Issue 2: Take Control of Your Health

Page 1


My Birthday Wishes by Kirk Douglas


Take Control of Your Health

Yoni Lefévre’s Grey Power Make Your Own Teeth by Wayne Biddle

AND: Cartoons Horoscopes Puzzles & Games


Features 24 My Birthday Wishes by Kirk Douglas 26 Child’s Play: Yoni Lefévre’s “Grey Power” 34 Humor: Make Your Own Teeth by Wayne Biddle


38 Why Mindfulness is Important 44 How to Meditate 46 12 Super Foods for What Ails You 1

Departments 6 Remember When 9

Did You Know?

10 House Call with Dr. Kramps: The Doctor Is In 15

Life with The Eden Alternative: The Leap from Wellness to Well-being

20 Dr. Lori: Caring for Senior Parents

In Every Issue 4

Letter from the Publisher

50 Books: What Makes Olga Run? 51 About 54 Kids’ Corner

59 Horoscopes 62 Puzzle Solutions 64 The Last Laugh


56 Brain Exercises


Letter from the Publisher


n October, we launched the first issue of  PS Magazine at the LeadingAge conference in Dallas. En route back home, Kenish Patel and I were in seats 13D and 13F on our Southwest leg from New Orleans to Nashville. In between us in seat 13E was a delightfully elegant and wonderful woman named Jean. Jean is in her late 70s/early 80s, hails from Savannah, Tennessee (I didn’t know there was a Savannah, Tennessee) and was returning there after a 4-day trip with her sister to New Orleans. She devoured the copy of PS Magazine I offered to her—completely lit up when she opened the cover. She loved everything from the large font, “happy and colorful pictures,” and, of course, the content (by the way, she’s a Scorpio, and was very interested in her horoscope, and she busted out loud laughing at the Last Laugh). I also gave her my copy of Dr. Lori’s book, Greedy For Life, as she expressed a desire to go buy it after she read the book review. Jean gave me her address so she can receive future copies—she is our first official subscriber! In all honesty, watching her reaction to the magazine was emotionally overwhelming; it is one thing for conference attendees to sing this magazine’s praises that week, but it is absolutely soulpenetrating to sit with an elder for whom this magazine was exactly intended and to see how much she genuinely enjoyed it. We are committed to providing our readers with content that is both informative and entertaining to get the reactions I was able to witness sitting next to Jean. Our second issue is dedicated to health and wellness, a timely topic with the start of a new year. Please enjoy. Sincerely,

John Polatz, Publisher and CEO 4

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John Polatz


Scott Fisher





John Polatz


Christina Burns

Shelley Kondas

Susan Polatz


Brandon Crafts





Elle Chyun

Kristin Hinkson Brian Goetz

Dr. Lori Stevic-Rust Laura Beck, The Eden Alternative




Katherine Adams Natalie Catren Dr. Melissa Kramps Cristina Nascimento Patel

PS Magazine is published by Salon PS Magazine LLC Salon PS Magazine LLC 55 Public Square Suite 1180 Cleveland, OH 44113 Phone: (440) 600-1595 Fax: (440) 848-8560 © 2014 Salon PS Magazine LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. To order a subscription or to distribute PS Magazine at your business, contact COVER IMAGE: © JOSE LUIS PELAEZ, INC./ BLEND IMAGES/CORBIS

Ranae Lewis Kenish Patel


Serena Caruso


Pop culture, news, and events from past decades

Remember When... 1954

Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio marry in San Francisco

Bing Crosby records “Swinging on a Star” for Decca Records

Frank Capra’s It Happened One Night, starring Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert, is released 6



The Apollo Theater opens in Harlem, New York City with the show “Jazz a la Carte”

A new vitaminenriched bread, Omar SuperBaked 800 Bread, is introduced, also known as “The Health Defense Loaf”






Jacques Cousteau’s first network telecast airs on the TV show, Omnibus (CBS)



Color television makes its way into US homes


1974 President Nixon signs a law setting a national speed limit of 55 miles per hour as a response to the high cost of oil and the 1973 oil crisis

CIA mole Aldrich Ames is arrested and charged with spying for the Soviets

David Vetter (“The Bubble Boy”) dies tragically at age 12, following a bone marrow transplant from his sister

Chess prodigy Bobby Fischer is ranked as the number one player in the world

Edwin Newman retires from NBC News after 35 years with the network







Nancy Kerrigan wins a silver medal in the figure skating competition at the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway, 7 weeks after an unprovoked attack that is later connected to rival skater Tonya Harding 7

Remember When...

Beatlemania Began Popular culture and the music industry would never be the same after The Beatles landed at JFK airport in New York and made their first television appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show 50 years ago. Left: Ed Sullivan standing with The Beatles on stage PHOTO: NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM AND THE SUN NEWSPAPER PHOTOGRAPH COLLECTION, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, PRINTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS DIVISION

Above: The Beatles wave to the thousands of screaming teenagers after their arrival at Kennedy Airport PHOTO: NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM AND THE SUN NEWSPAPER PHOTOGRAPH COLLECTION, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, PRINTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS DIVISION


Lobsters do not age the same as most other species. Research has shown that they show no loss of appetite, no change in metabolism, no loss of reproductive urge or ability, and no decline in strength or health over time. A 5-year study conducted by three universities revealed that people who help others reduce their own stress and live longer than those who don’t.

Did You Know?

Fascinating Facts to Know and Tell

Surprise—video games may be good for your brain! A recent study by Simone Kühn from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development had volunteers play video games for 30 minutes per day for two months. The areas in the brain that control spatial awareness, memory, and strategic thinking actually increased in matter. This could have some impact on helping the aging brain retain its vitality. What can you do to prevent or delay Alzheimer’s? Exercise! It dramatically reduces the pathology of the disease. Even moderate exercise three times a week can lower the risk. The Harvard School of Public Health recently found that older adults with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood lived, on average, 2.2 years longer than those with low levels. The biggest impact on blood levels was found in those who ate two servings of fatty fish each week. PHOTOS: © EDWARD WESTMACOTT, © ELENA ELISSEEVA, © MILOSH KOJADINOVICH, © IAKOV FILIMONOV


