Energy Medicine Magazine - Winter 2008

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AcuEnergeticsÂŽ Magazine Winter 2008

Energy Medicine M

a g a z i n e

miracles and laws One woman’s miraculous story

understanding your heart

Getting to know your most valuable asset

energy workshops

Learn how to be still and feel energy

navigating internal landscapes Opening your chakras made easy

ac c u r at e Energy Medicine Mag Apr 08.indd 1


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A b o u t AcuEnergetics



AcuEnergetics® is a modern energy healing modality based on a detailed understanding of the energetic anatomy and physiology of the human body. It was developed 30 years ago in Australia by Kevin Farrow and is based on his research into the ancient and modern texts by Chinese, Middle Eastern, Indian and Western physicians, combined with his many years of clinical research. The AcuEnergetics School was founded in Sydney, Australia in 2000 and runs all levels of AcuEnergetics® courses from weekend workshops for people who want to understand how their own energetic system works, how they can help themselves to be healthy and enjoy their life to the fullest, through to the full AcuEnergetics® Practitioner Training Certificate and AcuEnergetics® Teacher Trainings. ®


Q. Is AcuE like Reiki? A. No. Although AcuE is energy healing, it is closer to needleless Acupuncture than to methods like Reiki, Mahakari and Qi Gong healing. AcuEnergetics® stands for accurate energy healing and it is a careful study of the energy system, the ways in which this is affected by our minds and emotions, and how to restore the system to balance using a variety of energetic techniques. Q. How does it work? A. AcuEnergetics® practitioners are trained in a detailed understanding of our energetic system and how it becomes blocked. They work with chakras, pranic fields, meridians and other energetic channels. Using their hands they can feel blockages and imbalances in the energetic system, and then clear them using a range of energetic techniques. Clients remain fully clothed and practitioners generally work with their hands off the body. Q. What conditions does AcuEnergetics treat? A. AcuEnergetics® practitioners treat a comprehensive list of physical, emotional and mental conditions including chronic pain, back, knee and joint pain and immobility, infertility, sexual problems, depression, menstrual problems and IBS to name a few.

AcuEnergetics & Energy Medicine Magazine This magazine is owned and produced by AcuEnergetics® and all content is copyright AcuEnergetics. AcuEnergetics is located at 372 Darling Street, Balmain, NSW, Australia 2041. Ph: 02 9818 1522. Email

Energy Medicine Mag Apr 08.indd 2

B r ie f…

Exchanging views In a unique meeting and exchange of views of the energybody, the founder of AcuEnergetics® Kevin Farrow, met with two Tibetan Buddhist Lamas from the Tantra tradition, in India in January. It was a rare event in understanding as both approach the structure of the energy body from different perspectives. Nevertheless, how the mind works and how illness is created, is a part of the work of both traditions.

Israel in June 2009 AcuEnergetics® founder Kevin Farrow has been invited to teach the practical aspects of the ancient Judaic Sephiroth in Israel next year. Details of the exact dates will be available in the next issue.

F r e q u e n t ly A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s Q. Is AcuE associated with any religious organisation? A. No. AcuE believes that spirituality is a part of our life, but has no particular affiliations. The founder, Kevin Farrow, has been asked to teach meditation and healing with many religious groups including Buddhist, Jewish and Osho groups both in Australia and overseas. He also teaches regularly at the Osho Meditation Resort in India.

Next India Trip AcuEnergetics® will hold its next overseas meditation classes in India at the Osho Meditation Resort in January 2009. The courses start on the 2nd January. 2-3 January: AcuEnergetics® - Swimming in the Sea of Qi 5-7 January: AcuEnergetics® - Becoming the Buddha ~ The Ancient Tantra 10-16 January: AcuEnergetics® – The Sephiroth Training: Opening to the Light Additional information on the Osho Multiversity website can be found at

Tai Chi & Yoga The AcuEnergetics Centre is now running Yoga and Tai Chi courses at the centre. Yoga is held on Tuesday’s at 7pm and Tai Chi will be on Monday and Wednesday at 7pm Monday is the beginners class. If you are interested, call the shop on 02 9818 1522 to find out more.

Chakra Workshop in June 2008 The AcuEnergetics® annual Chakra Workshop is on again over four days from Friday the 6th of June until Monday the 9th of June. This is a workshop not to be missed and every year it just gets better and better. If you’re into opening energetic centres in your body and want to know what it feels like to open up to the light, this workshop will take you further than you thought you could go...into complete bliss. Please be aware that you must be an AcuEnergetics® student to attend, as you need to know how to do specific energetic techniques to participate.

