We Are With The MACUHO Strategic Plan - Year 1 FROM THE LEADERSHIP

Julia Collett She/Her/Hers The George Washington University Strategic Planning Coordinator juliacollett5@gmail.com


David Clurman He/Him/His Assistant Director for Residential Education University of Maryland - Baltimore County Director of Strategic Initiatives clurman@umbc.edu

At the 2020 MACUHO Annual Conference, the Association shared the 2020-2025 MACUHO Strategic Plan. This aspirational document contained 5 overarching Strategic Themes: Finances, Technology, Community, Equity & Inclusion and Housing & Facilities Operations. Each theme had goals and specific implementation strategies to meet the stated goals.

In the first year, there were five goals to be accomplished. This ar�cle indicates our progress. In order to make sense of this year’s accomplishments, we must acknowledge the challenges we faced as people and an organiza�on. The COVID-19 pandemic prevented people from being together physically and this o�en led to internet fa�gue. A high number of vacancies on the MACUHO Leadership Council and lack of buy-in created addi�onal barriers. Lastly, we were given limited responses as we sought out updates on Strategic Plan progress updates. GOAL 1.1: MACUHO WILL DECIDE HOW FINANCIAL INFORMATION WILL BE SHARED WITH MEMBERSHIP.

- The Execu�ve Board and Financial Advisory Board will determine how financial informa�on will be shared with membership and inform others who would have responsibility implemen�ng recommenda�ons. COMPLETED : The Execu�ve Board manual was updated at the conclusion of last year to include a statement of the MACUHO Treasurer's responsibility to post the associa�on budget within the associa�on archives on the website each year so that it can be reviewed by membership. IN PROGRESS : The current treasurer was contacted and made aware of this responsibility and is working on it. - Treasurer and Magazine Editor will include an ar�cle in one issue of the MACUHO Magazine annually that shares budget priori�es and updates to finances. IN PROGRESS : Treasurer and Magazine Editor will include an ar�cle in one issue of the MACUHO Magazine annually that shares budget priori�es and updates to finances. Goal 2.1: MACUHO will regularly communicate through scheduled Magazines, discussion boards, and blog entries. - Magazine Editor will publish a quarterly high-quality Magazine in line with branding guidelines and Corporate Partner program adver�sing. IN PROGRESS : Magazine has had 3 publica�ons (instead of 4). - Engagement Coordinators will explore the use of discussion boards or blogs to facilitate connec�ons within staff levels (Graduate-Level, Entry-Level, Mid-Level, Senior-Level) NOT COMPLETED : Engagement Coordinator Discussion Boards/Blogs ■ SHO Chairs - Not interested ■ Mid-Level Chairs - Not interested at this �me; did webinar instead ■ Entry-Level Chairs - Expressed interest this summer, but did not respond to follow-up ■ Grad-Level Chairs - Did not respond to 3 emails - Social Transforma�on & Advocacy Commi�ee Chairs will facilitate monthly blog contribu�ons focused on social jus�ce and an�-racist educa�on topics; the top entry every three months will be submi�ed to the MACUHO Magazine. NOT COMPLETED : STAC has contributed to 2 monthly blog contribu�ons (goal was every month) Goal 3.1: MACUHO will create opportuni�es for par�cipa�on amongst members in the region at all professional levels to serve their specialized needs and interests. - Engagement Coordinators will provide ongoing support for members of their corresponding staff level IN PROGRESS : Engagement Coordinators have created a listserv. - Director of Membership Development will oversee local/sub-region social opportuni�es for par�cipa�on. NOT COMPLETED : No informa�on from Membership Development. - Engagement Coordinators will recruit for all levels for involvement on both Execu�ve Board and Leadership Council.

NOT COMPLETED : SHOs have worked on engagement opportuni�es; other Engagement Coordinators have not.

Goal 5.1: MACUHO will encourage presenta�ons on evolving diversity topics (Americans with Disabili�es Act, religious accommoda�on, Emo�onal Support Animals, etc.) providing insight to areas within housing facili�es and opera�ons. - Housing & Facili�es Opera�ons and Social Transforma�on & Advocacy Commi�ee Chairs will recruit programs for the Annual Conference at the intersec�on of Housing and Facili�es Opera�ons and inclusion. NOT COMPLETED : Programs were not specifically recruited for the intersec�on of HFO and inclusion. - Annual Program Chairs will ensure at least one program each year addresses the intersec�on of housing and facili�es opera�ons and inclusion.

ACCOMPLISHED : 2021: Inves�ng in Common Spaces: Drivers to Support Inclusion, Mental Health, and Recruitment & Keeping Your Stakeholders in Focus: Using Summer to Maximize the Move-in Experience. Goal 5.2: MACUHO will create a strategic partnership with APPA - Leadership in Educa�onal Facili�es to the benefit of both organiza�ons. - The Director of Business Opera�ons & Communica�ons will consult with ACUHO-I regarding the partnership that ACUHO-I and APPA - Leadership in Educa�onal Facili�es have with each other. - The Director of Business Opera�ons & Communica�ons will invite APPA - Leadership in Educa�onal Facili�es into a strategic partnership. IN PROGRESS : We have made connec�ons with our local APPA chapter and they are very open and excited for collabora�on. There are a large variety of local and regional APPA groups, so we definitely need more �me to approach those groups once we have some good SOPs IStandard Opera�ng Procedures) set with the DVAPPA group.

It is our hope that many of the Year 1 goals will be accomplished during 2022, as they are s�ll important benchmarks for our Associa�on. In addi�on, some of our future goals build off of what has come before. Looking ahead to this year, please review the goals that the Strategic Plan has iden�fied.

Year 2 Goals 1.2 MACUHO will implement and adhere to internal fiscal controls as established by the Financial Advisory Board. 1.3 MACUHO will develop opportuni�es for reduced-rate conference costs to ensure equitable access to all members. 2.2 MACUHO will create communica�on pla�orms and facilitate ongoing discussion and data sharing for various engagement levels (Graduate-Level, Entry-Level, Mid-Level, Senior-Level). 2.3 MACUHO will sign a Customer Rela�onship Management (CRM) pla�orm contract that will meet the needs of MACUHO leaders and members at a financial cost that is less than what is currently being paid. 4.1 MACUHO will increase par�cipa�on from Minority Serving Ins�tu�ons (MSIs) and Professionals of Color. 5.3 MACUHO will expand learning and networking opportuni�es for Housing & Facili�es Opera�ons professionals, outside of the Annual Conference, and publica�ons related to housing, facili�es, and opera�ons. As you can see, there is a lot of work to do for the Associa�on. If you are interested in helping us, please reach out to strategicmacuho@gmail.com to get connected with those working to accomplish these goals.

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