THE DOCTOR IS IN House Call with Dr. Kramps


his issue introduces a new column focused on health and wellness. I will be focusing on all aspects of health, not only on physical ailments. My goal is to share how you can be an informed consumer of health care. In my practice as a health care provider, the patients I have seen who age the most gracefully are those who remain mentally and physically active. This may mean working beyond traditional retirement age, playing bridge, or volunteering at a local hospital. In general, preventive health should be the focus of medicine. The leading causes of death in adults ages 65 years and older in the United States are heart disease, 10

cancer, lung disease, and stroke. Targeting the actual causes of death (for example: tobacco use, poor diet, physical inactivity) should be the emphasis rather than merely treating a disease. Since there is no Fountain of Youth, you need a strategy for healthy aging. Preferably, it would be something easy and affordable that involves minimal disruption in your life. I have outlined five steps you can take to reduce your risk of disease and disability. Stop smoking. Quitting smoking is the most important thing you can do for better health. Not only can smoking cessation add years to your life, it can


by Melissa Kramps, DNP


also benefit the health of your loved ones. Secondhand smoke impacts the cardiovascular health of those around you. The cancer-causing toxic residue from tobacco smoke that lingers on clothing, furniture, and carpets is harmful to young children. Eat a Mediterranean diet. This is what is often referred to as a heart-healthy diet, and it is thought to reduce the risk of cancer. The emphasis is on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. Replace butter, margarine, and cream cheese with healthy fats such as olive oil or peanut butter. Substitute salt with spices and herbs. Eat red meat only a few times a month, and consume fish and poultry at least twice a week. Enjoy red wine moderately. Exercise. Lack of physical activity contributes to many chronic diseases. The current recommendation is for older adults to participate in moderate-intensity aerobic activity for at least 150 minutes each week or vigorousintensity aerobic exercise for 75 minutes per week. Older adults should also engage in strengthening activities that involve all major

5 Easy Ways to Maximize Your Health 1) Stop smoking 2) Eat a Mediterranean diet 3) Exercise 4) Take a baby aspirin each day after consulting with your health care provider 5) Update your immunizations




muscle groups at least two days a week. Exercises that improve balance can reduce the risk of falls and related injuries. Since one out of five hip fracture patients die within a year of their injury, fall prevention should be a priority. Exercise is also wonderful for your brain. As little as thirty minutes of walking three times per week can help improve your memory. Aspirin. Aspirin therapy reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. The risk of bleeding and potential interaction with other medications should be discussed with your health care provider before starting aspirin therapy. Update your immunizations. The Centers for Disease Control recommends vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria (Td). If you completed a primary series, you should receive a booster every ten years. If you have not received

the formulation that includes pertussis (Tdap), you should have a single dose regardless of when you had your last booster, especially if you will be having contact with infants. You should receive the influenza vaccine every year. The pneumococcal vaccine or the “pneumonia vaccine� should be given once, beginning at age 65 or earlier if there are medical conditions that warrant


it. The herpes zoster or “shingles” vaccine should be given at age 60 regardless of whether you had shingles in the past. Medicare covers the cost of this vaccine if you have additional prescription coverage (Plan D). Shingles is extremely painful and can have residual pain lasting for years. There are additional ways to maximize your health: • Cancer screening is appropriate for anyone who has a fiveyear life expectancy. Breast cancer and colorectal cancer are potentially curable if detected early. • Screening for an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in men ages 65 to 75 who have ever smoked or who have a family history of AAA is recommended (there are no recommendations concerning women). • If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol you should be screened for diabetes. If you have diabetes or other heart disease risk factors you should talk to your health care provider about whether a cholesterol lowering medication, a “statin,” is appropriate for you.

• Alcohol consumption should be limited to no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. Excessive alcohol not only has negative effects on your body, it also puts you at higher risk for falls and depression. • Women ages 65 years and older should be screened for osteoporosis, or sooner if there are risk factors such as daily steroid use and menopause before age 45. Reversing osteoporosis can reduce the risk of hip fracture. Exercise that creates impact such as walking, running, dancing, and tennis helps to increase bone strength as does strength exercises.


• Screening for visual and hearing impairment is recommended for all adults ages 65 and older. Correcting vision and hearing loss not only improves quality of life, but it also has benefits for brain health. As you get older, it is normal to feel that your health is not in your hands. Between your body showing signs of age and perhaps seeing multiple health care specialists, you may get the sense that things are beyond your power. Know that health maintenance is just


as important as medication and it is something in which you can actively participate. Take charge of your health and enjoy the rewards. Melissa Kramps, DNP, NP-C, GNP-BC is a board certified nurse practitioner in adult health and gerontology who earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from Columbia University School of Nursing. She has experience in hospital medicine, primary care, and teaching. Dr. Kramps currently works in neurology at the Weill Cornell Memory Disorders Program in New York City.

The Leap from Wellness to Well-Being by Laura Beck


he older I get, the more I find myself thinking about what it means to “age well.” By tuning into my own experience, I tap into nuances that I don’t really see reflected back in



the world around me. I hear buzz about successful aging, positive aging, even active aging, and I am always intrigued by what these different phrases actually mean. Digging more deeply, there seems to be a common thread in the current culture—we are aging well when we successfully maintain a certain level of physical and cognitive fitness over time. Feeling healthy, fit, and sharp is, no doubt, a good thing. I’ll certainly take it. But is it enough? For me, as I age, I hope for a deepening in how I experience life. I seek a stronger sense of myself and how I show up in relationship to others. I aspire to share my voice freely, to express my creativity, to share the wisdom I’ve gained through a life lived, and to never, ever stop growing intellectually, relationally, emotionally, and spiritually. I will know I am aging well when I am encouraged to grow, no matter what challenges I face over time, either physically or cognitively, and when society affirms that I have value and purpose, no matter how old I am or where I live. Successful 16

aging, then, is as much about holding our culture accountable for its perceptions, as it is about holding ourselves accountable for our own health and wellness. What I seek is a powerful sense of well-being. Yet, the traditional models of care designed to support our health and wellness seem to struggle with this one. Focused mostly on measuring the quality of physical care, they fail to capture the subtleties of what it means to be human and experience a rich quality of life that helps us thrive, not just survive. This conundrum inspired The Eden Alternative to launch a grant-funded effort to explore well-being in more depth. Bringing together an interdisciplinary task force of experts and change agents, the initiative identified the seven primary Eden Alternative Domains of Well-Being™: Identity, Connectedness, Security, Autonomy, Meaning, Growth, and Joy. Task force findings included the observation that “wellness implies healthiness, which may


peak and decline over time. Happiness, too, is a human emotion that comes and goes. In contrast, well-being evolves and develops over a lifetime, deepening as we grow into our full potential as human beings.” Building on this, Al Power, M.D., award-winning author of Dementia Beyond Drugs, shares, “If we only focus on physical and cognitive ability, there will come a time in our lives—using the cultural focus on youthfulness as the yardstick—where we don’t quite ‘make the grade.’ If we only have these goals, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. By exploring well-being, we create more opportunities to expand the range of our goals beyond physical health alone.” When teaching others about the Domains of Well-Being, simple descriptors are applied that have meaning for everyone. No matter what phase of life we are in, all seven Domains continue to be relevant to our experience. Not a single Domain becomes less important to us over time, although the interplay between the seven can be framed any number of ways.

