Energy Medicine Magazine - Winter 2010

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Energy Medicine M

a g a z i n e

Winter 2010 Issue

NEWS IN BRIEF AcuEnergetics® announces its first ever Meditation Retreat in Bali

After much planning and anticipation, a date has been set for the AcuEnergetics® meditation retreat in Bali. It is scheduled to run on 15-21 January, 2011. The Bali workshop will be a 7 day Neshamah Enlightenment Retreat - an experience in profound energetic opening techniques and blissful meditations. This is not one to be missed. More details of this workshop will be available shortly. Call AcuEnergetics® on 9818 1522 and put your name on the waitlist, to receive more information as it becomes available. Places will be limited.

Holland Workshops

The AcuEnergetics® Holland workshop is booking up fast, however there are still a few places left, so if you know anybody interested in coming, let them know ASAP.

The famous Humaniversity will host the popular AcuEnergetics® Level 1 ‘Skills for Living’ and Level 2 ‘Inner Alchemy’ courses in June 2010. The dates for the workshop have been set to run between June 18 - 25. Bookings should be made with the Humaniversity directly. Contact info@

Level 1 ‘Skills for Living’ in India

The AcuEnergetics® Level 1 ‘Skills for Living’ course will once again be on offer in Pune, India in January 2011. For the 5th year running, a team of AcuEnergetics® teachers, practitioners and students will be at the Osho International Meditation Resort. This is a wonderful experinece and way to surround yourself in meditation, new experiences and wonderful people. For more information call the clinic on 02 9818 1522.

TREATMENTS AcuEnergetics® is fast and accurate and can be used to treat a wide range of physical, mental and emotional conditions. Many people come for specific treatment of an injury, chronic health problems or work/family related stress. Some clients attend sessions to work through issues that arise frequently in their lives, such as anger, fear guilt, insomnia, relationship breakups and panic attacks. Others come because they find that energy balancing helps relax them and keep them at optimum health. Common conditions treated include: • Chronic back & neck pain • Depression and anxiety • Menstrual & fertility problems • Chronic fatigue • Chronic stress & panic attacks • Headaches • Trauma & grief • Abdominal pain & constipation • Low energy • Breathing problems • Sore knees, shoulders & joints • Speed up healing after surgery • Sports injuries How does it work? In short, AcuEnergetics® practitioners understand how energetic channels and centre’s work in the body. When these channels are blocked, specific illness, pain or symptoms can appear. AcuEnergetics® practitioners work with energy centres, pranic fields, meridians and other energetic channels. Using their hands they feel blockages and imbalances in the energetic system and can clear them using various energetic techniques. What happens? During an AcuEnergetics® treatment the client remains fully clothed. Depending on the treatment, the practitioner may treat with their hands on or off the client’s body. “If you wish to see why the body is the way it is, look at how you’ve been thinking for the past ten years. If you wish to see how your body will be in ten years time, look at how you’re thinking now.” Buddha 550bc

AcuEnergetics® is a modern energy healing modality, based on a detailed understanding of the energetic physiology & anatomy of the body. It combines the latest discoveries in energy work with traditional knowledge from ancient texts by Chinese, Judaic, Middle Eastern, Indian & Western Physicians. AcuEnergetics® understands the whole energy body and its connection to the mind, which is vital for the effective treatment of any symptom in the body.

AcuEnergetics® & Energy Medicine Magazine This magazine is owned and produced by AcuEnergetics® and all content is copyright AcuEnergetics®. AcuEnergetics is located at 372 Darling Street, Balmain, NSW, Australia 2041. Ph: 02 9818 1522. Email

big transformations on little people

Children are extremely sensitive when it comes to energy. Their minds are generally not as locked in to their stories as much as adults, which makes them more flexible and less likely to hold on to destructive emotions. This also makes them excellent people to treat with AcuEnergetics®. Below are a couple of real life cases, where AcuEnergetics® has made a real difference in the lives of these two little girls and their families. L i l l y ’s S t o r y My daughter came to see AcuEnergetics® Practitioner Kevin Farrow after a recommendation by my sister Sarah Kinsela and her friend Stephanie who is an AcuEnergetics® student. Lilly was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder around 2 years of age. Over the years we have been on a healing journey with Lilly and have watched her slowly emerge from the distant other world that is Autism and learn how to be present here and now with us. Lilly is now 5 and we went to see Kevin as we heard that he had experienced some success with children that were Autistic. Lilly formed a rapport with Kevin right away and after 5 or 6 sessions we saw an amazing improvement in her cognitive processes. For the first time she understood the concept of time, she could understand what “in a minute” meant and also grasped that “in a couple of minutes” meant longer! She began to speak of the events of yesterday and anticipate future events and correctly label them with “tomorrow”. This was a massive leap forward in her development. Before Acuenergetics® we could only speak in terms of “First and Then” which dealt with immediate needs, for eg: First a sandwich then a drink. Now she can speak of and understand the concept of time in an age appropriate way. She has also begun to grasp the concept of “Why”. Previous to Acuenergetics® Lilly understood, How, When and Where but not Why. Now Lilly can answer “Why questions” and has even begun to ask some of her own which is music to our ears!

