Facebook Business Pages - Marketing Hospitality Specialists

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SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGES By Magnify Marke-ng A Marke-ng Hospitality Specialist

Magnify Marke-ng

About Facebook •  More than 800 million ac-ve users •  More than 50% of ac-ve users log on to facebook in any given day •  Average user has 130 friends •  Average user is connected to 80 pages, groups and events •  Every month, more than 500 million people use an app on Facebook or experience Facebook PlaHorm on other websites •  More than 7 million apps and websites are integrated with Facebook •  More than 350 million ac-ve users currently access Facebook through their mobile devices Magnify Marke-ng

Facebook •  Magnify MarkeBng manages facebook pages for various clients in the hospitality and entertainment industry. •  We can design and produce them to a bespoke and professional standard to enable your company to expand its reach through a key social media driver Page Crea-on ‐ £75 Monthly Update Service ‐ £25 Magnify Marke-ng

What we offer Page Crea-on •  Setup + Page Design + Welcome Tab •  (Addi-onal Tabs at extra cost)

•  £75

Monthly Updates •  Agree content delivery, scheduling and subject based on your loca-on, business style and audience.

•  £25 per month Awareness •  We can discuss how best for you to promote your new page with the use of your exis-ng marke-ng channels and opportuni-es available to your business internally and externally. Magnify Marke-ng

PAGE CREATION ‐ Design •  Promote you company by keeping the brand consistent across all of your marke-ng. This includes your Facebook page •  Allow us to design your page in order to deliver maximum impact for your page •  Includes the profile picture and general content

Magnify Marke-ng

Welcome your customers •

Introduce your customers to the page by giving them a warm welcome

A welcome tab allows you to target newcomers to your page by communica-ng key messages and giving them an incen-ve to click like above

Quite oZen this provides businesses with a good opportunity to direct users to their website and provide more informa-on that the typical user would be looking for

Magnify Marke-ng

LocaBon LocaBon LocaBon •  Facebook has invested in loca-on marke-ng, giving users the ability to check‐in at your business loca-on •  We can link this up with your facebook page •  Addi-onally, we can provide an embedded map, giving users the chance to find their way to your business before they set off

Magnify Marke-ng

AddiBonal Content

We can embed an interac-ve catalog or menu into your facebook page

We can offer users an incen-ve to like the page

Magnify Marke-ng

A Customer Feedback Tool •  Facebook allows you to receive feedback on your business •  Users who see your page will want to engage with it if they feel a personal connec-on •  Posi-ve customer feedback Magnify Marke-ng

We keep the content topical •  Social Media is more than just delivering sales messages •  This is where most business FAIL with social media! •  It’s about interac-ng with your customers on a social level, not a business one •  Capitalising on current trends, news and popular culture is what we are about when it comes to engaging with your online community

Magnify Marke-ng

We Create Awareness •  Having a facebook page is a great tool, but where so many businesses fail is that they don’t tell their customers about it

Clicking on the banner links through to the facebook page Social Plugins on your website interact with your facebook page via a simple click

•  There are a number of ways that we can help increase your subscrip-ons •  Viral Emails – Using your customer database to inform them of your social ac-vity •  Printed POS •  Website URL •

Using printed POS we can include a QR code which allows smartphone users to scan the code with the phone to take them through to the facebook page


•  QR Code •  Website Promo-on •  Banner Ads •  Social Plugins Magnify Marke-ng

MulBple Contributors Mul-ple users can feed as much content to the page as required with you contribu-ng as much or as liile as you want.

Head Office

Your facebook page Staff

Us (Magnify)

= Enriched content Magnify Marke-ng

StaBsBcs •  We can also send you detailed reports on a weekly / monthly / quarterly -mescale

Magnify Marke-ng

Case Study ‐ The Green Door The Green Door is a restaurant based in South Kensington, London. We put together the following page which enables the following. •  Ability to check‐in •  ImpacHul profile image •  Welcome page including loca-on details and link to menu – all presented in brand house style (see next page) •  Online Reserva-on booking system embedded (see next page) •  For par-cular use with local Earls Court exhibitors – a key local opportunity •  This approach was also adopted for our various other clients. Varia-ons in design and layout are bespoke and are up to you. Magnify Marke-ng

Case Study ‐ The Green Door WELCOME PAGE


Magnify Marke-ng

Synchronise your social impact! •  We know that facebook isn't the only form of social media that businesses should be considering •  We understand how the likes of Twiier, YouTube, Foursquare and more can help boost your business in the virtual realm •  We know how to execute an effec-ve social media campaign across all available and appropriate avenues •  Remember, our implementa-on is bespoke to your business, so call us today! Magnify Marke-ng

Summary •  Maximise the opportunity that facebook presents to your business •  Social Media is predicted to dominate more conven-onal web communica-ons in the future •  Work with a markeBng hospitality specialist!

Magnify Marke-ng

To discuss further Call Paul Filler on 0207 624 1911 Email: paul@magnifymarke-ng.co.uk

Magnify Marke-ng

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