Energy Medicine Magazine - Summer 2011

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Energy Medicine M

a g a z i n e

Summer 2011/12 Issue

what is life?

answers to your biggest questions

the 10 commandments

and their real meaning explained

MEDITATION retreat 2012

start the year with a rejuvenating retreat

NEWS IN BRIEF First Workshop in the U.K.

Congratulations to our AcuEnergetics® Teacher and Senior Practitioner Salila Marsham for teaching our first AcuEnergetics® Level 1 “Skills for Living” workshop in the United Kingdom in October 2011. The group was a great success.

Meditation Retreat in Australia

AcuEnergetics® has announced it will run its Neshamah Enlightenment Retreat at Jasper’s Village Resort in January 2012. Jasper’s is located on the mid north coast of NSW and is set in a pristine location. AcuEnergetics® has teamed up with its friends at BodyMindLife to create a beautiful retreat experience that will be unforgettable. For more information check out

Workshops Now in WA & ACT

Photo above: Salila (centre) and her group in the U.K.

For the first time, AcuEnergetics® workshops will be offered in Canberra this November and Perth this December 2011. The workshops will be facilitated by AcuEnergetics® Teachers Salila Marsham and Steve Vella respectively. We wish them both the best of luck. If you have any friends who you think might be interested in these workshops, they should check out our website for details.

TREATMENTS AcuEnergetics® is fast and accurate and can be used to treat a wide range of physical, mental and emotional conditions. Many people come for specific treatment of an injury, chronic health problems or work/family related stress. Some clients attend sessions to work through issues that arise frequently in their lives, such as anger, fear guilt, insomnia, relationship breakups and panic attacks. Others come because they find that energy balancing helps relax them and keep them at optimum health.

AcuEnergetics® is a modern energy healing modality, based on a detailed understanding of the energetic physiology & anatomy of the body. It combines the latest discoveries in energy work with traditional knowledge from ancient texts by Chinese,Judaic, Middle Eastern, Indian & Western Physicians. AcuEnergetics® understands the whole energy body and its connection to the mind, which is vital for the effective treatment of any symptom in the body.

Common conditions treated include: • Chronic back & neck pain • Depression and anxiety • Menstrual & fertility problems • Chronic fatigue • Chronic stress & panic attacks • Headaches • Trauma & grief • Abdominal pain & constipation • Low energy • Breathing problems • Sore knees, shoulders & joints • Speed up healing after surgery • Sports injuries How does it work? In short, AcuEnergetics® practitioners understand how energetic channels and centre’s work in the body. When these channels are blocked, specific illness, pain or symptoms can appear. AcuEnergetics® practitioners work with energy centres, pranic fields, meridians and other energetic channels. Using their hands they feel blockages and imbalances in the energetic system and can clear them using various energetic techniques. “If you wish to see why the body is the way it is, look at how you’ve been thinking for the past ten years. If you wish to see how your body will be in ten years time, look at how you’re thinking now.” Buddha 550bc

AcuEnergetics® & Energy Medicine Magazine This magazine is owned and produced by AcuEnergetics® and all content is copyright AcuEnergetics®. AcuEnergetics is located at 372 Darling Street, Balmain, NSW, Australia 2041. Ph: 02 9818 1522. Email

inspirational wisdom

Hakuin was one of the most influential figures in Japanese Zen Buddhism and 400 years ago wrote his famous Song of Meditation. All beings are from the very beginning Buddhas. It is like water and ice: A p a r t f r o m w a t e r, n o i c e , Outside living beings, no Buddhas. N o t k n o w i n g i t i s n e a r, t h e y s e e k i t a f a r. W h a t a p i t y ! It is like one in the water who cries out for thirst; It is like the child from a rich house Who has strayed away a m o n g t h e p o o r. The cause of our circling through the six worlds Is that we are on the dark paths of ignorance. Dark path upon dark path treading. When shall we escape from birth-and-death? The Zen meditation of the Mahayana - Is beyond all praise. Giving and morality and the other perfections, Ta k i n g o f t h e n a m e , repentance, discipline, and the many other right actions, All come back to the practice of meditation. By the merit of a single sitting, He destroyed innumerable accumulated sins.