These are big developmental steps that were achieved in such a short amount of time thanks to Kevin - and Lilly for opening her heart! Since these sessions I have myself attended the Level 1 course to learn more about AcuEnergetics® so I can continue on with Lilly’s treatment, in the future I would love to learn all there is to know about this way of working with energy as I have seen and felt the results and am impressed by the accuracy of the method. Namaste, Libby Brimmer

Lilly and her mum Libby.

E l l a ’s S t o r y My daughter Ella came to Kevin Farrow for treatment when she was just 2 ¼ years old. She had already spent a year and a half going to physio as she couldn’t seem to get the hang of crawling or walking and was very weak in her legs and arms. We were soon to leave Sydney and a friend suggested we see Kevin at AcuEnergetics®. Considering Ella had been having therapy for longer than she’d lived on earth we thought it was worth giving AcuEnergetics® a go before leaving. Ella sat in my lap for the first session and as Kevin was working on her she responded as though she were listening to her favourite music – a look of bliss sat quietly on her

face. The next visit she was overtired and cranky but Kevin managed to work on her while I belted out every nursery rhyme I knew. Two days after our second session we went away and I took Ella outside amongst the dewy flowers. As she stood against my legs and I held her shoulders she lifted her left leg and put it down in front of her. The she lifted her right leg and put it down in front of her. With me holding her shoulders she walked 10 steps right up to where the flowers were growing. The others couldn’t hear me yelling for them to come watch so I scooped her up, ran to the house and she again started walking in front of everyone. She managed another ten steps before exhausting herself. There was much ecstatic smiling and a lot of teary eyes. We only managed one more session of AcuEnergetics® before we left Sydney but it changed us and Ella forever. We still have a daughter who needs lots of help on our hands but she has two blissfully happy parents who see that the little steps that mean so much can come from the most amazing places. For some people the road to health and wellbeing can be long dark and dreary with no end in sight. But for those who have experienced AcuEneregetics® it’s more than being a light at the end of the tunnel : it’s actually the light. Whether through being worked on by a practitioner or by learning yourself you can guarantee that your own road will be changed irreparably for the better. Thank you, Anna. (Anna and Ella’s names have been changed to protect their privacy)

the five layers

of the soul By Kevin Farrow

What is the soul? Although we generally pretend to have one, most of us don’t have the foggiest notion of what this means. Try explaining your soul or ask one of your friends to talk about their soul over a cup of tea. It’s a good indoor pursuit on a cold day. These days, everyone’s answer is usually something vague about our own personal spiritual aspect. While we think of this as being an age old idea, the notion of the soul as being individual or personal, is a latter day conception that derives from the Greek philosophers rather than the ancient religious mystics. In ancient religious texts, the soul was only considered as the string that connects us to the source of everything, and through which we can drop the very concept of individuality and become at one with the all. This is atonement or more correctly, at-one-ment. So, as the great Sufi poet and mystic Rumi said in regard to the soul being individual, ‘The soul is a myth.’ In India, Vedanta scriptures taught that this connection to the divine source was divided into the five koshas or sheaths.

These sheaths separate us from the direct experience and recognition that we are part of God. The Indian teaching so completely matches the basic Judaic teachings on the five aspects of the soul, that is unlikely to have originated separately. Just as the knowledge of chakras was imported into India from the middle east in the second century BCE, the later teachings of Vedanta which include the knowledge of the koshas, were in all likelihood, imported.

Neshamah, The Connection to the Divine Neshamah is the mental body which is also the connection to the divine. This is the Judaic equivalent of manomaya. Neshamah is the faculty of thought in both rational linear (left brain) and immediate perception (right brain) functions. The energy centres or sephira of The Tree of Life that proceed up the centre of the body, are the individual aspects of this. This mental body is the story mind, the mind that creates thoughts.

