Use of Pyrolysis Liquids as Pesticide Kari Tiilikkala MTT Agrifood Research Finland
Slow pyrolysis • Slow pyrolysis is a thermal conversion process where the wood or biomass material is slowly heated in the absence of air or oxygen up to final temperature of about 500 • Between 100 ºC and 200 ºC, noncombustible products, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, and also traces of organic compounds, are produced • at 200 – 300 ºC production of acetic acid !! • Slow pyrolysis (carbonization, destructive distillation) process yields solid char (charcoal), volatile condensable compounds (distillates) and volatile noncondensable gases.
Feedstock • All kinds of organic materials:
Mobile retort is one option
Products • The vapours produced can be condensed to give tar (wood tar or sedimentation tar) • and an aqueous layer (pyroligneous acid). • The retort process yields about 35-40 wt% charcoal, • 40-45 % distillates and • 15-25 wt% non-condensable gases .
Condensed liquid
Pyrolysis liquid, mixture of chemicals
Pyrolysis liquid for Weed control
Acetic acid is the active ingredient
Pyrolysis liquid for insect control • Aphids and other soft skinned species
Pyrolysis liquid to repel pests
Strong odor
Pyrolysis liquid to control fungi
Biodegradable, environmentally friendly
How to apply pyrolysis liquids = Lifelong learning