How should there be wrong paths for him? The Pure Land paradise is n o t f a r. W h e n i n r e v e r e n c e this truth is heard even once,He who praises it and gladly embraces it Has merit without end. How much more he who turns within And confirms directly his own nature, That his own nature is nonature - Such has transcended vain words. The gate opens, and cause and effect are one; Straight runs the way - not t w o , n o t t h r e e . Ta k i n g a s form the form of no-form, Going or retur ning, he is ever at home. Ta k i n g a s t h o u g h t t h e thought of no-thought, Singing and dancing, all is the voice of truth. Wide is the heaven of boundless Samadhi, Radiant the full moon of the fourfold wisdom. What remains to be sought? Nirvana is clear before him, This very place the Lotus Paradise, This very body the Buddha.

AcuEnergetics速 Open Meditation Nights

Open Meditation nights are for anyone interested in learning meditation, particularly opening the light body using unique AcuEnergetics速 techniques. The next Open Meditation Nights are: Thursday 1 December, 2011 Thursday 16 February, 2012 Thursday 23 February, 2012 Thursday 1 March, 2012 Thursday 8 March, 2012 Thursday 29 March, 2012 Where: The AcuEnergetics速 School, 1/372 Darling Street Balmain. Ph: 9818 1522. Time: 7.15pm (classes run for approx. 90 mins) Cost: $10. Remember to always check the website for other dates, meditation workshops & retreats and special events. If you are interested in coming to an AcuEnergetics速 FREE GUEST NIGHT, to find out more about the modality, then call us to book on 02 9818 1522. The next free guest nights are on Thursday 15 November, 2011, Thursday 10 February, 2012, Thursday 17 March, 2012 and Thursday 26 May, 2012.

The real meaning of the


Commandments The ten commandments have for a long time felt like an outdated set of rules of which many seem obvious and therefore largely uninspiring. No matter what our background, most of us know we’re not supposed to steal or kill or commit adultery. However what if there were a deeper meaning to these age old set of rules? Kevin Farrow has deciphered the real hidden meaning of the ten commandments, which have an inspiring and useful application to our daily lives. [In the following text Farrow talks about the 10 commandments and how they relate to the 10 main energy centre’s in the body. For further explanation on this, see the explanation and photo on the following page.] Kabbalah teaches that the energy centre of kether was represented by the first commandment in the first set of ten commandments or guidances, received by Moses. This set was carved by light in sapphire. Moses supposedly destroyed this set when he saw the Jews worshipping the statue of a Golden Calf. The first commandment (of the second set) is ‘I am the Lord your God’ or literally, ‘God of you, the Lord I am’. The esoteric meaning of this in Kabbalah was simply, ‘I am.’ This is a reference to the state of

beingness or sacred oneness. In Judaism, this was experienced in the Judaic mystic contemplative practices such as kawannah. The practice of kawannah is described as ‘the practical application of the doctrine concerning the spheres and immortal spheres of reality’ (Origins of the Tarot. Dai Leon p117). By the twelfth century, this practice had been deemed as heresy as it acknowledged that as God can be directly realised, then one can not be separate from God. Christianity and Islam also deemed this type of practice heretical. The second commandment associated with the energy centre chochma is ‘Thou shalt have no graven images.’ The esoteric meaning of this is very similar to the famous Zen Buddhist anecdote of ‘If you meet

the Buddha on the path – kill him.’ The deeper meaning of this means killing our idea of worshipping someone or something outside of ourselves, rather than being a prohibition against statues and paintings. It is also an instruction against having false imaginings of ourselves. Apart from the obvious point in worshipping false ideas, there is also the psychological problem that exists when we look up to someone. Invariably we balance this by looking down on someone else. This is linked with chochma, because as the highest centre of the (energetic) male pole, the energy of chochma is associated with going out, rather than going in. The famous Kabbalist Rebbe Nachman (1772 –1810), taught that each of us should search for