The five sheaths or coverings of the soul are most easily understood from the Kabbalah teachings. In these, the five aspects are termed nefesh, ruach, neshamah, chaya and yechida.

Ruach, The Emotional Energy Ruach is emotional energy and is the equivalent of pranamaya in the Indian system. To understand this aspect we need to appreciate that our energy and emotions are the same thing.

Yechida, The Bliss State Yechida is the bliss state or anandamaya aspect. The Bliss body is the state of oneness within ourselves. This is the beingness aspect of the higher soul or the state of at-one-ment.

Although it’s more usual to say that the energy in our body, our lifeforce, becomes distorted by emotional attachments to ideas, in truth, the energy and emotion are the same substance. We need to purify our hearts to refine the energy emotions.

Chaya, The Wisdom Mind Chaya is the Judaic equivalent of the wisdom mind or vijnanamaya. The Wisdom mind is the faculty of discrimination from the unity of heart and mind. This is the veil called ahamkara which separates us from oneness with all things. Chaya encompasses the awareness mind and the veil of the will. This is the first state of duality, which means we are aware of ourselves as separate.

In Kabbalah, this is seen as the energy of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that flows on from these centres through the meridian system. In Vedanta, the semi permanent structures in the energy emotions, that negatively influence us are termed samskaras. These psychic scars are the result of hanging on to the emotional consciousness of attachments and they constantly exert a negative influence over the energy of the body.







The Five Koshas

The five Koshas or sheaths are what separate us from the divine source. Nefesh, The Physical Body Nefesh is the equivalent of annamaya, the physical body. Physicality is the aspect of the soul in the material dimension. It is coloured by the experiences of the other veils. In Kabbalah, there is a saying that ‘the nefesh is the blood.’ This indicates that the physical body is coloured or determined by the experience of the lowest aspect of the soul. When we are emotionally attached to thoughts, then we colour or poison the blood.

Did you know? The five states of the soul also relate to the five true centres of energy of the central pillar of the lightbody. The nefesh relates to malkuth or earth at the base. Ruach relates to yesod or the true lower tan tien at the sex. Neshamah relates to tipareth or the jade capital at the heart. Chaya relates to da’at or the gate of heaven at the pineal (secret and not illustrated) and yechida relates to kether or heaven at the crown.

For this reason, the ancient Chinese text, Secret of the Golden Flower, states that ‘Pure thought is flight. Pure emotion is fall.’ Pure thought is the pure experience of consciousness itself, unencumbered by emotion. When we refine our emotional consciousness by getting less serious about our opinions and happier in how we are, we release the negative aspects of the five bodies and allow ourselves to directly experience the yechida state of being one with everything.

The Sephiroth centres and Nativoth pathways

Although we usually think of there being seven centres on the middle pillar, only five are true centres. Two are what were known in Taoism and in Kabbalah as double passes. These passes are paths where there is a centre at the outer pillars at the back and front of the body. When these are open, they allow energy to join at the middle pillar. The normal double passes are at the navel which connect netzach to hod and the throat where chesed connects to gevorah.

what is meditation?

Meditation is a method of allowing the conscious mind to come to a state of stillness and effortlessness. Meditation is a method of allowing the conscious mind to come to a state of stillness and effortlessness. Many of us have tried to learn this and found that at first, it is impossible to stop our mind from wandering here and there. In the beginning, the mind moves around, the body complains, our nose itches and we scratch it, or our back hurts and distracts us. Maybe there is too much noise from the traffic or someone sneezes or someone’s giggling or we keep getting interrupted by our children or our friends, or we keep going to sleep or there isn’t enough time because we have so much to do. The possible distractions are endless. All these problems aren’t because of how our life is, or because of how we think – these problems are how we think. Usually we don’t notice how we think because we’re so busy doing things, but the moment we stop doing things and sit still, we get to see how difficult and noisy we are all the time. Many of us are either annoyed or despairing at seeing this and blame it on meditation, or blame ourselves. Once again, we’re just displaying how we think. It goes on and on. The opinions we have about the noise, the interruptions, the giggling and about our opinions, are all just the normal opinions or products of our story mind. It’s how the movie in our mind works. Something grabs our attention for a split second, then we judge it, verbalise it and file it, so that we can return to it later in our movie. ‘I can’t meditate with all that noise!’ ‘She should dress her age.’ ‘Who would buy that car?’ ‘What a bastard – how could he treat her like that?’ ‘What a beautiful baby.’ ‘She’s so spiritual.’ ‘I hate red.’ ‘I’m no good at meditation.’ ‘Wow, that meditation was amazing – I must be nearly enlightened!’ We have millions of opinions. Imagine what would happen to us if we stopped having all these opinions? If we stop our opinions for just a few breaths…right now…

