The Sealy News: Division 35 West Newsletter | September 2024

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Welcome to the September Issue of The Sealy News! I hope you guys enjoy this issue.

I’m not sure about everyone else, but I enjoyed going back to school! Seeing all my friends that I didn’t see over break was refreshing and all my classes are fine as well. I wish you all the best in your academic endeavors! Other than that, I look forward to the September DCM happening THIS SUNDAY! It is both a service event and a spirit session which makes it double the fun. I can’t wait to see you guys there!


Serving through Design, Brian Brian Brian Regencia D35W News Editor


I hope that school has been treating you all well. Time management is KEY! Even while juggling school, social life, and LTG I still make sure to have a little fun and not stress myself out. You’re only in high school ONCE, make the most out of it! There is SO much I have planned for you all! I encourage my seals to step out of their comfort zone this year. Attend those spirit sessions, talk to those people from the other school, don’t be afraid to be YOU! Your experience will always be how you make it. Key Club has so much in store for you! Till next month, d n e + l t g n o t e d n e + l t g n o t e d n e + l t g n o t e

Serving with Radiance,

Isabella Cardenas D35W Lieutenant Governor

spotlight on service PROGRAM

Pediatric Trauma Program this month:


1) Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) ...provides resources to prevent injuries/deaths caused by pediatric trauma.

2) YES! Initiative ...provides scholarships to many of our Kiwanis family and recognizes service projects for the youth!

1) Host a Raffle

2) Sell Paintings for PTP

3) Host a Bake Sale

Plushie Making

You could make plushies for pediatric patients! Two ways you could do this are: 1) if you know how to crochet, do so! or 2) by blank slate dolls and have the kids customize them.

Thank You Bags

No-Sew Heating Pads

Make thank you bags for healthcare workers! These can include snacks, thank you cards, and anything else you want to show appreciation for their hard work.

Using socks, rice, string, and scissors, you can make a heating pad! These pads can aid in many situations of discomfort so this could really help someone!

Arroyo | Pasadena Pops

On the Saturday of August 10th the key clubs of Arroyo, Glendora, Sierra Vista, and Baldwin Park attended Pasadena Pops Interclub event at the LA County Arboretum. This interclub event was hosted by Arroyo and had a total of 24 attendees

including our LTG Isabella Cardenas and members of the DLT. Our key clubbers helped out with setting up, greeting and welcoming patrons, assisting them to their seats, holding up flashlights, and cleaning up after the end of the show. Due to the help of the volunteers we were able to ensure that there were no trips and falls during the time of the a great opportunity for and fulfill the interclub to the upcoming Pops there!


Baldwin Park | Club Rush

Our board members met on August 22nd, 2024 to finish putting together the poster for Club Rush. We discussed what QR codes would be posted on the board so new members could access our Google Classroom, TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms. This meet-up also allowed us to bond and get closer to one another as we listened to each other’s thoughts and ideas for the club. The board has so many great ideas and is passionate about rebuilding the Key Club at Baldwin Park High School. We all worked as a team to finish the board on time since Club Rush was just around the corner and we had to be prepared beforehand to recruit new members. Our hard work paid off and we can’t wait for this Key Club term!

Duarte | Club Rush

Hey Sealies! Duarte Key Club started the school year strong at Club Rush on August 28! We were thrilled to welcome over 80 new sign-ups and connect with both future members and familiar faces. It was a fantastic opportunity to share what Key Club is all about and highlight the exciting events we have planned. Thank you for stopping by, and we can't wait to see you at our upcoming meetings!