the righteous person within himself. When we project our search for ourselves outward onto others, even supposedly saintly ones, then we leave the state of blessing, the state of oneness. In the Tao te Ching, this concept is stated simply as; ‘Not to honour men of worth will keep the people from contention.’ Kabbalah teaches that the energy centre binah was represented by the third commandment, ‘Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord in vain.’ The esoteric meaning of this is that with understanding, we hold a sacred space in the mouth. If we don’t speak with understanding in everything we do, we are breaking that sacred space. This doesn’t just relate to profanity or literally using the word God as a adjunct to an oath. In the Sufi mystic Hafiz’s poetry we read, ‘When you talk about shame, you have left our circle.’ When we really speak from love rather than from our emotions or our logic, then we hold the sacred space – if we speak from anger, shame, guilt or other negative emotions, then we are not in that sacred space and that is its own punishment.

kether da’at chochma binah chesed gevurah tipereth netzach hod yesod malkuth

energy centres Artwork by Ramel

accurate placement of the spheres of the light body

Copyright AcuEnergetics® Pty Ltd 2009

The fourth commandment associated with the energy centre chesed is ‘Thou shalt not break the sabbath.’ The real meaning of this is that we need to honour the principle of love and kindness through giving time to ourselves, for our own spirit, instead of spending our time purely on material gain and material matters. By taking one day off a week to restore the spirit, we honour ourselves. The fifth commandment associated with the energy centre gevurah is ‘Thou shalt not dishonour thy father and thy mother.’ The inner meaning of this is to release being resentful. Our mothers and fathers have literally given us life. What we do with it is up to us. If we are ungrateful for the gift of life, this will colour all of our experiences. The commandment associated

with the energy centre tipereth is the sixth, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ The esoteric meaning of this is to keep our hearts open. There is an old story about an English knight in the crusades, who met a Saracen knight in battle. The Saracen tipped him off his horse and was about to kill him when the English knight spat on him. At this gesture, the Saracen turned and walked away. The English knight, puzzled at the behaviour, got to his feet and ran after him. He asked why the Saracen had not killed him, particularly after he was spat upon. The Saracen, who was a Sufi, replied, ‘It is against my faith to kill when I am angry.’ The Englishman became the first English Sufi. A friend of mine who was a Buddhist Abbot, once explained the Chinese Buddhist understanding of killing. He said, ‘When you are going to kill

cockroaches and other things, don’t do it with aversion and distaste. Keep your heart open and wish them a higher birth next time.’ The karma in this situation is what we do to ourselves and this is from how we do these things. Aversion contracts our hearts and minds. This is the real inner meaning of ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ The seventh commandment associated with the energy centre of netzach is ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ The inner meaning of this, is that we should not spoil the purity of being, through our actions. That is, we should not adulterate the experience of oneness in ourselves. Jesus had some sort of understanding of this when he said, ‘You have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto

How the 10 commandments relate to our mind, body & life In short, our body is an amazing organism and our energy system is at its core, keeping us alive and well. The energy system is made up of energy centre’s (see diagram on opposite page), fields and channels of energy, which move around the body and make everything work properly. The energy gives strength and flexibility to our muscles, tendons and bones, as well as making our organs function, our heart pump and blood move. It also affects how we feel emotionally – the energy is everywhere. The energy in our body is extremely sensitive. It responds instantaneously to our attitudes and thoughts. When we are angry, worried or sad, the energy moves in what we call a ‘contracting’ cycle. This is where the energy literally starts to contract and in doing so, specific organs and parts of our body are affected. The energy cannot flow freely in these areas the way it should, so these parts of the body become compromised. Organs can’t perform their jobs properly, we don’t feel happy and well, wounds won’t heal and pain and symptoms can start to appear. So how do we optimise energy flow and health in our body? We learn not to let our body, mind and energy go into a ‘contracting’ cycle by becoming more aware of ourselves. Interestingly enough, there are specific ways of thinking, attitudes and emotions that effect each energy centre and cause it to contract. The beautiful part about this is the connection to the ten commandments. If you understand the deeper meaning of the ten commandments as written here by Kevin Farrow, you will see that these commandments are very helpful and practical tools for us to stay more open, conscious and happy.