Just notice the feeling of the breath in the nose and listen for the sound of it when we can’t hear it…this dynamic silence is the stillness that Hafiz talks about in his poetry. This is meditation. ‘To pour the divine into you, God needs you to be still. You don’t need to ask Hafiz anything else about your most important lesson.’ Hafiz In the seventh century CE, Sosan, the third Patriach of Chan Buddhism (Zen) in China, wrote in his famous Book of Nothing, ‘Don’t try to get enlightened – just stop having opinions.’ The first part of learning to meditate, is to learn to still the mind. This is the most vital requirement. The trick to doing this is in not taking any of our opinions seriously. This sounds strange. We think we know this or that. We definitely know that this thing is beautiful or correct and that this other thing is ugly or wrong. I had a friend many years ago who couldn’t believe that people liked listening to accapella jazz music. She was sure that they only played it to annoy her. According to her, ‘Nobody could like that stuff!’ She grew up only listening to pop radio and believed that all people really only loved pop music. She hadn’t been acquainted with opera, jazz, blues or classical music and was convinced that people only pretended to like all of these. This was really the view from her geography and her social demographic.

AcuEnergetics® Open Meditation Nights Open Meditation nights are open to anyone interested in learning meditation, particularly opening the light body using AcuEnergetics® techniques. The next Open Meditation Nights are: Thursday 27 May, Thursday 12 August, Thursday 9 September, Thursday 7 October Where: The AcuEnergetics® School, 1/372 Darling Street Balmain. Ph: 9818 1522. Time: 7.15pm Cost: $10.

When we think about it, most, if not all of our opinions have more to do with geography, than with any well thought out reasoning, or inner qualification to know the truth. This is such a basic idea that it’s now taught in North American high schools as behavioural studies. Basically, this is understanding that our particular group’s cultural beliefs, influence our opinions and behaviour without our being fully aware of it, and that we, as groups of people, exhibit different responses to the same stimuli due to these influences. For example, a western girl wearing a miniskirt probably won’t understand how or why Muslim girls can wear the burka in the heat of summer. Similarly, a Muslim girl from Jakarta might think the tourist girls from Sydney in their skimpy outfits are outrageous. If a boy is born in Australia, chances are he’ll follow cricket. If he comes from the USA he’ll probably think the game is bizarre. These are cultural opinions. Opinions - what to do about them? We can’t just stop opinions with our mind or get rid of them by saying that opinions are bad. That’s just another opinion, another part of the story. Meditation has nothing to do with this story mind. Many years ago, I heard the Indian mystic Osho, answering a question. The question had something to do with theology and the man who asked it was at odds with his girlfriend over some obscure point. Osho just answered, ‘In any argument, the one who is the most serious is wrong.’ This is a very valuable teaching. If we are alive and possessing an ego, a sense of I-ness, then we will have opinions. But we don’t need to be attached to these opinions. Our I-ness always makes us think we’re special in a certain way. For some of us, this means we think that we can achieve anything – for others of us, it means we think so poorly of ourselves that we think we are incapable of achieving anything. Both views are just exhibiting an attachment to I-ness – so really they’re no different. The idea of the popular book, The Secret is that you can achieve anything. This idea is just based on everybody’s attachment to thinking that they’re special. This isn’t a secret. I-ness is nothing special really. All people, all animals and birds and all insects exhibit it. Plants probably have it. What’s so special about this really? The Hindu sages used to call this I-ness, ahamkara. It means I-ness and also means, the veil. This is because our sense of I-ness keeps us unaware of the real nature of ourselves. Unfortunately, this is the real secret.

