“Exaltation - From the Heart” ELLEN ZAKS
Photography/Fotografia © Ellen Zaks Texts & Poems/Textos y Poemas Ellen Zaks
Magpie International
Ellen Zaks is a British artist. She became interested in art soon after beginning to learn ballet; wanting to express what she felt in her body when she danced. Before studying for her degree in Expressive Arts at Brighton University, (specialising in Art and Dance), she attended classes in anatomy and life drawing at the Sir John Cass College, London.
Fifteen years ago she came to live in Marbella where she has a studio with a view of the Mediterranean. Ellen continues to show her work both here and abroad. Her paintings are in increasing demand in London, Paris and New York, with many already in collections world-wide. During a recent art residence in Georgia, one of her paintings was selected to be hung in the new Palace of Culture in Tbilisi. Her work has often been sought after by collectors associated with the arts, such as renowned composer and teacher at the Juillard School in New York Christopher Rousse, and recently Wayne McGregor, resident choreographer of the Royal Ballet, London.
Ellen Zaks es una artista británica. Su interés por el arte empezó poco después de comenzar a aprender ballet; queriendo expresar lo que sentía en su cuerpo cuando bailaba. Antes de estudiar Artes Expresivas en la Universidad de Brighton, (especializándose en Arte y Danza), ya asistia a clases de anatomía, dibujo de la vida y escultura en el Sir John Cass College, en Londres.
Hace quince años se trasladó a Marbella donde tiene un estudio con vistas al Mediterráneo. Ellen continúa mostrando su trabajo tanto aquí como en el extranjero. Sus pinturas tienen una demanda creciente en Londres, París y Nueva York, y varias hacen parte de colecciones. Durante una residencia de arte reciente en Georgia, una de sus pinturas fue seleccionada para ser colgada en el nuevo Palacio de la Cultura en Tbilisi. Su trabajo a menudo ha sido buscado por coleccionistas asociados con las artes, como el renombrado compositor y profesor de Juillard School en Nueva York, Christopher Rousse, y recientemente Wayne McGregor, coreógrafo residente del Royal Ballet de Londres.
organised the 1st Charity Gala Dinner & Art Auction
organizado la I Cena de Gala y Subasta de Arte a
in aid of Aldeas Infantiles SOS España: #AISOSM.
favor de Aldeas Infantiles SOS España: #AISOSM.
Ellen Zaks participated, donating a beautiful piece of
Ellen Zaks participó, donando una bella obra de arte
art to Aldeas Infantiles SOS Málaga: “Out of the blue”.
a Aldeas Infantiles SOS Málaga: "Out of the blue".
Ellen Zaks’ portrait and next to the artwork donated to #AISOSM 18.
Retrato de Ellen Zaks y junto a la obra de arte donada a #AISOSM 18.
My art is emotional, subjective and above all, having been a dancer all my life, inextricably linked to the physicality of the body, its tensions and rhythms. I am also fascinated by the mysteries of time and space revealed by recent advances in the world of quantum physics.
I see that movement is in everything, it is the dance of life within the living universe, that which we perceive of as animate and equally as inanimate. The theories of quantum physics teach us that reality is an illusion and that there is an unseen dance of energies that we are not fully aware of with our senses: heat, magnetism, even the electrical activity of our thoughts and emotions. My work reaches out to this greater reality in which human beings become interpenetrated by their surroundings and normal boundaries no longer exist.
When I paint I feel myself become a channel for the invisible powers that shape us, the rotation of the earth, the pull of the moon, gravity and even the phenomenon we call the ‘butterfly eect’. Each painting is totally subject to the point in time in which it is made and therefore unrepeatable.
Mi arte es emocional, subjetivo y sobre todo, habiendo sido bailarina toda mi vida, inextricablemente vinculado a la fisicalidad del cuerpo, sus tensiones y ritmos. También estoy fascinada por los misterios del tiempo y el espacio revelados por los avances recientes en el mundo de la física cuántica.
Veo que el movimiento está en todo, es la danza de la vida dentro del universo viviente, lo que percibimos como animado e igualmente como inanimado. Las teorías de la física cuántica nos enseñan que la realidad es una ilusión y que hay una danza invisible de energías de las que no somos plenamente conscientes con nuestros sentidos: calor, magnetismo e incluso la actividad eléctrica de nuestros pensamientos y emociones. Mi trabajo se extiende a esta gran realidad en la que los seres humanos se vuelven interpenetrados por su entorno y ya no existen los límites normales.
Cuando pinto siento que me convierto en un canal para los poderes invisibles que nos dan forma, la rotación de la tierra, la atracción de la luna, la gravedad e incluso el fenómeno que llamamos el "efecto mariposa". Cada pintura está totalmente sujeta al punto en el tiempo en el que está hecha y, por lo tanto, es irrepetible.
From Horus
Below me I shadow-play with earth’s events until Night comes, chaotic and astonishing, tripping over her cascade of stars. She sighs and inclines towards me. As always I give her my crown, but she honours the Moon.
PRESENCE 147x147cm Oil on canvas
From Gold into Gold
Embalmed in gold, flesh on bones, skin dividing day and night, firmament from the waters. Oars strike, beating time, gold into gold, layered, heavy, rolling upon other worlds. The dry gold snakes into form.