you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.’ (Matthew 5:27-28) The eighth commandment associated with the energy centre hod is ‘Thou shalt not steal.’ In an exoteric sense, this is a prohibition about moving things from place to place. However, its inner meaning is about our deceit of ourselves. When we act from a lack of honour, we lose something essential. The ninth commandment associated with the energy centre yesod is ‘Thou shalt not commit perjury.’ Really, thou shalt not lie. The inner meaning of this is that we should not be deluded or create illusions in how we see the world. As Sosan, the third Patriarch of Chan Buddhism (Zen) said, ‘Don’t try to get enlightened, just stop

having opinions.’ Our opinions are the delusions of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, that we bring to the sephira of yesod. Because they are delusional, their energy is not passed on, to open up the Tree of Life. The tenth commandment associated with malkhuth is ‘Thou shalt not covet.’ This commandment relates to the inner meaning of seeking anything outside of ourselves. In seeking objects, we just begin the spiral of desire that will lead to unhappiness. Lao Tzu says in the Tao te Ching, ‘Not to honour men of worth will keep the people from contention. Not to value goods which are hard to come by will keep them from theft, not to display what is desirable will keep them from being unsettled of mind.’ Copyright Kevin Farrow 2011

Living the 10 commandments every day 1. Be still. 2. Trust yourself 3. Speak with love & understanding in your voice. 4. Honour yourself every day by doing something you really love. 5. Let go of resentment and appreciate your life. 6. Keep your heart open. 7. Be happy with what you have right now. 8. Act honourably - don’t deceive yourself or others. 9. Don’t take your opinions seriously. 10. Remember that everything you need already lies within you.

Books & Music for your Meditation as Medicine


Kevin Farrow

For many thousands of years, people in cultures far and wide have understood the beauty and importance of meditation in one’s daily life. Meditation helps to still the mind and creates a feeling of peace and happiness. It is also a brilliant way – when done correctly - to promote healing and vitality in the body. To master the art of a pure no-mind space - even for a few moments - is something that is possible for all of us. With practice we can experience this stillness for longer periods of time, enabling us to go beyond the mind and feel truly awakened. This book provides practical, easy to learn meditation techniques for you to begin to free your mind and heal your body. RRP $9.95 Meditation as Medicine

enlighten volume one

AcuEnergetics Meditations, volume one This is the first volume of the enlighten series of meditations. The aim of this series is to introduce you to the basics of meditation practice and then to gradually guide you through some of the more advanced tantric practices. With the exception of the meditations covered in volume one - which focus on stilling the mind and opening the heart - the enlighten series covers ancient practices in opening the light body, which were practiced thousands of years ago but have long since disappeared. Some of these practices are Judaic in origin and some are originally Taoist. Volume one guides you through the Inner Smile and Inner Breath meditations, which are both Taoist.

enlighten volume two

AcuEnergetics Meditations, volume two This is the second volume of the enlighten series of meditations. Volume two guides you through the Two Trees meditations, which are ancient Judaic practices in opening the light body. To understand and practice these meditations, it’s necessary to develop an experiential knowledge of the pattern of energy centres in the body. This is gained through learning to use your attention. The booklet inside has detailed instructions for development of the attention and the practice of the meditations on the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

enlighten volume three

AcuEnergetics Meditations, volume three This is the third volume of the enlighten series of meditations. Volume three guides you through the Lightning Flash meditation, which is an ancient Judaic practice in opening the light body. This meditation is a natural evolution from the Two Trees meditations of volume two. As with those practices, to understand and practice this meditation, it’s necessary to develop an experiential knowledge of the pattern of energy centres in the body. The booklet from volume two will help with this. The booklet included with this volume explains the Lightning Flash and its practice. All books are available at the AcuEnergetics® bookshop, 372 Darling Street, Balmain.

