Sports Delivery to the Pub & Bar Trade

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Sports delivery to the pub & bar trade Prepared by Magnify Marke0ng Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Televised sports •  Sport gives people a great reason to leave the house and watch live sports in a pub or bar with like minded people •  Planned and communicated professionally, sport is proven to drive sales •  We currently manage “sport” for a number of clients by offering a range of services that ensure all opportuni0es that sport presents are capitalised on Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Communica0ons ‐ Customer Twitter Website

Facebook Screen media

Fixture cards Posters


Viral emails

Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Fan Zone

Communica0ons ‐ Staff

Fixture sourcing

Managerʼs Monthly News

Fixture scheduling

Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

In‐venue Fixtures Posters, Cards, Leaflets, Boards set up on a monthly, weekly, event‐length basis! Fixture Cards ‐ £95 for 500 fixture cards including design Poster ‐ £9 for A2

Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Social Media Updates

We can provide a service that engages your customers with your pub/bar based on our depth of sport knowledge and social media experience. We can provide the content and promote your pub to the next level!

Want to expand your reach? Social Media is a great way to offer your customers an incen:ve to get to the pub….. Establish this online community and you will reap the rewards! We can help you make that vital push you need on the net. Prices from £50

Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Fixture Sourcing In‐depth research into more than just the popular sports. We currently work with companies who value niche sports based on their customers demands.

The data can be produced in the format you desire!

More than just Sky!

Many pubs only adver0se their live matches from Sky. We go one step further, providing lis0ngs from Terrestrial TV (FA Cup, Interna.onal Football, Champions League, Europa League), ESPN (addi.onal Premier League, FA Cup & Europa League football as well as Interna.onal sport) and Premier Sports (A specialist in niche sport and leagues). “Imagine if a group of customers arrived at your pub expec:ng to watch an important England match which was on ITV whilst the pub only had plans to screen a match involving the Republic of Ireland as their Sky lis:ngs would only provide that informa:on. “ Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Fixture Sourcing………

Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Viral Emails Combining all efforts into an ideally scheduled e‐newsle_er dispatch to make your customers aware of what’s been going on and what’s coming up. We can work with your exis0ng database and help increase your subscrip0ons. Data capture can be achieved effec@vely through compe@@ons We can organise your brand’s own compe::on! We’ll provide the detail, the organisa0on and even pick the winner! If you want us to, we can even deliver the prize! Let us know! Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Website We can build you a NEW website! Collabora@on with your exis@ng website! Collabora@on between your website and your social media profiles!

Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Online E‐Magazines – Want to look a bit flash online? We can also produce e‐zines or electronic magazines to you technophobes. This is a great way for your consumers to read up on the latest sports news and preview to the upcoming live sport at your bar. Blogs– Do your consumers enjoy intense debates on sport? Why not opt in for a blog service that allows your subscribers to keep coming back to you for more. We’ll provide the content and also point them in your direc0on for the next big match! Downloadable Calendar file – Put your pub/bar into the consumer’s personal schedule. Automa0cally reminds the user to go to your pub on a certain 0me/ date of the match. Freebies – Offer freebies, which will in turn remind poten0al customers of your pub/bar. E.G. wallpaper, schedule, wallchart Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or


PuVng these plans into place at the earliest opportunity. Iden@fying the key dates on the calendar. Staff Guidelines In order to receive the very best results from your investment, proper implementa0on requires full support from your members of staff. We can produce a guide so that your staff are fully respondent to your pub or bar’s ajtude regarding live sport.

Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

EURO 2012 BREAKING NEWS! ENGLAND HAVE QUALIFIED FOR EURO 2012 IN UKRAINE AND POLAND! BE READY! Having already experienced the demands of the Football and Rugby World Cup, we expect pubs & bars to be coming back for more! Despite not kicking off un@l June, the prepara@on begins months in advance with the draw taking place in December!

Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Who are we? •  Magnify Marke@ng is a specialist agency that focuses on the hospitality trade •  We can operate as your marke0ng department •  You can have as many or as few elements as you require to deliver your sales goals Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

To discuss further •  Call Paul Filler on 0207 624 1911 •  Email

Contact Us: 020 7625 7328 or

Magnify Marke0ng 23 Kimberley Court Kimberley Road London 0207 624 1911

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