The Sealy News: Division 35 West Newsletter | July 2024

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2024 Official Division 35 West Newsletter

Club International | Cal-Nev-Ha | Region 13



Welcome to the third issue of the term! I’m so excited to bring you this Animal Crossing themed newsletter. I can’t wait for our division to explore new horizons! A new quarter in the term allows for a new leaf of newsletters. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy The Sealy News!

Serving through Design, Brian Regencia

24-25 D35W News Editor

From Brian D35W News Editor


Can you believe this is our THIRD ISSUE OF THE TERM?? Time is sure flying by! We are officially in quarter TWO of the 24-25 term and I could not be any prouder of this division. We are making great progress towards our goals. Continue to get those service hours in and attend division events throughout the summer. We have many MANY events planned that I am so excited to share soon! Stay KEY-nected with us. Enjoy this last bit of relaxation time before school starts up again. If you ever need anything at all, I am here! Till next month seals!

Serving with Radiance, Isabella Cardenas

24-25 D35W Lieutenant Governor

Shepard’s Pantry

*check the posts for these service events for their


what is it?

The Spotlight on Service Program (SOSP) is ran by the district’s Service Projects Chair. This year, it is Alice Sar from Region 13! The SOSP promotes international and district initiatives/partners and also provides tips and tricks for service ideas. The program also aims to recognize club’s service and create monthly guides posted on Instagram and the Cyberkey!


Arcadia | June Social

What’s up, seals?! On June 15, sealies from D35W met up at the Arcadia County Park for a division bonding! There, we ate ice cream, while also drank boba and participated in many fun bonding activities like hula hoop pass and naming a song that starts with a specific letter. It was super fun and we all enjoyed bonding with each other. We were all happy to see familiar faces, especially ones from other key clubs, while getting to meet new people. In the end, everyone had a smile on their faces, bellies filled with yummy ice cream!

Arroyo | Amigo De Los Rios

Division 35 West hosted a service event on June 8th from 9 AM - 12 PM. The sealies assisted with site care and planting ensuring a safe environment at Durfee. Throughout the morning, the sealies worked on various tasks to improve the greenery and garden at Durfee. They diligently worked to ensure the plants were healthy and maintained properly. Their assistance and efforts in planting, weeding, and site clean-up provided a welcoming atmosphere for everyone who stepped foot on the school grounds of Durfee.

Baldwin Park | Officer Training Conference

On June 22nd, 2024 our officers attended the Finding Nemo-TC event. Where we all learned more about Key Club and our officer positions! It was a new experience for all of us. We felt a little nervous at first but at the end, we had a great time together. Knowing Key Club has spread so far was very informative I truly learned so much about our organization. The presentations in the classrooms were very helpful for us new officers, it gave me a better idea of what I have to do in my position and the details. It was such a hot day!! I felt like I was melting The cool refreshments that were being sold refreshed me. Seeing the Key Club merch be so cheap was amazing, I bought one of my own! The old merch was so adorable, there were many cute designs that they had previously

Submitted by: Elizabeth Nguyen

Glendora | Kidpalooza

Supporting the Glendora Rotary, Glendora Key Club ran the food stand at the city’s Kidpalooza, a beloved summer event! While the community enjoyed the rides, our members ensured a seamless experience for those seeking refreshments and snacks! We didn’t just serve attendees efficiently but rather, supported the community through working alongside one another!

Duarte | Water Lantern Fest

Members of Duarte Key Club volunteered at the LA Water Lantern Festival on June 21st! We were able to help with organizing and setting up for the festival, packing drawstring bags with kits and necessities for people to make water lanterns for the evening. Our members had lots of fun bonding with one another along with members from other schools who participated in this event. We look forward to attending more service events, helping others as much as we can!

Sierra Vista | Retro-Asia

On the 29th of this month we helped set up for Retro-Asia. An event held by APCI, a nonprofit organization dedicated to Asian and Pacific Islander cultural exchanges in local communities. The Retro-Asia pop up was an event celebrating childhood with nostalgic pieces in AAPI heritage. The event was open to anyone of any background who was interested in AAPI culture. The event was a great way for our members to emerge themselves into different cultural groups.


On June 22, 2024, Division 35 East and Division 35 West hosted the first training conference of the year: FINDING NEMO-TC! Officer Training Conference (OTC) is a great way for officers to learn more about the position they were elected into and know how to fulfill their duties At FINDING NEMO-TC, there were workshops that included lessons like officer roles and how to communicate with Kiwanis in addition to general workshops where all officers learned general Key Club knowledge and tips. Everyone had a great time this year, and we can’t wait to see you at the next TC, Region Training Conference!



On Saturday, June 15th, seals arrived to the June Social! The June Social was an event for our division to bond over ice cream sundaes and fun games! Seals played games like hula hoop pass, riff off, and so much more.



Eric Castillo


Officer Ryan Lin

Club Arroyo




Hi! My name is Ryan Lin and I’m going to be a sophomore at Arcadia High School. I currently serve as Arcadia Key Club’s treasurer and one fun fact about me is that I once bought 96 boxes of banana milk.

What do you enjoy about being an officer?

One of my favorite things about being an officer, especially treasurer and ftc, is being able to maintain the prosperity of such a great division like D35W.

Key Moment

My key moment would definitely be Fall Rally 23’ because it was such a big event and it really put into perspective how many people unite under one for the sake of spirit and service. (and maybe when i opened my acceptance letter on dlt)

Isabella Cardenas

Lieutenant Governor |

Alex Chen + Emily Lin + Samantha Garcia

Executive Assistant |

Vanessa Dee

Division Secretary |

Carie Chen + Elizabeth Nguyen

Event Task Coordinator |

Cindy Truong + Ryan Lin

Fundraising Task Coordinator |

Anqi Guan + Phoebe Zhang

Media Editor |

Brian Regencia

News Editor |

Aye Kay

Member Recognition Chair |

Hillary Leng + Camelia Tang

Spirit Task Coordinator |




Kathleen Kwan


Emily Lin

Baldwin Park

Lisa Nguyen


Kaelin Lee


Kyle Mendoza


Ada Chen

El Monte

Katherine Long

Glen A. Wilson

Kevin Chen


Samantha Garcia +

Selena Chen

Los Altos

Emily Sun


Leilani Hsiao

Mountain View

Briana Sanchez

Sierra Vista

Jasmine Tinajero

West Covina

Cindy Truong

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