by Kevin Farrow

Meditation. Yoga. Nature. Bliss. enlightenment retreat set for January 2012

In January 2012 AcuEnergetics® will run its first ever Neshamah Enlightenment Retreat in Australia, at the beautiful Jasper’s Village Resort on the mid north coast of NSW. AcuEnergetics® has teamed up with our friends at BodyMindLife yoga to create a meditation retreat like no other. Imagine starting your day in paradise with morning yoga, followed by a delicious and healthy organic breakfast, then the most blissful meditations you can think of, a whole food lunch, more meditation, some free time to do more yoga, swim in the river or just relax, followed by a little more meditation, a divine dinner and then the evening free to do whatever your heart desires. This will be an unforgettable week in your life where you can relax, unwind & experience new levels of divine consciousness to open your heart, still your mind and give your body the healing it deserves. Start the year with this rejuvenating journey within yourself and learn to open the hidden pathways of the body that will help you feel at peace all year long. The retreat will be facilitated by AcuEnergetics® Founder Kevin Farrow. BOOK NOW - For info or bookings go to or call 02 9818 1522.




BML SURRY HILLS: Level 1, 55 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills | ph 9211 4111 BML ROZELLE: 713 Darling Street, Rozelle | ph 9810 3146 WWW.BODYMINDLIFE.COM

Looking for a new career in healing? Study a fast growing modality that really works Whether you are looking for a brand new career choice, or a modality to complement your current skillset, AcuEnergetics® could be just what you’re looking for. It’s a career choice that is extremely fascinating, deeply fullfilling and one which produces consistently positive results. AcuEnergetics® has attracted many practitioners in other fields due to it’s unique, effective and truly wholistic approach to treating illness in the body. It is a modern energy healing modality based on a detailed understanding of the energetic anatomy and physiology of the human body. It combines Chinese, Middle Eastern, Judaic, Indian and Western medicine together with founder Kevin Farrow’s 35 years of research and clinical studies to create an accurate energy medicine. Practitioners trained in other modalities such as acupuncture, physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic and psychology often discover that the AcuEnergetics® approach is exactly what they need to complete their understanding of the human body and fill in the missing link that is the energetic system . Training to become an AcuEnergetics® practitioner starts with Level 1 ‘Skills for Living’ and Level 2 ‘Inner Alchemy’, followed by Level 3 ‘The Art & Science of Energy Healing’ and then the AcuEnergetics® ‘Practitioner Training’. Course dates are available on the AcuEnergetics® website. The School is located at 372 Darling Street, Balmain.

Course Dates Level 1 DATES: November 2627, February 18-19, March 24-25 or May 26-27 (1 weekend) Level 2 DATES: April 14-15 and 21-22 OR August 18-19 and 25-26 (2 weekends) Level 3 DATES: Course starts May 8 (16 Tuesdays) OR 15-16 September (8 weekends) CONTACT: Call 9818 1522 or email

what is life? What is life? What is consciousness? Why are we here? Kevin Farrow tackes some of these questions in the following story about life, awareness, ego and individuality.

What is Life? It is common to consider that the deep questions of life are questions about who made us? Do we come from a random chaos in the universe or is there an intelligence behind this? Basically, is there a god? If there is a God, are we separate from it or are we one with it. If there is a god, is it a he or she? Is there a son of god? These common questions are just a few of what we generally consider as deep and meaningful topics. The asking of these questions is from our innate human curiosity and also from the view we have of ourselves as a sophisticated intelligent society. However, in reality, most of these questions and most of their answers, are just philosophical rubbish. The first real questions that we can ask are the most obvious, but they are very rarely asked. These questions are, what is life and what is this consciousness we have? These are the first questions, because without life or consciousness, there are no questions. We tend to avoid these questions because they’re difficult. This thing called life is quirky and ephemeral, here one moment and gone the next. One day we are in a bassinet and sooner than we think, we are in the grave. We call it life, the bit in the middle, but what is it really? Is it different from the life we see in a tree or in a dolphin or in a monkey? This consciousness that we have is just as quirky one moment we are conscious of this, and the next minute of that. Sometimes we are unconscious and sometimes we dream. Is consciousness the stuff that makes us, us? If it is, where is it? Does it live in the brain and if so, how do people have out of body experiences? I once chatted with a young doctor who claimed that life medicine or energy medicine was absolute rubbish and that he didn’t believe in it at all. I asked him if chemistry could tell the difference between someone who was alive and someone who had been dead for a few seconds. He replied that this was probably not possible. I told him that this was what energy medicine studied - the life stuff - the difference between life and death. This may not have much meaning to some doctors, but to the has quite a lot.