SPIRIT IN THE SKY Ă˜ 60cm Oil on canvas
From The Counting
I am the woman who dreams: a moon tucked into my forehead, a tangle of stars in my belly.
EVOCATION Ø 60cm Oil on canvas
From The Butterfly Spa Hotel
Everything exists within me and reflected without, for I have set myself free to dream.
THE SEER 100x100cm Oil on canvas
I am Lucia, your angel and demon standing behind the reja of convention, iridescent with eyelashes and tears. “Little changeling, it was long ago you sang about our passing,, our rings and flowers are but shadows at the bottom of a well.” Conjuring the waters with lateral sight, I seed quick-silver, salt and fishes into your dreams. “Through the liquid mirrors of time you lie each night beneath me. butterflies pouring from our mouths, your cries dissolving the light.” Within the deep well of my waiting, the cup of pleasure still tips over me and I am unrepentant.
HEAD IN THE CLOUDS 100x100cm Oil on canvas
Hide – and seek to enter by day. Your flesh and bones are complete,
your ears can hear, your eyes can see, your mouth has been opened, you ingest and sublimate, yet you are still between the worlds. The wing-span of the storm is upon you and darkness comes in a rush like fire. A lightning thread stitches your heart. Now you can breathe, your body has weight, it takes its place hiding your soul. Yours is the right. Be unafraid, for absolute night lies behind you.
THE TEARS OF ISIS 73x100 cm Oil on canvas
From Beauty and the Tramp
I am eighteen: carefree, immortal and safe within the sphere of my beauty.
JUST WALKING 41x33cm Oil on canvas
From Carousel
She rides a carousel; whirling the air into meringues and Van Gogh skies, with her breathless motion.
INTENTION 41x33cm Oil on canvas
From Apollo
I met the god Apollo in my sleep; he was real, for I could smell his sweat, but his eyes I cannot describe.
UNBOUNDED BEING 100x100cm Oil on canvas
The Butterfly Eect
And when flying over the darkened world, wings shudder and stall, the spectre grazes the sleeper with a feather and she becomes in a moment wakeful, filled with yearning for remembered nights, high over the snowlands of fallen shadows. Rising on thoughts and desires, her white dream-robe skeins like silk, hooking into the formula for flight. She will embroider the sky with the weft and warp of her longing for the time before she fell into life. In the ocean far below, fans of gills beat and beat, preparing fish to become bird.
SHE’S NOT THERE 54x65cm Oil on canvas
Turning into vermilion, slow as an ocean liner in deep water, the great interval of sunset plays upon the tide. Light splays out then sinks into a red incoherent mystery. Greedy as a roused lover the woman gathers in all her sensations and pain to fling them into the sea. She and the waves seek only equilibrium. A penance; she will iron the sea all night into long bolts of watered silk, a seamless garment.
LA GIOCONDA BATHING 40x50 cm Oil on canvas
From Lament
The dancing engines of the dark tap upon my eye-lids. Seeing straight through them, the gold and flashing deck tumbles open.
TRANCE 40x50cm Oil on canvas
From Who Am I?
At night: I am the dial of the moon upon the ocean, foam dissolving the portal of illusion to lighten of the burden of the abyss. I am the thirst of fishes from ancient times and abundance in perpetuity. I am the changeling of desire.
QUEEN OF THE NIGHT 120x120cm Oil on canvas
From Birth
The wing-span of the storm is upon you and darkness comes in a rush like fire. A lightning thread stitches your heart.
ANGEL ASCENDING 122x92cm Oil on board
We are bound to each other we begin to dissolve the glue of our being and redefine the length and breadth of all we know.
We are bound to each other like notes in a symphony, the dark and the light, as from the first faint rhythm that once was space moving. More particularly now, within the crown of my power I feel you from the skin to the soul. In this ancient sweat-light, black and cawing, I surrender my mind to the night. The dazzle of light that is also your body bathes me in gold and red and black and then again‌ moving slow
THE LOVERS 92x122cm Oil on board
From The Awakening
A spectre is flying in daylight, singing of repetition and the beauty there is in systems. I see him on the sky-plain, beyond the nerve-paths of thought and the tyranny of what is real. He floats on cloud-flutes, wrapped in wind-scarves, shadow-striped.
AT-ONE-MENT 181x121cm Oil on board
The Eleventh Commandment
The eleventh commandment decrees: Thou shalt not go back – relatively for in dreams the law is mutable and our finger-tips still brush and ignite with fire, causing echoes and Chinese whispers to hint at our perfect equation, within a sleepy caravan of sighs. Waiting is our constant as we circle the solar clock, ready for re-assemblage at a termination point which is also the beginning. Here we may edge close enough to bend time for a playback or archived as memories and eclipsed into nothingness, we will of course become everything.
DREAM OF A THOUSAND YEARS 130x100cm Oil on board
The Garden of Earthly Delights
You open my arm to bite the fruit. Inside my elbow, a white pear half, inside my pomegranate mouth you find my immanent fire, my pith, my doubt.
SELENE 126x155cm Oil on board
www.magpie.international C/ Virgen del Pilar MARBELLA - SPAIN