Here is one such example: Identity is about personhood and being well-known to each other. Knowing each other well makes it possible for relationships to grow and deepen (Connectness). Feeling connected to others and our environment, we feel safe enough (Security) to express ourselves and exercise our right to choose (Autonomy). Our ability to clearly state our needs and direct the course of our existence helps us engage in daily life with a sense of Meaning and purpose. By pursuing what’s meaningful to us, we build on our strengths 17

and experience Growth. Working together, these six previous Domains create a sense of Joy and fulfillment in our lives. As a paradigm shift, the Domains of Well-Being have had a powerful impact on how we care for each other. The practice of person-directed care, which focuses on putting the individual first, reaches new heights when care partners use the Domains as a filter for problem-solving and thinking creatively about supporting the growth and well-being of others. Suddenly, the basic ideas behind persondirected care become less abstract and more visceral, as the Domains invite us to reflect on what we each hold dear in our own lives. Application of the Domains inspires care partners to ask thorough, sensitive questions that help them identify the unmet needs of others. This is particularly valuable for those who are no longer able to advocate for themselves, due to changes in their physical and cognitive abilities. Through the Domains, care partners feel more empowered to reveal the 18

root of the issue, rather than only respond to the symptom. Care is defined by The Eden Alternative as “helping another to grow.” If well-being implies the ability to grow into our greatest potential, then shouldn’t the pursuit of well-being exist at the core of what it means to provide genuine care—not only to others, but to ourselves? Whoever we are and whatever our stories may be, making the leap from wellness to well-being is a profoundly personal journey. As I grapple to achieve balance in my own busy life as a single working mom, the Domains of Well-Being have offered me a humbling wake-up call about my own habits and choices. As I grow and age, the context will undoubtedly shift, but the quest for well-being will remain, always holding the promise of a life worth living. Laura Beck is the Learning and Development Guide for The Eden Alternative, an international, nonprofit organization focused on creating quality of life for Elders and their care partners. For more information about The Eden Alternative, go to

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Caring for Senior Parents The Key to Healthy Caregiving: Start Early by Dr. Lori Stevic-Rust


t seems fitting that in a publication focused on health and wellness that we should discuss a primary and ever growing stressor for many families—caring for senior parents. Many of us have moved from the sandwich generation, a term used to describe middle-aged adults who were providing assistance to their parents and still caring for children, to a “triple-decker” generation. It is not uncommon to hear of families who are perhaps providing assistance for their grandchildren, their adult children, their aging parents, and sometimes even their grandparents. 20

As our senior population grows, rates of dementia tend to increase. Keep in mind that dementia is a broad term used to describe changes in thinking, reasoning, judgment, and memory. There are over a hundred different diseases and conditions that can cause dementia. The most prevalent is Alzheimer’s disease. An estimated 5.4 million Americans of all ages have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. This figure includes 5.2 million people ages 65 and older and 200,000 individuals under age 65 who have youngeronset Alzheimer’s disease. These figures mean that currently one in eight people over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s disease and by 2050 may triple, from 5.2 million to a projected 11 to 16 million. The emotional and financial burden for families can be significant. More than two-thirds of people with Alzheimer’s disease are cared for at home by family and friends. That translates into nearly 10 million caregivers in the US who report decline in their own health, increased use of health care services, as well as personal financial burdens as

they contribute out-of-pocket support for elder care. In addition, employers are beginning to look at estimates of $20–$30 billion a year in lost productivity due to elder care issues. Many large companies are beginning to

look at implementing supportive elder care programs for their employees to reduce these costs. An organized and coordinated elder care plan can serve to ease the emotional and financial turmoil.



Developing an Elder Care Plan • Early Evaluation and Diagnosis. Often families will ignore or explain away early signs or symptoms of concern such as forgetfulness. Research is clear that early diagnosis of dementia is important for management and the preservation of existing brain function. It is often a critical step for families to begin long-term planning early before a crisis occurs. Families should begin by initiating conversation with their parent’s primary care physician and seeking out experts in the geriatric fields if needed. • Provide More Oversight and Supervision. As adult children, it is often difficult to shift the role from child to caregiver of a parent. Issues of privacy, independence, and past family dynamics can make it hard to navigate the role. However, most adult children report that they waited too long to intervene before a “crisis” 22

occurred. Seniors with early stage symptoms of dementia can be vulnerable to financial exploitation through mail fraud or exposure to “friends” who financially, physically, or emotionally abuse them. Get to know the people and services that seniors come in contact with in their daily routines, as they may become your greatest ally. Communities have begun to pull together to identify seniors at risk for abuses including training programs for bankers to recognize potential cases of exploitation by observing and recording behaviors that are unusual. Also, training programs have begun in some communities to educate employees who work in restaurants, beauty shops, and libraries where seniors tend to visit. The programs are designed to identify vulnerable and at-risk seniors. The more educated eyes in the community

and in the family the more likely abuses will be caught early. • Preparation of Legal Documents. It is important to make sure that legal documents are in order. Seniors should have a power of attorney in place for health care and financial decisions. This will assist adult children in surrogate decision-making when needed. There are many attorneys that specialize in senior care that can assist with long-term care planning. • Meet as a Family. Family tension and discord tends to reach its peak under periods of stress. Ideally, families should meet with parents to talk about long-term care planning including health care issues, executing a living will, financial decisions, relocation to assisted care, etc. A family that is cohesive and fully educated about observed

decline in a parent tends to make the best decisions. • Educate Yourself About Senior Services. Prior to any crisis, educate yourself as a family about services available in your community. There are many agencies that provide medical and non-medical supportive services in the home, adult daycare programs, senior centers, assisted living, dementia care specialty centers, and long-term care nursing homes. It is recommended that you tour facilities and programs with specific questions to make decisions regarding current and future services that may be needed. • Caregiver Support. Reach out for support. Take care of yourself with good nutrition, exercise, support groups, or friends who can provide you respite. Caring for somebody with dementia should be viewed as a marathon and not a sprint. Pace yourself. 23