Behind our sense of I-ness is a pure awareness, the attention mind, that we share with everything. This is our true nature and it’s not based on achieving anything. Our pure awareness, our beingness, our serenity, moment to moment is all that really matters. Practicing meditation is just a tool to help us to have insight into the achieving mind. Essentially there is no need for this, as it only requires direct insight, not sitting still. The Zen Master Bankei refused to let his students meditate for thirty years because he thought it just distracted them from being aware at all times. Eventually he relented and let them sit for thirty minutes every morning and night. Even Bankei reluctantly agreed that sitting still was of some benefit. The key to meditation is not to be serious about it. Just go through the motions everyday. Stop trying to sit still and don’t give your opinions about trying any attention. Just be aware that you’re trying and then let this go too. This doesn’t mean actively trying to ignore opinions or having any attitude towards them, after all, this would just be another opinion. When we can sit still, there is only stillness, we don’t have any opinions to take seriously. The trick to letting meditation happen is to let opinions melt away and stop meddling with our minds. The Taoist sage Lao Tzu said, ‘Should we meddle, then we are not equal to the task of winning the empire.’ Translated into our 21st century language, this means that if we try to meditate, we can’t succeed ~ because meditation happens when we are not trying. This doesn’t mean that we just sit down and let our thoughts and feelings overwhelm us. In the ancient Chinese meditation text, Secret of the Golden Flower, there is a line about meditation that translates as, ‘You can get it by effort that is not willful.’ We have to do something, but that something does not involve trying to do it. So where does the effort come in? At first, in watching our breath. Our state of mind equilibrium, is similar to keeping a sailboat moored in a strong current. Just as we need to have an anchor for the boat, we need an anchor for the mind. In the beginning, the simplest thing to tie the mind to is the breath. If you think this is too simple, remember that this thought of yours is just another opinion and the Buddha did this practice every day - how bad can it be for you? By Kevin Farrow.

the clinic & school This is such a surprising school and such a surprising modality. Starting in Sydney in the year 2000, AcuEnergetics® is now taught in Australia, Europe, the USA, Canada and India. The Australian School in Balmain has a student intake of over 150 students a year and is rapily growing. As a school that teaches about the energetic physiology and anatomy of the human body, as well as the connection between our mind and body, it’s refreshing to see the type of people who come to learn, enjoy and study with AcuEnergetics® . The students are an extremely diverse group. From artists and lawyers to orthopedic surgeons and psychiatrists. There’s dentists and physiotherapists to go with the acupuncturists and property developers. Full time mothers and computer technicians are also in the mix with commerce and marketing professionals. All the students are drawn together by a shared love of discovery, of both themselves and the energetic systems that make up the mind and the physical body. Many students are drawn to AcuEnergetics® due to the experiential nature of the teachings. In ancient times, energy medicine evolved out of direct observation of processes in the body and mind by meditation practitioners. In learning to still the mind, many things became self evident.

AcuEnergetics® still teaches in this way, teaching practical meditation techniques and energy practice along with theory, so that understanding becomes real, rather than just another set of opinions. The AcuEnergetics® teachings themselves are an incredibly practical synthesis of ancient and modern understandings about the energy system that were developed over 35 years by the Australian founder, Kevin Farrow. They comprise by far, the most complete understanding and practical applications of energy medicine on the planet. It is a common experience that people travel to the AcuEnergetics® School in Balmain from all over the world, because there is no other modality that brings together all aspects of the mind, body and energy system in such a concise and practical framework. The light body meditations also attract a great deal of attention. AcuEnergetics® practitioners demonstrate the amazing practical applications of this modality in treating a wide variety of complaints from autism in children, to back problems, migraines, infertility and depression to list just a few. AcuEnergetics® is characterised by an incredible group of warm, friendly and down-to-earth people. To give you an idea, several years ago a friend of the Founder decided to do one of the courses. Kevin said, ‘excuse my shock, but I thought you would be the last person in the world interested in doing this.’ The friend replied, ‘I am. But I’ve done mediation retreats for 12 years and never seen such a happy bunch of people. I want some of that!’

The main school is situated in Balmain in the PCYC - the same premises as the old East Balmain Technical College. Courses range from the incredible introductory Skills for Living, through Energy Alchemy and Understanding the Energy System, to deep understandings of treating in the Practitioners Course. There are also meditation retreats in Australia and Bali which teach ancient practices for opening the lightbody.