Curiously and obviously - this thing called life is alive in itself, it is a living thing - actually it is the living thing. It’s also in a way, what makes us, us because it is not separate from our consciousness, our awareness if you like. What is consciousness? Consciousness is not what we are aware of - it is that we are aware. Pure consciousness is awareness allowed to naturally expand because it is not being contracted by the filter of an ego. In the ancient books of the Jews (aka the Old Testament), there is the notion of god as omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, meaning all that there is. This is not a description of the Zeus like figure that has come to represent god in the thinking of western Christian society. It is a description of the universality of consciousness itself. The understanding of god in early Judaism, early Christianity and early Islam is the same as the meaning of the Tao and Buddha nature in eastern religions - it is another word for pure consciousness. It has no other meaning than this.

What is consciousness? Consciousness is not what we are aware of - it is that we are aware. Consciousness is everywhere, in all things. This very life we have is consciousness. Every little movement of every leaf in the wind, every nod of a head, every song of a bird, every lap of the ocean... everything is consciousness. However, although life is consciousness, not all consciousness is life in this sense. Consciousness is also this very feeling, this very emotion, this very smile or sadness or burst of anger...everything is a part of consciousness. Even this very thought is consciousness, every ‘ah ha’, every wondering, every concentration, every inward and outward glance of the mind. Inside us and outside us, all is consciousness. However, all these thoughts and movements of mind are contractions of consciousness. Just as the phenomenon of life is a physical aspect of consciousness, our feelings and thoughts are equally aspects of contracted consciousness on the mental and emotional level. Even our sense of who we are, our individuality or what makes us, us is an aspect of consciousness. The ancient Hindu sages called this individual aspect, ahamkara. Ahamkara has a double meaning - it means both the my-sense, as in it’s mine - and also the veil, because the my-sense or ego, veils us from real perception of the pure consciousness. This understanding is that our individuality only

exists, as a filter to block our direct perception of pure consciousness and thus give us the sense of being separate. While this my-sense gives us our sense of individuality, this is really an illusion. Every person, every dog and cat and horse and pig has this sense of individuality. Flocks of birds and insects have it as groups. Ego is nothing special. Generally we think of ego in terms of the people who are the loudest and the first to dance. In fact, the most restrictive egos are those of the people who are too timid to dance. They are held in check by their fear. This is the true egotism, contraction by fear and opinions and a cherished belief in our individuality. There is a joke about an empowerment seminar where the main speaker was extolling everyone with the line, ‘You are all individuals!’ A small voice at the back piped up, ‘I’m not.’ No matter how individual we like to think we are, we are like drops of rain from the sky of consciousness. Just as rain is all one downpour of water - we are all one consciousness. Our individuality is an aspect of consciousness that keeps us in our particular pattern of frozen thoughts and dreams. It gives us something to hang our hat

on, so that we can believe the dream that we call our individual life. It is the formation of habits that gives us both the inward idea and the outward sense of our own individuality. We all began with the same awareness, but different situations provoke responses which get ingrained so that we act out a certain way. This happens over lifetimes. Eventually, we become a pattern that reacts automatically. This is the pattern that is reflected in our astrology, our psychology - it is the pattern of our karma. You could have been him, she could have been that person - but for different situations evoking different habits. We all began as droplets from one consciousness - some fall on earth, some fall in the sea and some fall on rocks. In the end there is no problem. Just as evaporation restores all to water in the sky, realisation restores us all to consciousness. Although we believe that we have a certain consciousness, a certain awareness, we still can’t prevent this habitual emotional and mental patterning occurring, because our I-sense keeps our consciousness, in a sense, unconscious. However, this is not just a matter of a veil blocking pure consciousness. The 20th century Armenian mystic George Gurdjieff, taught that man isn’t born with a soul or higher consciousness - he has to