My Birthday Wishes by Kirk Douglas




ecember 9, 2013 was my 97th birthday. I am a lucky man. I’ve been married to my wife, Anne, for 60 years and she continues to captivate me. When you get to be 97, you can reflect on the lessons you’ve learned in almost a century of life. Mark Twain said, “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” I won’t pretend that getting older is easy. But I find that it’s given me a perspective that I lacked when I was younger. I was always running everywhere—from meetings to movie sets, from shooting films all around the world to serving as a goodwill ambassador for

the State Department in over forty countries. Staying still was something I did not do well. Now, I treasure the quiet times: reading books that make me think about new ideas, watching my roses bloom, gazing at the palm trees shimmering against the afternoon sky, seeing the simple path of a cloud across the sky, and especially sitting with Anne in front of the fire at sunset—the Golden Hour. So I asked myself, what do I want for my birthday? There’s nothing I need, other than good health for my wife and my family. Suddenly it occurred to me that I knew exactly what I wanted—a better world for my grandchildren. But have you ever tried to put 97 candles on a cake? You can’t. So I put 10 candles to represent the 10 decades of my life. Here are my birthday wishes: • A world where weapons, big and small, are symbols of weakness, not strength; • A world where religion informs values, not governments; • A world where the air is breathable, the water drinkable, and the food is healthy and plentiful;

• A world where poor people are the smallest percentage of the population; • A world where education and health care are available to everyone; • A world where prejudice based on race, religion, and nationality is non-existent; • A world where smoking tobacco is considered a ridiculous practice from a bygone era; • A world where all diseases are curable and physical pain is no longer a part of life; • A world where we control technology, not the other way around; • A world where greed is never considered good. Excuse me—I have a lot of candles to blow out.

Kirk Douglas is a film and stage actor, film producer, author, Huffington Post blogger, and, together with his wife, Anne, the founder of the Kirk Douglas Foundation, one of the entertainment industry’s largest and oldest private philanthropic institutions. His latest book is I Am Spartacus! 25

child’s play


utch artist Yoni Lefévre has a strong sense of the nostalgic, compassion for the displacement of people from their homelands, and a high regard for elders and the traditions and objects they value. Her latest project, “Grey Power,” seeks to illuminate the true characters of aging members of society by regarding them through the eyes of children. Yoni recognized 26


How one artist is changing the perspective on aging

that children don’t see aging in the same light as modern society portrays, which is often negative. So she set out to demonstrate this discrepancy by translating into real life children’s drawn portraits of their grandparents. Using the drawings as a starting point, the artist worked to recreate the scenes, clothing, poses, and actions of the grandparents. Though already evident in the children’s drawings that their perceptions were not of people who had lost their vitality or energy, when put into real life scenes, what was revealed was quite extraordinary. Yoni’s

recreated scenes are whimsical, charming, and often quite humorous, capturing images of grandparents who display the abundant love and happiness they have and whose physical capabilities are unhindered—even superhuman. The sheer vibrancy of the images demonstrates the children’s positive attitudes in a culture where for many of us growing old is seen as something to be dreaded, not cherished. Yoni hopes that her project brings awareness to our biases, portraying seniors as the children who know and love them do—as individuals.

Drawing by Roel, age 11 Right: Mr. de Rooy age 68 27

Drawing by Anne, age 11 Right: Mr. van Daal, age 83 28



Drawing by Lance, age 11 Right: Mrs. Dassen, age 75 30



Drawing by Raf Molin, age 10 Right: Mrs. Haagmans, age 90 32




Make Your Own Teeth On Aging Without Dental Insurance By Wayne Biddle


y father is a retired engineer who worked for a defenseindustry giant for fifty years—from 1936, when they were already selling sleek bombers to Chile and Bolivia, until 1986, when they were building the ICBM that Reagan named the Peacekeeper. It was 34

from him that I first absorbed the fact that “defense” is a business, with products to be created and sold just like any other. When I was a Sputnik-driven kid in the 1950s, we talked about rockets all the time and even built a few working models, but in our

mutual old age we rarely touch the subject anymore. Medical issues concern us now. Specifically, his teeth are loose and his pension plan does not include dental. I can sympathize, because though I teach at a university whose name is synonymous around the world with medical science and public health, I don’t have dental insurance, either. When the dentist recommends a five-figure fix for periodontitis, all I can afford to do is smile back at him with the stubs that are still rooted in my head. So my father and I now compare notes on something worth serious attention: how to make your own teeth. Happily, at ninety-five he is in remarkable health and has lost only one tooth, toward the back, which a professional would identify as the mandibular left first bicuspid. I’m also pretty fit at sixtyfive, with no gaps yet but a molar or two that are shaky to the touch and will probably go within a few years. We are therefore interested in single false teeth, not dentures à la George Washington—at least not yet. Like many people, we were misinformed about Washington’s

famous choppers having been crafted from wood. He actually owned a set made of iron, and other sets, devised near the end of his life, made from hippopotamus ivory and extracted human teeth. Washington’s dentist, a New Yorker named John Greenwood, would pay skid-row denizens a pound and sixpence each for their teeth, which he then pulled out and incorporated into metal plates hammered to conform to the surfaces of his patients’ mouths. In a year or so the teeth rotted and turned brown, but Washington apparently preferred the natural look to the gold, mother-ofpearl, or agate teeth worn by other gentlemen of the day. The point is that false teeth can be made simply and well with enough practice, as the Etruscan artists who made splendid teeth out of ivory and gold bridgework knew 2,700 years ago. I live on a farm and have assembled a good machine shop over the years, so we possessed all the tools we needed to fabricate an item of this kind. Our first dry run involved cows’ teeth, which Washington also tried early on, that were 35

supplied to us by a dairy farmer down the road (he lacked dental insurance, too, and comprehended our ambition immediately). We bought some 0.5-millimeter copper leaf, filed down the bovine teeth to human size, and found that we could wire them to the plates quite sturdily. It was obvious, however, that though the mounted teeth might pass cosmetic muster, they could not withstand the lateral or compressive forces of actual chewing. Eighteenthcentury denture-wearers learned this quickly, too, and either took out their accessories when they dined or risked having them shoot out of their mouths, propelled by the steel springs that hitched upper to lower plates. Ivory being contraband nowadays, and teeth from human cadavers—another choice in Washington’s era—being out of the question even with my 36