‘All the students are drawn together by a shared love of discovery, of both themselves and the energetic systems’ AcuEnergetics® has a regular Thursday night practice class for all levels of students. These classes focus on developing meditation skills, opening the energy centres of the body and practicing direct balance or treatment techniques. The AcuEnergetics® School is supported by the Australian Association of AcuEnergetics® Practitioners. The association was formed by students to further the modality and run additional education days and programs for students. You can find out more about courses and AcuEnergetics® by logging on to the AcuEnergetics® Facebook page or by looking up

AcuEnergetics速 Candle Meditation (Neshamah Holiday, India)

Meditation & Training, The AcuEnergetics速 School, Balmain

Mind Body Spirit Festival, Sydney

Level 2 Training, Sunrise, Balmoral Beach

In the Wet Lab for the Anatomy Day, Sydney University

Books for your spirit Yi Jing

The Book of Change The Book of Change is the oldest Chinese Text. It is a text of enormous scope, detailing the way energy and life changes in different situations. Over several millennia, it has been used as a guide to enlightenment and as a book of divination. This edition of the great Yi Jing, is a complete translation of the text and commentary of thirty five scholars commissioned by the Emperor Quien Long for his imperial edition of 1760. This is the best version of the Ji Ying you will ever see. It was translated over many years by Gia Fu Feng, Sue Bailey and Bink Kun Young. It was printed in 1986 in Canberra and never really had major distribution. This edition is not generally available. Due to an auspicious circumstance, we have part of the original print run, in excellent condition. To purchase your copy contact the AcuEnergetics® clinic in Balmain on 02 9818 1522 or email

The Secret Science of Numerology Shirley Blackwell Lawrence

This is the first book to present a thorough explanation of numbers and letters, starting with their origins and exploring the implications of their nature in names and language. This book details hidden meanings in music, in the Bible and in names. From Pythagoras through to the Sephiroth. Easily readable and very interesting. To purchase your copy contact the AcuEnergetics® clinic in Balmain on 02 9818 1522 or email

The Psychology of the Body Kevin Farrow, Founder and Director of AcuEnergetics®, is the author of The Psychology of the Body: The First Accurate Mapping of the Energy Body. In this book Farrow explains how mind and emotions affect the body through the energetic system. Although this concept of a mind and body connection is not a new one, exactly how this occurs has until now remained somewhat of a mystery. This is where Farrow’s 30 years of research and discoveries provide a clear and precise framework from which to understand how the physical, mental, emotional and energetic systems work together – and how together they can either create illness or wellness in the body. RRP $130. To purchase your copy contact the AcuEnergetics clinic in Balmain on 02 9818 1522 or email ®

All books are available at the AcuEnergetics® bookshop, 372 Darling Street, Balmain.

The First Accurate Mapping of the Energy Body

Kevin Farrow

the Psychology of the body Founder and Director of AcuEnergetics ® Accurate Energetic Healing Clinic and School

Looking for a new career in healing? Study a fast growing modality that really works Whether you are looking for a brand new career choice, or a modality to complement your current skillset, AcuEnergetics® could be just what you’re looking for. It’s a career choice that is extremely fascinating, deeply fullfilling and one which produces consistently positive results. AcuEnergetics® has attracted many practitioners in other fields due to it’s unique, effective and truly wholistic approach to treating illness in the body. It is a modern energy healing modality based on a detailed understanding of the energetic anatomy and physiology of the human body. It combines Chinese, Middle Eastern, Judaic, Indian and Western medicine together with founder Kevin Farrow’s 30 years of research and clinical studies to create an accurate energy medicine. Practitioners trained in other modalities such as acupuncture, physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic and psychology often discover that the AcuEnergetics® approach is exactly what they need to complete their understanding of the human body and fill in the missing link that is the energetic system . Training to become an AcuEnergetics® practitioner starts with Level 1 ‘Skills for Living’ and Level 2 ‘Inner Alchemy’, followed by Level 3 ‘The Art & Science of Energy Healing’ and then the AcuEnergetics® ‘Practitioner Training’. Course dates are available on the AcuEnergetics® website. The School is located at 372 Darling Street, Balmain.

Course Dates Level 1 DATES: May 29-30 or August 14-15 or November 20-21 (1 weekend) Level 2 DATES: August 28-29 and September 4-5 (2 weekends) Level 3 DATES: Course starts September 18-19 (8 weekends - see online calendar for all dates) CONTACT: Call 9818 1522 or email


The Mind Body Spirit Festival will stimulate your mind, revitalise your body, and satisfy your soul with a wide range of fun things to see and do. Each year AcuEnergetics® has a stand at the Mind Body Spirit Festival where you can come and chat to practitioners about AcuEnergetics® and how it works, or find out more about the meditations and courses that are run at the AcuEnergetics® Clinic and School in Balmain. You can also meet and talk to the Founder of AcuEnergetics® Kevin Farrow. For the duration of Mind Body Spirit AcuEnergetics® is also offering special mini-treatments of $20 for 30 minutes! So come along to Mind Body Spirit and meet the friendly team at AcuEnergetics®. MindBodySpirit Sydney is on from 13th - 16th May 2010.