Submitted by: Gavin Lai

Glen A. Wilson | August DCM

On August 17, Glen A. Wilson Key Club gathered for an exciting and collaborative event where we created posters and spirit items for Club Rush. Our Seals came together, bringing their creativity and enthusiasm to the table. The atmosphere was filled with teamwork, laughter, and vibrant colors as we crafted eye-catching posters and unique spirit items that reflected

Submitted by: Eileen Wu

Los Altos | First Gen. Meeting

Returning to school for the 2024-2025 term, Los Altos Key Club received much attention at our regular semester club rush Promoting much advertisement, we recruited many interested individuals, as we offered our knowledge, personal experiences, and lollipops! With a productive club rush, the consequential outcome of our first meeting was successful Conducting a meeting with a full classroom was nerve-racking, yet we were so excited to see so many new faces! As the cabinet was introduced, and general information was explained, we adjourned the meeting with cookies and many potential members! the energy of our club This gathering was about more than just making decorations it was about uniting as a community and celebrating our shared dedication to service. Members worked side by side, sharing ideas, forming stronger bonds, and having a great time together. The highlight of the day was raising money for the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP), reinforcing our commitment to making a positive impact. Through our combined efforts, we not only had fun but also contributed to an important cause It was a day of creativity, unity, and service that showcased the spirit of Glen A. Wilson Key Seals!

Sierra Vista | R13 Beach Cleanup

Mountain View | NMDP

During August, some of your seals volunteered at the 626 Market in Arcadia for the NMDP. Our seals had to try to recruit people aged between 18 and 40 to join the organization, which was to help save lives by seeing if they could match with a cancer patient to become a blood donor. By doing this, our seals explained the background and helped the interested people fill out a form to be in the NMDP and do a cheek swab to see if they matched with cancer patients. Good Job Seals!

On the third of August, our region held a community service and bonding event. Unlike usual events that are usually only held between our division D35W, this event consisted of many other divisions. Our members were picked up and taken to Santa Monica, there they participated in fun activities. They played tug of war and captured the LTG. After a fun bonding time they made their way to start the service event. Region 13 members were instructed to pick up trash around the beach. The event was a great opportunity for members to reflect back on how recycling and throwing your trash away is important.



On August 17th, 2024, Division 35 West had their August DCM! This month, clubs were able to prepare for the best member recruitment event at their school: Club Rush! Using resources provided by our LTG Isabella, members and officers were able to create fun and exciting materials. Also at the DCM was an opportunity to pie a DLT or Fund Team member to raise funds for the Pediatric Trauma Program. Everyone had a great experience at the DCM, whether when it was making materials for club rush or pieing/getting pied for PTP!

duarte meet the D35W PRESIDENTS




Hello! My name is Kyle Mendoza and I go to Duarte High School. A fun fact about me is that I met DPR Ian twice in 2022 and in 2024.

Why did you join Key Club?

I joined Key Club because my siblings encouraged me, highlighting the great opportunities it offers for the future

What is your favorite Key Club moment?

My favorite key club moment would be fall rally south ‘21 and ‘23!



Hi my name is Ada Chen, and I attend Edgewood high school. A fun fact about me is that I’m a matcha connoisseur.

Why did you join Key Club?

I joined Key Club because I wanted to have more opportunities to provide service for my community as well as meet new people while gaining volunteer hours.

What is your favorite Key Club moment?

My key club moment is when me and my friends were volunteering at the Rose Float Parade decorations because I got to see the designs and process up close!




Kathleen Kwan


Emily Lin

Baldwin Park

Lisa Nguyen


Kaelin Lee


Kyle Mendoza


Ada Chen

El Monte

Katherine Long

Glen A. Wilson

Kevin Chen


Samantha Garcia +

Selena Chen

Los Altos

Emily Sun


Leilani Hsiao

Mountain View

Briana Sanchez

Sierra Vista

Jasmine Tinajero

West Covina

Cindy Truong

Isabella Cardenas

Lieutenant Governor |

Alex Chen + Emily Lin + Samantha Garcia

Executive Assistant |

Vanessa Dee

Division Secretary |

Carie Chen + Elizabeth Nguyen

Event Task Coordinator |

Cindy Truong + Ryan Lin

Fundraising Task Coordinator |

Anqi Guan + Phoebe Zhang

Media Editor |

Brian Regencia

News Editor |

Aye Kyaw

Member Recognition Chair |

Hillary Leng + Camelia Tang

Spirit Task Coordinator |

sealyounext time!⋆

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