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The Tibetan teacher, Tarthang Tulku, says in A Gesture of Balance, “When positive or joyous feelings and attitudes pass through each organ and circulate throughout our whole system, our physical and chemical energies are transformed and balanced”. This is the natural way of the heart. Just as the heart circulates qi and blood, it circulates love, joy and trust, which affect the make up of the tissues. Keeping the heart open and letting love flow is seen as dangerous by some people as they fear that it will leave them open to being hurt. As situations and sometimes relationships come and go, keeping the heart shut will not help. It is actually the condition that causes the misery. We are very similar to sea anemones in our reaction to situations we don’t like - one little prod and we close up very quickly. Really, it’s the same as having a handful of tacks in your hand. If you keep your hand open, they don’t hurt and if you close your hand then it begins by being a little prickly and then as you shut it tighter, it really hurts. Keeping our hearts open lets us experience life as it is through its flows and changes and feeds the nutrients of love, trust and joy to our whole bodies.

In TCM, the heart is called ‘The Emperor’, a fairly accurate description of its role in our energetic physiology. Things that affect the Emperor affect the empire and similarly, the things that affect the heart, affect the whole body. The Chinese and the Sufi perceptions of the heart are similar. There is a common Sufi saying deriving from the Qur’an that says “The heavens and the earth cannot contain me; only the heart of my faithful servant can contain me.’ The Sufis see the “heart is an intelligence beyond intellect, a knowing that operates at a subconscious level, the only human faculty expansive enough to embrace the infinite qualities of the universe. Intellect can take us so far; it can think about faith, hope, and love, for instance, but it cannot entirely experience these qualities. This is the function of the heart. The heart is the faculty of knowing that can apprehend a qualitative universe.” Sufi Master Kabir Helminski The heart is the organ representing the present moment, and this is shown in the heart’s function as both the storage of memory and the connection between the shen (small spirit) and our higher spirit. This connection ensures appropriateness in our social interactions as our small spirit acts as a guide for our compassion and our understanding. The positive aspects of the heart’s energy are beauty, love, forgiveness, compassion, joy, trust, contentment, propriety, insight, wisdom, order and courtesy. Negative aspects are hate, guilt, shock, nervousness, excitement, and craving. Blocking the heart can have wide ranging effects on the body. The Chinese physician Ling Shu said; “If there is grief and anxiety, the heart is affected; if the heart is affected the five Zang and the six Fu tremble.” (Note: The zang and fu are the internal organs) Copyright Kevin Farrow 2008 (extract from The Psychology of the Body)

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Would you believe that a woman went from having 40 tachycardia attacks a day with a pulse of 220 beats a minutes to normal in four hours of treatment? Susan Robertson did and also regained her lost sight in the process. The following is an extract from a letter by Susan Robertson

I am a 33 year old woman who has always been active and healthy, but when my fitness started to deteriorate drastically in November 2006, my life changed dramatically. By March 2007 my fitness had deteriorated to such a point that I was having difficulty walking up a slightly elevated footpath and would have to stop numerous times to reach my destination. When my pulse started hitting 220 beats per minute at rest I knew it was time to see somebody.

There are no such things as miracles

…only unknown laws.

St Augustine.

I saw my local GP who was quite concerned and after a Holter monitor, ECG and blood tests sent me to see a local specialist who conducted a stress test (measures the functioning of your heart on exertion). After only four minutes and one elevation the specialist ceased the test as she felt it was too dangerous to continue. My pulse rate was dangerously high, the apex beat was displaced, my JVP was enlarged and due to this she felt I had all the signs of heart failure. Initially I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy but after further tests it was decided that I had a condition called myocarditis (inflammation of the muscle tissue of the heart, brought on by a viral infection) and this had affected the function of my heart which led to the deterioration of my fitness levels. I was becoming quite distressed about the whole situation. My local AcuEnergetics® practitioner suggested that I go to Sydney to see AcuEnergetics® founder Kevin Farrow and have sessions. In my first session with Kevin we discussed my current health issues and my prior health issues which included Childhood Epilepsy, a Pineal Cyst and Optic Neuritis which left me with a large visual defect and visual loss in my right eye for over eight years.

The 0 numbers in the lower right quadrant of the first circle and the blacked out area of the lower right quadrant of the second circle of the Visual Field Test demonstrate blindness in this area. This field test was done on the 5/7/2007.

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Kevin began by doing 45 minutes of resonance [an energetic technique] to the back of my heart and when he had finished he told me to go for a light walk . When I was walking I felt less breathless but suddenly I started crying. This continued for the next 48 hours. I had never experienced such an amazing release of emotion and was blown away by how wonderful I felt afterwards. In our next session Kevin worked on the back of my heart again and this time I felt warmth deep within my heart and my body started to feel warm for the first time in over a year. I went from having numerous tachycardia episodes daily to having a normal pulse rate which allowed me to gradually build up my fitness again.