the dragon holes of Taoism By Kevin Farrow

In the great Taoist text, The Secret of the Golden Flower, there is a curious phrase. ‘After conceptual consciousness is forgotten, you see basic reality. The water clarifying pearl appears, Mysterious and unfathomable. The screen of beginningless afflictions Is voided all at once. The jade capital sends down A team of nine dragons; Walking in the sky You climb to the gateway of heaven: Controlling wind and lightning You make the thunder rumble.’ The Secret of the Golden Flower trans. Thomas Cleary. Chinese folklore sees the dragon as representative of wisdom. Dragons are highly respected and bring good fortune and abundance. In Chinese mythology, dragons are said to control the weather. The Chinese have burned incense and prayed to them for thousands of years in an effort to ask the dragons to bring good weather for their crops. Dragons are referred to as the most divine of creatures as they are also traditionally associated with the trigrams or Gua of the Yi Jing, the ancient Chinese book of changes.

Each of the trigrams were seen as dragons, with distinct personalities and individual powers. It was said, that when we start to understand the secrets of the dragons, we could let the dragon begin to teach its true power. The eight trigrams are the basic energy formations that come from the polarity between either of the yin and yang energies. When any two energies are together, they generate a third force from their polarity. This comes from the combination of yin and yang generating a third force between them, being either yin or yang. If we have yang at the top and yin at the bottom, and the third energy is yang, we generate the energy of thunder. If the energy between them is yin, it generates the trigram lake. All eight trigrams are generated this way. The best way to understand this is to experience it. This is easily experienced with a group of people. Stand three females in a line and you will feel the downwards force of the energy of earth. Stand three males in a line and you will feel the upwards force of the energy of heaven. The association of dragons with wisdom is more easily understood when we realize that the eight trigrams themselves are the eight energy centres on the Taoist Circulation of the Light, or in Judaic terms, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is also the system of energy centres from which the Indian chakra system derives. These energy centres are the core elements of the bodymind. They each have specific psycho-emotional patterns, the combinations of which result in our specific personalities. They are also generators of the energy and provide the blueprint, for the formation of the eight extraordinary vessels. These vessels, also known as the eight strange flows, are the beginnings of the meridian system of energies in the body.

Above formation: Earth

Above formation: Thunder

Trigrams Right Face



Lake Valley






Above formation: Heaven

We can see the specific link from the energy centres through to the meridian system when we realize that in ancient times, the meridian points were referred to by the term dragon holes. This term was used to illustrate that the dragon holes lead to the dragons or energy centres of the body, and have specific vibrationary effects depending on which centre they relate to. Whenever you see an AcuEnergetics® practitioner and they use energy to open a point to relieve pain or congestion, whether this is for a physical or psychological complaint, this point is on a line of energy that leads to one of the nine dragons. If we have another look at the verse from The Secret of The Golden Flower, we can see that now it starts to make some sense.

Above formation: Lake

The jade capital is the heart centre and the nine dragons are the eight energy centres which are on the circulation of the light plus the secret place or sexual centre in the body. The gateway of heaven is the centre in the middle of the head known as da’at in Kabbalah. When we let go of our opinions, open our hearts and become free of conceptual ideas, we can use the energy centres of the body to open up the alchemical centres. Copyright Kevin Farrow 2010 Kevin Farrow, the AcuEnergetics® founder, teaches the ancient science of lightbody meditations. This practice allows us to ‘walk in the sky and climb to the gateway of heaven’ by virtue of understanding the nine dragons.