university-hospital connections, we decided to try hard-baked porcelain. These so-called “mineral paste” teeth had been perfected by French and Italian dentists in the early nineteenth century—too late for the first president, who died at Mount Vernon in 1799, possibly of diphtheria, or maybe of a bad throat infection exacerbated by his rancid dentures. In 1822, Washington’s portraitist, Charles Peale, helped make ends meet in Philadelphia by baking and selling mineral teeth, which became a sizable industry there by midcentury. Charles Goodyear provided the real breakthrough in 1839 with vulcanized rubber, which provided a strong base for false teeth and could be closely molded to the mouth. My father and I lost a lot of time trying to duplicate these old methods. We bought a small potter’s oven and a porcelain mix at a craft shop. We learned that heating a slab of rubber sliced from an old tire is noxious business. About the third time around, we gazed at each other and remembered what century we were in. I went upstairs to my office

over the shop and hit the internet, quickly finding fast and cheap products for making theatrical false teeth, à la Nosferatu, that could be modified for real use. First, you make an impression of your bite with a soft casting material called alginate. Then you fill the cast with Moldano, a dental plaster that will harden like porcelain. Using a scalpel and a plaster rasp you fix any little defects, and now you have a perfect model of your existing teeth. The next step is to sculpt in wax or clay the tooth (or teeth) that will fill whatever’s missing. You then make a mold of it with the alginate and flood the mold with dental acrylic, which comes in powders of various colors that mix with a solvent. By pressing the Moldano cast into the mold before the goop completely sets, you get a

solid replacement tooth bordered by a thin set of “glove” teeth that fit over your abutting ones. Polishing the surface with a sanding tool and ordinary toothpaste finishes the job. All that’s left is to glue them on with denture cream. They’re so economical, at just a few dollars a rig, that you could make thousands of spare sets for the price of a single set of professional dentures. So far we haven’t noticed a downside to our scheme. As long as we do it just for ourselves, we’re not breaking state laws against practicing without a license. My father is no longer embarrassed to smile a big smile, and I’m no more or less worried about periodontitis than about a million other medical bad dreams. Do I recommend this for everybody? Sure. I mean, of course not, but there’s a satisfying lesson in it somewhere about business, technology, and fending for yourself with so many dafties in Congress.


Copyright © 2013 Wayne Biddle. Reprinted with permission. This article originally appeared on 37


e are all acquainted with the idea of being mindful. Our whole lives it has been told to us we should be mindful of others. However, there is a new definition to the term that has a lot more to do with focusing on yourself rather than heeding other people’s needs. So what is mindfulness? Simply put, it is the resolution to stay present in one’s life. Despite being new to many in the western world, it is quite ancient in the East. 38

by Katherine Adams

It lies at the heart of Buddhist and Zen meditation and yoga. Some assert that mindfulness is the foundation of prayer. Indeed, any kind of thoughtful engagement with the self and one’s relationship to the world can be said to be mindfulness. However, mindfulness is not a religious practice. Rather, it is a tool that can be used to boost the body and spirit. Science and medicine have demonstrated the positive effects of mindfulness


Why Mindfulness is Important

on health. It can reduce pain levels. Mindfulness also improves your relationships. It has been proven to be beneficial to one’s sense of happiness and well­­-being and helps eliminate stress. All together, proponents of mindfulness argue that it augments the quality in every aspect of life. For the aging, mindfulness can bring a greater sense of peace. Stress in the body has a negative impact on health, giving rise to all sorts of diseases, from chronic bowel syndrome to heart disease to cancer. Mindfulness can strengthen relationships and bonds with loved ones. It allows the brain to continue to grow and flourish in new ways, which fosters creativity. Growth and creativity are not usually associated with elders. Instead, rigidness and habitual, even outmoded behaviors are used to describe old age. You can defy the trend. Mindfulness allows one to be aware of the body at a higher level, so that clues about what is happening as the body ages and what the

body needs to be healthy are better realized and understood. Simply bringing awareness to a part of the body that is in pain can begin its healing. With a heightened awareness of the body we can begin to undo many imbalances that accompany and even accelerate aging. Mindfulness improves the brain by boosting the ability to concentrate and focus. A chronically wandering mind looses comprehension. Distractions become even more compelling, inhibiting our ability to filter what should be prioritized. Forgetfulness and

Mindfulness improves the brain by boosting the ability to concentrate and focus. lack of focus are hallmarks of aging. But this can be greatly reduced and even eliminated by practicing mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness is not easy. Most of us have perfected 39

the auto-pilot when it comes to getting through the day. We pay little attention to the habits of a lifetime, habits as trivial as getting up in the morning and getting dressed to the more profound mechanisms of coping with anxiety. We might drive to the grocery store or fix lunch and not even remember it, so ingrained are the patterns of everyday life. When faced with chores and obligations, we might feel we lack the energy to carry them out, overwhelmed and exhausted. At the other end of the spectrum, when our minds are stressed and wrestling with worry, it seems impossible to lay our thoughts aside and find peace. We can’t seem to get out of our heads. Between these two extremes we forget how to be content and happy. This is where mindfulness helps. It brings our focus back to the present. One can get out of merely doing and begin experiencing. Being present brings awareness. When you are aware, you see the world around you. You become empathetic towards others. With awareness comes freedom of choice. You 40

can choose how you think and react to situations. You can choose what you want to do and how you want to live, bringing meaningfulness to your life. Most of us have no idea how one integrates mindfulness into life. How does one become mindful? Meditation is at the foundation (see “How to Meditate”). People who regularly meditate have been shown to be less depressed and irritable. They spend less time at the doctor’s office and are sick less often because mediation improves the immune system. Memory becomes better and stress is reduced. It has also been shown to help with chronic pain. Another way to practice mindfulness is to stop wrestling with negative emotions. Many bad habits come with fear, sadness, and anger, habits that began with the simple need to find solutions to these feelings. When one tries to figure out how to resolve problems, it is inevitable that our emotions evoke a myriad of associated moments from our pasts, times when we’ve been afraid, sad, and angry. It happens


in an instant, because this is a survival strategy that has helped us make quick decisions based on experience when we have been in danger. Yet, it can work against us when we ruminate over past regrets and imagine worstcase scenarios and outcomes. When we dwell over negative feelings, we also find that we become overly judgmental. We criticize ourselves and others.