“This has been an amazing outcome for me as I was told by many neurologists and opthamologists that this was a permanent affliction and my eyesight would never improve.” In my third session Kevin decided to work on the Pineal Cyst which was discovered on MRI 8yrs ago and was thought to be an incidental finding. In this session, my whole body warmed-up, my kidneys relaxed and when I opened my eyes I was astonished to find that my eyesight had improved by 80% and I had peripheral vision in my right eye for the first time in 8 years. Over the next 24hours I had a popping sensation in my eye and my vision continued to improve. On our next session I told Kevin that my vision continued to improve and I still had no tachycardia or breathlessness. Kevin decided to open up some more Sephiroth [energetic] points to see if there was a possibility of further improvement. As he did this, I suddenly felt my mind go from black to white and I could see patterns and colours. My eyes then started vibrating and when Kevin asked me to open my eyes I was amazed to find I had equal vision in both eyes. This has been an amazing outcome for me as I was told by many neurologists and opthamologists that this was a permanent affliction and my eyesight would never improve. With my new and improved eyesight I went back to my ophthalmologist for a repeat visual field test (which I had annually and was unchanged for the past 8years) and he was so amazed that he had to do the test twice. Not only is my visual field defect completely gone but my refraction is much improved. It’s been over four months since my sessions with Kevin and I continue to have improved fitness and my eyesight could not be clearer. I feel compelled to write this testimonial as a small token of my appreciation for such a life changing experience. S. Robertson

The 0 numbers in the lower right quadrant have been replaced by numbers in the 30’s indicating relatively normal vision.The blacked out area of the lower right quadrant of the second circle has been replaced by a blackness associated with the position of the optic nerve, which is common to all. This field test was done on the 13/12/2007.

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your inner landscape

Photograph Courtesy Mirek Krol.

Using Attention to Open Chakras When we walk or drive around the streets of our town, we get where we’re going because we can see the direction in which we’re heading. Even if we start lost, we begin to build a map in our head that enables us to work our way around our outer landscape. In fact one travel writer recommends becoming lost on purpose, as one of the easiest ways to learn how to get around a new city. This experience of navigating the external landscape, comes in very useful when we want to learn to navigate the interior of our body, our inner landscape, and open our chakras and other energy centres. Like a new city at night, navigating inside our body requires some poise to get around comfortably. If we race around we will never see the street signs and get an idea of where we are. We’ll just zoom through, a bit like going to the countryside to smell the flowers at 200 kilometres an hour. You tend to miss a lot that way, whereas if you stand still…there’s a whole world of possibilities that open for you. Stillness is the start of discovering the inner. Simple meditations like watching the breath train us to stay still and stop the mind from racing. Developing this faculty is the a-b-c of inner work. When we can be still in our centre, we can use our attention to locate energy centres in the body. This moving of attention across the inner landscape is like moving attention across an open field.

“You can achieve it by intent that is not willful” Simple ways to start navigating our inner landscape: • Lightly scratch a small area about the size of a 5 cent coin on your forearm and feel it. Now move the feeling through to the other side of your arm. As energy follows mind – the feeling will follow your attention. • When you can move the feeling as above – try scratching the top of your head and placing your attention there. When you can feel this – slowly move your attention down to your heart. Remember to have fun while you do this and smile as this will help open your heart. People who try to do this with a furrowed brow will do so with extreme difficulty and frustration, not to mention with no results. Try being light and easy with your attention and you will have a better chance at success. The still attention also has the energy potential of opening. This means that if you can hold an energy centre with your attention, it will open automatically. In the Chinese Taoist text, Secret of the Golden Flower, there is a description of meditation that goes, “You can achieve it by intent that is not willful.” This means, just use your open attention – don’t concentrate. © Kevin Farrow Energy Medicine Mag Apr 08.indd 6

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Well known Australian actor Steve Vella has been double billing as an AcuEnergetics® practitioner for nearly two years now. Seen on both the big and small screen, Steve appears regularly in the popular tele-movie series Blackjack as Detective Zierch and also has numerous film credits including Matrix Reloaded and Little Fish. He’s appeared in the Aussie drama All Saints and also does theatre, most recently as Orsino with the Sydney Theatre Company production of 12th Night directed by Kate Gaul. So why does an actor get into energy healing?

Photograph Courtesy Mirek Krol.

Steve Vella treats at the AcuEnergetics® Clinic in Balmain.


“I’ve always been into martial arts and acupuncture and wanted to get into a practical art that was in the field of energy healing. AcuEnergetics® fits perfectly. I love the work and it’s a rewarding experience every day I treat,” says Steve.