as medicine Laughter is one of the best medicines around. It opens our hearts, makes us feel good, reduces stress and anxiety and helps the body to heal. Laughter lowers blood pressure, improves the immune system and has been known to assist in what we know only as miraculous cures of illness in the body. It helps you look and feel young and triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killer. And what’s more, it’s free. According to University of California, Irvine Professor Lee Berk, “If we took what we know about the medical benefits of laughter and bottled it up, it would require FDA approval. Laughter can lower blood pressure, trigger a flood of endorphins - the brain chemicals that can bring on euphoria and decrease pain, and enhances our immune systems. Gamma-interferon, a disease-fighting protein, rises with laughter. So do B-cells, which produce disease-destroying antibodies, and T-cells, which orchestrate our body’s immune response. Laughter lowers the flow of stress hormones, which suppress the immune system, raise blood pressure, and increase the number of platelets, which cause clots and potentially fatal coronary artery blockages.” This all sounds pretty good to me. Why then, is it that most often, the only ones enjoying the benefits of this laughter medicine are the children? They certainly don’t need to look any younger - they’re kids. Nor do they have stressful jobs or high blood pressure. I guess the question should be, why aren’t you laughing more often? You don’t need a reason. Laughing is fun and it feels great. And when you don’t take everything so seriously, you find that there’s quite a lot to laugh about. So when was the last time you had a really good belly laugh? You know the kind of laughter I’m talking about, when everything starts to ache, your stomach feels like it’s done 100 ab crunchers, your mouth hurts from smiling so much, tears of joy are streaming down your face and just as you start to pull it together, the smallest sign of something even minutely funny will set you off all over again. I had one of these moments a couple of days ago and it was brilliant. I was already feeling good, but the euphoria I experienced in these outrageous and uncontrollable fits of laughter tingled through my whole body and burst my heart right open. It was fantastic. Days later I still feel the joy in my heart from that moment. It reminded me of being a kid

By Rochelle Taylor

again, of the way as children we throw ourselves into everything wholeheartedly, with such abandon. It was all about feeling - and feeling good. Did you know that children tend to laugh an average of 400 times a day? Adults on the other hand only laugh an average of 17 times a day and even then I think that’s pushing it. Some adults can’t even seem to crack a smile. I’ve been walking down the street and smiled at a stranger, only to have them react the same as though I’d given them the finger. When did smiling get to be so offensive? Or more recently, some friends and I were in a cafe having a great time reliving some funny moments. As our excitement grew and the stories got incredibly hilarious (to us anyway) in unison, we would burst out roaring with laughter. This laughter was surprisingly met with glares from people at nearby tables, which was followed by a brief silence from us, followed by - of course - another uncontrollable burst of laughter. From that experience it might seem as though adults not only don’t smile and laugh as much as kids, they don’t seem to like others doing it either. I don’t actually think this is the case. If asked, I bet most people would want to smile and laugh more everyday and feel that kind of humour and happiness that they enjoyed as a child. The truth is, they don’t know how, because they’ve forgotton how to be a kid and just have fun.The thing is, most people are just way too serious. They’ve got some idea in their head about what it means to be a ‘grown up’. That usually involves something like having a big job, worrying about what people think, being responsible, controlled and serious. If this sounds like you, it’s time to let go and have some fun. Now the concept of laughter as medicine is not new I know, but it’s something we don’t do nearly enough. You’ve probably heard of those workshops where people sit around laughing for days on end (and that does sound like a sure-fire way to experience some belly laughs) but what about ways to integrate more of your natural laughter and humour into your everyday life? Here’s a few ideas: 1. Stop being serious. If you do this you’ll realise there are plenty of things every day you can choose to laugh about. 2. Surround yourself with people you enjoy. Friends who make you feel good and laugh are the best. Research shows people laugh more often in groups of people, so get socialising. 3. Be a bit silly. Remember what it was like to be a child. 4. Enjoy comedy. Watch TV comedies, funny movies, live comedians or share a joke with a friend. 5. Just laugh. Even if there’s nothing to laugh about, try it anyway. You’ll soon be laughing at yourself and that’s always funny.

invites you to attend the ...

‘Skills for Living’ Workshop

This weekend course is an eye opening experience, teaching you how to increase your awareness and sensitivity to energy. You will discover a fresh approach to all aspects of your life, learning skills to open your heart and bring you more joy, love and energy.

Learn and experience: • Simple and profound meditation techniques to still the mind and open the heart. • How to feel your own and other people’s energy. • How to open your energetic field and balance another person’s. • How to release held emotions and attitudes which cause illness in the body. • An introduction to the physiology and anatomy of the energy body. • Radiance, resonance and magnetic hand techniques for healing illness. • The core understandings of AcuEnergetics® as a healing modality. • The first level of training to becoming an AcuEnergetics practitioner.

AcuEnergetics® is a modern energy healing modality based on a detailed understanding of the energetic anatomy and physiology of the human body. It was developed in Australia by Kevin Farrow and is the result of over 30 years of research into ancient and modern texts by Chinese, Middle Eastern, Indian and Western physicians, combined with many years of clinical research.

This workshop is run several times every year - ask us about specific dates.

Workshop Cost $595

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