Studies have shown that the neuron connections of our brains become stronger the more we nurture them, which is good news when we use them to good purpose. However, neurons that fire negative thoughts, anger, and criticalness are every bit as likely to become strengthened, creating a damaging cycle. The more you engage these neurons, the more they work for you. The 41

less you engage with compassion, the weaker these areas of the brain become. For many, it is almost impossible to overcome patterns of thoughts. We literally have to re-wire our brains. Mindfulness allows us to recognize the negative thoughts as they arise so that you can stop them. Together with the techniques learned from meditation, you can begin to observe the thoughts as if looking out on a gathering storm cloud. You can watch the storm blow over, recognizing that these thoughts do not define the person you are. You are left with a greater sense of peace when you understand negativity as something you learned, a bad habit. It is not you or who you are. Mindfulness is also about enjoying life more fully. Instead of automatically eating, one savors each bite. In fact, one way to practice mindfulness is called “the chocolate mediation,” where every step of eating a small square of chocolate, from unwrapping it, smelling it, and letting it melt on your tongue, is drawn out. If the mind wanders, just as in 42

Benefits of Meditation Researchers have found that mindfulness meditation— creating an attentive awareness of the present moment—reduces loneliness in older adults and lowered inflammation levels, which is thought to promote the development and progression of many diseases such as cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s. meditation, it is important to bring it back to the sensation of the chocolate, its taste and texture. There are various other ways to integrate mindfulness so that each moment of every day is lived with full awareness. Anything one does without thinking can be brought to the same degree of awareness, just as the chocolate meditation described above. It begins in the morning when you wake. Instead of automatically rising from bed and putting on clothes, having coffee and breakfast, you can draw your attention to these actions. You can start your day with meditation so that your mind is calm at the

start. Throughout the day, you can guide your mind away from negative thoughts. When you find yourself under stress, pause for a moment and recognize that you are in a difficult situation. Even if you do not have an answer, you may ask yourself what you need. By opening your mind and heart, you free up wisdom and experience that may be of aid. Or, you may be able to decide simply not to let the stress affect you. Finally, practicing kindness and having empathy for others is another way to live more mindfully.

Practicing kindness and having empathy for others is another way to live more mindfully. Learning mindfulness takes time. You can begin with incorporating meditation. Next, make a resolution to integrate one mindfulness activity that is usually carried out without thought, such as drinking coffee or getting dressed. You may eventually add an act of kindness to this

routine. When confronted with a particularly upsetting situation, try bringing the techniques of meditation to observe your thoughts and emotions, realizing that negativity and fear is transitory and cannot affect the essence of your heart and mind. Our most meaningful moments in life occur when we slow down and live in the moment. With family, grandchildren, friends, or in the experience of taking a walk, breathing fresh air, watching a sunset, mindfulness allows us to enjoy the time we have to the fullest.

For further reading: Deepak Chopra. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: A Quantum Alternative to Growing Old. New York, 2010. Daniel Goleman. Focus. The Hidden Driver of Excellence. New York, 2013. Mark Williams and Danny Penman. Mindfulness: An EightWeek Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World. New York, 2011. 43

Sit in a chair with your back straight and close your eyes. Focus on the breath as it goes in and out of your lungs, feeling the sensation of the air. Merely observe; do not attempt to alter your breathing patterns.

Thoughts naturally come to mind during meditation. Yet after a while you might notice that they rise and fall away without feeling the need to engage with them. Your task is merely to observe them, as if they are clouds passing across the sky.

Inevitably, after a moment of this, our minds will begin to wander away from our breaths to dwell on other things, past and future worries or even passing thoughts. At this point, it is important to bring your awareness back to your breath, leaving the thoughts behind. It may take many tries to rein-in your errant mind. This discipline, however, will eventually become easier.

These are the beginning steps of meditation. For some, the mind may become calm quite easily. For others, it is a constant struggle not to engage with preoccupying or even fleeting thoughts. It is important not to be discouraged. The goal is to obtain calmness of mind, even if only for a short moment. It takes practice, so limit meditation time to three minutes at the beginning and slowly build up to thirty minutes a day.



How to Meditate


12 SUPER FOODS for What Ails You by Cristina Nascimento Patel

It’s no secret that healthy eating can improve your overall health and body function. However, understanding—or even refreshing your knowledge of—the health benefits of certain “super” foods can go a long way to aid in targeting areas of health and wellness, such as the in the protection against degenerative diseases or to help with the management of chronic pain. As a general rule, pack your diet with protein-rich foods and a rainbow of vegetables and fruits. 46

Avocados Often dubbed “the world’s perfect food,” it’s no surprise that pediatricians often recommend avocado as a baby’s first food. A medium avocado contains nearly half of the daily-recommended intake of fiber, and contains more protein than other fruits. This superfruit contains nutrients that can help lower cholesterol, reduce heart disease risk, and aid in cancer prevention. Include chopped avocado in salads and sandwiches, or mash them up with your fork for guacamole. Sweet Potatoes One sweet potato has nearly eight times the daily requirement of cancer-fighting and immuneboosting vitamin A. Sweet potatoes contain powerful antioxidants such as beta-carotene, helping your body ward off cancer and protecting against the effects of aging. They also contain more potassium than bananas, which is helpful in controlling blood pressure and improving kidney function. Roast cubes of sweet potato with olive oil and minced garlic for a tasty and nutritious side dish.

Pomegranates Pomegranates are loaded with goodness and health benefits as they contain antioxidants (vitamins A, C, and E), iron, and are a great source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion. Pomegranates are associated with preventing prostate cancer and heart disease as they help improve blood flow to the heart and may even reduce the damage that cholesterol can do to the arteries. Berries Berries contain nature’s most powerful antioxidants, which help protect healthy cells from damage. Their high vitamin C content is important for maintaining good eye health and may help fight off cataracts and other eye diseases. Regular consumption of blueberries and strawberries appears to reduce cognitive decline in older adults, according to the American Neurological Association.


Wild-Caught Salmon This fatty fish is swimming with nutrient-boosting properties. Researchers from the Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health have discovered that omega-3 fatty acids may prevent inflammation in the body and reduce symptoms associated with arthritis. Salmon is also high in niacin, which may protect against Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss. Besides the sun, wild-caught salmon is your best source for Vitamin D, which is essential for bone health. Sardines Sardines are ranked as one of the healthiest foods out there. They are an excellent source for omega-3’s and are an abundant source of calcium, Vitamin B2 and B12, Vitamin D, iron, potassium, and protein. Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil, and eat them with a bit of lemon, mixed with salad, or on toast as a spread with Dijon mustard and onions. 48

Quinoa (keen-wa) What was once Bolivia’s best-kept secret is now taking the world by storm. Also known as the “supergrain of the future,” quinoa is a high quality protein containing twice as much fiber as every other grain. Quinoa is also a great source for iron, which boosts brain health by helping your body deliver oxygen to the brain. Cook quinoa as you would rice or pasta—boil water or stock, add the quinoa, and simmer for 12–15 minutes. Mix in your favorite ingredients such as herbs, scallions, tomatoes, avocados, and pomegranate seeds for a flavorful, nutrient-rich meal. Almonds Like avocados, almonds are high in both protein and fiber. They also help to protect against diabetes by lowering insulin levels. Add almonds to your regular diet by partnering them with fruit, yogurt, or your morning oatmeal for a filling and nutritious meal. For people with dentures or difficulty chewing, soaking the almonds overnight will soften their texture and make them easier to digest.