AcuEnergetics® workshops attract many different types of people from all around the world; people exploring their own journey and their understanding of the energetic system; people looking for a new career in an amazing and insightful healing modality; and practitioners of other modalities, who are interested to learn and experience more of the hidden structure of our energetic system that underlies all treatment modalities.

AcuEnergetics® Level One ~ Skills for Living This weekend course is an eye-opening experience, teaching an increased awareness and sensitivity to your energetic system. Through energetic techniques, an introduction to energetic psychology and anatomy, meditation and a Circulation of the Light balance, you will discover a fresh approach to all aspects of your life. The AcuEnergetics® Skills for Living course teaches you skills that you can apply to your daily life, bringing you more awareness, joy and energy. It can also be the first step to studying this amazing field, and is a prerequisite for the AcuEnergetics® Level 2 and Practitioner Training (Level 3). AcuEnergetics® Level Two ~ Inner Alchemy The AcuEnergetics® Level 2 workshop takes the initial training to a deeper and more powerful level. Its aim is to bring you to a point where you can easily access the energy needed to practice energetic healing and learn Chakra entrainment and specific AcuEnergetics® treatment techniques. There are lots more balances to learn in this workshop, as well as new meditations and learning to go beyond what you think you can feel in order to feel everything. Run over two weekends, AcuEnergetics Level 2 is about inner energetic work and is a quantum leap from Level 1 in what you will be able to feel and do energetically! AcuEnergetics® Level 3 ~ Practitioner Certificate Training (Part 1) In Level 3 you learn to develop a thorough understanding - both theoretically and experientially - of how emotions and attitudes alter the energetic system and lead to illness. Throughout the training we explore where you hold in your own physical and emotional body, and learn techniques for releasing these. Level 3 training is an in-depth experiential and theoretical training in energy medicine. Practitioner/Client Training (Part 2) In the 2nd part of this course you are trained to apply the theory and techniques learnt in Level 3 to treating specific problems and cases. It teaches advanced diagnosis and treatment techniques for the problems AcuEnergetics® treats, such as chronic pain, sports injuries, infertility and women‘s issues, thyroid imbalances, pre and post operative treatments, stress, grief etc.

Learn how to open your heart and experience real happiness. For a course information brochure contact us on or call 02 9818 1522.

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Books andmusic The Psychology of the Body is out now Kevin Farrow, Founder and Director of AcuEnergetics, has released his latest book The Psychology of the Body: The First Accurate Mapping of the Energy Body. In his new book Farrow explains how mind and emotions affect the body through the energetic system. Although this concept of a mind and body connection is not a new one, exactly how this occurs has until now remained somewhat of a mystery. This is where Farrow’s 30 years of research and discoveries provide a clear and precise framework from which to understand how the physical, mental, emotional and energetic systems work together – and how together they can either create illness or wellness in the body. To purchase your copy contact the AcuEnergetics clinic in Balmain on 02 9818 1522 or email

The First Accurate Mapping of the Energy Body

Kevin Farrow

the Psychology of the body Founder and Director of AcuEnergetics ® Accurate Energetic Healing Clinic and School

Hardcover 319 pages RRP $130

Sacred Earth ~ The Way Home Sacred Earth’s fourth CD, The Way Home, is just as beautiful as you would hope it to be. After the success of their previous albums and many live shows around Australia and the world, this talented pair of musicians keep going from strength to strength. Anyone who has seen them live will know that they play and sing from deep within their hearts, their music reaching out to touch all who will listen. In their own words, “We travel the world and play this music with the intent to connect people to their own inner peace and knowing. We seek to empower the listener by providing a sacred space where they can deeply connect to their own heart and cultivate a deeper respect for themselves and our beautiful mother earth.”

Playing Time 63.27 minutes RRP $30.95

The Gift, Poems by Hafiz ~ The Great Sufi Master For those unfamiliar with the poems of Hafiz and for those that are, this is a genuine treat. Hafiz was born in 1320AD in Shiraz and remains the most beloved poet of Persia to this day. The translations of his poems by Daniel Ladinsky are brilliant and have a contemporary edge that ably demonstrates the wit and insight of this most remarkable poet. The Gift will bring laughter and love to your heart. Children can easily open the drawer that lets the spirit rise up and wear its favourite costume of Mirth and laughter. When the mind is consumed with remembrance of him something divine happens to the heart that shapes the hand and tongue and eye into the word love. Hafiz

Paperback 335 pages RRP $31.95

All books and music are available at the AcuEnergetics® Centre Bookshop at 372 Darling Street Balmain 02 9818 1522 Energy Medicine Mag Apr 08.indd 8

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