develop it. What this means, is that aspects of consciousness can transform into higher aspects. The Taoists taught that life consciousness can become emotional energy consciousness which can become conscious awareness. The practice of transmutation of energy in the ancient Chinese practice of Qi Gong follows this line. The different forms of energy are usually referred to as the three treasures. In the writings of Taoist Qi Gong masters, these transformations are usually described as transformations of energy, however, this is not the true teaching. Truly, all energy is consciousness. Transformation of energy is really transformation of consciousness. The practice of restoring the life, emotional and mental aspects of consciousness to pure consciousness, is the journey of man. Gurdjieff also taught that there are two types of people - one interested in consciousness and the other merely existing for the purposes of nature’s involuntary and evolutionary constructs. Basically, just to fulfil their habitual karmic patterns of mind. This isn’t true. There is only one type of person - us. We all get opportunities for realisation and growth throughout our lives. What we do determines our path from that moment. When we act from our habitual patterns, which are our astrological psychology, our opinions if you like - then we act unconsciously. We have all had moments in our lives where our karmic patterns lead us to blame, anger and hatred. When we decide not to harm ourselves this way, to act from our hearts instead, when we forgive, when we act with compassion instead of false sympathy, when how we are in ourselves, is more important than our emotional patterns and when others needs become more important than our own wants - then we set off on the real path of life.

However, the path to consciousness can be fast or it can be slow. If we just work through the karmic blocks on our path, the path of right actions described above - then we are on the path to consciousness, but it’s gradual. The lightening path is the path of meditation, the path of insight. Traditionally, the path of meditation has always involved an inner and outer practice. The outer practices involve the stilling of mind and the development and transformation of the heart and the attention field of the mind. This attention field is often described as light, as in the light in the body or the light of the mind. The inner meditation practice is the direct realisation experience that we are the creators of our experience of the world and that everything proceeds from our mind. When our consciousness is open, we are the centre. In the Taoist text, The Secret of the Golden Flower it states, ‘The pervasive principle of the centre bears universal change.’ The simple meaning is that when we are open, things will change around us but our openness is not affected. We need to find the openness of energy, the openness of emotion and the openness of mind. The secrets of the three treasures. For this to occur, we need to do a little practice in understanding that how we see, feel and are, is the only true experience of our life. We need to look in, feel in and be in, rather than living on the outside in external situations. We need to be vitally curious about ourselves, of how we experience life and consciousness. We need to understand that our opinions and the accompanying emotions are just stories from our karmic patterns - and from this understanding, let them go and let our pure awareness open. Copyright Kevin Farrow 2011. For a greater understanding of meditation, please read Farrow’s, Meditation as Medicine.

create a more conscious life. balanced mind. healthy body. happy spirit. The AcuEnergetics® Level 1 ‘Skills for Living’ workshop is a fun weekend, teaching you about the mind, body and heart connection and how to increase your awareness and sensitivity to energy. You’ll discover a fresh approach to all aspects of your life, learning skills to open your heart and bring you more joy, love and energy. Learn and experience: • simple and profound meditation techniques to still the mind, open the heart and become more conscious. • how to feel your own and other people’s energy. • how to release held emotions and attitudes which cause illness in the body. • about the basic energetic physiology and anatomy of the body. • radiance, resonance and magnetic hand techniques for healing illness. • the core understandings of AcuEnergetics® as a healing modality. • the first level of training to becoming an AcuEnergetics® practitioner.

AcuEnergetics® is an energy healing modality with a unique and accurate approach to treatment of illness in the body. Created by Kevin Farrow, AcuEnergetics® combines 35 years of Kevin’s research and understanding with knowledge from ancient Chinese, Middle Eastern, Indian and Judaic texts. The result is a modern treatment modality, backed by thousands of years of wisdom. AcuEnergetics® is located at 1/372 Darling Street, Balmain, NSW. For course dates and costs, call 02 9818 1522

Neshamah Jaspers, Australia 21 - 27 January, 2012

Meditation. Yoga. Nature. Pure bliss.

Enlightenment Retreat for bookings or more information call (02) 9818 1522 or email

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