Beans Great things come in small packages. Beans perform doubleduty on the food pyramid, acting as both a vegetable and a protein. In a single serving, beans contain half the fiber recommended for adults daily. Fiber can lower blood sugar, cut cholesterol, and may even help to prevent colon cancer and avoid hemorrhoids. Black and kidney beans are the most powerful nutrient-boosters (stick to the fresh and low-sodium canned variety). People with existing digestive issues should consult their doctors before adding beans to their regular diet. Olive Oil This Mediterranean diet staple is packed with anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that olive oil may help to reduce pain and stiffness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. To incorporate more olive oil into your diet, switch out storebought salad dressings for a homemade dressing, and substitute vegetable oil for olive oil when sautĂŠing foods.

Honey Honey’s health benefits fit across a pretty wide range. In addition to containing an abundance of various antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease, it may have some medicinal properties when applied to the skin, killing bacteria and speeding the healing of wounds. Recent studies have shown that a spoonful of buckwheat honey is as effective as a single dose of dextromethorphan (the overthe-counter cough suppressant) to reduced cough frequency and severity and allow for better sleep. Water Not quite a food, but worthy of a mention. Aim to drink 8–10 glasses of water daily to avoid dehydration, constipation, and to aid in the digestive process, which slows down as we age. Water also helps to prevent muscle fatigue and improves kidney function. 49


What Makes Olga Run? The Mystery of the 90-Something Track Star and What She Can Teach Us About Living Longer, Happier Lives The woman behind this inspiring book is Olga Kotelko, a 94-yearold track and field athlete who sprints, jumps, and throws a javelin and happens to hold over 23 world records, 17 in her current 90–95 category. In What Makes Olga Run? Bruce Grierson weaves together Olga’s uplifting biography with a clear, in-depth study on the aging process (including neuroplasticity, brain composition, and telomere length) and wonders how Olga is defying our understanding of the retention of human physical capability. Grierson considers every piece of the puzzle, including Olga’s DNA, her diet, exercise, and sleep habits, how she performs on various personality 50

tests, her hobbies, and her family history. Olga participates in tests administered by some of the world’s leading scientists, offering her DNA to groundbreaking research trials. Not only is this an uplifting personal story but also a look at the extent to which our DNA determines our health and longevity, and how much we can shape that inheritance. The book examines the sum of our genes, opportunities, and choices, and the factors that forge the course of any life. It is a fasincating story and informative look at the science of longevity and aging. Olga’s lasting message: it’s never too late to improve your health and happiness, and enjoy life.

Salon PS is a national operator of salons and spas within senior communities across the United States, providing exceptional amenity service and lifestyle product solutions for seniors, families and caregivers. Since our founding in 2008, Salon PS and its innovations have resonated throughout the market.

  Salon PS is raising the bar on what the senior community market has come to expect from a senior community salon. As a service leader within the industry, we recognize our responsibility to enrich the wellbeing and life experiences of our Elders, and we will continue to invest in innovations that foster participation and communication amongst and between residents, families and caregivers.   Please visit us at or on our Facebook page ( to learn more.

Salon PS has partnered with approximately 330 senior communities in 24 states across the US, professionalizing their salon and spa operations.


We have invested over $2 million in salon renovations and equipment within our Partner Communities. Salon PS has delivered over 850,000 salon and spa services to more than 55,000 residents, family members and associates. Our Shop PS program has sold thousands of personalized salon and spa Gift Certificates online.

Salon PS hosts hundreds of seasonal and celebratory Salon and Spa Events for residents, family members, and associates. We are committed to providing the CARES® Dementia BasicsTM and Alzheimer’s Association® essentiALZ® Certification program to all Salon PS employees. Recently, we launched PS Lifestyle, giving residents and families a solution that both sources and delivers residents’ personal care and lifestyle product needs to their community. 52

George & Patsy Perry

In Memoriam George H. Perry December 11, 1940–January 15, 2014 In January, we said goodbye to a beloved friend and trusted business partner, George H. Perry. George and Patsy Perry were co-founding partners when Scott and John launched Salon PS in August of 2008; in fact, the partnership was literally formed on the “back of a napkin” at a local restaurant in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, when the four met for dinner. As the minister who presided over George’s funeral aptly stated, George was a “bolt of lightning,” and all of us at Salon PS are honored to have enjoyed and benefited from George’s larger-than-life charm, charisma, and kindness. He passed with the swelling pride in what Salon PS has become and what our service and mission are doing for “his peers” around the country. George’s personal vision, guidance, and deep faith helped forge the core principles of our company, and they will live on within Salon PS in his honor. Goodbye, George, and Godspeed! 53

Kid’s Corner Solutions on page 62

Matching Game Find the two identical pictures.


Zig-Zag Word Search Words go left, right, up, down, but not diagonally and can bend at a right angle. There are no unused letters in the grid, every letter is used only once.

Mice Maze Help the mice friends to find the way to the best cheese ever (in the middle of the maze).

Grey Power Project Use the space below to draw a picture of your favorite grandparent or grandfriend (the Subject).

Your Name: Subject’s Name: Your Age: Subject’s Age: 55

Brain Exercises Solutions on page 63

Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 1. One who deals in small craft 9. California peak 15. Toothless 16. Putrid 17. Portrayed 18. Having sound 19. Naval rank, briefly 56

20. -disant (self-styled) 21. Law of Moses 22. Film 24. Jumpy 28. Compass dir. 29. Bright golden brown 31. Horse color 32. PIN requester

33. Group of two 34. Stabilizes 36. Swelling 38. Interlocution 40. Oscar winner Patricia 43. Russert of “Meet the Press” 44. Nicholas II, for one 45. Grommet 47. Charlottesville sch. 48. Regard 50. Magma 51. Sucrose 53. Calendar abbr. 55. Singer Torme 56. Culmination 58. Somite 60. Related through males 61. Explosive shells 62. Required 63. Not extreme DOWN 1. Didn’t exist 2. Tonsil’s neighbor 3. Tenseness 4. Conclusion 5. Numbered rds. 6. Dark brownish red color 7. Dined at home 8. Actor Beatty 9. Grads-to-be 10. Informal folk concert 11. extra cost

12. Ogle 13. Lease holders 14. Hymn 23. Gaucho’s rope 25. Sign of a slip 26. Soft 27. Strong wind 30. Make impure 34. Sired 35. Alloy of iron and carbon 37. Rock clinging plant 38. Communicate 39. Conceive 41. Oakland’s county 42. Young hare 43. From Florence, e.g. 45. Chewed the scenery 46. “Honor Thy Father” author 49. Diciembre follower 52. Diary of Housewife 54. Windmill part 57. Crossed (out) 58. “The Wizard of Oz” studio 59. Blemish


Brain Exercises Solutions on page 63

Easy as ABC Easy as ABC—also known as ABC End View or Last Man Standing—is a logical puzzle played on a square grid. The objective of Easy as ABC is to fill the grid with the letters A through G. Each row and each column must contain only one instance of each letter. The clues outside the grid show which letter comes across first from that direction.

Sudoku Sudoku—also known as Number Place—is a logicbased, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. The aim of Sudoku is to enter a number from 1 through 9 in each cell of a grid. Each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each number.

Easy as ABC Puzzle - Easy

Sudoku Puzzle - Medium

More Puzzles:


Horoscopes by Chris Flisher January/February 2014 ARIES (March 21–April 19) Your primary focus may continue to be career-related, but you may find that your longer-term considerations are involved with a much broader approach. You may be able to make significant progress if you can win the support of those closest to you. Primary relationships figure prominently in your effort to reinvent yourself. Through careful and honest discussions you may be able to find the right place for you if you consider outside input. TAURUS (April 20–May 20) You may be reluctant to enter into the world of education or re-training but your best opportunities for selfimprovement may only come as a result of honing your skills and experiences. Travel may broaden your view, but education and research will likely hold the most promise for your future. You may be driven towards success and happiness in your daily grind, but sacrifice may

be the only way forward. It may be time to crack open the books and add to your résumé. GEMINI (May 21–June 21) Your financial progress may become one of your primary drivers during the next few months. You may appear to others as if you are singularly driven to prove yourself. Proof of your personal value may be tied to your financial progress. Even if you have many talents and recognizable skills, you may not be personally content until you can see a greater income. You may go to great lengths to achieve that. Research and careful choices can make all the difference, so take the time with your figures. CANCER (June 22–July 22) Some of your closest acquaintances may become more present in your daily life than before. You may be finding that you have to limit your time with others. This may be a time of discernment when you have to 59

find the people who occupy the front row in your life. You may seek out quality, meaningful daily relations that add value and brighten your time. You may want to avoid dark and cloudy people at this point. You may feel quite buoyant and optimistic and you need no rain on your parade. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) A new daily schedule may be forming on the horizon and you may be anxious to get to the next stage. Your daily routine may be changing and you welcome the freshness of a break in the pattern. Your daily activities have to have meaning and offer value to others. You may feel quite strongly about how you spend your time and what do you bring to the table that has an appropriate context and purpose. You may not be as content with your old ways as you once were and change may do you good. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) The challenge of being newly adventurous and creative can be just as daunting as it can be thrilling. Rather than dwell 60

on the risks why not focus on the rewards of what appears through your experiences. You may have been a witness to an extraordinary set of experiences. How can you share them in a unique and lasting manner with others? You may find that your strongest supporters are those who collaborate with you as you find your new voice. Be open to the help and advice you receive from others. LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) You may be overly ambitious during this period, so keep that in the back of your mind and try to induce some caution and restraint. While ambition may be your motive, remember to choose carefully and avoid impulsivity. You may be tempted by many opportunities over the coming month, but discretion may be your best ally. All that glitters….Keep an eye on finances and cover your debts and bills adequately. If you can get by, then follow that path and await for surprises on the relationship front. Unexpected alliances can be quite helpful.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21) Personal responsibility may be your best option as Saturn urges you to take better care of yourself. Exercise, diet, and new habits that help you are first and foremost. It is impossible to put too much effort into yourself, but you can easily be distracted by trying to aid others. If you cannot operate properly; how can you expect to help others? This may be the time for you to rejuvenate yourself, so that you have the eventual energy to give back. You may be surprised by how much better you feel over time. Why did you wait so long to pay attention to yourself? SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) The coming months should be ideal for bringing successful closure to a few of your ongoing projects. The most important aspect of closure includes a new beginning which invariably arrives at the same time. The promise, for you, lies in seeking outside financial assistance. This may be in the form of insurance claims, health care, or other portfolio

improvement. Repositioning yourself can be quite uplifting and give you a new sense of freshness and optimism. Consider carefully, though since your decisions may leave a long-lasting impact. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) This should be an opportune time for collaborating with other likeminded friends or co-workers. The most important aspect of this is mutually beneficial. You may both see gains if you can find that sweet spot where you lift each other up. This may be the perfect time to see things through as you are in a tremendous period of self-evaluation and redirection. Despite the uncertainty of change, you may come to appreciate the help and, most importantly, the insight, of those with whom you work and create. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) You may witness great gains in your daily routine. Time and effort do eventually deliver. Diligence and determination do count in the end. Tenacity may be your most valuable 61

asset at this time. Your daily routine may be shifting into a much different arena, but this opportunity to offer yourself to humanitarian ideals may be your most rewarding outlet. You may be motivated to travel and gather ideas which you can disperse through your good will efforts. PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20) You may discover that travel and learning are necessary for your continual growth and

health. The enticement of new and different may certainly put a spring in your step. You may also discover that many of your goals and plans are best realized while working with others. The old adage of “many hands, make light work,” may have never been more apparent than now. If you can reframe your thinking as sharing the burden with others, you may find that progress comes much faster and much easier. © 2014 Chris Flisher

Puzzle Solutions Matching Game Solution 5, 8 Zig-Zag Word Search Solution


Mice Maze Solution

Crossword Puzzle Solution

Easy As ABC Solution

Sudoku Solution






orris, an 82-year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, “You’re really doing great, aren’t you?” Morris replied, “Just doing what you said, Doc: ‘Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.’” The doctor said, “I didn’t say that. I said, ‘You’ve got a heart murmur. Be careful.’” 64


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